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View Full Version : Kyou~ Time for more Omegle hilarity?

Trinity Shadeaux
06-22-2009, 05:45 AM
It's probably played out by now, but I know that there must be at least a few of you on the boards who still use Omegle. The old thread is, well.. old already; so post 'em here if you got 'em~

Here's one of mine (everything I said were the names of various songs):

Stranger: hey

Stranger: from?

You: 輪廻-ロンド-

Stranger: u too

You: ふたつの鼓动と赤い

Stranger: no, im not.

Stranger: are u?

You: 砂のお城

Stranger: REALLY?!!!!!!

Stranger: O MY GOD!!!!!

You: 永遠の刹那

Stranger: owh. im sorry to hear that .

Stranger: i hope ur fine .

You: 悪夢の三面鏡

Stranger: weell ... i have to go now. im going to practice my english.

Stranger: send a kiss for ur mother

Connection imploded.

06-22-2009, 05:49 AM
once again, i thought of omecle when i saw the name :p

no thanks, omegle has worn out its welcome :\

06-22-2009, 07:49 AM
Yea, the conversations I have had there *shudders*

Blue Harvest
06-22-2009, 11:03 AM
I got bored of Omegle. Every conversation I had went exactly like this:

Me: Ohai
Starnger: asl?
Me: 23/M/UK
Stranger has disconnected