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12-23-2009, 02:06 AM
;_________; (http://forums.eyesonff.com/feedback-forum/128910-i-am-no-longer-invisible-tattletale.html)

So this reminded me of a good friend in high school who told me that when he was a little kid his mom threw away all of his G.I. Joes on Christmas Eve. Possibly the most evil, abusive mother on the planet.

Anyway, topic: what do you love dear that you couldn't have, or was taken away from you unjustly? Share your bitter stories and plots for revenge.

12-23-2009, 02:14 AM
I used to have this teddy bear that I got when I was 2 and carried around with me all the time,and as I grew up I still kept it around,although it's eyes had fallen out,the head had been ripped off a few times and the stuffing was bursting through all the seams.
It was still a pretty important aspect of my childhood so I always kept it safe.
One day,my mom brought over my step-grandmother to clean my room,and she ended up throwing away the teddy bear because she felt it was broken and I didn't need it anymore.
I'll be bitter about it forever:mad2:

12-23-2009, 02:18 AM
When I got my SNES for Christmas, my grandma decided that since I had that that she'd give my Atari and all like 50 games to Good Will. ;_________________________;

12-23-2009, 04:11 AM
Someone stole my NES and all of my games (~75) when I was a kid. Also my brother sold my SNES.

12-23-2009, 05:26 AM
I've had approximately 2000 worth of anime, 200 in video games, and 100 in other movies jacked from me all in one go. ;_;

Agent Proto
12-23-2009, 05:30 AM
I remember when my mom got rid of the SNES when my brothers and I got our N64. It was a sad time, because there were games I still played with it. :( My parents don't understand.

12-23-2009, 06:20 AM
I remember when my mom got rid of the SNES when my brothers and I got our N64. It was a sad time, because there were games I still played with it. :( My parents don't understand.

Yeah, what the fuck is with adults?? Jesus.

Still not over the loss of my Atari. :(

12-23-2009, 10:15 AM
I've mentioned this a few times before. A few years ago my memory card with all my FFXII data was stolen from me. I had almost all the hunts and trophies and whatnot and even found a trophy that wasn't in the guide. I was this close to beating a Final Fantasy 100% for the first time. I'm still angry about it. :mad2:

I also had an entire collection of Star Wars action figures (and I mean entire. AT-ST's, bases, carrying cases, a sand speeder, figurines, the works) sold in a garage sale for the low low price of $10.

DAMN YOU MOM! :crying2:

12-23-2009, 01:52 PM
I've had approximately 2000 worth of anime, 200 in video games, and 100 in other movies jacked from me all in one go. ;_;

OMG the horror and the pain!!!

My black motorcycle jacket.. My brother swiped it from my closest.... He then lost it somewhere!! T_____T

12-23-2009, 02:10 PM
When I went away to college, I had to leave my X-Box 360 in my room, since there wouldn't really be a place for it since I wasn't sure if I could XBL in my dorm room.

I find out coming back home for the holidays that my parents had decided to give it to my brother, because someone picked on him at school. Not to be confused with letting him borrow. Gave it.

And now it's been his ever since? :greenie:

EDIT: Similarly, they took my other laptop. This I cared less about, but the intentions are pretty dick. To their credit, they eventually struck up a bargin that they could keep my other laptop as long as they paid this retarded bill of repair I had on my current laptop for damaged that had never occured (lol Dell, amirite), which was fine for me since they had already took it anyway.

I dunno, maybe we have conflicting attitudes, because my Mom was in a household of three children (my god the thought!) and my Dad has a brother only a year older, so they're super used to sharing and think it's natural, since they had to share their one bike between the two/three of them and such. Whereas I get kind of annoyed when my property is taking from me, because I still don't know how to share well. I never really learned, since my brother was pretty autistic growing up, so it's not like we interacted as a normal brother-sister pairing.

It's pretty bad when your boyfriend, an only child who didn't really interact with his cousins that much, is better at sharing than you are!

Madame Adequate
12-23-2009, 02:53 PM
I'm a downright Syndicalist next to Rye!

When I was a kid I was given a PC. I loved my PC, I played it a lot.

One day it broke. My dad took it to fix it. Some weeks later I asked when I was getting it back and he said "Never, you play it too much."

I don't know exactly what it was that my parents had against video games, because there was literally nothing else which they restricted in such a fashion, regardless of how much of it I did. But there we go. I was super upset and angry about that, mostly because it was done in such a conniving way.

12-23-2009, 02:54 PM
Oh, I don't know. There are many things I've borrowed to friends that have since been lost, or that I just haven't gotten back yet.
I've also learnt not to borrow my brother stuff, since he has a track record of losing them.

But seriously what is it about parents and them taking away their kids' gaming consoles? My parents have asked me several times if I wouldn't like to give my little sister my PlayStation 1 console, since "I don't play on it anymore anyway". Everytime they've asked I've just been like "NOOOO WTF!!" They'd never understand.

12-23-2009, 02:59 PM
My parents never let me get a super nintendo, even if I used my own money to buy one. My first console was a PS2 and that was when I was 16 years old.

Shattered Dreamer
12-23-2009, 04:12 PM
Parents will never understand! Getting barred from gaming was one of my parents favorite punishments for me growing up & god knows it worked every time!

One thing that annoyed me recently was my parents gave my nephew all my original Power Rangers toys (I had ever action figure from the original series except the Green Ranger & Dragon Zord:(). My nephew is a little douche bag who breaks stuff, is constantly misbehaving & is just an all round pain in the a$$! I heard he's already broken a few of them :crying:

12-23-2009, 04:31 PM
When I was little I had a Genesis with Mortal Kombat 2, Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles. Guess what happened next: Yard Sale. Thirty bucks for all of that. I miss my Genesis.

And there was the time my external stopped working. It had a butt load of anime and games and po--other anime and games. I went away for the weekend and my sister didn't shut it off or anything and it got hot and I think that's what did it. My big computer stopped working shortly afterwards too.

12-23-2009, 07:03 PM
Wtf is it with parents randomly giving away older consoles? Do they not realize that each has different games and you can play with more than one? Thankfully mine were not like that, but I've heard a lot of the same sort of stories.

I don't know exactly what it was that my parents had against video games, because there was literally nothing else which they restricted in such a fashion, regardless of how much of it I did.

I think that generation views video games stereotypically as a "lesser" form of entertainment, like watching TV all the time. My mom was the same way (as in, thinking of restricting TV or games if I was bad), but ended up not bothering because I wouldn't care if I couldn't play video games for a week or whatever, because I could just read -- and books she wouldn't restrict.

12-23-2009, 07:08 PM
My parents tried to take away my stuffed animal to get me to stop sucking my thumb, but apparently I threw a fit. I just vaguely remember this; in fact I still remember that toy being 'lost' and being amazed when I found it years later. hehehe, suckers.

Also, I don't really mean this, but I just can't help myself.

<span style ="font-size: 72pt; font-weight:bold;">QQ</span>

12-23-2009, 07:49 PM
Back when I still gave a :bou::bou::bou::bou: about animals, my mom told me to get my cats together and I did. Then a cousin takes them and drives off. So my mom made me help get rid of my cats without telling me that's what I was doing.

Truly devastating was me playing with Barbies when I was younger :bigsmile: I got a whole lot of them from another family member and was all happy. Within a few days, my mom tore off all their heads and blamed my brother for it. I didn't find out until much later she was the one who did it and I never heard an answer as to why. It was an attempt to prevent The Gay, I imagine.

I find it funny I could own all these "action figures" but not that. I had a damn Chun-Li. That's Asian Barbie.

12-23-2009, 09:30 PM
Truly devastating was me playing with Barbies when I was younger :bigsmile: I got a whole lot of them from another family member and was all happy. Within a few days, my mom tore off all their heads and blamed my brother for it. I didn't find out until much later she was the one who did it and I never heard an answer as to why. It was an attempt to prevent The Gay, I imagine.

I'm sorry, but that's hilarious.

Loony BoB
12-24-2009, 04:09 PM
They once limited my internet access. I had a job, so I just went to the netcafé in town. Heh.

The Last Oath
12-24-2009, 04:46 PM
95% of my beastwar toys, including the original optimus primal, dinobot etc. All i got left today (and kept SAFE and PROTECTED) is transmetal 1 Cheetor, Silverbolt and Armadellow. :(.. So cut about Optimus Primal. (The original monkey one)