View Full Version : Music Flashbacks

08-12-2009, 01:35 PM
Ever been listening to a song and suddenly remember a song that you havent heard or even thought about for years?

It happens to me alot but this particular time I was listening to "I touch myself" and suddenly a line from the chorus "Summer Rain" by Belinda Carlisle rang through my head and I dont think ive ever even heard the whole song before today! I didnt even know the words except that one line or the name of the song. Funny the way the mind works.

Ok you go!

08-12-2009, 02:17 PM
My music flashbacks have alittle more to it.

I have a big cd case full of burnt CDs, about every year I would burn music onto a CD that looks different from all the rest. Most songs on each CD have some sort of reason being on there, or I atleast remember the time and why I put the music on there. I don't have such a great of memory, but I can remember just about any moment if music is associated to it.

Either way, I started to go through the CD's that started when I was like 15 up until I was 21. The only songs I was like 'Oh wow~' were like one's of bands were I only liked two of their songs.

I do promote people making like.. a time line of their life with music, it's fun, and everysong can bring you more than "Omg I haven't heard that song in forever".

08-12-2009, 02:21 PM
I have the timeline thing going where I order all the music on my computer by the date the file was created so I know when I was into it :D

08-12-2009, 02:32 PM
I have the timeline thing going where I order all the music on my computer by the date the file was created so I know when I was into it :D

I'd burn them onto a cd and put it in one of those cd books incase something happens to it.

You should also do a like 10 cd songs that remind you of the time and brings memories just by listening to it. Example: I have a cd that after listening to it, I was flooded with memories from Christmas 05-New Years 06 just from the selection of songs put on the cd. Granted it was a pretty not happy cd and the memories weren't so great, but I could remember the exact time and why those songs were on the cd.

08-12-2009, 02:50 PM
Actually for some reason every time I listen to an old song I get the feeling of "This is a song from back when I was younger and had less worries" really it feels like a constant grass is greener in retrospect, sort of thing! The weirdest time it happened was when I had the feeling even though I found the song 1 months before