View Full Version : voice in the reactor

Moon Rabbits
12-01-2009, 03:53 AM
so i just started replaying ffvii or whatever, and you know in the very beginning just before the scorpion boss and the screen goes all red and the voice in cloud's head is all "omfg watch out don't do it aaaaaah!"

wtf is all that about? does that ever get explained? JENOVA cells? Aeris? Sephiroth? Cloud's on his period?

what is ittttttt

12-01-2009, 04:17 AM
Cloud's 'true self' or buried memories speaking out to the shell personality from where they are locked.

They do it again at several points. Like the church, Aerith's house, etc.

12-01-2009, 04:36 AM
heh it's kind of funny because I initially thought this was Jenova trying to mess Cloud up, like in Junon she was telling Cloud to talk to Tifa to make him all confused.

12-01-2009, 05:20 AM
couldnt be Aeris b/c he didnt know she existed and why would he care about thinking of her when fighting a random boss anyway :P

12-01-2009, 06:18 AM
It is probably to do with the nibelheim reactor

"this isn't just a reactor" < it houses Shin-Ra's secret.


Watch out!
This isn't just a reactor!!




"Wake up!
This isn't just a power station [or plant]!!"

[note. not reactor here, 発電所 is Power Station]

It is, I think, Cloud's inner self trying to get him to remember his past. The past in nibelheim reactor. This is missed because of the "watch out" statement which should not be there.