View Full Version : FFXII has little replay value.

Quindiana Jones
04-26-2009, 05:42 PM
Compared to other FF games, I agree with that statement. I might go into a little more depth when I have more time.

How about you?

I Don't Need A Name
04-26-2009, 05:56 PM
There is no story to re-explore
and the battle system isnt a joy to use!
the only factor i would go back to do (which i havent yet), is to do the hunts to get Gilgamesh

Wolf Kanno
04-26-2009, 05:59 PM
RPGs in general have little replay value unless they pull a Chrono Trigger or X-2. Once you've done everything there is usually no point to replay them unless you liked the plot.

I usually replay Rpgs because of this sentiment cause I think of playing through them as though I was reading through a book again. With this sentiment I would say XII does have replay value cause I did like its plot and cast and also because the game has been gaining some odd notoriety as being more amazing with each playthrough cause you can notice more of its intricate detail. This of course is just my opinion.

04-26-2009, 06:09 PM
There's getting that spear. That most people missed cause there is no warning what so ever that opening those jars will stop it from appearing.

04-26-2009, 06:34 PM
The low level game is fun as a second playthrough.

04-26-2009, 07:23 PM
There's getting that spear. That most people missed cause there is no warning what so ever that opening those jars will stop it from appearing.


Marky Tee
04-26-2009, 08:43 PM
i loved the battle system
i would replay it just for that

Pete for President
04-26-2009, 08:55 PM
I'm currently replaying it actually ;o To be honest, I like the game better this time around thanks to several reasons;

I'm severly underlevelled but still going strong to finish the main story without doing any of the sidequests. This brings in a lot more tactic than my first playthrough in which I was decently levelled all the time and could solve anything with a single gambit setup consisting of Self: Haste = Berserk on attackers and Ally HP < 50% = Cura on mages.

I'm currently at the Tchita Uplands with a party average around level 25, lowest being 23, highest being 27. It's quite challenging, but I can manage by being smart. How nerdish does that sound.

Anyway, because I'm ignoring the sidequests the story is a bit easier to follow.

Despite all this, I still have to agree the story does not offer the best replay value, although it's fun to experiment with different gambit setups and weapons.

Interesting stuff; Thanks to Measures I actually use both my mages as tanks. Evade ftw!

04-26-2009, 09:00 PM
i love the battle system, i always manualy control the party leader, so it's not all auto-fighting... the fact that there is no intrusive battle theme is all the better, i hate going frome serene music to annoying battle theme then back again, it totaly ruins the mood...

Depression Moon
04-27-2009, 12:51 AM
I can't understand how some think that the battle system isn't good, it's the best in the series iMO. The only thing that doesn't give any value to me is the story. I have spent over 325hrs on the game and if you ask me anything specific about the story, I cannot answer it.

The gameplay is enough for me to re-explore the game, but I had a bad experience from last time trying to beat all the hunts, since I cannot walk through the Penumbra without dying within a couple of minutes.

04-27-2009, 12:58 PM
After finishing for the first time I bought the guidebook and started it again in an attempt to get everything. I love the battle-system which is the best I've encountered in most games, the many side-quest are great, especially the hunts, both Clan Centurio and The Hunt Club. And I just enjoy exploring the world of Ivalice.

04-27-2009, 01:16 PM
I don't think it has any less replay value than the other games. The only thing that has really prevented me from replaying it is a general lack of time to do so, because I remember spending a very long time on my first playthrough and haven't really got the time to invest in it again. I'd certainly like to replay the game using different characters, trying to get the Zodiak Spear and trying out some new gambit configurations I simply didn't bother using first time through.

04-27-2009, 09:22 PM
A game that could take 200 hours to complete everything shouldn't have replay value... xD

04-27-2009, 11:21 PM
I disagree, I think XII has immense replay value for the following reasons:

- The variety of characters you can create with the License grid is so vast you could build so many different parties each time you play

- The combat system is surprisingly deep, for a game in which you essentially do nothing, there's tons of strategy in it. I find myself get deeper and deeper into the mechanics on every playthrough.

- The story is deep as well. I've picked up on something new everytime I've played.

I've beaten this game 3 times, for a total of around 300 hours, it's possibly my most played RPG, so maybe my personal taste is coming through here. I really can't wait to get into it again, actually.

04-28-2009, 07:56 AM
I do have to admit that this Final Fantasy had an odd way of sneaking up on me. I totally hated it at first, but in retrospect I'm finding myself liking it more and more. So, maybe there's replay value in that I might want to re-experience it...though I would certainly not replay the game and redo all of the hunts and everything. Jeez. That would be awful.

Big D
04-29-2009, 03:06 AM
The plot's one of my main reasons for replaying any FF game - seeing again how it all unfolded, this time knowing how it's actually going to turn out. Quite a different experience to that first play-through, when there's still that pall of mystery.

Understanding the gameplay better makes it a more enjoyable experience the second time around too. Knowing how battles, abilities etc all work.

And without the pressing desire to keep advancing the plot, there's more time for exploring and sight-seeing.

04-30-2009, 02:47 AM
RPGs in general have little replay value unless they pull a Chrono Trigger or X-2. Once you've done everything there is usually no point to replay them unless you liked the plot.

I've always been baffled by the lack of New Game+ in the regular FF series. Chrono Cross did it even better with the FF button. But I rarely replay games except to get a 'perfect' save or to try out new branches of a storyline (assuming it has any).

I may eventually go back to FFXII, but I'm in no hurry.

Pete for President
05-02-2009, 05:32 PM
For anyone who's interested a little progress report om my second playthrough;

Being only level 28-30-ish I'm on my way to Giruvegan :eek:

Just before I entered Draklor I went on a little expedition to get the Zodiac Spear and succeeded. This should help my semi-rush through the game.

I'm still suprised by how fairly easy you can run through this game using the right tactics.

the AJman
05-18-2009, 09:49 PM
I actually thought XII had a lot of replay value, though I have to admit that the primary reason I think this is probably because I just flat out love the game. When I play and beat I still want to continue playing it.

I'm also with BG-57, why in the world has square implemented this into their Final Fantasy games yet. Its not a bad feature and it gives players a little more incentive to play the game over again. This and a few other things that I'm baffled that they haved put into their games yet.

05-19-2009, 05:38 PM
In theory, no, but this game I liked the more I played it. I didn't like it that much the first time around, but I liked it enough to play it twice. Now I love it xD

05-20-2009, 04:02 AM
Meh. I think it has quite a bit of replay value- getting all of the sidequests, picking up things you missed *coughzodiacspearcough*, tweaking the characters license boards to see what works best, and just plain having fun with the battle system.

05-20-2009, 05:35 AM
I'm playing it for the third time right now, and just can't believe how much fun it still is. I have been persuaded to start a new game when I remember how much fun the story is for the first part of the game. Everything before the point where you head to Kerwon is just like pure fun to me. Also, it's fun to try to explore as far as you can in the world while progressing the story as little as possible.
What really makes the game totally replayable for me is just how much fun it is to try to get characters really strong with various weapon/armor combinations. FFXII got this system perfect.

05-24-2009, 02:14 AM
Final Fantasy XII is my favorite videogame ever! I've beaten it twice and now i'm playing through it again! Roughly 275 hours (around 11 full days!) of my life have been devoted to this game, and I predict many more in the future.

I think that the most replay-able part of the game is the beautiful battle system! Reassigning characters with different weapons and classes, and tinkering with their gambits is great! Plus, I love playing through the story just to watch the fabulous cutscenes and characters! The scenery and locations are so beautiful, i've spent HOURS wandering around Ivalice just looking at all the details in all the locations.

FFXII is just suuuuch a great game! And oddly, now I feel like crying tears of joy...

05-27-2009, 12:18 AM
No! NO! No no no no no! Absolutely not! This game sucked butt-cheese in my opinion. Not only that, my memory card was stolen, STOLEN PEOPLE! What kind of monster would do that I ask you? I digress. I had 100 hours into it, almost all of the hunts completed, I even found a hunt that gave a trophy that wasn't in the book! I was well on my way to completing this crappy game 100%. I will never ever play it again... maybe.

05-27-2009, 03:44 AM
I would say no replay value except that I have logged 999.99 hours on it so I wouldn't be believed :p

05-27-2009, 09:36 AM
I finished it once at level 99, but I didn't get everything. Main Replay Reason=Finding out how to get to Shadowseer at level 99 without almost dying. I can only manage 1 floor down.

06-05-2009, 09:56 PM
Wow, 999.99 hours?? That's amazing. On a single game or on all your playthroughs combined?

Shattered Dreamer
06-06-2009, 02:55 AM
Its only worth replaying if you didnt get everything the first time, but even though its not a very replayable game I still love it:D

~ Kain ~
06-06-2009, 07:22 AM
yeah guardian my memory card was stolen also.... I have actually obtained the status of order of ambrosia twice.... My second time i got it in under 158 hours.
i liked the battle system and the story(although i thought it took an idea from every game in the series) I wouldnt want to do it all again for a third time though, probably bc i like the classics more.

06-10-2009, 08:10 PM
The hunts and other side-quests should add at least some replay value to the game. Other than that, the game is very long, so even your first time through the game should last for a while. I'd like to play the game again since the gameplay was tons of fun and I found the storyline and the world of FFXII enjoyable, but then again, I only get to play PS2 games when I visit my folks, which is about once in a month. Even my first run through FFXII took me about 10 months, with 99 hours on the clock.

06-11-2009, 04:11 AM
Wow, 999.99 hours?? That's amazing. On a single game or on all your playthroughs combined?

one playtrough but I ripped thousands of images for ff wiki so that increased my playtime by a lot :D

06-11-2009, 08:53 AM
I'm hard pressed to replay most RPGs with the exception of roguelikes, and certain titles where the story isn't overly important to the game. With Final Fantasy games, I usually just wind up maxing out my characters, and wandering around aimlessly when I want to revisit those worlds, as opposed to starting again from the beginning.

Flying Arrow
12-11-2009, 06:32 AM
I've played most of the other FFs more than once and some of them three or more times. Usually I pick up the last game in the series before a new release, but in this case I don't know if I'll have the time to do XII again. It's probably a combination of the fact that I'm much older and busier for this release than previous releases and that my first play-through of XII was utterly exhausting. Don't get me wrong - it's one of the best games to bear the FF name, but it's just so big and so long that I don't know if I can (or want to) put the time and effort in again. And this coming from a guy who happily re-played III-VI in succession last summer. This isn't a knock against III-VI or XII at all, but those older entries are noticeably less taxing.

Depression Moon
12-11-2009, 10:37 PM
it has ultimate replay value. I think it has the most sidequests out of any FF game and side quests are the replay value cause you don't have to do them to complete the story.

black orb
12-11-2009, 10:43 PM
>>> I loved the game and I completed everything in my first playthrough, but now I dont feel like touching this game again. So yeah, this one has little replay value..:luca:

Rad Bromance
12-12-2009, 03:29 AM
I kind of agree. I've replayed all of the ones I've beaten (VI through X-2) but I've yet to get the desire to replay XII. It doesn't even sound like a remotely pleasurable experience.

I can't really pinpoint why this is either, since I didn't think it was bad by any means (I actually quite liked it), and it's not like any of the others have anything new on a second playthrough, yet I still want to replay them every so often.

Maybe I just have to give it more time. I had to wait a good five years before IX made me want to replay it.

12-12-2009, 04:21 PM
I think the desire to not playthrough FFXII again can simply be a result of the time investment required. I absolutely love the game, and would even like to start another playthrough, but with a number of other games on my plate as well as other things going on in my life I simply don't have the time to dedicate to a game that is longer than any other in the series, as well as the most challenging entry in years at some points. It's a game that demands more time and attention to get through than most other entries which can be flown through easily by simply spamming attack and using some rudimentary strategy when you run into a boss.

Ironically, the reason I think FFXII has more replay value than almost any other entry i the series (a challenging and compelling battle system) is part of what makes it hard to carve out the time to do it. That said, I have still been going back to an old save file occasionally and picking away at various hunts and other quests when the urge does strike and I have the time. Perhaps next summer when game releases inevitably taper off a bit I'll pick it up again for a full playthrough.

12-12-2009, 07:27 PM
A mod on another forum recently told me no one there cared about my opinions, including what I thought about the game or had expressed in other forums in the past about it.

I was a very big critic of the game and got into flamewars on gamefaqs and in other forums because of it...causing me to leave those forums. So I left that forum as well.
and mostly keep my views about FFXII to myself now.

Most fans have games they like or love and it's difficult for them to tolerate criticism of those games. Still I find it hard to tolerate people in forums being rude or uncivil just because I express an opinion they don't agree with.

I doubt I will ever finish playing it.
