View Full Version : Vagrant Story question.

04-16-2009, 06:27 PM
Well, I saw Vagrant Story in a box, and put it into my PS2. I really like it. But that's not the point. :p

I can't seem to figure out how to use magic. I've gotten to the part I am now just doing awesome combos, but I'd like to know how to use magic. :p Can anyone enlighten me as to how to do so?

04-16-2009, 07:07 PM
Vagrant Story is the greatest game ever made.

There is a few ways to use magic, but you can only use magic that you have learned from the grimoire page items. The quickest way to execute spells is to use the L2 quick-select menu. Just hold L2 and your face buttons will now correspond to the different schools of magic, select one and away you go.

It's always great to hear that someone is playing this God game. Don't be discouraged when the difficulty spikes. Too many people cheat themselves out of experiencing this gem when that happens. Depressing.

04-16-2009, 11:44 PM
it really just depends on what magic you are using like some have a depth thing and some just target everything but any way it is just the way that Necronopticous said L2 hold look for the spell you want cast it that is it L:save:ve This game

Wolf Kanno
04-17-2009, 03:45 AM
Also, you level your magic by using the page items for the spells. In other words, you learn the fire spell from a Grimoire page and if you find another page that teaches the same spell, use it and you get the Lv. 2 version of it.

Status and Healing magic is the way to go. Offensive magic can be good but requires leveling to make them worthwhile. Also, your magic power goes up the higher your Risk level is (finally a use for high risk).

I'm glad your playing through this overlooked gem of a game. Its truly Matsuno's lost masterpiece. :cool:

04-17-2009, 04:05 AM
Vagrant Story...epic game. I want sequel. Not prequel. Prequels are lame. Lame is an MP3 encoder.

04-17-2009, 04:14 PM
Thanks a bunch, guys. :p