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05-16-2009, 03:04 AM
Do you think I'm off to a good start? This is only one class that is half done btw.

* @author Erica Boyer
* @datecreated 19 Mar 2009
* @lastupdate 15 May 2009
* This is the class for an rpg character. It can be used for the user's players,
* npc's, and enemies. Basically, it just sets the player up with basic stats,
* job (optional), gender, and such.
* >>To be converted to C++ later.
public class Player {

public enum Gender {MALE, FEMALE}

private final int initHp = 25; //Initial hit points
private final int initMp = 10; //Initial magic points
private final int initXp = 0; //Initial experience
private final int initLvl = 1; //Initial level
private final int initMaleStr = 4; //Initial male strength
private final int initFemaleStr = 3; //Initial female strength
private final int initMaleEnd = 3; //Initial male endurance
private final int initFemaleEnd = 2; //Initial female endurance
private final int initMaleDex = 2; //Initial male dexerity
private final int initFemaleDex = 4; //Initial female dexerity
private final int initLuck = 2; //They start out the same luck

private final int lvlUpHp = 5; //Amount of hit points gained every level up
private final int lvlUpMp = 3; //Amount of magic points gained every level up
private final int lvlUpStat = 1; //Amount of str, end, dex, and luck gained every level up

private int jLvl; //Holds the level of the jobs held by the character
private int jStr; //Holds the stegth the class gives initially
private int jEnd; //Holds the endurance the class gives initially
private int jDex; //Holds the dexterity the class gives initially
private int jLuck; //Holds the luck the class gives initially

private String name; //Holds the characters name
private Gender gender; //Holds the characters gender
private Job job; //Holds the characters job
private int hp; //Holds the characters hit points
private int mp; //Holds the characters magic points
private long xp; //Holds the characters experience points
private int lvl; //Holds the characters level
private int str; //Holds the characters strength
private int end; //Holds the characters endurance
private int dex; //Holds the characters dexterity
private int luck;
private Status status;

//Player[] heroList = new Player[4];
/**No-Arg Constructor Player
* Sets up all the stats the the character will need.
* @param none
public Player() {

setName("New Character");
setJob(job); //need to get Job from chooser or other class


if (gender.equals(0)) {
} else if (gender.equals(1)) {

if (gender.equals(0)) {
} else if (gender.equals(1)) {

if (gender.equals(0)) {
} else if (gender.equals(1)) {

if (gender.equals(0)) {
} else if (gender.equals(1)) {



}//End constructor

/** Level Defined Constructor
* Sets the stats up according to the level given
* @param lvl The level of the character created
public Player(int lvl) {

setHp(initHp + lvl * lvlUpHp * end);
setMp(initMp + lvl * lvlUpMp * str);

if (gender.equals("male")) {
setStr(initMaleStr + lvl * lvlUpStat);
} else if (gender.equals("female")) {
setStr(initFemaleStr + lvl * lvlUpStat);

if (gender.equals("male")) {
setEnd(initMaleEnd + lvl * lvlUpStat);
} else if (gender.equals("female")) {
setEnd(initFemaleEnd + lvl * lvlUpStat);

if (gender.equals("male")) {
setDex(initMaleDex + lvl * lvlUpStat);
} else if (gender.equals("female")) {
setDex(initFemaleDex + lvl * lvlUpStat);

if (gender.equals("male")) {
setLuck(initLuck + lvl * lvlUpStat);
} else if (gender.equals("female")) {
setLuck(initLuck + lvl * lvlUpStat);


/** setName method
* Sets the name of the character
* @param name Holds the String with the characters name
public void setName(String name) {

this.name = name;

}//End setName

/** getName method
* Returns the name of the character
* @return name
public String getName() {

return (name);

}//End getName

/** setGender method
* Sets the gender of the character
* Pre-Conditon: Has to be either male or female. If using a w<b><u>ei</u></b>rd
* race with 3 genders, this class doesn't support it. lol.
* @param gender
public void setGender(Gender gender) {

this.gender = gender;

}//End setGender

/** getGender method
* Returns the gender of the character
* @return gender
public Gender getGender() {

return (gender);

}//End getGender

/** setHp method
* Sets the hit points of the character
* @param hp Holds the hit points
public void setHp(int hp) {

this.hp = hp;
this.hp = this.hp + end;

}//End setHp

/** getHp method
* Returns the hit points of the character
* @return hp
public int getHp() {

return (hp);

}//End getHp

/** setMp method
* Sets the magic points of the character
* @param mp Holds the magic points of the character
public void setMp(int mp) {

this.mp = mp;

}//End setMp

/** getMp method
* Returns the magic points of the character
* @return mp
public int getMp() {

return (mp);

}//End getMp

/** setXp method
* Sets the experience points of the character
* @param xp Holds the experience points of the character
public void setXp(long xp) {

this.xp = xp;

}//End setXp

/** getXp method
* Returns the experience points of the character
* @return xp
public long getXp() {

return (xp);

}//End getXp

/** setLvl method
* Sets the level of the character
* @param lvl Holds the level of the character
public void setLvl(int lvl) {

this.lvl = lvl;

}//End setLvl

/** getLvl method
* Returns the level of the character
* @return lvl
public int getLvl() {

return (lvl);

}//End getLvl

/** setStr method
* Sets the strength of the character
* @param str Holds the strength of the character
public void setStr(int str) {

this.str = str;

}//End setStr

/** getStr method
* Returns the strength of the character
* @return str
public int getStr() {

return (str);

}//End getStr

/** setEnd method
* Sets the endurance of the character
* @param end Holds the endurance of the character
public void setEnd(int end) {

this.end = end;

}//End setEnd

/** getEnd method
* Returns the endurance of the character
* @return end
public int getEnd() {

return (end);

}//End getEnd

/** setDex method
* Sets the dexterity of the character
* @param deex Holds the dexterity of the character
public void setDex(int dex) {

this.dex = dex;

}//End setDex

/** getDex method
* Returns the dexterity of the character
* @return dex
public int getDex() {

return (dex);

}//End getDex

/** setLuck method
* Sets the luck of the character
* @param luck Holds the luck of the character
public void setLuck(int luck) {

this.luck = luck;

}//End setLuck

/** getLuck method
* Returns the luck of the character
* @return luck
public int getLuck() {

return (luck);

}//End getLuck

/** lvlUp method
* Updates the status of the character when s/he levels up
public void lvlUp() {

hp = hp + lvlUpHp;
mp = mp + lvlUpMp;
str = str + lvlUpStat;
end = end + lvlUpStat;
dex = dex + lvlUpStat;
luck = luck + lvlUpStat;

lvl = lvl + 1;

}//End lvlUp

/** setStatus method
* Sets the status of the character
* @param status Holds the status of the character
public void setStatus(Status status) {

//this.status = status;

switch (status) {

case NORMAL: {
}//End normal case

case KO: {
}//End ko case

case POISON: {
}//End poison case

case SLEEP: {
}//End sleep case

}//End petrified case

case CURSED: {
}//End cursed case

default: {
}//End default

}//End switch

}//End setStatus

/** getStatus method
* Returns the status of the character
* @return status
public Status getStatus() {

return (status);

}//End getStatus

/** setJob method
* Sets the job/class of the character
* @param job Holds the job/class of the character
private void setJob(Job job) {

//this.job = job;

switch (job) {

case WARRIOR: {
//jStr = ;
}//End WARRIOR case

case KNIGHT: {
}//End KNIGHT case

case BMAGE: {
}//End BMAGE case

case WMAGE: {
}//End WMAGE case

default: {
}//End default

}//End switch

}//End setJob method
}//End Player class

Aerith's Knight
05-16-2009, 09:56 PM
You're setting yourself up for a lot of writing this way. I suggest a loop where you generalize most of the writing and use a list that holds most of the different things.

I only know python script, so bear with me.


character = [] #list of attributes of character
count=character.count() #amount of attributes

for x in range(0, count):
n = attrlist.index(x) #searches attr in a list
m = ['initMale', 'n']
attr = "".join(m)

if (gender.equals("male")) {
setEnd(attr + lvl * lvlUpStat);

Etc etc, you get my drift. As my programming teacher used to say: "If it takes up more than a page of coding, (redo it) make it shorter with smart programming.

05-17-2009, 08:04 PM
This is going to be a super duper class that handles a lot of :bou::bou::bou::bou:. Java is for uber-coding fans, like me. LOL!!! I like to spell everything out the long way. Once I get done with everything I have in mind I might compress it and make it more efficient. <3

Aerith's Knight
05-17-2009, 10:29 PM
You'd think uber-coding fans would want to do it smart, not long. ;)

Or your super duper class will be a super slow class.

05-18-2009, 08:04 PM
Like I said, once I'm done with most of it I will compress it. :p

Aerith's Knight
05-18-2009, 08:54 PM
I usually have layered coding, so if I have to compress it in the end, I might as well rewrite it.

But whatever works for you, good luck.

05-18-2009, 09:12 PM
Thanks, sir. I thought you said you didn't program? You lied to me!!! :mad2: