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View Full Version : Vote Final Fantasy VII!

06-09-2009, 12:27 PM
Hello fellow Final Fantasy players, I have come here to ask for your help. You may or may not know, but right now there is a poll for best game ever going on right now at gamefaqs and sadly FFVII lost the indirect final. However, now there is a poll pitting FFVII directly against Zelda:Ocarina of Time (the winner) and we need your vote to show that FFVII is truly the best game ever.

Visit www.gamefaqs.com (http://www.gamefaqs.com/) and vote Final Fantasy VII!

Loony BoB
06-09-2009, 12:31 PM
Man, these threads pop up every year. Do you do the best game ever every year? Shouldn't you just take the previous winner and throw it up against all the new games from the past year to save time? :p Silly gamefaqs.

Anyways, advertising other sites isn't allowed. Sorry!