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06-15-2009, 10:16 AM
Last night while I was attempting to sleep, I could hear my younger brother moaning and talking in his sleep. This instantly reminded me of the time he sleepwalked into my room asked me a question, made some odd noises, spun in a circle and walked out of my room. I found this quite hilarious.

I cannot blame him though, for I once yelled at my older brother, banged on his door, then threw up on his school bag, all while asleep xD

So I ask you, do you have any hilarious experiences with sleepwalking parasominacs?

Quindiana Jones
06-15-2009, 10:18 AM
I pulled a hair out of my friends head whilst he was sleeping. He sat bolt upright, stared right at me with a pained rage expression on his face, then bolted straight back down to sleep.

Creeped me right out.

06-15-2009, 11:46 AM
I once had a dream that I assume was about war, because I was sleep rambling about explosions. My friends then saw fit to throw pillows at me. From that day forth, I was never the first one to fall asleep at a party.

I've also had occasions where I've moved while sleeping. Like the time I woke up to find myself sideways on my bed, ass pressed up against the wall and feet in the air. Don't ask how it happened, I don't even know

06-15-2009, 11:50 AM
Psht sideways on the bed is nothing.
My Dad used to find me standing in the lounge room while he was watching tv or in my parents bedroom, it was quite a common occurrence for a while.
The thing that I find hard to grasp is the fact that my parents room is upstairs...

06-15-2009, 12:04 PM
walked in on my cousin doing handstands against the wall once.

Another time we had a deep conversation about a book he wanted to write while he was asleep, he didn't remember a thing in the morning.

06-15-2009, 12:18 PM
It's not exactly sleepwalking, but during the Diablo 2 beta, a few of my friends stayed up for I believe at least 60 hours straight doing nothing but sitting in front of their computers and playing. After 48 kicked in and they were still staring at their screens, one of them tried mousing down to the physical degauss button on the monitor before realizing he had to actually lift his hand and press the button himself. After 60 hours or so, some of them were falling asleep, but one of them was seeing giant gnomes at the bottom of the stairway and was trying to ninja roll his way to the bathroom so they wouldn't spot him.

Another time, one of my buddies was explaining in depth a character build for Guild Wars he wanted to make while he was completely asleep. He was even throwing in skills that would be learned and how they could be used against certain things, some of which he made up off the top of his unconscious head.

This was all the same guy. He's an...interesting character.

Quindiana Jones
06-15-2009, 12:29 PM
Giant gnomes and ninja rolls wins the thread.

06-15-2009, 12:34 PM
I sleepwalk occasionally, and sleeptalk as well on rare occasions. but when I do sleeptalk, it's backwords.

06-15-2009, 01:52 PM
I sleeptalk all the time, especially if someone tries to talk to me. Or so they say. I know of one occasion on which I sleepwalked (sleptwalk?), and when I was a kid I often woke up upside down in my bed.

My bff once asked her parents if they were allies. They said no and she flipped her :bou::bou::bou::bou:.

Rebellious Eagle
06-15-2009, 02:59 PM
I used to find myself sprawled out on the floor when I woke up, but that was when I was way younger.
I also used to keep my TV on when I sleep, and my parents would come in and turn it off long after I was asleep. I would get up out of bed and turn the TV back on. Well, that's what my parents said, anyway. I don't really remember doing that.

06-15-2009, 04:28 PM
I always sleeptalk. Quite embarrassing sometimes, actually. =(

06-15-2009, 04:40 PM
I sleeptalk almost every night. /:
I hate it, because I'm very truthful in my sleep. XD

I've only sleptwalked once, I believe. And it was at my boyfriend's house. XD

06-15-2009, 05:07 PM
I used to sleepwalk when I was very young if I recall. But not anymore.

06-15-2009, 05:09 PM
*mom walks into my room and i shoot up in my bed to look at her*

me: what's your last name?

mom: uh...kari, you're talking in your sleep.

me: no i'm not.

mom: yes you are...

me: no i'm not! see? *big smile* your last name is reigle!

mom: whatever you say, honey. go back to sleep ok?

me: okay. *head hits pillow and i'm out*

i had fallen asleep at a sleepover and laura and michelle were up discussing global warming at 5 am.

me: *sits up and mumbles* something has to be done about it.

l&m: *startled, stop talking, look at me* uh...kari? what'd you say?

me: shuddup, i dont know what i said, im asleep!

laura: no, wait, what'd you say?

me: i dunno what i said! i'm asleep!

michelle: ok kari...

me: i dunno what i said! i'm asleep!

laura: ok kari, we believe you!

me: *repeats what i said before five times as they say nothing and just stare. i then fall back asleep*

laura: ....okay...* they crack up laughing*

Shattered Dreamer
06-15-2009, 10:45 PM
The only time I've ever vomited in my sleep was due to unbelievable drunkenness. I knew a dude in college who sleep walked into his room mates room & pi$$ed in his wardrobe,also possible alcohol related

06-15-2009, 10:53 PM
Once I woke up on the completely opposite side of the bed. Like, my head was at the foot of the bed.

06-15-2009, 11:48 PM
I woke up once and I was just sitting up. Then I fell back on my pillow because I was confused and thought I was already lying down xD

I Took the Red Pill
06-16-2009, 12:03 AM
One time I came back to my dorm room absolutely smurfing hammered. I woke up the next day and thought everything was perfectly normal, til my roommate saw that I was awake and said

"Do you remember anything from last night?"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"You don't remember pissing all over the floor?"
"What the smurf are you talking about?"

At this point I look over onto the floor and see a mass of yellow paper towels lying on the floor where my puddle of urine had previously been.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell happened?"
"I heard a noise last night; a noise I quickly identified as someone pissing. I figured you were hammered and that you were pissing in the garbage can, and I thought 'Whatever, at least he made it to the garbage can'. All of a sudden something slammed into me as I was trying to sleep. I sat up and turned around. There you were, with only your boxers on (which were soaked in piss, apparently you didn't even have the foresight to take your boxers off), standing over a puddle of piss that had apparently soaked through your backpack (which you pissed directly on) and onto the floor, trying to climb into my bed. 'Keith, this is my bed', I said. You looked at me like you were shocked that I was there and said "Oh, really?" You then proceeded to go over to my desk and take my laptop. I said 'Keith, that is my laptop'. Once again, you seemed astonished at the fact that I was in the room and walked away. You then stood at the corner of my bed for a solid half minute, just standing there, swaying and staring off into space. I thought you were going to do something, but eventually you just turned back around, looked at me, and asked me where the "smurfing Donkey Bags are". I told you I had no idea what you were talking about. After you tried to get into my bed one more time, you made it back to your own bed and immediately passed the smurf out."

I'm convinced that this is due, at least in part, to sleepwalking. I don't think that I could've been so drunk that I forgot where my bed was numerous times, and "Donkey Bags" sounds like something out of a dream. Either way, it makes for a good story and I'm sticking to the assertion that I was sleepwalking (albeit drunken, sloshed sleepwalking). Oh and my backpack had school stuff that I needed in it and was ruined by the piss.


06-16-2009, 12:58 AM
I did a swan dive into my tv when I was younger. I don't really sleepwalk anymore. I grew out of it.

06-16-2009, 03:24 AM
Pretty sure donkey bags beats out giant gnomes and ninja rolls.

06-16-2009, 04:28 AM
I don't sleep walk or talk, but occasionally I get sleep paralysis, and that's very scary. Pretty much, you are fully aware that you are asleep, but you are also awake. However, if you try to move you can't. You have to wait a few seconds for it to pass.

On Friday night/Saturday morning, the scariest thing happened to me. It felt like sleep paralysis, but I don't know what to make of it. I think I was asleep when all of a sudden I felt my body tense up beyond my control and I felt as if I was grabbing my head on both sides with my finger tips pressing against my temple very firmly. All of a sudden I heard multiple voices that were all me. They said something like, "We are all existing across time." I guessed that meant past and future versions of myself--along with my present self at that moment--were communicating with each other in one synchronous moment. This was pretty detailed, down to hearing younger and older versions of me.

Apparently, I was telling myself that I could "time travel" to any given moment in my life. For example, if I wanted to wake up as a child, I would be able to do so with all of my memories of my 27 year life intact. I asked a question and a half when I suddenly snapped awake. The sensation of the fingertips on my head was so real that I went to put my arms down at my side--but they were already there.

I've never experienced something like this before, and I don't know what to make of it. The one person I have told this to told me that I was dreaming, but again, I was aware of everything. And even when I dream NOTHING ever feels as realistic as my fingers seemingly touching my own head.

I don't do any illegal drugs, I didn't drink alcohol that night, I had plenty of water, and I didn't eat right before going to bed. My body was physically clean as it possibly could have been at that moment.

06-16-2009, 04:35 AM

It was Rad Racer trying to relay a very important message from every instance of time.

06-16-2009, 04:43 AM
I really have no idea what to make of that. Is it scary having that happen or is it kind of interesting? Did you think about traveling back at all?

I have night terrors every once in a while. The last time I had one, I woke up and thought I was in a different dimension. I was split down the middle it felt like, my left half was facing behind me and the right was facing forward. I thought that the inhabitants of this dimension were gonna kill me so I tried killing myself by running full speed into a wall. It took awhile before I woke up. My brother said I was shrieking like some sort of dying animal.

It was pretty interesting, nothing like Sephex's experience though.

06-16-2009, 07:14 AM
One time I came back to my dorm room absolutely smurfing hammered. I woke up the next day and thought everything was perfectly normal, til my roommate saw that I was awake and said

"Do you remember anything from last night?"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"You don't remember pissing all over the floor?"
"What the smurf are you talking about?"

At this point I look over onto the floor and see a mass of yellow paper towels lying on the floor where my puddle of urine had previously been.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell happened?"
"I heard a noise last night; a noise I quickly identified as someone pissing. I figured you were hammered and that you were pissing in the garbage can, and I thought 'Whatever, at least he made it to the garbage can'. All of a sudden something slammed into me as I was trying to sleep. I sat up and turned around. There you were, with only your boxers on (which were soaked in piss, apparently you didn't even have the foresight to take your boxers off), standing over a puddle of piss that had apparently soaked through your backpack (which you pissed directly on) and onto the floor, trying to climb into my bed. 'Keith, this is my bed', I said. You looked at me like you were shocked that I was there and said "Oh, really?" You then proceeded to go over to my desk and take my laptop. I said 'Keith, that is my laptop'. Once again, you seemed astonished at the fact that I was in the room and walked away. You then stood at the corner of my bed for a solid half minute, just standing there, swaying and staring off into space. I thought you were going to do something, but eventually you just turned back around, looked at me, and asked me where the "smurfing Donkey Bags are". I told you I had no idea what you were talking about. After you tried to get into my bed one more time, you made it back to your own bed and immediately passed the smurf out."

I'm convinced that this is due, at least in part, to sleepwalking. I don't think that I could've been so drunk that I forgot where my bed was numerous times, and "Donkey Bags" sounds like something out of a dream. Either way, it makes for a good story and I'm sticking to the assertion that I was sleepwalking (albeit drunken, sloshed sleepwalking). Oh and my backpack had school stuff that I needed in it and was ruined by the piss.



06-16-2009, 07:25 AM
The only time I've ever vomited in my sleep was due to unbelievable drunkenness. I knew a dude in college who sleep walked into his room mates room & pi$$ed in his wardrobe,also possible alcohol related

I knew a dude in college who sleep walked into his room mates room & pi$$ed in his wardrobe,also possible alcohol related

also possible alcohol related

possible alcohol related

I think you'll find it's more than possible. :roll2

06-16-2009, 09:02 AM
I think alcohol fueled sleepwalking still counts xD

But wow Sephex, that sounds freaking awesome. I think they call those lucid dreams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream) where you are fully aware of the fact that you are sleeping and dreaming. I've never had one, but they sound pretty cool.

Blue Harvest
06-16-2009, 10:49 AM
I've never sleepwalked or sleep talked but I was at a party once where one of my friends was saying some really random things in his sleep, then he shouted "WHY CAN'T WE ALL TIDY UP". Someone asked if he was asleep and he said "yeah I pinched myself", and then punched himself in the face. He was asleep the entire time.

Big D
06-16-2009, 11:52 AM
I've twice had a nosebleed in my sleep. That one's messy.
Then there's the occasional crippling leg cramp. It's a strange and disturbing feeling, drifting back to consciousness whilst in blinding agony, to find yourself hunched on the floor and gripping the bed frame for support...

Sleep-talking people can be entertaining, though, especially if they're in the state of mind where they'll answer any question truthfully.

06-16-2009, 12:34 PM
I used to have lucid dreams, where I knew I was sleeping and was able to control what happened. That happened a lot when I was very young. Not so much anymore, but strangely if I have a dream where I can fly, my dreams do become lucid to an extent.

I've had the leg cramps too, mostly in my calves but once or twice in my thigh. It is really weird to wake up to insane amounts of shooting pain, endure that for a couple minutes and fall back asleep, only to wake up wondering why your muscle hurts. Stupid body.

Meat Puppet
06-16-2009, 03:16 PM
Apparently I say some pretty weird stuff while I’m sleeping. I don’t know. For the audience, I’d imagine it would be a pleasant break from the repetitive, mindless gruel that I preach—with dauntless consistency—during my hours of consciousness. Silver lining, and so on.

06-16-2009, 04:43 PM
I don't talk in my sleep that often, but my mama does it a lot. You can have entire conversations with her while she's sleeping. She's always really funny and straight-forward when she's awake, and that's ten times as much when she's sleeptalking.

Also, sometimes she'll laugh as hard as she can for hours during the night, and then she'll wake up with a stomach ache the next morning because of it.

06-16-2009, 09:00 PM
I'm a sleepwalker.

I've been known to walk round the house, knock things off tables and turn on all the lights. I talk and shout, too.

Once, I was staying at a friends house and walked into their bedroom in nothing but my underwear. They asked me what I was doing, I told them that I was lost and went back to bed. :

06-16-2009, 09:05 PM
I think alcohol fueled sleepwalking still counts xD

But wow Sephex, that sounds freaking awesome. I think they call those lucid dreams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream) where you are fully aware of the fact that you are sleeping and dreaming. I've never had one, but they sound pretty cool.

It was cool, but at the same time it freaked me out a little. Actually believing you have the power to time travel is somewhat terrifying.

06-16-2009, 11:05 PM
A real life Donnie Darko.

06-17-2009, 08:53 AM
I think alcohol fueled sleepwalking still counts xD

But wow Sephex, that sounds freaking awesome. I think they call those lucid dreams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream) where you are fully aware of the fact that you are sleeping and dreaming. I've never had one, but they sound pretty cool.

It was cool, but at the same time it freaked me out a little. Actually believing you have the power to time travel is somewhat terrifying.

Haha I can imagine. I just want to experience it at least once, although I rarely dream, so a lucid one seems unlikely...

06-17-2009, 03:11 PM
I've twice had a nosebleed in my sleep. That one's messy.
Then there's the occasional crippling leg cramp. It's a strange and disturbing feeling, drifting back to consciousness whilst in blinding agony, to find yourself hunched on the floor and gripping the bed frame for support...

Sleep-talking people can be entertaining, though, especially if they're in the state of mind where they'll answer any question truthfully.

I had a charley horse just this morning at about quarter to 1. Oh god, it was horrible.

06-17-2009, 03:26 PM
I don't sleep walk but I will hold a conversation with you while asleep sometimes.

There was once where I was sleeping while my ex fiance and his best friend were hanging out by the bed and everything they were talking about was invading my dreams. They knew this cause I asked them to stop putting thoughts in my head.

They asked what that meant and I explained to them that I was on a pirate ship sailing in a sea of liquid jell-o and they had sent flaming marshmellow ninjas after me.

Of course this led them to adding other wacky details to my dream and kept asking me what was happening.


I don't even know half the crap I used to tell Myles when I'd fall asleep. D:

Unbreakable Will
06-17-2009, 03:37 PM
We had this one foster kid in our house a while back (dont get me wrong foster kids are cool but this one is a freakin douche) I was about to walk out of the bathroom, it was around 12 at night, and he was sleepwalkin out of his room. I tried to wake him up and send him back to bed but he didnt respond...so i got that :D look. then i tripped him. heh he woke up and started freaking out bc he didnt know how he got out in the middle of the hallway floor.

Rebellious Eagle
06-17-2009, 03:47 PM
I've twice had a nosebleed in my sleep.

That used to happen to me ALL the time. I think it's because my house is rather dry in the winter, even though we have a humidifier.

06-21-2009, 11:17 AM
We had this one foster kid in our house a while back (dont get me wrong foster kids are cool but this one is a freakin douche) I was about to walk out of the bathroom, it was around 12 at night, and he was sleepwalkin out of his room. I tried to wake him up and send him back to bed but he didnt respond...so i got that :D look. then i tripped him. heh he woke up and started freaking out bc he didnt know how he got out in the middle of the hallway floor.

I could only dream of doing something that awesome! :thumb:

06-21-2009, 11:30 AM
We had this one foster kid in our house a while back (dont get me wrong foster kids are cool but this one is a freakin douche) I was about to walk out of the bathroom, it was around 12 at night, and he was sleepwalkin out of his room. I tried to wake him up and send him back to bed but he didnt respond...so i got that :D look. then i tripped him. heh he woke up and started freaking out bc he didnt know how he got out in the middle of the hallway floor.

He had better have deserved that, otherwise you're a bad person! :tongue:

06-21-2009, 11:41 AM
I've had a lucid dream before. It was interesting :p

06-21-2009, 11:54 AM
We had this one foster kid in our house a while back (dont get me wrong foster kids are cool but this one is a freakin douche) I was about to walk out of the bathroom, it was around 12 at night, and he was sleepwalkin out of his room. I tried to wake him up and send him back to bed but he didnt respond...so i got that :D look. then i tripped him. heh he woke up and started freaking out bc he didnt know how he got out in the middle of the hallway floor.

He had better have deserved that, otherwise you're a bad person! :tongue:

Regardless, it's hilarious :D

Unbreakable Will
06-21-2009, 02:53 PM
We had this one foster kid in our house a while back (dont get me wrong foster kids are cool but this one is a freakin douche) I was about to walk out of the bathroom, it was around 12 at night, and he was sleepwalkin out of his room. I tried to wake him up and send him back to bed but he didnt respond...so i got that :D look. then i tripped him. heh he woke up and started freaking out bc he didnt know how he got out in the middle of the hallway floor.

He had better have deserved that, otherwise you're a bad person! :tongue:
oh yeah, this kid was an ass... hes in juvie now lol.

EDIT: Nikki tells me that I mumble randomness in my sleep

06-21-2009, 03:20 PM
We had this one foster kid in our house a while back (dont get me wrong foster kids are cool but this one is a freakin douche) I was about to walk out of the bathroom, it was around 12 at night, and he was sleepwalkin out of his room. I tried to wake him up and send him back to bed but he didnt respond...so i got that :D look. then i tripped him. heh he woke up and started freaking out bc he didnt know how he got out in the middle of the hallway floor.

Isn't waking up sleepwalkers meant to be really really dangerous |:

Unbreakable Will
06-21-2009, 03:28 PM
Scrumpleberry-It really just depends on the person, usually this kid would simply wake up or scream. Nothing violent.

06-21-2009, 04:17 PM
Ah no, I thought it was meant to break their brains if you did it at the wrong time, but I just did a bit of research and that's only a rumor. My bad.

06-21-2009, 08:26 PM
I think alcohol fueled sleepwalking still counts xD

But wow Sephex, that sounds freaking awesome. I think they call those lucid dreams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream) where you are fully aware of the fact that you are sleeping and dreaming. I've never had one, but they sound pretty cool.

It was cool, but at the same time it freaked me out a little. Actually believing you have the power to time travel is somewhat terrifying.

Haha I can imagine. I just want to experience it at least once, although I rarely dream, so a lucid one seems unlikely...

Yeah, next time it happens I am going to try it, I think.

Unbreakable Will
06-21-2009, 10:21 PM
Ah no, I thought it was meant to break their brains if you did it at the wrong time, but I just did a bit of research and that's only a rumor. My bad.
its all good :D

06-21-2009, 11:29 PM
One time Shalyn woke up in the middle of the night and told me that "I couldn't park my dolphins there." On another occasion, she turned around, looked at me, told me to "Push him off a cliff" and fell back asleep. I have never talked in my sleep.

06-21-2009, 11:41 PM
heh heh I recall my mother asking me what a "chocolate banana machine" was the morning after I had a night terror.

Unbreakable Will
06-21-2009, 11:43 PM
heh heh I recall my mother asking me what a "chocolate banana machine" was the morning after I had a night terror.
phahahahahahaha!!! thats priceless

06-22-2009, 01:56 AM
My little sister used to frequently attempt to pull secure objects apart when she woke up. She once tried to pull the ring off of my other sister's pacifier and the screw-guards off of my old futon because they looked like m&ms. She has also woken up and, after a few seconds of stretching or yawning, screamed seemingly random things like, "Well if I knew it was yours, I wouldn't have broke it!" or "Why don't you go sit somewhere else?!"

One of my friends used to enjoy talking about sandwiches while he was sleeping. He also used to threaten to put ketchup on my sandwich just because he "felt like it," knowing that I don't like ketchup.

In Psychology, we learned about this guy who murdered his ex, who lived something like forty miles away, with an improvised weapon after he drove there from his house in the middle of the night. In court, his defense was that he was sleep walking and he was released on time served.

Other than waking up in odd positions, I've never sleep walked.

06-22-2009, 05:17 AM
Haha I just remembered this one.

My sister was trying to get me and my brother up 'cause we were late for school (me and my brother shared a room). So she's pounding on the door, and very stupidly my brother asks "Who is it?", and I respond (mind you I'm half asleep and I don't remember saying this) "It's the face people!" and buried my head under the blankets.

06-22-2009, 03:34 PM
My Grandma sleeps with her eyes open, and she watches T.V. while she's sleeping, AND she can tell you everything that goes on during the show, but under any circumstance DO NOT change the channel, or she'll wake up and yell at you. She also played Pac-Man in her sleep.

06-22-2009, 10:12 PM
Are you sure she's asleep?

06-22-2009, 10:25 PM
Are you sure she's asleep?

She snores

06-22-2009, 10:34 PM
Does she take Benadryl a lot?! One time my friend loaded her ass up on Benadryl and went to sleep but kept telling us we couldn't play her Nintendo.