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View Full Version : write your screenname with your keyboard

12-10-2009, 08:04 PM
using these bodyparts:

01. nose: levyan
02. elbow: lørevbgiosanm
03. tongue: levian
04. chin: levkjzn
05. feet: kiooreefdc8wsabhg
06. eyes closed and one finger: leboisam
07. back of your hand: bv2d1
08. palm: o3vbiuan
09. wrist: ..ølwevcidsanb

12-10-2009, 08:07 PM
01. nose: emondude5 5
02. elbow: dcdemonmdcujhdxdsr5r54
03. tongue: No. :mad2:
04. chin: x , cnmc dcffg
05. feet: demndude56
06. eyes closed and one finger:demondifeyy
07. back of your hand: dedn kncdhujycxdsr5r5t
08. palm: dxd l xchjcxdsr5rt
09. wrist: swn okn ddhyxdsw4r4

12-10-2009, 08:15 PM
No fair..mine is long..*SIGH*

01. nose: oladt of the shrtp
02. elbow: ladty koif ther sheedp
03. tongue: lady of sheep
04. chin: lzad ofv thed shddep;
05. feet: ooqaer6ybb hoprf t5hyju4e adseeerpok [big feet O_o]
06. eyes closed and one finger: ladt of rghe sghgeeo
07. back of your hand: ladsyt opfg gjhde ssdhjrrrr[]
08. palm: l.adhy ov tghed shrro
09. wrist: lwardyt ofgt tgheb nsdheweelo

..I like how the only one to turn out right was my tongue

12-10-2009, 08:17 PM
01. nose: freya
02. elbow: freryas
03. tongue: freya
04. chin: freyas
05. feet: fr4euyyhta
06. eyes closed and one finger: freta
07. back of your hand: d4eytaz
08. palm: frrya
09. wrist: rfcreeeegya

I think I did pretty good xD

12-10-2009, 08:33 PM
Nose: bunny
Elbow: bu nn y
Tongue: b unny
Chin: bujnn my
Feet: bunabuyopdfaf
Eyes Closed/1 Finger: bunnt
Back of Hand: buj n ny
Palm: bunbnbtyu
Wrist: bun n gy


12-10-2009, 08:33 PM
Heh. :smug:

Nose: sagensyg
Elbow: swaqgensyhgh
Tongue: Hell no.
Chin: xzzavgfdbgvgf
Feet: sagehnnsyggggg
Eyes closed and one finger: sagebstf
Back of my hand: sasgvde4nsyhy
Palm: sagnshggb
Wrist: asagftwehsayugh

12-10-2009, 10:26 PM
Nose: qwertysaur
Elbow: qweretrytszauyr
Tongue: I am not touching this keyboard with my tongue, it is public and riddled with who knows what.
Chin: aqwweedffsasurt
Foot: Public computer, can't do this one right now :|
Eyes closed with one finger: qwertysaur
Back of my hand: qwertttysaur
Palm: qwqe4rertytsauyer
Wrist: q2we4rtyzsaur

I think chin came out the best tbh :colbert:

12-10-2009, 10:34 PM
01. nose: Namingway
02. elbow: Namingway
03. tongue: No
04. chin: < z kj bszh
05. feet: Nam ingwsay
06. eyes closed and one finger: Namungwau
07. back of your hand: Namiungway
08. palm: Namingway
09. wrist: Na ki gbswayh

12-10-2009, 10:40 PM
01. nose: rantzien
02. elbow: rantzien
03. tongue: atzien
04. chin: raz< ntyzkjen
05. feet: rasnttxzifedn
06. eyes closed and one finger: 4qh5a71f
07. back of your hand: rA BTZIDE BB
08. palm: rsnbyhziikergmnm
09. wrist: raz<</>btfraz<</>jes b


12-10-2009, 10:45 PM
1. nose: melissaur
2. elbow: meklisaur
3. tongue: melissaur
4. chin: mm eikssaur
5. feet: melissaur
6. eyes closed etc.: meliddsor
7. back of hand:melissaur
8. palm: mwelkiussaur
9. wrist: mk4e9ilsesewsu5r

yay for having monkey feet!

12-10-2009, 11:07 PM
06. eyes closed and one finger: 4qh5a71f

So I guess we know who looks at their keyboard when he types.

12-10-2009, 11:22 PM
06. eyes closed and one finger: 4qh5a71f

So I guess we know who looks at their keyboard when he types.


I'd probably have gotten that somewhat more right if I had checked where to start but I only had a vague idea of where my keyboard even was when I started hammering. If you study that closer you'll find that most of those are simply the key directly above the right one. Until I messed up after 'z', that is.

12-11-2009, 12:47 AM
Nose: momiji
Elbow: m lom ,ikjmi (I can't do this without hitting multiple keys at once!)
Tongue: momiji (well if that wasn't the weirdest thing I've done today I don't know what is)
Chin: kl kjnmkj
Feet: oh smurf it this is stupid *frustrated*

12-11-2009, 01:00 AM
01. nose: jiro
02. elbow: jiro
03. tongue: jiro
04. chin: jifo
05. feet: jiro
06. eyes closed and one finger: jir9
07. back of your hand: jiro
08. palm: jir4llo
09. wrist: jjikrfgo

It's not too bad if you find the pointiest bit of you body part and use that. :bigsmile:

12-11-2009, 04:06 AM
Home now, can do these two :p
Tongue: qwertysaur
Foot: qwertysaur
That was pretty easy actually :quina:

leader of mortals
12-11-2009, 04:19 AM
Nose: leader of mortals
Elbow: o34sadder ofv morttaslsd
Tongue: leader of mortals
Chin: ,lerasdferr lof m ,kfrgzx
Feet: lleader of morttals
Eyes closed, 1 finger: leadwe id buwaj
Back of hand: leader of mortals
Wrist: lresafdrert pogf m, optrtys/;dc

Lol, I hit CAPS LOCK!!!!! for palm:D

I like chin and wrist the most maybe... Or buwaj...

12-11-2009, 08:24 AM
Fuck this noise, I give up here.

Nose: no9rtherncdhaqowgod
Elbow: n olrftghrn chasosgold
Tongue: northernchaosgod
Chin: nmofgtfnbedr nc hzlksdgbvk
Feet: nooptfrthbedfrnchbaloszgvlodx
Eyes closed, 1 finger: northernchaosgod

12-11-2009, 09:33 AM
xD this looks like fun. Let's see.

01. nose: timekeeper
02. elbow: timekeeper
03. tongue: timekeeper
04. chin: tgkkm dskedperf
05. feet: timekeeper
06. eyes closed and one finger: timelwwowe
07. back of your hand: timekeeper
08. palm: tyimekererprr
09. wrist: to,relerre;rtr

12-11-2009, 12:48 PM
laddy-eyes closed with one finger
laddy-back of hand
/.azc c chy-palm
o sx dc dc-wrist


Del Murder
12-12-2009, 07:05 AM
01. nose: del mju7rderr4
02. elbow: cvde,. m ujrfdcdefr
03. tongue: del murderf
04. chin: xcds,m mjfdcxdsfd
05. feet: Del Murder
06. eyes closed and one finger: led redrum
07. back of your hand: gdleviansuxneyfb
08. palm: anidiotsayswhat
09. wrist: $,,,:monster:*apl 'gbaydpoar~

12-12-2009, 07:39 AM
And LotS, you think you having a long name is unfare? I'm missing the E key, so i just have that little white bump beneath the key to go off of. :p

01. nose: neocrackr
02. elbow: nr4oplfrasfclr4r
03. tongue: neocracker
04. chin: ndslkocrfazcmdsr
05. feet: ndolcrackrrf
06. eyes closed and one finger: neivracker
07. back of your hand: bneocrackdr
08. palm: jhr43of6tradf93err
09. wrist: njrocrcker

12-12-2009, 04:41 PM
01. nose: del mju7rderr4
02. elbow: cvde,. m ujrfdcdefr
03. tongue: del murderf
04. chin: xcds,m mjfdcxdsfd
05. feet: Del Murder
06. eyes closed and one finger: led redrum
07. back of your hand: gdleviansuxneyfb
08. palm: anidiotsayswhat
09. wrist: $,,,:monster:*apl 'gbaydpoar~

I see you gave up after your chin completely failed you!

and don't think I didn't see 07. :mad2:

PS: I typed this post with my sister's eye.

12-12-2009, 04:49 PM
01. nose: yar
02. elbow: yasrt
03. tongue: yar
04. chin: yusarft
05. feet: yarf
06. eyes closed and one finger: hst
07. back of your hand: yar
08. palm: ytaR
09. wrist: ygusrt

12-12-2009, 08:48 PM
01. nose: rubah
02. elbow: rubvswh
03. tongue: rubah
04. chin: fdujb zbn
05. feet: rubnahy(I have socks on)
06. eyes closed and one finger: rubsh
07. back of your hand: 4uag
08. palm: rubuah
09. wrist: trkj an

that was a lot more fun than the last time I did something like that xD

I Took the Red Pill
12-13-2009, 06:01 AM
01. nose: i9 took bthebred pilol
02. elbow: io tropollk ty5hyjer rterd npiololo
03. tongue: ibtook the red pill
04. chin: i gllk,k ghnjd fddc ;lio;..
05. feet: j e4gykmk ngytf rd5r -poll
06. eyes closed and one finger: i tiij tge red ouykk
07. back of your hand: 09 yklok ftbjhrd rrrd lpok,l,l
08. palm: ij trfoolkj thgd 65dd olkil,
09. wrist: li y;oo;, nmt5hjyhgr nbrer bnopo


12-13-2009, 07:46 AM
01. nose: Guardian XIII
02. elbow: Guardian XIII
03. tongue: Guardian XIII
04. chin: VBGjfxkjz n XKKKJM
05. feet: Guardijka n XKJII
06. eyes closed and one finger: Guaedia XIII
07. back of your hand: Guardian XKII
08. palm: VGujhardjz XIII
09. wrist: Guardiuanb XCIUIUIU

My girlfriend was giving me weird looks while doing this. "Eww! Why are you licking the keyboard?" :exdee:

12-13-2009, 08:22 AM
I don't believe any of you pricks can type accurately with your elbow.

12-13-2009, 02:16 PM
Haha, great idea!

01. nose: breine
02. elbow: breine
03. tongue: breine
04. chin: bvdfsdj bs
05. feet: brein e
06. eyes closed and one finger: bbreomr
07. back of your hand: befeilæmhfe
08. palm: b re u9hje
09. wrist: beeuibnwe

Rad Bromance
12-13-2009, 06:10 PM
Nose: Rad Bromance
Elbow: Rafd V Bropm,san cfde3e
Tongue: Rad Bromance
Chin: FDFDFERDzAZdcx Bfdffrlkklkloimn az nc esdw
Feet: FRaad BRoman ce3
Eyes Closed And One Finger: RAD BRINQNXE
Back Of Your Hand: Rascfcfsde BHrpo0mk AWjncde4
Palm: 2TRGasqsdc Bfrom an cder
Wrist: DFRAD VB dfrmn AzMN CV DSEW

That was fun. :D

12-13-2009, 06:20 PM
I don't believe any of you pricks can type accurately with your elbow.

Slow and steady with pointy elbows.

Moon Rabbits
12-13-2009, 06:35 PM
01. nose: m99nh b4rabbits
02. elbow: mlkolok n fdcrz\ b bjkighx
03. tongue: im not doing this
04. chin: moio9in rrtszab bjuitygzx
05. feet: or this
06. eyes closed and one finger: moon rabbits
07. back of your hand: ikl[[0hm cf4swz bbi4w
08. palm: noiobn eravbbuitazs
09. wrist: mmoomkn reavbbutrs

i suck at this game.

12-13-2009, 08:37 PM
01. nose: fruzqkr457u
02. elbow: fiuZasolr45u8
03. tongue: fuzakeru
04. chin: fjhuxzsnbcnj
05. feet: fuzxakreu
06. eyes closed and one finger: fuzakeru
07. back of your hand: fuzajeeru
08. palm: fuzakerju
09. wrist: duyjxcherui

......apparently I'm good with my tongue and not much else. LOL!

I Don't Need A Name
12-13-2009, 08:45 PM
01. nose: i don't need a name
02. elbow: i don't need a name
03. tongue: i don't need a name
04. chin: ik dxkoln g *doesnt bother with the rest*
05. feet: i don't need aa naame
06. eyes closed and one finger: i don't need s namr
07. back of your hand: i dfopmntg bje5edr sa bnwame
08. palm: ik deon'[t needc az nsm f
09. wrist: kmbnwddijgj *no*

12-15-2009, 08:50 AM
I don't believe any of you pricks can type accurately with your elbow.

Slow and steady with pointy elbows.

Skinny pricks. :mad:

12-15-2009, 11:55 AM
01. nose: jr4wvbu849
02. elbow: aM afrs JNMaikfro
03. tongue: MRS Jiro
04. chin: mrfsx jnjkfdkl
05. feet: mrsjiro
06. eyes closed and one finger: mrs jiro
07. back of your hand: mrds jirp
08. palm: mrs jiro
09. wrist: mnrgtsa jirfol

Hahahahahaha I gave up on capitalising pretty quick :D

12-17-2009, 08:34 AM
nose: 3eestlinc
elbow: teeestrtlinc
tongue: eestlinc
chin: ededsxgg,.,k v c
feet: dedesstlkjkinc
eyes closed and one finger: eestlinf
back of your hand: eestyl;njdc
palm: s edsdrkl;mij9nc
wrist: ee rsd tyl;ionmcv

apparently i am best with my tongue.

12-17-2009, 11:14 AM
01. nose: shlup
02. elbow: shlup
03. tongue: shluup
04. chin: zsbhl,hup
05. feet: shlup
06. eyes closed and one finger: shlup (holy :bou::bou::bou::bou: I didn't even feel around I am a fucking ninja)
07. back of your hand: swhlup
08. palm: sdjnh.lju;p
09. wrist: sahjnl,uhp

Hey, at least I got all the letters every time.

12-17-2009, 03:50 PM
01. nose: chloe.
02. elbow: cdvhn,klre.
03. tongue: chloe.
04. chin: chld.
05. feet: chloe.
06. eyes closed and one finger: chlor,
07. back of your hand: cholooel.
08. palm: cvhglpor.
09. wrist: chlpoe.,

Ha that was fun. :p

12-17-2009, 04:06 PM
01. nose: vivi22
02. elbow: v ivi22
03. tongue: vivi22
04. chin: vcivio22
05. feet: vivi22
06. eyes closed and one finger: vivi33
07. back of your hand: v jv i22
08. palm: viv ci22
09. wrist: vbiooi23

12-17-2009, 04:10 PM
I'm glad to see so many are skilled with their tongue. That means I can carry out the plan I've been working on...

Quindiana Jones
12-17-2009, 04:50 PM
01. nose: Quin
02. elbow: QW|jkui nb
03. tongue: Quin
04. chin: Quiun
05. feet: QAuin
06. eyes closed and one finger: Quib
07. back of your hand: QA\uuuuuhbijnbn
08. palm: Quiio n
09. wrist: |SA|uyko bv

Well, apart from wrist it all went pretty well. Though by God am I glad my name was never changed to Flambard D'Quinceteth.

12-18-2009, 02:15 AM
This is gonna be funny... By the way, I can't put the music notes... >.>

01. nose: tj gaga
02. elbow: tj gaga
03. tongue: tj gaga
04. chin: tr5jhkm gtfagvba
05. feet: t6j gagfa
06. eyes closed and one finger: rh faga
08. palm: tj gaga
09. wrist: yhtgrjk gfhjbnsahgsa

Haha What a disaster!!

12-19-2009, 10:36 AM
01. nose: shlup
02. elbow: shlup
03. tongue: shluup
04. chin: zsbhl,hup
05. feet: shlup
06. eyes closed and one finger: shlup (holy :bou::bou::bou::bou: I didn't even feel around I am a smurfing ninja)
07. back of your hand: swhlup
08. palm: sdjnh.lju;p
09. wrist: sahjnl,uhp

Hey, at least I got all the letters every time.
That's not your full name. >:|

12-23-2009, 05:43 AM
nik,p0tikn de
my keyboard is filthy

Moon Rabbits
12-24-2009, 06:48 AM
My girlfriend was giving me weird looks while doing this. "Eww! Why are you licking the keyboard?" :exdee:

Really? Because if I were your girlfriend I'd be asking something like "why the fuck are you surfing a final fantasy message board while we're hanging out together?"

12-24-2009, 03:46 PM
Nah! his girlfriend is cool like that. She doesn't ask to many questions.

12-25-2009, 01:32 AM
No fair..mine is long..*SIGH*
..I like how the only one to turn out right was my tongue
Giggity, *Pelvic Thrusts* XD

Nose: DarkBahamut
Elbow: DarkBahamut
Tongue: DarkBahamut
Chin: DzarkBahamut (Hardest One so far, plus I have to do Caps lock on the first 3 also)
Eyes Close/One Finger: DarkBahamut

I'm too lazy to do the other ones.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
12-25-2009, 03:36 AM
01. nose: lpant leg eater frrom thye baed world
02. elbow: pant leg eater from the b ad worldf
03. tongue: Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
04. chin: pa tg l,kdvb dde fdolm n gfbvde bzd swklfd,cxd
05. feet: pantkdeg xrcTER4RRRT FCDROMK gthbfr bad swok cyl,ks
06. eyes closed and one finger:pabe
08. palm: PAN T5 LKERGH ERatrewr frtoimn tyhjer bnqdf lkasnmde
09. wrist: ..09sa nyt lergh erartewer fdrefom trhjger bvasdf lsand

This is crazy hard.
#6 is so short because I hit something that took me away from the scripting part. I opened my eyes to the bottom of the page.