View Full Version : Why FFIX is the best!!

02-12-2009, 02:22 AM
1.It has the most badass villian in the entire series, not that panzy sephiroth, he wouldnt stand a chance against trance Kuja.
2.It has the best character selection out of all the final fantasy games, better than Leon and a bunch of chicks definately!
3.It has amazing graphics for a playstation game, truly stunning
4.Finally it has the greatest storyline of all the final fantasies, it brings back the classic 4 crystal collecting, tied into a much more intricate storyline with twists and turns that no other game can match even to this day.

Thanks for listening!

02-12-2009, 08:03 AM
1.It has the most badass villian in the entire series, not that panzy sephiroth, he wouldnt stand a chance against trance Kuja.

Why thank you my child...

02-12-2009, 08:26 PM

02-13-2009, 01:30 PM
1. FFIX is a great game, but the Sephiroth bash is how flamewars are started.

2. Why yes, Kuja is quite sexy badass, what with her his dashing long ripoff silver hair and angsty cunning plan to end all existance by destroying the crystal.

02-14-2009, 07:08 AM
FFIX is likely the best due to it's unique cast of characters, good storyline, rich environments to explore and superb music. Really, I think the music is the most integral ingredient. Without it the atmosphere wouldn't be half as colorful.

The Man
02-14-2009, 07:15 AM
I'd rank it as a close second behind FFVI. I'd rank the soundtracks the same way, and I probably rank both of them so highly in large part because of their soundtracks.

Big D
02-14-2009, 10:40 AM
FFIX could easily have been the best, if the main characters had been developed as well as in other games. Aside from Zidane and Garnet, practically no-one has any significant screentime or character-building. The injustice done to fascinating characters like Freya, Amarant and Lani was almost criminal in this regard, these characters and many more should've been fleshed out far more than they were. Instead, the game focussed almost entirely on that snotty, self-righteous, hormonally-driven, cowardly violent criminal, Zidane.

Kuja, like a lot of things in the game, is basically a derivative of other characters and ideas that appeared previously in the series. Interesting, but unremarkable and unengaging.

The Turk
02-14-2009, 11:31 AM
1.It has the most badass villian in the entire series, not that panzy sephiroth, he wouldnt stand a chance against trance Kuja.
Then the game ruins that by not making Kuja the final boss. I felt Kuja was fairly week tbh. He started off very good but the game tries to humanize him later on. Yes this makes him a more rounded human than say Kefka, but I don't want my villains to be human. I want them to be pure evil like Kefka!

2.It has the best character selection out of all the final fantasy games, better than Leon and a bunch of chicks definately!
I don't know about this one. Vivi is probably the greatest FF character of all time and Zidane one of the best main characters, but the rest, not so much. Dagger and Stiener are pretty good, but it seems like the game only cares about the main four. Freya starts off great but she has nothing to do on the final 3 CD's, the same situation with Eiko really (only she doesn't do anything on CD 1 either). Quina doesn't really have any part in the story, but that's fine as he is the comic relief. Amarant is just terrible.

The cast isn't bad at all, but not in the same league as VI.

3.It has amazing graphics for a playstation game, truly stunning
I LOVE the look of the game. The way it harks back actual FANTASY. It's just joyous walking through the towns and seeing all the different species. However while I like the look of the game the graphics give me a headache. Everything is so triangular!

4.Finally it has the greatest storyline of all the final fantasies, it brings back the classic 4 crystal collecting, tied into a much more intricate storyline with twists and turns that no other game can match even to this day.

I didn't care for the story. Some people want an VII remake, but they already got one- FF IX. The plot is too similar to VII's imo.

I love this game and it's my third favourite behind VI and VII. VI and VII are still the best imo, but IX is by far the most underrated FF. It sure beats VIII and XII.

02-14-2009, 02:17 PM
FFIX could easily have been the best, if the main characters had been developed as well as in other games. Aside from Zidane and Garnet, practically no-one has any significant screentime or character-building. The injustice done to fascinating characters like Freya, Amarant and Lani was almost criminal in this regard, these characters and many more should've been fleshed out far more than they were. Instead, the game focussed almost entirely on that snotty, self-righteous, hormonally-driven, cowardly violent criminal, Zidane.

Kuja, like a lot of things in the game, is basically a derivative of other characters and ideas that appeared previously in the series. Interesting, but unremarkable and unengaging.

Vivi, Eiko, and Steiner all got plenty of facetime. Freya, and Amarant's roles in the story had always seemed filled out enough, Lani was the only character that I look back, and wonder where they were going. Zidane was a GREAT main character. He was the only one who didn't fit into the same class as basically every other main hero in the game. He's actually appears, you know, human (minus the tail). He was never perfect, an obvious womanizer at times, but when the situation called for it, he showed really great character. The segments between him and Vivi where absolutely lovely.

1.It has the most badass villian in the entire series, not that panzy sephiroth, he wouldnt stand a chance against trance Kuja.
Then the game ruins that by not making Kuja the final boss. I felt Kuja was fairly week tbh. He started off very good but the game tries to humanize him later on. Yes this makes him a more rounded human than say Kefka, but I don't want my villains to be human. I want them to be pure evil like Kefka!

You prefer your villians 100% cliche? You can keep'um.

2.It has the best character selection out of all the final fantasy games, better than Leon and a bunch of chicks definately!
I don't know about this one. Vivi is probably the greatest FF character of all time and Zidane one of the best main characters, but the rest, not so much. Dagger and Stiener are pretty good, but it seems like the game only cares about the main four. Freya starts off great but she has nothing to do on the final 3 CD's, the same situation with Eiko really (only she doesn't do anything on CD 1 either). Quina doesn't really have any part in the story, but that's fine as he is the comic relief. Amarant is just terrible.

The cast isn't bad at all, but not in the same league as VI.

Quina does his role, most memorable imho, and "Amarant is just terrible" that seems like empty opinion rather than saying anything about the game, unless I'm the only person who liked Amarant. I always felt everyone had their roles and they played them, the game doesn't focus around Freya, or Eiko, but they certainly get just as much facetime as characters like Strago, Relm, Sabin, RedXIII, or Vincent. However, VI's is better, but FFVI's cast is the very best of the series.

3.It has amazing graphics for a playstation game, truly stunning
I LOVE the look of the game. The way it harks back actual FANTASY. It's just joyous walking through the towns and seeing all the different species. However while I like the look of the game the graphics give me a headache. Everything is so triangular!

Oh don't give me that, FFVII is made of triangles xD

4.Finally it has the greatest storyline of all the final fantasies, it brings back the classic 4 crystal collecting, tied into a much more intricate storyline with twists and turns that no other game can match even to this day.

I didn't care for the story. Some people want an VII remake, but they already got one- FF IX. The plot is too similar to VII's imo.

The two are nothing alike, the only thing they have in common is that Gaia's "cycle of souls" is a clear reference to FFVII's lifestream. However, the rest of the stories are galaxies apart.

02-15-2009, 08:54 AM
Zidane, Garnet, and Vivi were the best developed characters I think.

True, the others definitely did their role and very well, but as much as I loved Amarant, I do feel he got shafted a bit for how much he could have been developed.

And I need to find that one thing The Man posted (I believe it was him) that showed the insane similarity between FF VII and FF VI. :p

Edit: Here it is. :p


The Turk
02-15-2009, 04:05 PM
lol @ the VI-VII plot being the same. So true. I think VII and IX can be compared too. The game begins with a cocky hero Cloud/Zidane who teams up with a group of rouges called Avalanche/Tantalus who are out to defeat the evil Shinra/Queen. However later on it is revealed that the true evil is not the Shinra/Queen but on the mysterious white-haired Sephiroth/Kuja who is the real bad guy. Then again it's revealed that both Cloud&Sephiroth/Zidane&Kuja are connected due to being experimented on/created by Hojo/Garland.

I just found it very similar and yes they both share the same plot core of VI as well, but I played VII first so that's why IX reminded me of it so much. Also its characters are just like that of the 7th game too. Steiner and Barret for example share the exact same mannerisms and then there is Yuffie/Eiko and Amarant/Vincent. It's true that you could also compare Eiko to Relm, Selphie and Rikku and then compare Dagger to Rinoa, Yuna etc as well as Tifa, but I found the similarities between the two games to be very similar. I guess that is due to Square lazily recycling the same game after game though.

As for Amarant, well I found him to be rather unlikeable with no real relevance to the plot and his only function in the game seemed to be being the token 'mysterious loner' that every FF seems to have. I also found him to be rather under-developed compared to the major characters like Vivi and Zidane and felt that even the lesser playable characters like Freya, Quina and Eiko had more personality to them. Also Amarant always fails to get an emotional response from me. I don’t love him or hate him…. He’s just there. Plus I don't like how he looks, I can never even make out his face, which sounds like a small thing but is essential when you are trying to connect with a character.

As for Kuja I do like him. But that's the problem, I liked him too much. I never really felt that I wanted to stop Kuja and put an end to his evil deeds, because I didn't feel any hatred towards him. Both Kefka and Sephiroth had slayed people that I liked and therefore I wanted to get revenge on them, but with Kuja I always got the feeling that we could all settle our differences over a pint. I know Kuja did kill people but it wasn't really anybody I gave a damn about so it didn't bother me so much.

I don't necessarily want a clichéd moustache-twirling villain, but there is a problem when you try and humanize your bad guys that you can make them too likeable. Sephiroth falls into the same trap Kuja does really. I know he has so many fan-boys that think he's cool because he has a giant sword and wears black but he's not a bad guy at all. He always seemed more confused than evil and only the fact he kills the flower seller redeems him imo.

I do like deep villains, Metal Gear Solid's Sniper Wolf for example is a perfect bad guy, or girl in this instance. She isn't the stereotypical gah-haa-haa villainess that Kefka may be accused of being and she does have reasons for her actions, but you still want to defeat her. I'm all for trying to make the villains human, but I don't think Square have quite nailed it yet. However sometimes you just want plain crazy. To quote Scream "Did Hannibal have a motive? Did Norman Bates have a motive?" Sometimes simply having an evil character do evil things just because they are evil is much scarier and powerful.

Also Kuja isn’t even the final boss anyway which I thought was beyond stupid.

All of that is just my opinion so don’t get annoyed that you disagree.

I love Final Fantasy IX, just not for the above reasons. It’s hard to explain why it’s so good, but it’s the general feel of the game. It’s just dripping with imagination and a sense of.. well- fantasy, that hasn’t been seen since in the FF series. It’s as if a fairy tale has actually come to life and you get to live in it’s world. It’s a charming, funny game and above it’s simply FUN.

02-15-2009, 05:56 PM
Most of this is all opinion so I'm not going to argue much of it, however VII and IX are miles apart in storyline.

lol @ the VI-VII plot being the same. So true. I think VII and IX can be compared too. The game begins with a cocky hero Cloud/Zidane
Do not insuiate that Cloud and Zidane are similar main heroes. That's just not an argument your going to win.

who teams up with a group of rouges called Avalanche/Tantalus who are out to defeat the evil Shinra/Queen.
Zidane didn't "team" with anyone, he was a life-long member of Tantalus, whom he ended up LEAVING, not to "defeat the evil queen" that was never Tantalus's intention, they where to kidnap/rescue Garnet. That's it. Even later on its "Garnet tries to reason with her mother" then "they defend Cleyra". Later on when Brahne has taken over the entire Mist Continent they decide to go after Kuja instead, because killing Brahne, and destroying Alexandria was never really part of any plan by your heroes.

02-15-2009, 06:33 PM
Steiner and Barret for example share the exact same mannerisms

What the hell are you smoking?

02-15-2009, 09:19 PM
Steiner pwns Barrett in personality and skillz.

Ultima Shadow
02-15-2009, 11:14 PM
VII and IX are miles apart in storyline
...as well as graphics, gameplay, ability-systems, sound, time-period... you name it.

Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX are about as similar as a tomato and a potato: their names sound pretty much alike but... man, do they look different!

The Man
02-16-2009, 04:13 AM
FFIX's plot is much more similar to FFIV's plot than it is to FFVII's. I don't really feel like outlining all the similarities, but it was crafted as a conscious homage to earlier titles in the series anyway so the similarities are at least intentional in FFIX's case.

02-16-2009, 05:25 AM
Finally it has the greatest storyline of all the final fantasies, it brings back the classic 4 crystal collecting, tied into a much more intricate storyline with twists and turns that no other game can match even to this day.

Like Chrono Trigger, the game somehow puts in almost every RPG cliche and the story still turns out amazing! :D

02-16-2009, 05:30 AM
Steiner and Barret for example share the exact same mannerisms

The most uptight character in the series since perhaps Cyan is the same as the most obvious ghetto black stereotype since Mr. T? Dude, just cause they're both big doesn't mean... oh my God, this is so stupid, I can't believe I have to point out how dumb this is. XD

02-17-2009, 02:37 AM
[quote]I didn't care for the story. Some people want an VII remake, but they already got one- FF IX. The plot is too similar to VII's imo.

um how is the plot similiar. In all FF games you need to save the world and yada yada but each game has its differences though. FFIX is my favorite one in the series with VI being second but i really don't see the similiarities between 7 and 9.

02-17-2009, 02:57 AM
lol @ the VI-VII plot being the same. So true. I think VII and IX can be compared too. The game begins with a cocky hero Cloud/Zidane who teams up with a group of rouges called Avalanche/Tantalus who are out to defeat the evil Shinra/Queen.

Tantalus just wanted to kidnap the princess... not kill the queen or destroy the kingdom. Avalanche did want to destroys shrina though.

Steiner and Barret for example share the exact same mannerisms.

I dont want to be mean but what the hell are you talking about. do you know what mannerisms mean. I guess they are both big...

02-23-2009, 04:54 AM
Just about EVERY Final Fantasy is a retelling of the last one.

Which is why we love them. x3

The Crystal
02-23-2009, 06:31 AM
Just about EVERY Final Fantasy is a retelling of the last one.


All FFs have similarities. The only difference, is that FFIX was more honest about it than the others(and it had more similarities to previous games than the other FFs).
FFVII's plot can be compared with FFVI's, but FFVI's plot can be compared with FFII's, and so on. They all have things in common.

However, what is really impressive about FFIX's plot IMO, is that it have all the GOOD elements of previous games, and no bad ones. They were able to pick all the qualities of previous FFs and create an even better game.

Not to mention that I LOVE the world and it's atmosfere. It really gives a feel of fantasy.

Sephiroth falls into the same trap Kuja does really. I know he has so many fan-boys that think he's cool because he has a giant sword and wears black but he's not a bad guy at all. He always seemed more confused than evil.


Why the fangirls insist in making him a victim?

Look, Sephiroth knows what Jenova really is, and what she did in the past. He learned the truth in the Lifestream, and you know what? He doesn't care.
He still want to take over the planet and use it to travel the universe and crash in another planet to destroy it(rise and repeat), because he thinks himself better and superior than everyone else.

After dying at Nibelheim, there is nothing good or "confused" about Sephiroth anymore. He is just a bastard who want to follow the path of destruction left by his mother. The same mother who had her head decapitated by him, and her headless body being used as a mere puppet to fulfill his ambitions.

Sephiroth is not a victim, okay? Nomura himself said so.

02-24-2009, 03:11 AM
FFIX is my fourth favorite FF, behind VI, VII, and X.

Depression Moon
02-24-2009, 04:41 PM
Ah another follower of my FFIX cult. It is indeed the best in the series.

It has the best cast of characters out of any FF which comes with variety and consistency. It has the most touching story and the best music out of the series. Chocobos were the best here too and made them more rewarding in side quests. It's beautiful infinite.

Wolf Kanno
02-28-2009, 06:03 AM
I actually like that Kuja has a deep and meaningful background. Yes it makes him likable but it doesn't really change the fact that he is an evil and arrogant asshole. His motive is still for self gain and he had to plunge the entire world into chaos to do it. Kuja is much like Xande from FFIII in that respect, I feel his only real connection to someone like Sephiroth is the hair and the fact he's a biological experiment gone wrong. His Nihilism and arrogance is Kefka and Ex-Death, and his ability to manipulate everyone and constantly one up your party in every encounter is pure Golbez. Its why I consider Kuja to be the ultimate villain in the FF series.

For me, IX is pretty much the quintessential Final Fantasy, if you really want to know what the series is all about then IX is the best introduction cause it encompass all that is good in FF. I have a few hang ups with the title but none were real game breakers for me. I can't hate a title that gave me Vivi who still ranks as one of my favorite FF characters of all time. It has wonderful gameplay, excellent pacing, a wonderful cast, an amazing story, beautiful music and one of the best world designs to come out of the PS1 generation.

I would rank IX as the best Final Fantasy in the series, though its not my favorite title I do recognize it as having the most appealing aspects and the least amount of flaws in the series.

02-28-2009, 06:48 AM

03-31-2009, 05:26 PM
I can see where The Turk is coming from. VII and IX are quite similar on the surface but with the details changed (wouldnt really be any point in playing both games otherwise).

04-02-2009, 03:48 AM
All FF are Good But FFVII is going to be the best forever think about it they havent made a movie or any other games for FFIX but they did for FFVII so in essence FFVII all Day sorry there is only one good thing that came out of FFIX VIVI that is all

04-02-2009, 06:29 PM
All FF are Good But FFVII is going to be the best forever think about it they havent made a movie or any other games for FFIX but they did for FFVII so in essence FFVII all Day sorry there is only one good thing that came out of FFIX VIVI that is all

Pfffff hahahahahaha~

Depression Moon
04-02-2009, 09:56 PM
Pfffff hahahahahaha~

Pfffff hahahahahaha~

Just because VII had more games and movies come off from it doesn't mean anything. One of the reasons IX didn't is because there was really no necessary story left to be told. VII's ending seemed like it could be left for more.

IX had wayyyyyyyyy more going for it other than Vivi.

04-03-2009, 07:31 AM
I rank IX above VII. VII is really only as high because of the nostalgia effect; it was the first game I actually remember playing.

Quindiana Jones
04-03-2009, 09:27 PM
I have always, and most likely will always, agree with everything Del says on this game. It has also become apparent that I disagree with The Turk entirely. Sorry man.

Except on the view that 7 is awesome. 6 is on my list, but I imagine I'll probably agree there as well.

04-05-2009, 04:28 PM
All Final Fantasy games suck. I'm gonna go play Ultima II on my Commodore 64.

04-07-2009, 10:57 PM
Pfffff hahahahahaha~

Just because VII had more games and movies come off from it doesn't mean anything. One of the reasons IX didn't is because there was really no necessary story left to be told. VII's ending seemed like it could be left for more.

IX had wayyyyyyyyy more going for it other than Vivi.

really like what the Knight was the biggest pussy ive ever seen Vivi was the only one with an interesting story to him Dagger was a princess that thought her mom was trying to take over the world so what i would have been like do it ma also the Lancer which is my favorite job in almost every FF Game was a smurfing Rat wtf is that about that is why i dont like it think about it FFVII's Dragoon was sick Cid a Badass mutha smurfa

Forsaken Lover
04-08-2009, 12:42 AM

So yeah IX was the best Final Fantasy game. Had the best cast of antagonists and I'd say first or second best soundtrack.

04-08-2009, 04:33 AM
sorry but it is all about ratings FFVII:up: 2nd Best Game in 97 (Behind Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) and what did FFIX:down: get in 2000 hm yeah that is right 6th facts suck expecially when they are right my argument is finally over

Marky Tee
04-08-2009, 12:10 PM
its all about the steiner
and kuja
and beatrix
but mostly steiner

04-08-2009, 03:30 PM
Beatrix was the only thing good IX had going for it, i still don't get how people love this game so much especialy Steiner, worst char ever... sure it's a good game but not on par with it's predacessors or sucessors, after all it was just a tribute game to prior FFs... good game, yes, best game, no...
anyway Biukin, i don't care for IX either but best in this case is actualy subjective, no it's not all about ratings it's about personal opinion, if the question was "best rated" then you would have an argument but it is not, so no, your argument is flawed in this regard, in a question about rating you would be well right but not this time, this is a question of opinion...

04-08-2009, 05:40 PM
sorry but it is all about ratings FFVII:up: 2nd Best Game in 97 (Behind Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) and what did FFIX:down: get in 2000 hm yeah that is right 6th facts suck expecially when they are right my argument is finally over

FFVII also has the highest amount of annoying fanboys too. How's that for statistics? :monster:

04-08-2009, 06:01 PM
Too much IX hate and VII fanboyism in a threat proclaiming love for IX. Anyway, we all know Mystic Quest is the best.

Depression Moon
04-08-2009, 07:19 PM
Pfffff hahahahahaha~

Just because VII had more games and movies come off from it doesn't mean anything. One of the reasons IX didn't is because there was really no necessary story left to be told. VII's ending seemed like it could be left for more.

IX had wayyyyyyyyy more going for it other than Vivi. really like what the Knight was the biggest pussy ive ever seen Vivi was the only one with an interesting story to him Dagger was a princess that thought her mom was trying to take over the world so what i would have been like do it ma also the Lancer which is my favorite job in almost every FF Game was a smurfing Rat wtf is that about that is why i dont like it think about it FFVII's Dragoon was sick Cid a Badass mutha smurfa

I don't see how any of the characters were cowards considering all the trouble and chaos they went through and none of them ran way from it like a normal person or a coward would and freya is the embodiment of all FF female warriors right behind destroy a hundred soldiers single-handedly-Beatrix.

Originally Posted by Biukin ^ (http://forums.eyesonff.com/final-fantasy-ix/123120-why-ffix-best-post2654944.html#post2654944)
sorry but it is all about ratings FFVII:up: 2nd Best Game in 97 (Behind Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) and what did FFIX:down: get in 2000 hm yeah that is right 6th facts suck expecially when they are right my argument is finally over

FFVII also has the highest amount of annoying fanboys too. How's that for statistics?
She's right about that and most of those fanboys also post some of the most unreadable, chopped up, and invalid posts.

Beatrix was the only thing good IX had going for it, i still don't get how people love this game so much especialy Steiner, worst char ever... sure it's a good game but not on par with it's predacessors or sucessors, after all it was just a tribute game to prior FFs... good game, yes, best game, no...
I disperse that. Steiner is another character that I love. Yes, he is cliched, that's one of the reasons I like him, but it's far more than that. He's strong, a man of his word, and a loyal comrade. He's pretty useful in combat as well. The game is not just a homeage to its ancestors. Even creator Hironobu Sakaguchi said that the game represents everything that Final Fantasy is about. I didn't play the other games before this one so those references didn't mean anythingto me at the time.

Quindiana Jones
04-08-2009, 08:51 PM
sorry but it is all about ratings FFVII:up: 2nd Best Game in 97 (Behind Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) and what did FFIX:down: get in 2000 hm yeah that is right 6th facts suck expecially when they are right my argument is finally over

Subjective opinion is FACT. :mad2:

04-08-2009, 08:52 PM
FFVII also has the highest amount of annoying fanboys too. How's that for statistics?She's right about that and most of those fanboys also post some of the most unreadable, chopped up, and invalid posts.

A simple profile check would let you know that I am, in fact, not a she. :sweat:

Quindiana Jones
04-08-2009, 08:56 PM
Damnit, Momiji! Think of the fun we could've had with that! :(

04-08-2009, 09:12 PM
Momiji is a not-she!?:Eek:

04-08-2009, 09:18 PM

Depression Moon
04-08-2009, 09:35 PM
But you have Mom in your name and the strawberries?

04-08-2009, 09:57 PM
Momiji actually translates to 'autumn colors' or 'maple'. It has nothing to do with moms.

Also, there's nothing wrong with strawberries.

04-08-2009, 11:20 PM
The line between male and female is small on Final Fantasy forums.

04-09-2009, 01:50 AM
sorry but it is all about ratings FFVII:up: 2nd Best Game in 97 (Behind Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) and what did FFIX:down: get in 2000 hm yeah that is right 6th facts suck expecially when they are right my argument is finally over

Anyhoo, I wouldn't say FFXI was the best, but it's dang good.

04-09-2009, 05:01 AM
FFVII also has the highest amount of annoying fanboys too. How's that for statistics? :monster:

Good Touche' that is all I have to say but my opinon still stands FFVII over FFIX well F:save:ck my life nah it aint all bad but I will give FFIX another Pro the equipment system with the abilities but that is it I dont like any other character besides Vivi and I still dispise Stiener F:save:CK STIENER

04-09-2009, 05:12 AM
I never cared for Steiner either.

My party almost always had Freya, Garnet, and Eiko in it.

04-09-2009, 09:58 PM
that is a good team but the only problem with it is that Fryea is a rat
When I played this about 4 years ago my team was
that is good because you get power physically and Magically also you get a summonor and good white magic as well also I have a question that maybe someone can answer who gets the ability of ODINS SWORD from the Dark Matter

Depression Moon
04-09-2009, 10:24 PM
Ohh, you want advice now. Lucky that I'm nice and it's Garnet BTW.

04-09-2009, 10:46 PM
I don't care to explain why I love FFIX so much, it has a lot to do with the way the story is told and the incredibly well done character development.

Anyway, I always, always, always had Steiner, Vivi, Garnet and Zidane. I just loved those four a lot - I like the other characters, but I just can't seem to bring myself to choose otherwise.

-1 to all you Steiner haters, he is awesome! :D

Depression Moon
04-09-2009, 11:02 PM
all right Omecle, slap me some skin!

Quindiana Jones
04-09-2009, 11:14 PM
Zidane, Steiner, Freya and either Amarant or Quina was my usual choice. I prefer to kill 'em dead before they even have a chance to make me want to heal myself. :)

04-09-2009, 11:43 PM
that is a good team but the only problem with it is that Fryea is a rat

So? Freya's a badass rat. :x

Marky Tee
04-10-2009, 12:07 AM
the best team is all the physical fighters-zidane, steiner, freya and amarant
all with auto-haste, auto reagen and mp attak

nothing can harm you with that team
even ozma went down

Wolf Kanno
04-10-2009, 07:49 AM
that is a good team but the only problem with it is that Fryea is a rat

So? Freya's a badass rat. :x

I second this, I have no problem with her being a rat. She's the second best Dragoon in the series behind Kain Highwind.

04-10-2009, 09:49 AM
but the only problem with it is that Fryea is a rat

Master Splinter is a rat.

The music in IX is the best in any FF. I could sit for hours listening to the title screen track if it wasn't for the great game, which I have to leave the title screen in order to play.

04-10-2009, 05:28 PM
FFVII also has the highest amount of annoying fanboys too. How's that for statistics? :monster:

Good Touche' that is all I have to say but my opinon still stands FFVII over FFIX well F:save:ck my life nah it aint all bad but I will give FFIX another Pro the equipment system with the abilities but that is it I dont like any other character besides Vivi and I still dispise Stiener F:save:CK STIENER


Steiner is god!!!

04-11-2009, 12:41 AM
ok well thank you all and im not a hater of any Final Fantasy im a hater of the way the story is told and to me OPINON: I think they could have told the story better

Quindiana Jones
04-11-2009, 05:37 PM
I certainly think they could have told a better story in terms of the characters back stories, and I also think the endgame was a little weak. I wanna hear more about the coolest characters like Freya and Amarant, and maybe a bit more info on Lani too. They seemed to hint at history with all these characters, but never bothered telling us what their history was.

The introduction to Terra was well done, I think, even though Terra itself was a little disappointing (although it did have three of the best tracks in the whole game). Worse still is the fact that "Oh yeah, Memoria and the Crystal and stuff" "CRAP WE NEED TO GO THERE NOW!" "Memoria has opened!" WHOOSH! Plot device.

I mean, really. They had a whole disc to mess around with there, and they only used a few hours of it for the whole end of the game.

04-12-2009, 07:24 PM
I like Eiko :bigsmile:

Depression Moon
04-12-2009, 08:17 PM
I certainly think they could have told a better story in terms of the characters back stories, and I also think the endgame was a little weak. I wanna hear more about the coolest characters like Freya and Amarant, and maybe a bit more info on Lani too. They seemed to hint at history with all these characters, but never bothered telling us what their history was.

The introduction to Terra was well done, I think, even though Terra itself was a little disappointing (although it did have three of the best tracks in the whole game). Worse still is the fact that "Oh yeah, Memoria and the Crystal and stuff" "CRAP WE NEED TO GO THERE NOW!" "Memoria has opened!" WHOOSH! Plot device.

I mean, really. They had a whole disc to mess around with there, and they only used a few hours of it for the whole end of the game.

Just about everyone's history was explained. Freya's was mostly gone through the events of Burmecia and Cleyra. Amarant's you found out in Treno and in Terra.Eiko didn't have much just because she was six, but there was info provided about her parents and grandfather and the whole civilization that both revolved around her and Garnet. Well for Quina, she's really more for amusement. I thought the ending was wonderful and it wasn't much like the cast just decided to go to Memoria, they first made a trip to the Black Mage Village and started to decide what they were going to do there. Since mist covered the entire planet and they knew the source was the Iifa Tree, they naturally knew that was where the problem was coming from.

Quindiana Jones
04-12-2009, 11:17 PM
Amarant was an asshole security guard when he was framed by Zidane and then became a bounty hunter.

That is not a history.

04-14-2009, 05:23 AM
I agree wit Quin no story to Amarant

04-14-2009, 05:47 AM
I never found Amarant very interesting to begin with. He just seems like another loner/wannabe/dark/trying-to-act-cool type [I apologize for making everyone hear me rant about this cliche character type yet again], which always annoys me every time I see it. He was just boring. On top of that, he looked pretty ugly and had an annoying attitude. I just didn't find anything attractive about his character or presentation at all.

04-14-2009, 10:41 AM
loner/wannabe/dark/trying-to-act-cool type

04-15-2009, 05:34 PM
I think FFIX is up with VII and VIII as the best games in the series, they had the ATB remanants of the FF's that came before it, and were just as stylistically sophisticated as the games that came after it.

However, I sometimes think it's the weakest of the Playstation trilogy because the game doesn't take as many risks as the others did. Although, for this very reason it feels like the most complete game in the series.

In any event, FFIX is one of my favorite games and one of the key reasons why the Playstation is one of the best consoles of all time.

The Crystal
04-22-2009, 10:29 PM
What I don't like about the game, is that a big portion of the story was left out.
Anyone who had read the Ultimania knows what I'm talking about.

04-23-2009, 11:47 PM
Where can I read the Ultimania? I found someone translated a few pages, but nothing that wasn't in the game already.

The Crystal
04-24-2009, 02:56 AM
Where can I read the Ultimania? I found someone translated a few pages, but nothing that wasn't in the game already.


04-24-2009, 08:03 AM
Yes, that was the translation I had read. As far as I remember, all of that was presented in the game.