View Full Version : Plot Holes, Goofs and Other Discrepancies

Forsaken Lover
12-13-2009, 11:00 AM
List of Final Fantasy Plot Holes, Goofs and Other Discrepancies - The Final Fantasy Wiki has more Final Fantasy information than Cid could research (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_Plot_Holes,_Goofs_and_Other_Discrepancies)

Anyone else seen this? I found it quite interesting. i naturally skipped over the parts of the games I didn't play but for VII through X-2 it was pretty fun to read.

12-13-2009, 12:50 PM
It's an interesting read, but some of the plot holes aren't even plot holes, and they even explain how they could happen. I'm thinking specifically of the ones for IV and VI. Some others they think are plot holes but are really just them trying to apply gameplay logic to the story which is a bad idea in pretty much every RPG ever made. Sure in FFVIII you know that you're party might be powerhouses who could take on an endless army of enemy troops, but if the story assumed that then the whole game would be pretty boring. We know that there's nothing in the game that will actually beat you, but it's hard to build dramatic tension if you just assume all of the characters are godly.

The list of goofs are a little better if you ask me as they are generally goofs whereas the plot holes are a little iffy.

12-13-2009, 01:16 PM
Not really sure how accurate these things are. Some of the "plot holes" they even explain themselves :D

oh, and this one is just wrong:

When you meet up with Rikku again, Tidus introduces her to Yuna and Lulu as the girl he was talking about. However, Tidus never mentioned Rikku to anyone, including Yuna and Lulu.

"Al Bhed Psyches, right?"
"Some Al Bhed saved me the other day, and..."
"This girl Rikku gave me food and..."

Even if he hadn't said that, I always assume they chit-chat more than what's shown.

Rad Bromance
12-13-2009, 02:04 PM
Whoever typed that stuff I don't think understands what a plot hole is! :D

Also they're just being nitpicky about some of it, like about how you can still play cards after time compression in VIII. If that's a plot hole, then so are many of the summon animations at various points in the game.

12-13-2009, 02:19 PM
"Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
During the film, the characters seem to travel between Midgar and the Forgotten Capital in a matter of hours, when the Forgotten Capital is actually located on the northern continent, which would seem like a difficult trip to make by bike."

I noticed that one right away when I watched AC.

12-13-2009, 04:21 PM
Whoever typed that stuff I don't think understands what a plot hole is! :D

Also they're just being nitpicky about some of it, like about how you can still play cards after time compression in VIII. If that's a plot hole, then so are many of the summon animations at various points in the game.

Indeed. I never saw it as a plot hole, merely a way to avoid completely locking the player out of a game mechanic in the fourth disc much like the ability to call up shops with Tonberry.

12-13-2009, 06:49 PM
That thing was terrible. The writer clearly didn't appreciate how badly that kid wanted to become a blitzball.

Depression Moon
12-14-2009, 02:45 AM
* It is never shown if Kuja died or survived after Zidane fought him (though this may be intentional). However, keep in mind that Garland emphasized that Zidane will grow powerful by the time Kuja dies. Which could explain why Zidane was able to escape.

I don't know why they put this in here. Considering the dialogue that follows it should be obvious that Kuja died.

The Thunder Slash Glitch is a glitch involving the skill Thunder Slash in Final Fantasy IX. The result of this bug is due to the fact that Thunder Slash's Hit Rate was added to Iai Strike's Hit rate, resulting in Thunder Slash having a Hit rate of 0 while greatly improving the hit rate of Iai Strike, making Iai Strike far more potent than it should be and Thunder Slash completely worthless.

I always wondered about that and I always thought Iwasn't doing something properly like it would only work on electric weak enemies, but this explains it. It doesn't explain why Beatrix can use the move fine though.

Irvine is seen to shoot Sorceress Edea from front-on during the parade sequence, however moments later, when Squall drives up to her float, the float is facing directly away from their shooting position. Besides the obvious change of direction in the way the float is facing, the backing of Edea's throne would have made shooting her from that angle impossible.

I think I always notice this one too.

12-14-2009, 05:22 AM
I had no idea the sign in Tifa's bar said TEXAS o.o

12-14-2009, 05:32 AM
Irvine is seen to shoot Sorceress Edea from front-on during the parade sequence, however moments later, when Squall drives up to her float, the float is facing directly away from their shooting position. Besides the obvious change of direction in the way the float is facing, the backing of Edea's throne would have made shooting her from that angle impossible.

The first time I noticed this one back in the day, I began to laugh hysterically.

12-14-2009, 10:27 PM
Yeah, some of that was definitely nitpicking, or just outright wrong (yes, it does state why Baron wanted Mist destroyed in FF IV. Very clearly). but hey, nitpicking is what FF fans seem to be best at.

Also, a really obvious one is missing from the list. In IV, Kain is convincing Cecil to keep going after the package turns out to be a bomb, because after all, "We must rescue Rosa!" Correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe I missed some NPC who would have shed light on this or something, but don't we have no idea that anything bad has happened to Rosa until they get to the next town? That one has bugged me every time I played it.

f f freak
12-14-2009, 11:09 PM
Also, a really obvious one is missing from the list. In IV, Kain is convincing Cecil to keep going after the package turns out to be a bomb, because after all, "We must rescue Rosa!" Correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe I missed some NPC who would have shed light on this or something, but don't we have no idea that anything bad has happened to Rosa until they get to the next town? That one has bugged me every time I played it.
I'm pretty certain that just before that they said about how they would fight Baron together and they would need allies. I think that Kain meant that they needed to rescue Rosa from Baron, in case they tried to use her to get to Cecil and Kain.
I could be wrong I don't remember that scene a great deal but I have a feeling that would be what was meant.

Wolf Kanno
12-15-2009, 03:55 AM
The DS version of IV clears both those inconsistencies up, its up front about why Baron wanted the Summoners killed and after the Bomb Ring incident, Kain and Cecil talk about teaming up with Rosa to stop Baron.

12-16-2009, 05:23 PM
Irvine is seen to shoot Sorceress Edea from front-on during the parade sequence, however moments later, when Squall drives up to her float, the float is facing directly away from their shooting position. Besides the obvious change of direction in the way the float is facing, the backing of Edea's throne would have made shooting her from that angle impossible.

If this was IMDB, I'd place that in the "Incorrectly Regarded as a Goof" section.

I noticed this long before I read this, and was going to include it in my article (and still will). It's not a goof, it is done deleberatly - it's more forshadowing to the orphnage scene. Think about it, Irvine knows who Edea is. His line about "not wanting to go down in history" is an excuse, but when Squall talks him out of it, he has no choice, so he is forced to shoot, but he aims away from the target - which doesn't matter because Edea casts protect anway.

Forsaken Lover
12-16-2009, 06:30 PM
What article are you writing?

And it looked like that bullet would hit her to me.

12-16-2009, 07:51 PM
What article are you writing?

And it looked like that bullet would hit her to me.

It will take sometime, but it is an article on the orphanage scene, as I feel it is given more hate than it deserves, and my article will focus on why it works and had a lot more forshadowing than it seamed.

I understand why you'd think that as it is pretty fast, I may have interpetted it, but for now I don't don't think so (I will double check).

12-16-2009, 08:41 PM
Irvine is seen to shoot Sorceress Edea from front-on during the parade sequence, however moments later, when Squall drives up to her float, the float is facing directly away from their shooting position. Besides the obvious change of direction in the way the float is facing, the backing of Edea's throne would have made shooting her from that angle impossible.

If this was IMDB, I'd place that in the "Incorrectly Regarded as a Goof" section.

I noticed this long before I read this, and was going to include it in my article (and still will). It's not a goof, it is done deleberatly - it's more forshadowing to the orphnage scene. Think about it, Irvine knows who Edea is. His line about "not wanting to go down in history" is an excuse, but when Squall talks him out of it, he has no choice, so he is forced to shoot, but he aims away from the target - which doesn't matter because Edea casts protect anway.

I dont understand your reasoning, it doesnt explain the fact that there would be a giant throne blocking his shot

YouTube - Final Fantasy VIII - Sorceress Edea's Parade (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmyKzTyaOq4#t=3m53s)
YouTube - Final Fantasy VIII - 9 Boss Seifer & Edea (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AfGhOCQllI)

He would have had to have had throne piercing bullets and x-ray vision or extreme luck to make that shot.

12-17-2009, 06:53 AM
Irvine is seen to shoot Sorceress Edea from front-on during the parade sequence, however moments later, when Squall drives up to her float, the float is facing directly away from their shooting position. Besides the obvious change of direction in the way the float is facing, the backing of Edea's throne would have made shooting her from that angle impossible.

If this was IMDB, I'd place that in the "Incorrectly Regarded as a Goof" section.

I noticed this long before I read this, and was going to include it in my article (and still will). It's not a goof, it is done deleberatly - it's more forshadowing to the orphnage scene. Think about it, Irvine knows who Edea is. His line about "not wanting to go down in history" is an excuse, but when Squall talks him out of it, he has no choice, so he is forced to shoot, but he aims away from the target - which doesn't matter because Edea casts protect anway.

I dont understand your reasoning, it doesnt explain the fact that there would be a giant throne blocking his shot

YouTube - Final Fantasy VIII - Sorceress Edea's Parade (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmyKzTyaOq4#t=3m53s)
YouTube - Final Fantasy VIII - 9 Boss Seifer & Edea (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AfGhOCQllI)

He would have had to have had throne piercing bullets and x-ray vision or extreme luck to make that shot.

I second this. I believe you have read that wrong or you don't quite understand what the paragraph is trying to point out.

12-26-2009, 02:48 PM
I re-read it, and yes. i did missinterperet it. I didn't realize that it was more based on the angel of the float and throne which would a slight (if irrelovent) plothole.

I thought that it meant Irvine's actual aiming - which wouldn't have hit Edea either way. Sorry for the confusion.