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View Full Version : Your own personal Archive.

Quindiana Jones
06-29-2009, 03:51 PM
You have 3 spaces to put threads that go into your own personal Archive. Obviously, EoFF dun care 'bout your 'pinion, and as such these threads aren't in the official Archive forum (that sentence sets out the rule that you can't PA a thread that's been EoFF Archived). But we all know certain threads that deserve archiving in our minds, but aren't deserving enough for EoFF proper.

That's where Dr. Quin comes in, with his super Recognition Brew. Drink it, and any your 3 favourite non-archived threads will suddenly be recognised by all the members of EoFF (Translation: post your 3 archive-worthy threads here so we can see 'em).

Unfortunately, my memory sucks and although I can remember that there are some threads I think are worth Archving, I can't remember which ones. Lame first post, yeah. One that I can remember, however, is in my sig. The tireless efforts of a few members to keep the thread going finally paid off when everyone else joined in, and Mullet sealed the threads PA'ed fate when he created...well, you'll just have to see for yourselves. Unfortunately, I overdid it all and as such, the thread was closed. Bugger.

Your turns.

06-29-2009, 04:57 PM
Oh wait, they have to be un-archived? let me start over.