View Full Version : Impossible to sell items (and reasons)

11-28-2009, 03:46 PM
I have absolutly no idea why I am making a thread on this...

I've noticed that FF games seem to have items you can't sell, at all - obviously all Key Items can't be sold, but sometimes it's regular items or mostly weapons.

FFVII doesn't seam to like it when you try to sell standard weapons (the ones each chracter starts off with) I don't understand that at all - also why didn't FFIX do that? There's a fight in there that depends you using your standard weapons, but they're not needed in FFVII.

Another thing I've noticed is that "important" equipment can't be sold. By "important" I mean it means something to the character; again in FFVII there are the Silver Armlet, and the Seraph comb for example.

Any others?

11-28-2009, 05:53 PM
Well, Cloud not selling the Buster Sword makes complete sense plot wise. If I recall you can't sell Barret's first gun arm either. I always assumed this was to ensure he always had access to a gun arm, though how this seems relevant I don't know.

I am personally not a fan of items you can't sell for sentimental reasons unless it works like the Masamune in CT, where it is an important storyline weapon in the middle of the game, becomes outclassed for the later half of the game, and in the end becomes powered up to become the best weapon in the game.

I feel if the item are sticking around they should at least be mentioned at some point later in the game, even if they aren't used again.

11-28-2009, 06:03 PM
How does Barret change his guns any way - aren't they his hands?

Also, did Seraph Comb (weapon for Red XIII) originally belong to Seto or something? The game doesn't say when you get it, it's just suddenly there in your inventory, but the description reads "Your Father's Momento" or something...

11-28-2009, 06:07 PM
You have unlimited inventory space. You don't need to sell anything for any reason. So I never notice being unable to sell anything in those games xD.

11-28-2009, 10:54 PM
yup, personaly i never sell anything there's no point in it because all monsters carry gill for some reason... the only time i do sell items is in the rare games that give you a severly limited inventory, otherwise what's the point?..

Barrets arm guns are interchangable because they are prosthetics...

11-28-2009, 11:04 PM
You have unlimited inventory space. You don't need to sell anything for any reason. So I never notice being unable to sell anything in those games xD.

Oh yeah, good point

yup, personaly i never sell anything there's no point in it because all monsters carry gill for some reason... the only time i do sell items is in the rare games that give you a severly limited inventory, otherwise what's the point?..

Barrets arm guns are interchangable because they are prosthetics...

One game I can think of that does that isn't an RPG, but a Shooting/Horror game called "Resident Evil", I have it and like it, but it is very limited what you can hold and you have to put things down in certain places and come back for them later - the way the game handles saving can be a bit "Unfair" too...

Thanks for explaining Barret.

11-29-2009, 01:02 AM
Selling items reduces the amount of grinding you have to do to afford the things you want.

11-29-2009, 02:37 PM
ah, i love RE, got all of them up to RE4 including Code Veronica, RE0, & the remake of the original on GCN... the thing here though is in RE you don't sell your items you store them away in the magic box or drop what you can't carry strategicly, not exactly the same thing as selling items in RPGs, along with the need to count bullets adds to the atmosphere of the game... the limited saves of RE also add to the atmosphere of urgency and suspense, i like how they handled it... also did you know using the First Aid Sprays counts against you too?..

black orb
11-30-2009, 02:08 AM
>>> Sometimes there are dumb people like me that sell/drop Key Items by mistake. So is good to have lots of "Impossible to sell" items..http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/rodv/Luca-Walk-Front.gif

FFIX Choco Boy
11-30-2009, 11:35 PM
Only things I ever sold in VII were master all materia till I got maxxed out money. Other than that, I kept it all.

12-02-2009, 08:51 PM
I think the reason you can't sell initial equipment is for the same reason you can't de-equip someone from having a weapon. They simply didn't have animations for your character not having anything in their hands... or on their arm I guess lol.

For that reason you always had to have at least one weapon.

Only things I ever sold in VII were master all materia till I got maxxed out money. Other than that, I kept it all.

I thought mastered materia lost all value at the store?

12-02-2009, 10:57 PM
I thought mastered materia lost all value at the store?

Different materia are treated wildly different. Summon materia, for example, aren't worth anything. But Mastered All materia are worth quite a lot (something around 1.4 million gil, if memory serves).

12-03-2009, 12:53 AM
Yeah, it seems most materia are worth 1gil:1ap, but then get a big bonus when mastered. (Except for Summons, as mentioned earlier.)