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06-28-2009, 07:39 PM
How much do you color your body?

sample categories
make up;
hair dye;

06-28-2009, 07:46 PM
Sometimes when I'm alone at night I like to undress, bodypaint myself into a tiger, and hit the streets, begin my hunt.

06-28-2009, 07:48 PM
Sounds like you need to eat the night and drink the time yourself, rantz!

06-28-2009, 07:57 PM
Just clothing, really. Tanning is just something that comes fairly naturally so I don't really force it too much. Make up and tats aren't my thing, and I can't really think of any other hair color that'd work on me.

06-28-2009, 08:09 PM
I have a spectrum of "really really pale" to "really pale" for my skin.

I'd like to dye my hair but I doubt it'd work. It's too hard to bleach it, let alone dye it. :(

06-28-2009, 08:53 PM
I'm really pale. It's something that people don't all appreciate, but most people who have ever called me beautiful have mentioned that they like how I look porcelain, especially now that my hair is ultra raven.

I've dyed/had my hair almost every (natural) color, except lighter blonde. I was briefing courting the idea of going platinum, white blonde, like Luna Lovegood, but the hair damage wouldn't be worth it. Plus, I just think black is more my thing. Red looks good on me too, but black is the most flattering.

My favorite clothes colors are cobalt, purple, and black. They're the three best colors on my skin. I dress with lots of colors.

Make up, I absolutely adore bright colors. Because of my skin & eyes (my eyes are blue-green and a bright yellow-gold around the pupil), I can do almost every bright, fluorescent, day-glo color without looking like a confused prostitute, except for blue. Blue doesn't work for me. My favorite is purple and gold eyeshadow. Dark red lipstick looks cool on me too.

As for tattoos, I hate color tattoos by the vast majority. The tattoo I plan on getting is black text.

I like color threads. :bigsmile:

06-28-2009, 08:59 PM
Would love tattoos but I'm way to chicken to wear them :/

My SL avatar has tons of tattos though :D

06-28-2009, 09:12 PM
I wear a lot of green and red and brown.

Make up;
I'm a guy, I don't wear make up

Hair dye;
My hair's been brown forever.

No, I don't like tattoos.

I've been doing odd jobs outside so I'm not as pale as usual. But I'm still white.

06-30-2009, 08:48 PM
I own and wear clothes of pretty much all colours. I like to be colourful... but not overly.

On a day-to-day basis I only really wear eyeliner, and mascara. I occasionally add some blusher or bronzer. When I go out at night I experiment with colour a bit more, but it usually goes with what I'm wearing rather than standing out.

I've had a few hair colours; blonde, red, brunette, black, blue and purple. I like blonde, red and brunette. I'm brunette at the moment, but one day will probably go back to being blonde - but I want to grow my hair reallllllly long first and get a perm.

I have one tattoo at the moment, it is colour. It's black, purple and pink. I plan on getting another tattoo but this one will just be black. I think I prefer non-colour tattoos.

I like to tan, but I work in an office all day long so I don't get a lot of time to do so. I'll spend some of my lunch hour in the sun, and if I finish work early I'll spend a couple of hours sitting and enjoying it. I occasionally have a sunbed. :jess:

06-30-2009, 08:54 PM
I'm very neutral. black, Grey, brown, white.
I'v got a neon pink thing going at the mo tho.

06-30-2009, 09:01 PM
I have rather light skin when I stay inside all day, which you witness in the winter. Most of the time I have tan skin.

I wear yellow, black, white, blue, and red - the basic colors, pretty much. They all go really well with my skin tone ^_^ Blue/grey/certain shades of green really brings out my eyes, since I wear grey contacts. Yellow is just a good color on me. And black is flattering on almost anyone. Same goes for red, although red's not the absolute best color on me compared to some others. :3

For makeup, I keep it pretty simple. Basic/natural shades - no green/blue/purples for me. I don't wear eyeshadow. Usually some concealer, light eyeliner, and blush will do it. :] If I'm out for the night or something, maybe lipgloss too. But that always comes off anyway. xD

I don't dye my hair. It gets boring and old, but black is a good hair color. ^_^

06-30-2009, 10:21 PM
I wear a lot of dark blues and blacks.

06-30-2009, 10:28 PM
I wear generally red or grey shirts, and jeans, while my hoodie is preferentially of the dark blue variety. Otherwise, I avoid unnecessary colors.

06-30-2009, 10:39 PM
I have a red shirt, a red tattoo, and beige pants.

I usually dress in colors. I also usually wear jeans so there's usually blue on me. If I'm not wearing jeans my favorite pair of shorts is a black denim pair I wear almost incessantly.

I used to only wear black. Kek.

Meat Puppet
07-01-2009, 03:46 AM
I always make sure I’m flying my gang colors.

Madame Adequate
07-01-2009, 04:01 AM
Being a yellow man, I like to wear a coolie hat, and my queue hairstyle extends from under it.

Del Murder
07-01-2009, 04:01 AM
My pants come in the following colors:

My shirts come in the following colors:

That's about it.

07-01-2009, 04:45 AM
I have a law school tan aka a Seattle tan aka Nordic camouflage. but I like wearing colorful shirts and shoes.

07-01-2009, 04:56 AM
Clothing: black, white, off-white, red, orange, yellow, purple, green, lime green, pink, hot pink, blue, beige, baby blue, gray, light gray, dark gray, cyan, brown and gold are all colors I've worn

Make up: None

Hair dye: Once upon a time I wanted to have dark purple put in my hair...now not so much

Tattoos: None and don't intend on getting something that I will probably eventually regret

Tanning: No, I don't want to be an Oompa Loompa nor do I want skin cancer

07-01-2009, 05:23 AM
clothing; I love purple, but it doesn't look so hot on me, so it is relegated to Accent status. But I like to wear white, yellow, dark blue, brown, and black. As a sixth grader, I thought olive green was the thing for me, and well, thank god that was over with. I keep buying green shirts though. I do not know why.

make up; purple eyeshadow, pink lipstick, blush-rouge. The natural look more or less. I've tried out bright colors and I feel like a little kid playing in paint. I've tried seductive colors and felt even more so. I tried blue and looked like I had a black eye. So purple and pink.

hair dye; apart from spraypainting it green one halloween, nop. My hair can't even hold a curl, much less color, I think. Sometimes I wonder what would happen to the world if I became a blonde.

tattoos; I want a small black heart tattooed on my left palm. The only thing that has prevented me from going ahead with it already is reading about how the palm is a terrible place for a tattoo. *lesigh*

tanning; It's happening for the first time in my life. Pour le premier fois de ma vie. okay, not the first, but the first since I played softball :p

07-01-2009, 06:59 AM
clothing; I love purple, but it doesn't look so hot on me, so it is relegated to Accent status. But I like to wear white, yellow, dark blue, brown, and black. As a sixth grader, I thought olive green was the thing for me, and well, thank god that was over with. I keep buying green shirts though. I do not know why.

I am wearing a purple shirt with wolves on it :)