View Full Version : What's Up, DoC?

12-27-2008, 05:57 PM
Aside from the fleeting goofiness of this thread's title, I'l a little stunned and confused.

As none or 2 of you may know, I'l quite the fan/pro when it comes to those infamous FFs 1-6; however, my recent acquisition of a Playstation has caused me to wonder if it would be prudent to, just for a moment, toy with 7 and see exactly what is so special about it that made people flock to Final Fantasy Cults (you know, since FF1, my favorite, didn't do quite that).

My generous gf said she'd get it for me for Christmas, so I've eagerly been waiting a couple months to unwrap:

(I didn't find a sub forum for this game. I hope I'm in the right place)

The game, obviously a sequel based on somebody who doesn't have that famously mysterious spiky yellow hair, was a slight disappointment, but I didn't tell her it was wrong. A game's a game. I tried playing it, and it's a FPS (sorta), with an awful storyline with stupidly named characters (Crimson? Azul? I can't wait to get further into the game and battle Aqua, Luz, and, uh, Dark Green).

Listening to the dialogue gives me a headache and this game is devoid of RPG features except for stores and level-ups, which are simply devices, and these are placed at the end of each "level," which is not really any different from standard weapon upgrades and buffs acquired at new levels in non-RPGs.


Is this what the Modern FF is like?

Mindless action?
Disastrously stupid dialogue and storyline?
Complete unfamiliarity with the Swords and Sorcery "Fantasy" guidelines that once appropriately governed the genre?

I'm disappointed.

Should I continue?
Should I bother getting the original FF7?
Should I give any of these new FFs a chance?

What are your opinions? What are your knowledgable assertions of facts?

12-27-2008, 06:08 PM
Er, everyone agrees pretty much that Dirge of Ceberus was disastrous and one of squenix's worst ventures. Wrong thing to start the new generation with :( Rather a lot of FFVII fans can't stand the compilation.

I'm not sure whether you should start with seven or not because it was rather revolutionary and different to the first six, so I'm not sure if you'd like it. Most people did, I think, but it's not to everyone's taste. Final Fantasy IX harkens back more to the days of old while still using lots of the techniques of the new games, so perhaps that'll be more to your taste.

black orb
12-27-2008, 06:19 PM
>>> You should play FF7 first and then Doc that way you would understand more about the FF7 world. DoC only deals with the shinra secrets so I guess you wont get much of that Swords and Sorcery "Fantasy" you like so much.
I guess its up to you if you want to try the new ff games, I cant tell if you`ll like them or not.
Just one piece of advice, if you dont want to stick with the old FF games forever, you better give the new games a chance.

12-27-2008, 08:48 PM

Is this what the Modern FF is like?

I wouldn't call FF7 or any of the other psx games modern. Spin offs can't be compared to the main series either, I think. None of the Final Fantasy's without a number in their title looks anything like the ones with numbers.

Mindless action?
Disastrously stupid dialogue and storyline?

Yeah, DoC is terrible. I made it past the first boss before I turned it off and put it in my shelf. I should get it traded in some day.

Should I bother getting the original FF7?
Should I give any of these new FFs a chance?

Yes, and yes. FF7, 8, 9, 10 and 10-2 are quite awesome. They are nothing like DoC anyway, so no point in comparing them to that game.

12-28-2008, 01:38 AM
FFVII has a totally different feel to it than DoC and AC (well I haven't played DoC, but based off of what I've seen...). You might like it a lot more. I'm not planning on playing DoC, but only because I'm just not so into shooters.

12-28-2008, 05:15 PM
I dont agree, I happen to have enjoyed DoC, to each his own opinion.

12-28-2008, 05:32 PM
DoC was bearable for me. I kinda enjoyed it in parts, but it didn't capture me. That being said, it was a genre I probably wouldn't have played without the FF tag.

sir helix
12-28-2008, 09:19 PM
I dont agree, I happen to have enjoyed DoC, to each his own opinion.

definitly, but DOC was kick ass, sure it wasnt a typical RPG but its cool that FF can be many different game genres and not just one, and to apreciate it more, i advise you to get FF7 and if you havnt seen advent children yet watch it, Dirge of cerberus is actuly the fifth part in the series.

Before crisis, Crisis core, FF7, advent children, Dirge of cerberus

12-28-2008, 11:09 PM
DoC is fun and all, but there are too many stupid characters. Shelke, Nero, Azul i'm looking at you!

But other parts were good, it was interesting to get a better look at the Lucrecia character, shes one messed up mama! and seemed to have a suspicious relationship with Daddy Valentine, who was like a more rugged Vincent. no wonder she wasn't eager to accept Vincent's some what niave affection for her

The Crystal
12-29-2008, 02:29 AM
Aside from the fleeting goofiness of this thread's title, I'l a little stunned and confused.

As none or 2 of you may know, I'l quite the fan/pro when it comes to those infamous FFs 1-6; however, my recent acquisition of a Playstation has caused me to wonder if it would be prudent to, just for a moment, toy with 7 and see exactly what is so special about it that made people flock to Final Fantasy Cults (you know, since FF1, my favorite, didn't do quite that).

My generous gf said she'd get it for me for Christmas, so I've eagerly been waiting a couple months to unwrap:

(I didn't find a sub forum for this game. I hope I'm in the right place)

The game, obviously a sequel based on somebody who doesn't have that famously mysterious spiky yellow hair, was a slight disappointment, but I didn't tell her it was wrong. A game's a game. I tried playing it, and it's a FPS (sorta), with an awful storyline with stupidly named characters (Crimson? Azul? I can't wait to get further into the game and battle Aqua, Luz, and, uh, Dark Green).

Listening to the dialogue gives me a headache and this game is devoid of RPG features except for stores and level-ups, which are simply devices, and these are placed at the end of each "level," which is not really any different from standard weapon upgrades and buffs acquired at new levels in non-RPGs.


Is this what the Modern FF is like?

Mindless action?
Disastrously stupid dialogue and storyline?
Complete unfamiliarity with the Swords and Sorcery "Fantasy" guidelines that once appropriately governed the genre?

I'm disappointed.

Should I continue?
Should I bother getting the original FF7?
Should I give any of these new FFs a chance?

What are your opinions? What are your knowledgable assertions of facts?

Wow! What an horrible choice of game, to start playing the "modern" FFs!

If you want to know how the "new"(they aren't so new, really) FF games are, and if you are a big fan of FFI-VI, I suggest you play FFIX.
It's a "new" generation game, but with the same old-school feel of FFI-V. I'm sure you will like it.
Later, you could play FFVII(the original one), and then, go to the spin-offs, if you feel like it.

12-29-2008, 05:08 AM
if you havnt seen advent children yet watch it

Loud... dumb... obnoxious...
Geostigma... terrible plot device...

01-06-2009, 06:06 AM
I suppose nobody knows the significance of the Cactuar in the barrel?

I think I wasted him once by pouring on mad Lightning and Machine Gun fire, since he sorta went 2D on me and fell flat on his back, but nothing else happened.
Other than that, I don't quite know what to do with the creature.

01-06-2009, 10:30 PM
I'm gonna go with what everyone's been saying and recommend IX. If IX is too hard to get (being a ps1 game) go for X or XII. X isn't in the same setting as the others, but is a really great game. XII is set in ivalice, so if you've ever played any of the Tactics games, that's what it's more or less like with an MMO styled battle system. VII is good, but it's more sci-fi. VIII is not good in my opinion.

I personally liked DoC, but only because it fed my inner fanboy with all the coolness of Vincent. The gameplay and story sucked, and I can't even remember a single track from the game. Although I did play it a few years back, and have been meaning to give it a second chance.

02-06-2009, 10:11 PM
I think if you liked FFVI you will prolly enjoy the real FFVII to they both got a sorta Neo-futeristic feal albeit more so in 7.
Xii is also good its got a lot of the old feel to it with improved graphics and such

02-07-2009, 01:38 AM
Xii is also good its got a lot of the old feel to it with improved graphics and such

How does XII have an "old" feel to it? It changed most things about the franchise.

02-07-2009, 05:36 PM
Its all been revamped but its the first one in awhile to be stet in a kind of days of castles and knights place

03-21-2009, 09:08 PM
man u cant call yourself a final fantasy fan if u dont play ff7 its by far one of the best not graphicly but its just one of the ones i played and it griped me and before i new it i had been playing it for over 20hrs then 60hrs and so on and so forth 8 9 are good ones to 10 i liked it but it gets alittle old after some time but 7 really got me and make sure u try and keep from spoiling the story or the game losses its magic.

Quindiana Jones
03-28-2009, 11:50 PM
My first game was 9, which is all castles, princesses, swords and magic and stuff, so I didn't think I'd like 7 much. But I saw it cheap, so bought it. Brilliant game. Well worth the price I paid, and more. Do not miss out on it just because DoC sucked ass.

Though, tbh, I quite liked hearing a bit more about Vincent, so DoC was interesting enough for me, if a little :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty. xD