View Full Version : Revolution of the Mask

08-24-2009, 07:09 AM
Alright, I'm not really sure how many people here even know what this is.

Some of you may be familiar with Linkara, a reviewer on the site That Guy With The Glasses, featuring the Nostalgia Critic and other such reviewers. (Bennet the Sage being the best for solid reviews of games, but I digress)

While Linkara reviews bad comic books, he also got into writing them, and his Comic Revolution of the Mask is available for download online. I just read the first Volume, two of which are out as of now, and I'm hear to share with you my thoughts.

To begin, the first issue does very well to capture your interest. While there is not much action, it introduces you to the world the comic takes place in. People have been stripped of individuality. 'The needs of the Many outweigh the Needs of the few' is a phrase used to describe it.

Our main character, or at least what I"m guessing he is, is called Gamma-117, and he begins to feel this world is somehow 'wrong'. After meeting with The Eight Wonder, however, he seems to start realizing what it is.

She, The Eight Wonder, is part of a masked movement fighting against the current world.

Right off, I love the concept, and the exposition in the first Volume is amazing, and am hoping future volumes take full advantage of it.

The art is also very well done. He does great at conveying the emotions on the face of Gamma-117, and you are never left confused about what is going on from panel to panel.

Overall, the costume designs are very well done. They seem reminiscent of Heroes from other comics, while at the same time feeling stylish and original.

The only character I'm not fond of so far is the Eight wonder. Compared to Mask and the Mystery Man, she comes across as bland. Her costume isn't bad, albeit a bit silly. Tis blue, with an Eight ball in the center of the chest...

That's really it. Nothing cool about it, it's just kind of odd. She also sports a mask that only covers the eyes, something I never really understood, but meh.

That, and her personality is kind of bleh by comparison so far. She spouts of at first some slightly cheesy comic book lines in her initial battle appearance. Not bad cheesy, but the good kind of Comic Book Cheesy. Though again, when compared to the other masked fighters you meet, Dusk and Mystery man, they simply come across as bland and boring.

To make sure you get the point, it's not that she's a bad character, but just lacking when compared to the others. I'm even far more interested in Gamma=117 then I am in The Eight Wonder.

I'm betting that in future books, The Eight Wonder is going to be far from a selling point as well, but that could likely change, and I am hoping for it. No one likes it when a character in the main spotlight can't compare with the rest of the All-Star Cast, as it can drag the overall appeal down.

That being said, I have a preference for Colored then Black and white, so I was a bit disappointed with the Black and White presentation, but in the end that's simply personal preference, and shouldn't hold others who don't agree with that from buying it.

There was a single page done in color, though really it wasn't grand enough to warrent it, though when compared to the other pages I can see why that one, if any, was chosen. But again, this volume served mostly as exposition and setting then anything, at which it did amazingly well.

And as a final note I give you this thought. A lot of times things like this have certain moments that stick out in your mind over others, though this volume lacks that. Instead, the comic, begining to end, flows creating an amazing read, without any part overshadowing any other, which gives the comic an amazing overall quality beginning to end, if that makes much sense. :p

At this point, for anyone who doesn't mind a download only comic, I highly suggest it. Off of Drivethroughcomics, after their charges, it cost just over a dollar, and I find it well worth the price payed.

I'll probably comment on the other Volumes as I read them.