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View Full Version : EVIL!!!

02-10-2009, 08:44 PM
Mkay... so, my mom ganked $400 from me and went to Indiana to buy a little puppy, even after I said over and over again for about 2 weeks that, since we have cats that absolutely hate dogs, we shouldn't get one that's so small... fully grown, it's going to be 4-7 pounds; I suggested a Saint Bernard on Shun's behalf, but really wanted a Sibirian husky. A solid white Siberian husky with shiny blue eyes would've been just dandy :p
Anyways, she went ahead and bought the tiny puppy three days ago. She said two things: She'd pay me back ("eventually"), and she'd let me name her. :eep:
And then... she went ahead and let my sister name her. Which is absolutely idiotic because she doesn't even live in town any more, which means she'll barely ever see her. And now, I'm being forced to babysit her for 12 hours a day while my parents are at work. :mad:

[Long story short: My mom bought a puppy with my money, I'm $400 poorer than I should be, I'm going to be stuck at home for half the day every day taking care of a dog that I advised against getting to begin with, and she let my sister give the puppy a name that's just bland and tasteless, imo.]

I'm working on getting the puppy to respond only to my name. Once I've finished getting her used to it, I'll try finding a way to make her either react violently to anybody who isists on using my sister's name or run away from anybody who says it.
I'm also going to train her to do tricks and such, but I plan to make her learn all of the commands in Japanese. Shun's good with dogs, so with his help I should have a serious advantage over my mom if she tries training the puppy :eek:

Topic: Do you do random, evil, and/or spiteful things when people make you mad? :mad2:
And also, do you do things quickly and impulsively? Or do you try to take some time to calculate a devious scheme that will result in a long-term punishment? :radred:

02-10-2009, 08:55 PM
Pretty much everything I do I do because of spite. And on impulse. Cause if I set around and think about, I'll get bored with it and find something else to do and they remain unpunished! Oh and it works for people who haven't made me mad too. Like I said like 80% of what I do is just to spite people.

Also that is awesome how you're training the dog.

02-10-2009, 10:06 PM
Why would you not do evil spitefull things when people make mad.

But anywho it sounds like a pretty genious plan you got goin there

Loony BoB
02-11-2009, 04:26 PM
I don't get it. How does your mum have such direct access to your money? That's unusual, to me. Also, if your mum promised you something then you should demand that you get what you were promised. I'd be pretty damned miffed if I were you.

02-12-2009, 01:40 AM
That's $400 you could have used to buy books :(

02-12-2009, 02:00 AM
That's $400 you could have used to buy books :(

Books? Fuck books. That's possible 'lets get wasted' money gone. 400 could provide an excellent weekend.

02-12-2009, 02:45 AM
What your Mom did doesn't sound right to me, but taking it out on a little dog is not right either.

I don't think I was ever premeditatedly evil. Impulsively, maybe. But nothing comes to mind at the moment.

02-12-2009, 02:59 AM
Books? smurf books. That's possible 'lets get wasted' money gone. 400 could provide an excellent weekend.


02-12-2009, 04:55 AM
So your mom took your money to buy a dog you didn't want and then let someone other than you name it?

Sorry is your mom retarded?

02-15-2009, 09:17 PM
Your mom sounds like the evil one here! She probablt went completely against your wishes to spite YOU.

The only logical thing to do is spite her back!