View Full Version : Sheva's remark in RE5

03-27-2009, 12:34 AM
YouTube - Resident Evil 5 Single Player Playthrough Part 15 - El Gigant Boss Batle, End Chp. 2-3, Flashback #1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrvzGjoushg&feature=channel_page)

around the 4:30 mark, when sheva says "Its my people that are dying here" or something, do you think she is referring to the fallen bsaa members or her fellow countrymen that you've been killing?

03-27-2009, 01:46 AM
I always took it as BSAA members. If my teammates were being killed by infected strangers who were white, I wouldn't call them my people and worry more about them than my team. I doubt she's even originally from Africa either, considering she talks like Lara Croft and is a tea-dipped white person.

But it's always possible she meant both.

03-28-2009, 04:56 AM
Sheeva is a South African by voice. Theres some points where the accent truly comes through. I worked and work with several South Africans and I'm able to speak very similar by mimicking the accent. Therefore she's not refferring to just the BSAA members because though Josh for sure is African as well most of the others sound American. She's reffering to the fact that she is from the African continent and it is African people dying. And yes, sometimes South African accents do sound incredibly English, surprisingly more so than the average English accent. As for the "tea dipped white person" comment, aside from being quite racist Noctiluca I would say since she is South African she could well have white genes in her genetic make up. I would also say that not every black person from Africa has "ebony" skin. If you want a real life equivalent of Sheeva's skin tone in comparrison to the others I would look at black people such as Leona Lewis and Rhiannon.

03-28-2009, 05:06 AM
I was only joking around with the tea-dipped thing, mostly because it does sound so awful and is something people really do say in a serious manner. My sense of humor is simply awful like that. I make fun of my minority in America all the time, if that makes it any better (it totally doesn't). I didn't know that South African people had accents though, and I was also serious when I said I didn't think she was from the country itself, aaalso wrong. Shows that I don't know anything about anything, as is usual.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized she probably WAS talking about everyone in general. At first I didn't really think so, but it does make more sense for that to be it. I was gonna come in and edit my post again to say so, but I was too lazy.

03-28-2009, 05:36 AM
The country the game is set in is not specified just that it's in the African continent but it could well be around Botswana or Uganda and equally possible to be parts of Sudan.

South Africans do have an accent and it's quite different from the accent of those even just a few hundred miles north in Uganda and Zaire ect. Though it must be said most northern African countries (excluding the arab ones such as Egypt) do sound very similar in accent. Definitely the darker skinned Maljini were voiced by someone who I would hazard a guess as being from Nigeria or something close to that. Personally I love the South African accent on women because it sounds very educated and smart, so Sheeva's speech doesn't bother me in the slightest (though I randomly start speaking in my own South African accent too lol) I'd love to go on a tour around Africa one time, it's kinda something I think you have to do atleast once in your life.

It's all good joking around just saying, be careful with that sense of humour I joke about non-pc things a lot such as the second world war (I'm half polish half english, my friend is half italien half german much lulz are had about the war in general) but I only do it in an environment where the joking is obvious and can be seen for what it is. Forums often don't convey this humour well.