View Full Version : Some questions regarding Godo.

06-13-2009, 12:55 AM
1. When you first see Godo (Yuffie's Father) he acts like he doesn't know her. Why? Did she ask him to hide her from you, or has he "dis-owned" her, and is acting like he doesn't know her to make a point?

2. When you talk to him, why does he make "GAH!" sounds and the like?

3. Not really Godo related, but what does the "MTN" in "Main MTN stand for?

06-14-2009, 06:16 AM
1. He probably knows that she's trying to steal your Materia since that's what the entire town wants from you.

2. He's supposed to be a ninja. Maybe that's the best Square could come up with for ninja sounds. (Like what Bruce Lee does when he's fighting, even though he's not a ninja) Wwwwwaaaaaaaah!

3. I don't really know what you mean by this. I don't recall ever seeing it, but it could stand for mountain or maintain. That's all I got. Sorry if that doesn't help.

06-14-2009, 07:03 AM
1. Ninjas must reveal as little as possible to the enemy

2. A ninja must use surprise and confusion to overcome thier enemies.

3. mountain maybe?

06-14-2009, 11:12 AM
1. I agree with Guardian XIII on this one.

2. I always got the impression it was either some kind of battle cry or just some really odd noise that is supposed to signify that he's powering up. Or something along those lines.

3. Mountain, I'm guessing.

06-14-2009, 04:34 PM
1. When you first see Godo (Yuffie's Father) he acts like he doesn't know her. Why? Did she ask him to hide her from you, or has he "dis-owned" her, and is acting like he doesn't know her to make a point?
They have disowned each other. They fell out over the path Wutai ought to take; when they lost the war Godo accepted defeat while Yuffie wanted to fight to preserve the honour of the Da-Chao statue and Leviathan. Now it's little more than a tourist town and Yuffie blames her father for everything.

06-16-2009, 06:11 PM
Yuffie does seem to care about him in dirge of cerberus so have the un-dis-owned each other.

I just thought he said "Gah" all the time cos Yuffie makes weird noices to and they are just a bit weird and kooky

07-12-2009, 10:31 PM
Thankyou everyone for your answers, I'm sorry it took me forever to reply.

I don't think MTN means mountain though, I thought it might, but MT is mountain, not MTN. For those who I confused "Main Mtn" is name of the building where Godo is (not the pagoda).