View Full Version : EOFF Blitzball Team

07-27-2009, 12:20 AM
If you had to make a Blitzball team consisting of EOFF players who would you choose? Make sure to choose a Goalkeeper,Left and Right Defenders, Midfielder, Left and Right Forwards. Also choose one special technique for each of them. Also give a name to your team. Have fun!

trancekuja's Underwater Spamming Blitztroyers :

Rubah - her goalkeeper skills are only outmatched by her devilish charm. Millions of posts she makes each year on EOFF made her fingers so skilled she now types with a speed of light. She destroyed 27 keyboards so far. This has molded her hands into a selfaware being, thus making a post before realizing she had made it. That is why nothing can go past her hands when she stands on the goal line.

Key Technique - Ruby Charm - when opponent tries to make a shot impossible to defend even for selfaware hands, her charm paralyzes him and renders impossible to react or even breathe. Many casualties follow her matches.

qwertysaur - this math wizz is well known for his skills with numbers. Some say he can see the number's soul but that hasn't been proved. His interest in Blitzball began when Loony Bob told him it was impossible to hold breath underwater for so long. Qwerty instantly summoned his Esper - The Calculator and started attacking the laws of physics . He calculated that a human can hold his breath for exactly 759 minutes. He is currently on 450 but with each blitz match he is closer to proving his hypothesis. That is the reason why he can be seen drifting in Blitzball arena long after the match is finished.

Key Technique - Führersaur- qwerty starts yelling commands at the poor opponent who tries to get past him. The victim is frozen in fear and follows anything qwertysaur orders.

NeoTifa - incarnation of ill behavior and rudeness,this impossible to like woman creature is best suited for scarring the people off. This ability makes her a perfect defender. Committing her life to being a meanie made her skills so advanced, she can make a non living thing feel down. She's notorious for screaming at her monitor screen and making it commit harakiri with electric shock. When she goes shopping for a new one, monitors are seen developing legs and running in unknown directions. In free time,she codes viruses under the mask of tutorials. She hates losing.

Key Technique - Foul Mouth - when opponent comes close, NeoTifa starts letting out such terrible curses from her mouth which inflict the opponent with status ailments Malboro King can only dream of. The unsuspecting opponent soon looses not only the will to play, but also the will to live.

Levian - the midfielder position is often seen as the most challenging one. MF is the connection between the defense and attack, therefore must possess a great oversight of the field. Being a CK, Levian developed such skills on the EOFF. Nothing can get past him and he destroys double post even before it gets doubled. He is also a descendant of Vikings and handles the water better than a Hypello. He once won the swimming race against a Hypello and made it let him drive the Shoopuf for a month. He did good until the second ride when he drove the Shoopuf into a tree. After that day the law was introduced in Spira that forbid drinking and driving.

Key Technique - Viking Frenzy - Levian summons fellow Vikings to clear the path with axes and Rune Magic, thus setting him for a free pass toward one of the forward players - Goldenboko or Rodarian.

Rodarian - disgusted by the lack of fashion sense in Blitzball, this young man promised himself he would be the bringer of so much needed revolution. Indeed, when he finished the designer college and learned every trick of clothing, he joined trancekuja's Blitzball team and soon became one of the top scorers in blitz history. He was the first non gay designer ever to win the Gucci Ribbon award. This special ribbon protects him not only from status ailments but bad clothing as well. He also saved the Ronso species form extinction with his Ronso Corset, also known as "Ronset". This piece of garment did something impossible - it made the Ronso females look sexy, what responded with Ronso males actually wanting to mate with them. And his Tonberry Robe erased their grudge toward inhabitants of Spira.

Key Technique - Contra Design - Rodarian swiftly mimics the opponent jersey , making him appear as one of their own. The unsuspected goalie is left in confusion while taking the ball from the back of the net.

Goldenboko - even though he doesn't know it, that 75% Italian in his blood automatically makes him superior scorer to his fellow Blitzzmen. Italian race is born with thirst for glory in sport and so is Boko. The life he spent in USA buried that thirst deep inside him and kept it hidden there. But, as soon as he participated in first Blitzball match that hunger for trophies and Italian striker's instinct came bursting out from the depths of his being. Not even USA managed to destroy that. Goalkeepers from all over Spira are shivering in cold sweat on the mention of his name. He taught Wakka everything he knows and Boko's Attack Reels hit for 1000 times. Boko once beat entire Luca Goers team on his own what made Bickson leave Blitzball and hide in Omega Ruins for the rest of his life( which didn't last long because he was ambushed by 2 Malboros).

Key Technique - Pippo Inzaghi - Goldenboko summons the spirit of Italian greatest striker of all time. With his spirit inside, Boko's shot can not be saved even by 1000 goalies.

11-30-2009, 09:52 PM
I have never paid attention to the rules of Blitzball. But from yours it seems I need 6 people. I will try to get some variety. Levian, Shiny, Quin, Rantzien, Lekana/Freya, and Breine are looking good. Levian will get pity because of his height. Shiny, well, she has attitude lurking beneath her surface. Quin has enormous hair. Rantzien is Swedish and accustomed to living in caves. I'm sure he's strong or something. Lekana's natural... assets could block a lot of balls. Breine is just too cute to harm.

I believe this is tactically the best way to go. I will play whatever portable gaming device Spira has while they make me money coz I sure as hell would be bored actually watching it. I mean, I'm like their coach or something, right? Blitzpimp?

This was on the front page and not that far down. It's old, but so is everything here. I might get it locked, I don't know.

06-22-2022, 07:58 AM
The losers here do sports? I bet their penis barely stand for procreation!