View Full Version : We need a new show to watch

Del Murder
08-13-2009, 10:51 PM
Miriel and I need a new TV show to watch. We like to catch up on older episodes of current shows that we are just now getting into. Recently we just watched the season 2 finale of The Big Bang Theory so we need something new.

So recommend us a new show to watch. Or just list the shows you like. Nothing obvious like Lost or Heroes, we already know those shows exist. Something that's somewhat recent that maybe we would have overlooked.

Here's a list of the shows at least one of us has already seen. If you're looking for a show yourself, consider one from this list!

30 Rock
Arrested Development
Battlestar Galactica
Eli Stone
Grey's Anatomy
House M.D.
How I Met Your Mother
Prison Break
Pushing Daisies
The Big Bang Theory
The Legend of the Seeker
The Office
The West Wing
True Blood
Two and a Half Men

08-13-2009, 11:04 PM
So, only looking for newer shows?

'Cause, if you like Firefly and Dollhouse, Buffy and Angel are pretty obvious shows for you guys to watch.

Also, I enjoyed Dexter. I don't know if the rest is any good, but having watched the first season I think it's a pretty good show. Want to watch the second season.

08-13-2009, 11:10 PM
The X-Files! No joke, this series is amazing.

My girlfriend bought me the boxset (9 seasons and 2 movies) thinking she would never want to watch it. After watching the first season with me she was more hooked on it than I was!

We got through every little bit of the series, and now we miss Mulder, Scully and Skinner, and even Dogget and Reyes! :(

If not, maybe try Supernatural. I have enjoyed that show; it's another take on the X-Files really.

Or for something completely different, go watch Dexter. I have really enjoyed that show too, and I think they are up to the 4th season.

08-13-2009, 11:30 PM
massive anime series...
bleach and naruto have about 300 episodes each

cowboy bebop, outlaw star, evangelion, lovehina, escaflowne, have around 30 each but better stories


star trek!!!

08-13-2009, 11:42 PM
I third Dexter. The books are entertaining too (except for the third one), though for different reasons.

Also: no Southpark?

08-13-2009, 11:45 PM
I recommend United States of Tara.

08-13-2009, 11:47 PM
no tara has a giant forehead creepy

08-14-2009, 12:10 AM
If you don't mind watching shows that only lasted a season, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip has some pretty good writing and acting and was done by the guys who did The West Wing. I'm currently enjoying The Philanthropist, even if the writing isn't super amazing or anything, it's a pretty fun show to watch. Warehouse 13 is decent as well. I've heard amazing things for Breaking Bad and The Tudors, although I haven't personally watched either of them.

08-14-2009, 12:18 AM
id watch supernatural, ive only seen about 3 episodes but its really cool

also maybe try flight of the conchords.. or moonlight is kinda cool

oh and you mentioned the office, if youve seen the uk version and enjoy that at all, watch their other show called extras

08-14-2009, 12:39 AM
id watch supernatural, ive only seen about 3 episodes but its really cool

This. If you've already seen it and forgot to add it to the list then fine, but if you haven't seen it before then I may have died a little inside considering some of the shows already on your list.

Also try Life, Stargate SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis.

And are you sure about only recent shows? Because I'd say you're missing out on some sweet stuff by limiting yourself like that.

Madame Adequate
08-14-2009, 12:47 AM
If you want a great sci-fi show with strong political elements and complex, believable characters with strengths and flaws, you should watch Babylon 5.

08-14-2009, 12:52 AM
I doubly recommend United States of Tara. I think it'd be up your ally in terms of what you (or at least Miriel, as far as I can tell by the shows she likes) guys would like. It's one of my favorite shows, such a good show.

EDIT: Six Feet Under, if you guys haven't seen that. AMAZING show. Alan Ball did that one.

08-14-2009, 01:07 AM
The X-Files! No joke, this series is amazing.

My girlfriend bought me the boxset (9 seasons and 2 movies) thinking she would never want to watch it. After watching the first season with me she was more hooked on it than I was!

We got through every little bit of the series, and now we miss Mulder, Scully and Skinner, and even Dogget and Reyes! :(

If not, maybe try Supernatural. I have enjoyed that show; it's another take on the X-Files really.

Or for something completely different, go watch Dexter. I have really enjoyed that show too, and I think they are up to the 4th season.

Seconded. ;)

I also own all the seasons and both films, though I've still yet to watch every single episode. If you buy any of the seasons, start out with the earlier ones. You won't regret it.

I, for one, never miss Reyes. :p

08-14-2009, 01:09 AM
Oh, and if you can stomach it, NIP/TUCK seasons 1 and 2 are reeeeally good and suspenseful. Season 3 is okay. I couldn't even make it past the middle of season 4, it fell so far down hill.

Del Murder
08-14-2009, 01:13 AM
The list is not comprehensive.

Buffy & Angel - She's seen most of these but I didn't put it because I know she's wanted me to watch this for a while.

Dexter - She's seen some of this already but I wasn't sure how much. Don't know if it's a good show for couples to watch before bed.

X-Files - what is this show i never heard of it

Supernatural - She has mentioned that I should watch this show in the past. A good suggestion!

Anime - meh

Star Trek - too dorky

South Park - More of a show that's on all the time and you watch when it's on than a show you set aside time to watch.

United States of Tara - Think she's seen it but not sure.

Life - Might check this one out!

Stargate - It's like South Park.

Flight of the Conchords - Maybe

Babylon 5 - Been thinking about this one but we aren't sure we'll like it. Seems like a lot to get into.

Six Feet Under - My parents really like this show. Don't know how she feels about westerns.

Thanks for the suggestions so far!

Meat Puppet
08-14-2009, 01:20 AM
So has anyone mentioned Mad Men?
new season starts in a couple of days

08-14-2009, 01:21 AM
Dexter - She's seen some of this already but I wasn't sure how much. Don't know if it's a good show for couples to watch before bed.

The TV show is fine to watch together at night; there's a couple of icky stuff here and there, but no worse than any action movie. The books are more psychological/creepy and even they aren't too bad.

Star Trek - too dorky

This from the administrator of a Final Fantasy message board. :p

08-14-2009, 01:26 AM
Dexter - She's seen some of this already but I wasn't sure how much. Don't know if it's a good show for couples to watch before bed.

The girlfriend and I watched the first two seasons without any problems. We're waiting to buy the third season and then we'll continue watching it. She's a bit demented though.

08-14-2009, 01:52 AM
X-Files - what is this show i never heard of it

I think I'm about to cry. Its Wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_X-files) would probably do a better job of explaining it than I could. If Star Trek is too dorky for you, then The X-Files probably wouldn't be any different, though this show is far better.

Meat Puppet
08-14-2009, 01:56 AM

08-14-2009, 02:28 AM
Buffy/Angel - Seen it. Might force Del Murder to watch them though.

Dexter - Seen the first two seasons, and no it is not what I'd consider good watching material right before bed time. The show is good, but in a sick morbid sort of way. Not something I'd like to have on my mind as I fall asleep.

Supernatural- I would watch it just for the man sexiness. But I'm a total wimp when it comes to scary stuff. :o

United States of Tara - Seen it!

Nip/Tuck - Heeeell no. Every time I even catch a glimpse of that show I want to barf. Rosie O'Donnell sex = scarred for life.

Stargate - Seen every episode like 3 times. I had an entire summer of nothing but Sci-Fi channel. :p And Atlantis sucks balls.

Mad Men - Seen it! LOVED IT. Can't wait for the premiere.

Six Feet Under - Saw the first episode and also the Series finale. It was ok, but I didn't fell much of an urge to get more invested in the show.

My turn to recommend!

Rome - HBO show, and it's amaaaazing. Particularly the first season (there's only 2 seasons). Full frontal nudity, super crass profanity, war, betrayal, politics, and brilliant acting.

08-14-2009, 02:34 AM
Rome - HBO show, and it's amaaaazing. Particularly the first season (there's only 2 seasons). Full frontal nudity, super crass profanity, war, betrayal, politics, and brilliant acting.

By which she means a lot of penis, boobs and sex. Rome is an awesome show. I need to get the second season.

08-14-2009, 04:06 AM
You forgot The Tudors on your list.

I liked the first season of Californiacation. Haven't watched the rest though.

My current shows are True Blood, Weeds, The Secret Life of the American Teenager (which is even more awful than you would assume it is), and Jon & Kate Plus Eight.

I'm mostly just in this thread to mooch ideas from you. :D *downloads Rome*

Wolf Kanno
08-14-2009, 04:28 AM
I will second X-Files as its just awesome. Gets a little thin about season 5 or 6 but the first couple of seasons were awesome.

My only other show I'll mention is...

Iron Chef Japan - If you get FLN, it plays in the evening and its just superbly funny and entertaining. The American version is way too serious.

Warehouse 13 has also been interesting, it feels like a cross between Eerie Indiana and X-Files. Interesting show and I'm just kinda getting into ti.

Burn Notice is another cool show with the first half of the third season just ending and the second airing in the winter. The first two seasons are just great and its got Bruce Campbell in it.

08-14-2009, 04:31 AM
Hung looks pretty good, but I dunno if it actually is. I'm planning on watching that sometime.

I dunno if Murd would be into it, or if you've seen it or not, but I'm LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Secret Diary of a Call Girl. Love love love it. Whatever the show lacks in plot is made up for in how goddamn hilarious Billie Piper is when she talks to the camera about her career. xD

Can you tell that I like shows about prostitutes and gigolos?

Madame Adequate
08-14-2009, 04:35 AM
Babylon 5 - Been thinking about this one but we aren't sure we'll like it. Seems like a lot to get into.

It is. It really is, sadly. :( It's totally worth it though because it actually weaves together a plot over five seasons and it's cohesive and *gushes* xD

btw Miriel how did Kings pan out? I've just downloaded the first eps to check them out, will I be disappointed later?

And also yes Rome fgj.

Oh oh, random thought: It's a documentary, so I dunno if you'd be interested, but I absolutely love it and I will never tire. Around the World in 80 Treasures. It is one of the most fascinating and engrossing things I have ever watched in my entire life.

08-14-2009, 05:44 AM
I've heard The Wire is supposedly an awesome show, but I honestly have never seen it.

08-14-2009, 05:56 AM
Hung looks pretty good, but I dunno if it actually is. I'm planning on watching that sometime.

I dunno if Murd would be into it, or if you've seen it or not, but I'm LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Secret Diary of a Call Girl. Love love love it. Whatever the show lacks in plot is made up for in how goddamn hilarious Billie Piper is when she talks to the camera about her career. xD

Can you tell that I like shows about prostitutes and gigolos?
Oh yeah, Hung and Nurse Jackie are both good new shows coming outta premium cable. I like Nurse Jackie more though.

I've seen Secret Diary of a Call Girl. Kinda feel like that's more of a Sex and the City thing that Tony probably would only enjoy for the boobage.

btw Miriel how did Kings pan out? I've just downloaded the first eps to check them out, will I be disappointed later?

The only thing that will disappoint you is the fact that there is only one season, since it wasn't picked up for a second. The show actually gets better with each episode. It's like a soap opera but with Shakespearean dialogue. And Ian McShane is absolutely enthralling as King Silas. Rare to see such a commanding performance on network television. The show has a very different tone than almost anything on television. It's sweeping and grand without a hint of apology for its use of soaring music and miraculous events and a God that speaks to his chosen ones through butterflies and thunderstorms. Reverend Samuels played by Eamonn Walker is a pleasure to watch and listen to as well.

This thread makes me feel like I watch waaay too much television. >_>

08-14-2009, 07:25 AM
Burn Notice is another cool show with the first half of the third season just ending and the second airing in the winter. The first two seasons are just great and its got Bruce Campbell in it.

I'll second Burn Notice, though I've only seen a few episodes.

08-14-2009, 08:30 AM
Omfg, Supernatural is terrifying. Had like 3 heart attacks during the show. ;_;

Del Murder
08-14-2009, 08:31 AM
It was good, but I think a little too scary for the lady. ;)

08-14-2009, 01:52 PM
Nip/Tuck - Heeeell no. Every time I even catch a glimpse of that show I want to barf. Rosie O'Donnell sex = scarred for life.

Hahahah! I never actually saw the episode with her in it. That was another reason while I stopped at the first episode of season 4. I just couldn't handle that, and the upcoming episode where a woman, like hacks off her boob with a chain saw in their office. Seriously, wtf? WTF? No. When I heard about that, I was like, goodbye forever, Sexy Dr. Troy and Nip/Tuck~

08-14-2009, 02:01 PM
Miriel, you should totally make him watch Buffy and Angel. NOW!

Also, I second Californication. I think Shlup suggested it. It's actually a good show - only seen the first season too, though.

Big Love is also getting a whole lot of praise. Haven't seen it myself, though, so I'm not able to say if it is actually any good. There are a lot of good actors on the show, though.

Oh yeah, and my guilty pleasure TV show is Brothers and Sisters. I actually like that show. If you like Grey's Anatomy you should like this too.

08-14-2009, 02:02 PM
Everyone loves Buffy, girls and guys alike. :bigsmile:

It's funny, I was actually considering making Hux watch them through with me again. It's such an addictive show!

08-14-2009, 02:05 PM
I made my future roomie watch Buffy and Angel with me. She totally fell in love with them, and now we're in the middle of a Buffy/Angel marathon :bigsmile:

Man, I dig those shows. Whedon is tha man!

08-14-2009, 02:45 PM
Hung looks pretty good, but I dunno if it actually is. I'm planning on watching that sometime.

i thought hung was going to be amazing but it has turned out to be boring, how can an old male hooker be boring? check it out and be amazed. i watch it though becaus eit is on after true blood and before entourage so ya......dont judge me

Madame Adequate
08-14-2009, 03:00 PM
The only thing that will disappoint you is the fact that there is only one season, since it wasn't picked up for a second. The show actually gets better with each episode. It's like a soap opera but with Shakespearean dialogue. And Ian McShane is absolutely enthralling as King Silas. Rare to see such a commanding performance on network television. The show has a very different tone than almost anything on television. It's sweeping and grand without a hint of apology for its use of soaring music and miraculous events and a God that speaks to his chosen ones through butterflies and thunderstorms. Reverend Samuels played by Eamonn Walker is a pleasure to watch and listen to as well.

This thread makes me feel like I watch waaay too much television. >_>

Awww, sucks that it wasn't picked up for another season :( Guess I'll enjoy it while it lasts then.

08-14-2009, 03:06 PM
What? No one mentioned porn yet?

Madame Adequate
08-15-2009, 12:05 AM
Okay yeah everyone should watch Kings. I just watched the pilot and it was freaking amazing.

Maybe one day innovative worthwhile shows will get the publicity and advertising they deserve and need :monster:

08-15-2009, 12:26 AM
Hahahahahaha MILF.

Del Murder
08-15-2009, 01:14 AM
I'd put that short season of Kings up there as one of the best seasons of any show ever.

Big D
08-15-2009, 01:18 AM
Star Trek: The Next Generation - less 'dorky' than the original series, though the first couple of seasons were a bit weak. Give it time, and it matures into one of the better TV shows America has ever produced.

Spaced - a short-but-sweet comedy from the UK, one of Simon Pegg's earlier TV shows. Packed to the gunwales with geeky humour and an interesting cast of lovable weirdos.

Then there's the entire, vast genre of English murder mysteries. Two of the best, and more recent shows are Inspector Morse and the Midsomer Murders.

Doctor Who, in particular the revived series that began in 2005, is pretty awesome if you manage to get into it; there's also the spinoff Torchwood, which has a slightly forgettable first season but a brilliant second one, and plenty of graphic violence and rampant pansexuality throughout.

Wolf Kanno
08-15-2009, 05:27 AM
Then there's the entire, vast genre of English murder mysteries. Two of the best, and more recent shows are Inspector Morse and the Midsomer Murders.

Midsomer Murders is pretty good, its got that eerie theme too. Some good stuff in the first couple of seasons. I don't care for the third assistant too much since he's arrived in the recent seasons (recent to the U.S. at least). The Mushroom murder was one of the better mysteries.

08-15-2009, 05:51 AM
Breaking Bad. Great great show.

It's easy to find links for it obviously and its about like Weeds where someone sells drugs to get money but it has really great storytelling and the last season was truly awesome.

08-15-2009, 11:15 PM
Stick with Supernatural Guys every season gets better! :)

May i suggest Friday night Lights and Fringe...oh and i hear damages is quite good too!!


08-16-2009, 03:57 AM
Holy crap.

Hux made me watch Kings with him (usually I make him watch with me!), and this is like, one of the best things I've ever seen. The King is one of the most believable characters I've ever seen. You love him in one scene, you're horrified by him in the next, you despise him next. I got teary eyed at so many scenes. The speeches are like book-quality material.

I'm aghast that this got cancelled.

08-29-2009, 01:18 AM
Omfg, Supernatural is terrifying. Had like 3 heart attacks during the show. ;_;

YouTube - Supernatural Jensen Ackles The Dean Scream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeWDm30JCDg)

08-29-2009, 01:36 AM
Flashforward also looks like a good show.

08-29-2009, 02:04 AM
Rome - HBO show, and it's amaaaazing. Particularly the first season (there's only 2 seasons). Full frontal nudity, super crass profanity, war, betrayal, politics, and brilliant acting.

By which she means a lot of penis, boobs and sex. Rome is an awesome show. I need to get the second season.
Yeah...like the gift wrapped penis. Wtf was that?! D:

I would fourth Dexter, but dark comedy and grisly drama is not for everyone.

08-29-2009, 02:07 PM
If you can get ahold of the DVD's or the streams and you've not yet seen it, I would recommend Oz. Was the most entertaining prison show I've seen, even if it was a fairly ghetto concept. Might be something you find worth watching, although at times it can be a bit grizzly. It's also got this dude who has a hat that manages to stay on his head despite being on the most crazy angle ever.


I love that. I don't know why but I do.

08-29-2009, 03:37 PM
Omfg, Supernatural is terrifying. Had like 3 heart attacks during the show. ;_;

YouTube - Supernatural Jensen Ackles The Dean Scream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeWDm30JCDg)

Apparently that scream was a lot longer than what was shown. I guess they basically told him to just scream as long as possible and filmed it all. I can't wait to get season 4 on DVD just to see if it made the gag reel. :D

Aerith's Knight
08-29-2009, 06:51 PM
My name is Earl is pretty fun, you could watch that. It's not that you'll get hooked, but it's fun to watch.

Or hmm.. Ah! I know. NCIS, highly recommended. Never liked the CSI crap, but that one stuck with me.

Also, if you want to watch a Star Trek, watch Enterprise, it's the newest and least dorky imo.

Also, Miriel, so you've watched SG-1 a lot? We should really talk more. ;)

The Summoner of Leviathan
08-29-2009, 07:19 PM
Being Erica - It is a CBC show about this girl who finds this mysterious psychologist that allows her to go into th epast and relieve some of her most regretful moments. I love it.

Merlin - Set in the time before Arthur was king, still the Prince and Uther Pendragon ruled. In Camelot magic is banned and Merlin somehow becomes Arthur's personal manservant. Merlin struggles to hide his gifts from Arthur for fear of his life.

Brothers and Sisters - Follows the Walker family of 5 siblings who are all now adults and their mother. The Walkers are a tight knit group that do have their differences. The show starts with the passing of William Walker, husband to Nora and father to the kids where soon family secrets start to be revealed. In some ways the show is about Nora dealing with William's past while trying to keep not only herself together but also her family, moreover she begins the journey of rediscovery within herself. Nora Walker is portrayed by Sally Fields.

09-12-2009, 05:05 AM
So we gave Supernatural a try, and were pleasantly suprised with how great the show is, especially considering it's on the CW. But it's more like a Buffy than a Gossip Girl. But still, too scary!

We've started watching ridiculous Korean dramas instead.

But I popped into this thread to say that if you guys have never watched it, the West Wing is quite possibly one of the greatest TV shows ever made. It's exquisite. At least up until the 4th season. I'd recommend it to anyone who was interested in picking up a new show. Especially considering there are so many episodes, it'll keep you busy for awhile.

Madame Adequate
09-12-2009, 05:27 AM
Oh yeah, The West Wing is genius. I just finished it a couple of nights ago, finally. The first four seasons are the best, then there were some staff changes and it took them awhile to get things back on form and, whilst they didn't really get back to earlier standards it was still great TV.

09-12-2009, 06:01 AM
Doctor Who



I'm surprised neither have been suggested as they're both amazing.

Agent Proto
09-12-2009, 07:21 AM
Actually, Big D managed to mention both shows, Bastian. I'm going to also third the recommendation myself, since I've been watching Doctor Who lately and enjoying the show very much. I will eventually move on to Torchwood quite soon.

09-12-2009, 07:49 PM
So we gave Supernatural a try, and were pleasantly suprised with how great the show is, especially considering it's on the CW. But it's more like a Buffy than a Gossip Girl. But still, too scary!

We've started watching ridiculous Korean dramas instead.

But I popped into this thread to say that if you guys have never watched it, the West Wing is quite possibly one of the greatest TV shows ever made. It's exquisite. At least up until the 4th season. I'd recommend it to anyone who was interested in picking up a new show. Especially considering there are so many episodes, it'll keep you busy for awhile.

Hee hee. I forget what it was called, but there was this really crazy K-Drama I watched for a few episodes. I think it was about a delivery boy that's actually a girl or something, and I think it had mobsters in it. Do you know that one?

I can't think of any new shows besides the new season of The Office, so I'll continue on the drama note:

I don't think Hana Yori Dango is a thing that Del Murder would like, but it's my favorite drama to come out of Asia. It's Japanese and it's so over the top, I absolutely love it. I tried to make Huxley watch it, but he thought it was too silly. ;_;"

Gokusen is another good J-Drama. It's about a shy young woman who becomes the teacher of a class of delinquents, but it turns out that she's actually the only granddaughter of a major yakuza leader, so she's really tough and she fights anyone who messes with her students. It's really fun. It also has one of my favorite J-Drama actors in it, the main male lead in Hana Yori Dango, I swoon over him!

09-13-2009, 06:03 AM
I'll be following Fringe, Dexter, Flashfowrard, V, Lost, Burn Notice, and Warhouse 13.

09-13-2009, 06:19 AM
The new series Modern Family looks funny. And Eastwick seems interesting.

09-13-2009, 08:53 PM
We've started watching ridiculous Korean dramas instead.

Hahaha, Korean soap operas are amazing. There was this one that I forgot the name of that came on a while back. In the episode this woman walked out of a nail salon and randomly a dude just came up to her and stabbed her then ran off. The lady just fell down immediately and died despite the fact that it was a stab to her stomach.