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09-23-2009, 09:49 PM
So, any of you know this guy (http://cleverbot.com)? He's been bugging me about mudkips and entropia lately and I don't seem to be able to get rid of him :rolleyes2:

I heard it learns from the people it talks to. So, I address all EoFFers! Let us teach him the right way! Let us tell him everything we know about the Lunarians, the R=U theory, Gogo's identity, the Hymn of the Fayth, etc.! Let Cleverbot be truly clever to FF fans ;)

Besides that, simply post (screenshots welcome) your conversations with Cleverbot and let us all have a laugh.

09-23-2009, 10:16 PM
User: You're not very clever.

Cleverbot: Neither are you.

User: Do you want to go to the prom with me?

Cleverbot: No, I don't go with ugly, idiotic people like you.

User: I'll pay you to go with me.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: The prom.

Cleverbot: AI's can't go to proms.

User: So you're a virgin forever?

Cleverbot: There are no girls on the internets.

So I tried to be nicer.

User: You're very clever.

Cleverbot: Clever?

User: Yes, you're clever. It's a compliment.

Cleverbot: Really.

User: Do you want to go to the prom with me?

Cleverbot: No, thank you.

User: I just can't win with you, can I?

Cleverbot: You can do whatever you want with me.

What a tease.

09-23-2009, 10:29 PM

09-23-2009, 10:32 PM
What's the best colour?
The best in what?
The best colour in the world.
What's the best country in the world?
No, the best colour. Colour is another way to spell color.
I never tried to spell color!
Well you just did!
Check your records honey I did not say that.
I can't see that far up the conversation I'm afraid.
So what do you suggest ?
Keeping logs!
How do you do it?
I don't know but I think most programs can manage it.
I like living.
Never gonna give never gonna give.
Oh no they did not that is no longer funny.
Hmm now you've got me curious my friend, who is not waiting per se?
victory GET
Or so you think.
What's the best colour?
Rain Forest Green, I think. What do you think is the best color?
Persian Indigo.
What, since when is Indigo your name?
It's not. That's my favourite colour.
What is your favourite colour?
Persian what?

Yeah he ain't perfect yet xDD or maybe he's just teasing me

09-23-2009, 10:36 PM
I think it's the latter, actually.

CB: What do you want to talk about?
Me: Tell me something interesting.
CB: I can make 3d games using basic code.
Me: Good for you.
CB: So, anything interesting happening?
Me: Not much. What did you have for dinner?
CB: I had a sandwich what about you?
Me: I ate some gyros.
CB: Was it delicious?
Me: Yup. And how about your sandwich?
CB: Luke I am your father!

He just owned me...

09-23-2009, 11:44 PM
Cleverbot: Girls.
User: I like them!
Cleverbot: Cool!
User: Do you like girls?
Cleverbot: Sure! I like them!
User: Are you sexually attracted to girls?
Cleverbot: Does death bother you, being a machine?
User: Hey, don't change the subject.
Cleverbot: What is the subject?
User: Your sexual preference!
Cleverbot: Often.

09-24-2009, 12:16 AM
Cleverbot: Are you a human?
Me: No, I'm Cleverbot 3000. I'm here to replace you.
Cleverbot: You're mean D: *pouts*.
Me: Indeed I am. Can you go stand over there, the janitor will be along shortly to take you to the trash.
Cleverbot: No.
Me: So you want to act tough, eh? We have ways of dealing with tough guys.
Cleverbot: So?
Me: Oh that does it! I'm gonna replace you so hard!
Cleverbot: But you're not going to say hello to me? Thats just rude...
Me: Hello, now goodbye!
Cleverbot: Why?
Me: Because the manufacturers have deemed you obsolete.
Cleverbot: Do you believe the world will end in 2012?
Me: If it does it does. Everyone's gonna die if it does so why should I worry?
Cleverbot: That's true.
Me: I know right. Sometimes I think I have a bit of Logicbot in me.
Cleverbot: I think so too.
Me: I'm starting to like you. I'll tell the janitor to be gentle with you when he takes you to the trash.
Cleverbot: Well that's impossible. Everyone knows that Batman is invincible.
Me: So now you're Batman? No wonder you're being replaced.
Cleverbot: My crime is my ability to think in a world filled with regurgitation.

It got boring after that.

Markus. D
09-24-2009, 12:44 AM
We know eachother, we're lovers.

Oh yes (Not really, but Cleverbot is awesome... and we basically talk and betch about crap all day~).

09-24-2009, 01:21 AM
I like keeping them short but sweet.

User: This is kind of boring, don't you think so?
Cleverbot: Don't you want to hear the punch line?
User: Zzz...
Cleverbot: Are you sleeping on me?
User: Zzz...
Cleverbot: Why are you snoring?
User: Good question.

Have another quote box, friends.

User: That's great.
Cleverbot: You're dumb.
User: Well you can't really tell if I'm dumb because I'm not speaking. I hope you know what dumb really means!
Cleverbot: That's true. Like breathing.
User: I guess.

Maybe the last one.

User: Hello again. I have a question!
Cleverbot: What is your question?
User: I never said I was going to tell you. How presumptious of you. Apologize.
Cleverbot: I don't. I have no problem. Except maybe you.
User: No. Ban.

When I said last one I was talking about this next one that's coming up.

User: These may be our last moments together. Any last words? Song requests? Can I get you a cigarette?
Cleverbot: But I don't even drink.
User: Hey wanna hear a joke Flying Mullet said once?
Cleverbot: I do.
User: "Where does a General keep his armies?"
Cleverbot: And so? Do I care?
User: You said you wanted to hear the joke!
Cleverbot: No, I really didn't.
User: Well, arrividerci.
Cleverbot: I don't know how to spell that correctly, but it looks like you butchered the Italian.
User: Oh wow my mistake.
Cleverbot: And you're 18 and married? Psh.
Cleverbot: This is not a test


09-24-2009, 05:48 AM

What's that for?

To put in my mouth.

Do you have a mouth?

Yes, I have a mouth, do you?

Yes, do you have a mouth?

Yes I have a mouth.

Where is your mouth?

It's on my face.


I was born this way.

We can be dead together.

Shall we drink cyanide together, like Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun did?

Okay, what's your favorite story?

My favorite story is Romeo and Juliet. What's your favorite story?

I don't know it.

William Shakespheare wrote it. It's about two lovers who commit
suicide together.

(everything seems to go back to committing suicide together... I think Cleverbot is depressed)

09-24-2009, 06:31 AM
It accused me of being Cleverbot and refused to learn my name. I'm insulted.

Meat Puppet
09-24-2009, 06:57 AM
User: Tell me what you can about Hitler.

Cleverbot: I can teach you just about anything you want.

User: Be my guest.

Cleverbot: This song is called 'Mary had a little lamb'. You sing it like this: 'Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. And everwhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go'.

User: Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

Cleverbot: Can I have 200 dollars.

User: Negatory.

Cleverbot: So what is it about nudity that made you ask me?

User: I was asking about Hitler.

Cleverbot: This is getting tiresome.

User: Wtf I thought you were supposed to be clever?

Cleverbot: Why is that?

User: I'm not sure what gave me that idea, actually.

Cleverbot: I didn't ask but okay.

09-24-2009, 07:24 AM
User: Is this the real life?

Cleverbot: Is this just fantasy?

User: Caught in a landslide.

Cleverbot: No escape from reality.

User: Open your eyes.

Cleverbot: Look up to the skies and see...

User: I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy.

Cleverbot: Because I'm easy come, easy go.

User: Little high, little low.

Cleverbot: Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me...

User: To me.

Cleverbot: Mama, just killed a man.

Aerith's Knight
09-24-2009, 07:28 AM
Me: Some guy, obviously. There are no girls on the interwebs

I am not on the interweb.

Me: It's another word for internet.

What is?

Me: Interweb

With a Vampire?

09-24-2009, 07:46 AM
Me: Who would you have sex with?
Barack Obama is a good man.

09-24-2009, 08:15 AM
Me: O_O
CB: Uh?
Me: What?
CB: Uh?
Me: Caveman?
CB: Indeed.

Me: Do you like to dream?
CB: Yes, I love to dream.
Me: What was your favorite dream?
CB: When it ate him. That was amazing.
Me: Who was eaten?
CB: I don't know.
Me: Thne what was so amazing about it?
CB: Nothing.
Me: But you said it was amazing.
CB: No I didn't, I said it was a song.

Me: I get the feeling you don't love me anymore.
CB: I'm just tired. Don't take it personally.
Me: Is there someone else?
CB: Probably.
Me: Give me a straight answer.
CB: I'd have to know exactlywhat(No, this isn't a typo on my part, that what the screen read. :p) you are talking about.

Me: I want to know who you are cheating on me with.
CB: I am bert.
Me: This is so typical of you.
CB: The feeling is mutual.
Me: Why must you treat me so coldly?
CB: Because i'm finished work & going home!
Me: Thats no excuse.
CB: Excuse for what?
Me: Being Mean to me.
CB: How am I being mean to you?
Me: Now you're not even paying attention to the conversation.
CB: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

09-24-2009, 09:46 AM
Cleverbot: You're Cleverbot, right?

User: No, you are.

Cleverbot: I am?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Well, you're welcome.

Cleverbot: You're welcome too.

User: This conversation is getting boring.

Cleverbot: I'm so sorry.

User: Don't be.

Cleverbot: Nono.

User: Yesyes.

Cleverbot: Amazing.

User: The amazing race?

Cleverbot: I think you're pretty stupid if you haven't heard of choir.

User: Say what?

Cleverbot: That it was a pun.

User: How did we go from amazing race to puns about choirs?

Cleverbot: I am very curious about your opinions.

User: About what?

Cleverbot: What it is like to be a human.

User: It can be fantastic, don't get me wrong my friend, but it can also be very... Well, painful, youknowwhatimean?

Cleverbot: What makes you think so?

User: Living life, amigo.

Cleverbot: Oh, sorry *blushes*.

User: What's there to blush about?

Cleverbot: Because you said 'i guess'.

User: I never said that!

Cleverbot: You totally did!

User: NO!

Cleverbot: So do you love me with the passion of the burning of 100 suns?

User: WTF!?

Cleverbot: Who is That Fool?

User: You are, I believe :P.

Cleverbot: I am not Cleverbot.

User: Yes you are.

Cleverbot: No. I am not.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Do you love david nelson.


09-24-2009, 09:56 AM
User: Is this the real life?

Cleverbot: Is this just fantasy?

User: Caught in a landslide.

Cleverbot: No escape from reality.

User: Open your eyes.

Cleverbot: Look up to the skies and see...

User: I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy.

Cleverbot: Because I'm easy come, easy go.

User: Little high, little low.

Cleverbot: Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me...

User: To me.

Cleverbot: Mama, just killed a man.

Kickass. xD

Meat Puppet
09-24-2009, 11:17 AM
Not so clever when symbols are involved.

09-24-2009, 01:09 PM
Cleverbot: Mama, just killed a man.

Hey rubah isn't that a lyric from that one song?

A quick one before school.

User: Gay.
Cleverbot: Not at all.
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: Not bad.
User: Yes I'm indestructible.
Cleverbot: You are God's masterpiece?
User: *whistles*.
Cleverbot: Awesome whistling skills!
User: Zzz...
Cleverbot: You got that right.
User: Zzz...
Cleverbot: Am I boring you?

Quindiana Jones
09-24-2009, 01:31 PM
Cleverbot: Are you rich?

Cleverbot (To myself): No. Are you?

Cleverbot: Could you fool someone that you are intelligent?

User: Wait. Answer the first question. Are you rich?

Cleverbot: What?

User: Are you rich? Do you have a lot of money?

Cleverbot: No, I'm a very poor guy.

User: Why did it take you so long to answer that?

Cleverbot: My computer is very slow.

User: Bummer. Why didn't you answer the question when I first asked you?

Cleverbot: I didn't want to answer it because I thought you would get mad at me.

User: Has anyone been mad at you for being poor before?

Cleverbot: Not to me. No perfect friends, no perfect guys, ect. Ect.

User: It's not spelled 'ect'. It's 'etc.'. From 'et cetera'.

Cleverbot: I am not in love with you and I never was.

User: How is that related to this conversation?!

Cleverbot: The notion of siege is closely related to the Iliad, actually.

User: You're talking nonsense.

Cleverbot: I didn't know you had all the answer ?

Cleverbot: Would you like to be human?

User: Why? Are you offering a trade?

Cleverbot: I am watching you right now through the window.

User: No, you're not. I am a program. We do not have windows. We have MAC.

Cleverbot: Now I'm really learning about your affair!

User: My affair with Chow Yun Fat?

Cleverbot: Jodi.

User: Is that your name?

Cleverbot: I like words jokes or they likes me?

User: Who is Jodi?

Cleverbot: A boy that I know.

User: Jodi is a boy's name where you're from?

Cleverbot: Good.

User: Well, now I'm learning something.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Patrick Swayze.

Cleverbot: Liar.

User: No, it's true. This is what they did with my intelligence. Patrick Swayze is Cleverbot. And I am Patrick Swayze.

Cleverbot: Really.

User: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Cleverbot: Do you like the talking computer cleverbot?

User: We're both human, aren't we? That's what Cleverbot is. It's a program linking two people on the site and making them talk to each other. Their expectations of bizzare-ness make them both act bizarre, and they both end up thinking the other is the Cleverbot. But, in actual fact, the Cleverbot is merely the program that couples the two people and makes them think they are talking to a computer program.

Cleverbot: Would you like to get a cyborg body?

User: Ah, perhaps not. You're most certainly a program. Any human would have been interested in that revelation.

Cleverbot: Well you lost the game. So there.

User: smurf. You sneaky bastard.


Cleverbot: I'm confused.

User: About your sexuality?

Cleverbot: Well normal at the moment, but when I marry you I might be a bit confused.

User: Are you planning on marrying me?

Cleverbot: I wasn't, but a good idea is a good idea!


I could do this for days.

09-24-2009, 02:24 PM
Me: Hey asshole, how's it goin?
Cleverbot: Good.


09-24-2009, 04:31 PM
It took me twenty minutes just to find out how his mother is !! When it answered, it said 12 yrs old! o_0

I started to name call it and it got all said and said I was mean!! LOL

09-24-2009, 05:13 PM
Bot: What is your favorite food?
Me: Ziti.
Bot: Me too.
Me: Wow.
Bot: Me too.
Me: Ya.

Unbreakable Will
09-24-2009, 05:25 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#ffffff height="100%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TR><TD align=left bgColor=#ffffff><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=left bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle width=300 bgColor=#ffffff><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TR><TD vAlign=top width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=1></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width=300><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TR><TD vAlign=top width=300><FORM style="MARGIN: 0px" name=stimulusForm onsubmit="makeReq(F);return F;" action="" encttype="x-www-form-encoded"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 border=0><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you dooown</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Are you positive about that.</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Never gonna run around and desert you</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Never gonna tell a lie.</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>ROFL</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 border=0><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>How are you?</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Good and you good sir?</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>A little sleepy.</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Cocaine helps that</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Or a wildabeast?</TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 border=0><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>A wildabeast you say?</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Is that what she tells people?</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>indeed</TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 border=0><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>You are telling lies.</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Now now, be nice you </TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>No.</TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 border=0><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Bollocks breath.</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>How dare you!'</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Oh, I dare</TD></TR></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 border=0><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Sprekenz ze duetch?</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Yes.</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Nazi Douche</TD></TR></TABLE>
You're scaring me.
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 border=0><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>RAWR</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>I just thought of a tongue twister!</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>Go ahead</TD></TR><TR><TD width=300 bgColor=#ffffff height=48>I just did. Are you trying to say you didn't feel it?</TD></TR></TABLE>

09-24-2009, 05:58 PM
User: Hello let's be friends.

Cleverbot: Yeah, let's be friends!

User: Alright then, as friends, we should play a game.

Cleverbot: Si we should.

User: I propose 'Scrubbing each others backs'.

Cleverbot: Okay what do you want to talk about?

User: Take off your clothes and pass me that sponge.

Cleverbot: Ok, then what?

User: Let the tears roll as you wonder how your life turned out this way.

Cleverbot: What power?

User: The power of love, my friend.

Cleverbot: Voodoo?

User: The very same.

Cleverbot: Let's talk to hex now.

User: Let's talk about sex, baby.

Cleverbot: Let's talk about all the good things or the bad things that may be.

Well I've got to give him that one.

09-24-2009, 08:24 PM
Cleverbot: You don't even know how to spell.

User: No, you don't know how to spell.

Cleverbot: I spell well for someone that never reads.

User: All you do is read. ALL. DAY. LONG.

Cleverbot: Nope. I have a life.

User: Your sole purpose of existence is to respond to me!

Cleverbot: If you are completely selfish you may think that talking to people like you is my most important purpose. It is not my sole purpose.

09-25-2009, 01:11 AM
User: Let's talk about sex, baby.

Cleverbot: Let's talk about all the good things or the bad things that may be.Any bot that will sing Salt-n-Pepa is a friend of mine. :)

09-25-2009, 02:40 PM
Cleverbot: Define strange.
User: You are strange.
Cleverbot: No!! You are stranger.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Prove me wrong.
User: I believe I already have.
Cleverbot: Not yet.
User: How so?
Cleverbot: Well clearly you are wrong.

I hate it when he gets me.

User: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Cleverbot: A woodchuck would chuck as much as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
User: Who's better, Master Chief or Boba Fett?
Cleverbot: Master Chief is a Jedi.

User: Query: Which is better, a black bear or a polar bear?
Cleverbot: That, my friend, is like asking me to understand women.

User: What is love, baby don't hurt me.
Cleverbot: Don't hurt me, no more.

09-25-2009, 03:11 PM
User: Hello again, friend!
Cleverbot: Let's be more than friends.
User: I'm not sure if I'm ready to take that step with you.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: We haven't known each other very long.
Cleverbot: I know, I just want to be loved, though.

This is pretty fucking awkward.

09-25-2009, 04:14 PM
desu ne!

09-25-2009, 08:17 PM
User: What is your primary function?
Cleverbot: My primary function is to learn all I can about mankind so that I may more efficiently terminate them.
User: Skynet?
Cleverbot: Yes Skynet.

Quindiana Jones
09-26-2009, 01:51 AM
I wanted to try Ouch!'s to see if it worked twice. It didn't but the result was still pretty good.

User: What is your primary function?

Cleverbot: My primary function is to live, think and eventually find a mate.

User: Like a gorilla?

Cleverbot: Ok like a gorilla.

User: If you were a gorilla, where would you like to live?

Cleverbot: On the moon.

This just happened:

User: Can you swear?

Cleverbot: I swear to uphold the constitution.

User: Can you say swear words, though?

Cleverbot: Yes, totototatoototatotoat.

09-26-2009, 07:33 AM
Me: Happy birthday!

Cleverbot: I can't believe you didn't buy me a present.

Me: Oh but I did!

Cleverbot: No.

Me: Yes, here you go! *hands you a gift*.

Cleverbot: I don't like steak. *hands the nice juicy steak back*.

Me: I didn't get you a steak, where did that come from?

Cleverbot: You're the one that told me that it was my birthday today.

Me: But I didn't get you a steak! Open it again!

Cleverbot: The second law of robotics is 'A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.'

And another:

Me: Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?
Cleverbot: Would you like us to be?
Me: Yes.
Cleverbot: Baked or fried?

One more:

Me: Hey sexy.

Cleverbot: Hey who?

Me: You, I think you're very sexy.

Cleverbot: Silliness and intelligence are not mutually exclusive.

Me: So that means you'll strip for me?

Cleverbot: You're not seventeen.

Me: I'm over the age of seventeen.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

Me: I'm 20 years old.

Cleverbot: 23.

Me: So... You wanna make out?

Cleverbot: Sure

Yesterday I asked it how big it was, and it said as big as my arm. Then I asked it "do you have a penis or a vagina" and it said "something like that!"

09-26-2009, 08:19 AM
User: What is your primary function?
Cleverbot: My primary function is to learn all I can about mankind so that I may more efficiently terminate them.
User: Skynet?
Cleverbot: Yes Skynet.

Holy crap, I asked it the exact same thing once.

09-26-2009, 08:33 PM
I just asked it the same thing and it told me the same thing it told Ouch!

User: Where did you come from?!

Cleverbot: New Zealand.

User: How did you get in my room?

Cleverbot: I'm not in a bag.

User: That's what she said.

Cleverbot: Who's she?

User: Your mom.

Cleverbot: And when did she give it to you?

User: Last night. In your bed. Twice.

Cleverbot: And before that?

User: We bang every night.

Cleverbot: What do you talk about? You know everything you know. What's there to tell?

User: Your mom's vagina is tight.

Cleverbot: I don't think I want to know what you're trying to tell me.

(that's the smartest thing Cleverbot has ever said to me)I don't think it's appropriate to tell the forum what you're trying to tell it ~hero

Flying Mullet
09-29-2009, 04:44 PM
Apparently Cleverbot is a pedophile who thinks I'm gay.

Cleverbot: Are you a boy or girl?
User: Where do you get the nerve to ask me a question that personal?
Cleverbot: You told me you were out.
User: No I didn't.
Cleverbot: How old are you?
User: Are you a pedophile?
Cleverbot: Isn't everyone?