View Full Version : Perfect Play-through

Marshall Banana
01-07-2010, 06:32 PM
The GameFAQs guide for a "perfect game" is kind of insane, so I only skimmed through it. Collecting 99 of every item is not what I had in mind!

Anyway, I want to attempt this. My list:

Yuffie and Vincent acquired http://s107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/pixel/check.gif
Max stats and levels (excluding Aerith, because she isn't a permanent character)
All side quests completed
All items and equipment acquired
All Limit Breaks acquired (including Aerith's)
All Materia acquired
All magic spells and abilities acquired
All Enemy Skills acquired (and on each Enemy Skill Materia)
All optional bosses defeated http://s107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/pixel/check.gif
Date with Barret http://s107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/pixel/check.gif
Breed a Gold Chocobo http://s107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/pixel/check.gif

I feel like I'm forgetting something, so fill me in, if I am. The only game in which I've done everything possible is Kingdom Hearts, I think.

01-07-2010, 07:03 PM
I just didn't try for the date with Barrett.
I'm not of that persuasion, although I'm not prejudiced.I didn't like the concept.

I thought you could try to date Yuffie as well. Although I used her I didn't like her as a person so I didn't try to date her either.

Good luck.

01-07-2010, 07:19 PM
Are you going for one set of Master Materia or more?

Dignified Pauper
01-07-2010, 07:22 PM
Um, the date barret quest is the only requirement for a perfect play-through

01-07-2010, 08:07 PM
just according to that guide.


01-07-2010, 08:17 PM
Why the Cait Sith requirement? It seems an arbitrary non-accomplishment. The game is not so difficult that using any particular character gives you a significant disadvantage.

That being said, #2 should keep you busy. And #5 too, at least on the first disc. Good luck!

Marshall Banana
01-07-2010, 08:43 PM
Why the Cait Sith requirement? It seems an arbitrary non-accomplishment. The game is not so difficult that using any particular character gives you a significant disadvantage.
Just because he's my favorite.

Are you going for one set of Master Materia or more?
I don't remember much about them, but I do remember that they come up late in the game (I think).

Wolf Kanno
01-07-2010, 10:07 PM
I never tried the date with Barret, I should do that when I do another playthrough a few years down the road. The only requirement I have yet to accomplish to me disdain is acquire every item because the Speed Coaster is a pain in the ass to do without Turbo Fire and acquiring a gaming peripheral to acquire a single item doesn't work for me. :colbert:

01-07-2010, 10:37 PM
I don't remember much about them, but I do remember that they come up late in the game (I think).

Well, you are given a full set of master materia for defeating Emerald Weapon, but you can also obtain a master materia for mastering all of the materia of one kind (e.g., a master magic materia for having all magic materia mastered) - a potentially unlimited supply, if, y'know, you don't have a life. I had one playthrough many years ago where I tried to master everything for a second set (got the first from Emmy) but got distracted. KotR is a pain in the ass.

Marshall Banana
01-07-2010, 11:40 PM
Sounds painful!

01-08-2010, 01:25 AM
Doesn't say much about mastering materia. Depending on how truly insane you want to be it could be:
1 mastered materia of each,
3 of each, one for each party member
8 of each, one for ever playable character
16 of each, so you could fill a character up completely of each
48 of each, so you could fill your party up with each
128 of each, so you could fill up every possible slot with a single type. (I don't know if there is a limit on your inventory)

My point is that from what I've seen people who are interested in 100% complete games always think of something more ridiculous that would be required to consider it 100%.

01-08-2010, 03:40 AM
Sounds painful!

Yeah, seriously. I started hating Magic Pots, especially when they wouldn't show up.

Rad Bromance
01-08-2010, 04:28 AM
No FFVII file is truly perfect until you've made Chocobuckle do 9999 damage. :hat:

Dignified Pauper
01-08-2010, 04:51 AM
No FFVII file is truly perfect until you've made Chocobuckle do 9999 damage. :hat:

true story.

01-08-2010, 05:22 AM
And here I thought WK's facetious suggestion of getting Chocobuckle up to 2222 in order to easily get Lucky 7777's was ridiculous. I wonder how long 9999 would take. I'd probably shoot myself first.

Marshall Banana
01-08-2010, 09:21 AM

Effect - Non-elemental damage to a single target. Damage is equal to the number of battles you have run from.
Pros - In theory you can do 9,999 damage with this skill. However, better uses are getting it to 1,111 or 2,222 damage to inflict easy Lucky 7's on yourparty.
Cons - Takes a VERY long time to power up, somewhat of a pain to learn too.
Mp Cost - 3mp
Can learn from - Chocobos [Chocobo Tracks]
I like it!

Wolf Kanno
01-08-2010, 10:05 AM
And here I thought WK's facetious suggestion of getting Chocobuckle up to 2222 in order to easily get Lucky 7777's was ridiculous. I wonder how long 9999 would take. I'd probably shoot myself first.

I may never know, I die a little on the inside every time I run from battle so I usually choose death for my party instead. True Fact. :colbert:

01-08-2010, 02:58 PM
If you played an Enemy Skill Only challenge, Chocobuckle dealing 9999 would be perfect, if only you would be allowed to equip Chocobo Lure to find a chocobo...

By the way, I don't think Chocobuckle is a pain to learn, but powering it up sure is. Well, you can get a turbo controller and give your chars 8 combos of Sneak Attack + Exit (Lv. 1), but it would probably still take weeks...

01-08-2010, 03:15 PM
I'm guessing emulator + frame skip is frowned upon for this kind of thing as well. :shifty:

That is usually how I accomplish my insane game accomplishments. Kind of cheating but, seeing as it actually makes it enjoyable enough for me to do it at all I, it is a moot point.

01-08-2010, 03:25 PM
And here I thought WK's facetious suggestion of getting Chocobuckle up to 2222 in order to easily get Lucky 7777's was ridiculous. I wonder how long 9999 would take. I'd probably shoot myself first.

I may never know, I die a little on the inside every time I run from battle so I usually choose death for my party instead. True Fact. :colbert:

I concur.

Marshall Banana
01-08-2010, 03:47 PM
So, Chocobuckle is even more tedious than Zidane's Thievery?

01-08-2010, 07:42 PM
Damage = [# of successful Steals * Zidane's Speed / 2]

Effect - Non-elemental damage to a single target. Damage is equal too the
number of battles you have run from.

If I recall an end game speed in FFIX was arround ~40, so you only need to steal 500 times, a far cry from running from battle 9999 times.

01-09-2010, 01:52 AM
Right now I got a semi perfect play-through. I got 1+ of every item, All the materia mastered, 255 max stats on 4 characters, All enemies defeated, So much money numbers can't describe, all players at level 99, max time (99:59), Every enemy skill, All different colored chocobos (yes I kept them), and all limit breaks.

Its a lot harder then you'd think to do most of that. I got 8 master magic and master summons, 16 master commands.

01-09-2010, 02:17 AM
I got 8 master magic and master summons, 16 master commands.

Holy crap. I don't even want to think about how much time that took. Mastering KotR seven times?

Rad Bromance
01-09-2010, 03:45 AM
I got 8 master magic and master summons, 16 master commands.

Holy crap. I don't even want to think about how much time that took. Mastering KotR seven times?
Back when I was a nieve 12 year old who thought if I saw something on the internet, it must be true, I read an elaborate "revive Aeris" rumor that said you have to master KotR eight times and equip them all to the Ultima Weapon then go back to the area where Ultima first appears over that lake and fight another weapon called the "Holy Weapon".

I actually did it. :sweat:

01-09-2010, 04:22 AM
Ok, I thought krissy's 12-year-old belief of having to level up Aerith to 99 in order to save her was amusing. But your story really takes the cake. I realize that there probably wasn't much else in your 12th year besides FF7 random battles (did you at least use the W-Item trick and Magic Pots?), but that is hilarious.

01-09-2010, 06:31 AM
Back when I was a nieve 12 year old who thought if I saw something on the internet, it must be true, I read an elaborate "revive Aeris" rumor that said you have to master KotR eight times and equip them all to the Ultima Weapon then go back to the area where Ultima first appears over that lake and fight another weapon called the "Holy Weapon".

I actually did it. :sweat:

:eek: That is incredible! You, sir, deserve an award for this!

01-09-2010, 09:15 AM
I mastered KOTR like 4 times before I even knew of the W-item glitch. Stealing from Tonberry and those horse and rabbit ear creatures were the only source of elixers I had. Time went by a lot faster once I knew the glitch. Magic pots rule. I always set my Save point in that area cause I spend days there.

01-09-2010, 12:53 PM
I tried for 99 of every item playthrough, but got bored having to fight the Ultima Weapon over and over again for the drops. Also even with a turbo controller I'm so bad at Speed Square I never got the Parasol, let alone the Flayer.

Marshall Banana
01-09-2010, 01:58 PM
Also even with a turbo controller I'm so bad at Speed Square I never got the Parasol, let alone the Flayer.
During my last play-through, it took me, like, twelve hours of attempts to score over 5000 points, but I did it - and without cheating!


01-09-2010, 01:58 PM
I'm not sure if I even had the patience to master one KoTR! Mastering 8 is... quite amazing xD

Oh yeah, and I don't think I ever got the Parasol or the Flayer from Speed Square.

01-09-2010, 05:17 PM
Here's one you guys can all try:


01-09-2010, 10:54 PM
Also even with a turbo controller I'm so bad at Speed Square I never got the Parasol, let alone the Flayer.
During my last play-through, it took me, like, twelve hours of attempts to score over 5000 points, but I did it - and without cheating!


I did another go at it a few months ago after playing Halo a lot and I did it no problem. I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it but it was a pleasant surprise. I did it like 4 or 5 times in a row.

Rad Bromance
01-09-2010, 11:53 PM
(did you at least use the W-Item trick and Magic Pots?)
Were those the things in the Northern Crater that say "Gimme Elixer!"? If so, yes. I fought those, and used the W-Item dupe trick for the elixirs and put the KotR on the Apocalypse sword I believe, which has triple growth.

I don't recall how long it took but I think I'd go insane if I attempted it today. :greenie:

Madame Adequate
01-19-2010, 03:14 PM
There's always some nutcase who wants to do things even more crazily than before xD Best of luck though. Cait Sith is so love that NOT using him is hard mode for me though :(

I once got over 6000 on the Speed Square :cool:

01-23-2010, 09:11 PM
I mastered Knights one time and always ended up using a gameshark every other time.

01-24-2010, 01:15 AM
Yes, the amount of AP given throughout the course of the game is unacceptable to me. I use a Gameshark when playing through and mastering Materia, too.

Marshall Banana, is there a reason that you want to use Cait Sith as much as possible? Is it the Limit Break or do you just like the character?

01-28-2010, 01:59 AM
Anyway, I want to attempt this. My list:

Yuffie and Vincent acquired easy
Max stats and levels (excluding Aerith, because she isn't a permanent character) easy for anyone who cares
All side quests completed easy (except for Kalm Master Materia)
All items and equipment acquired why would anyone care?
All Limit Breaks acquired (including Aerith's) easy
All Materia acquired easy (except for Kalm Master Materia)
All optional bosses defeated I still can't beat the Weapons.
Date with Barret haven't tried this
Cait Sith used as often as possible why?
All Enemy Skills acquired (and on each Enemy Skill Materia)

Are you serious about the Enemy Skills? How does that work? There's like two or so skills you don't encounter again after acquiring your last E. Skill Materia and Reflect casts don't work if I remember correctly.

01-28-2010, 12:32 PM
You can learn E. Skills on two materia at once, provided they are equipped on the same character in slots with growth and as long as they have the same E. Skills on both.

You have to postpone fighting Goda until you have all four and then equip two of them on Yuffie to learn Trine.

For some reason only the first Dragon Zombie you encounter in the right fork path of the Northern Crater uses Pandora's Box as a deathmove, so double equip two E. Skills on one character and one on each of the others.

There aren't much in the way of constriants on learning the others, although getting Midgar Zolem down in HP to cast Beta gets trickier the more powerful you party gets.

Obviously you can't get some without Manipulate, while others require one E. Skill to trigger the monster to cast another.

My favorite trick: casting Death Force on my party when facing Death Dealers, who can cast Roulette that randomly kills itself or the party. The neat part is I also cast it on the Death Dealer itself, so even if it hits itself with the spell, it won't die and can keep on going until everyone has learned it.

01-28-2010, 04:17 PM
But I thought you weren't allowed back onto Glacier Mount to battle the Stilva for Magic Breath. Is there another monster that uses it?

01-28-2010, 05:22 PM
Sure, just manipulate the Parasites in the Northern Crater.

01-28-2010, 10:22 PM
Yeah, the Northern Crater is a cornucopia of E. Skills, both new and old.

This is the sort of thing nobody would ever get on a first playthrough unless they were very lucky or looked it up in advance.

Marshall Banana
03-13-2010, 03:05 PM
I finally have this game! I borrowed it from someone.

Marshall Banana
03-29-2010, 08:58 AM
I didn't want to post again until I had crossed off at least one thing on my list! So far, I've acquired Yuffie and Vincent and earned the date with Barret, and Aerith has learned all of her Limit Breaks! Earning the date with Barret was easier than I expected it to be. It was everything I hoped for, too (never seen it before tonight)! http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/emoticons/heart.gif

I guess I'll attempt to win the Parasol in Speed Square again; then, I think, I'll do the side quest in Wutai. I don't think it's proper to do that particular side quest on disc two. It would be really cruel of Yuffie to steal her comrades' Materia so soon after Aerith was stabbed and killed, don't you think?

03-29-2010, 04:08 PM
lol. Riotous. That's great.:p


Effect - Non-elemental damage to a single target. Damage is equal to the number of battles you have run from.
Pros - In theory you can do 9,999 damage with this skill. However, better uses are getting it to 1,111 or 2,222 damage to inflict easy Lucky 7's on yourparty.
Cons - Takes a VERY long time to power up, somewhat of a pain to learn too.
Mp Cost - 3mp
Can learn from - Chocobos [Chocobo Tracks]
I should already have this unless the damage is divided by 10... then I have a ways to go.

If you played an Enemy Skill Only challenge, Chocobuckle dealing 9999 would be perfect, if only you would be allowed to equip Chocobo Lure to find a chocobo...

I don't recall ever encountering a Chocobo w/o Chocobo Lure.

Right now I got a semi perfect play-through. I got 1+ of every item, All the materia mastered, 255 max stats on 4 characters, All enemies defeated, So much money numbers can't describe, all players at level 99, max time (99:59), Every enemy skill, All different colored chocobos (yes I kept them), and all limit breaks.

Its a lot harder then you'd think to do most of that. I got 8 master magic and master summons, 16 master commands.I don't know about the items. I don't have ever E.Skill so I don't know if that counts toward mastering materia. Don't care too much for stats. All enemies defeated? (don't know what that means) Plenty of money. All characters 99 (I think). 99:59:59 is easy. All chocobos and all Limit Breaks (including Aerith's before she died.)

Back when I was a nieve 12 year old who thought if I saw something on the internet, it must be true, I read an elaborate "revive Aeris" rumor that said you have to master KotR eight times and equip them all to the Ultima Weapon then go back to the area where Ultima first appears over that lake and fight another weapon called the "Holy Weapon".

I actually did it. :sweat:

:eek: That is incredible! You, sir, deserve an award for this!
SHAIT! Brownie Button Pendant!

I tried for 99 of every item playthrough, but got bored having to fight the Ultima Weapon over and over again for the drops. Also even with a turbo controller I'm so bad at Speed Square I never got the Parasol, let alone the Flayer.
I've the Parasol

(did you at least use the W-Item trick and Magic Pots?)
Were those the things in the Northern Crater that say "Gimme Elixer!"? If so, yes. I fought those, and used the W-Item dupe trick for the elixirs and put the KotR on the Apocalypse sword I believe, which has triple growth.

I don't recall how long it took but I think I'd go insane if I attempted it today. :greenie:I love Apocalypse.

There's always some nutcase who wants to do things even more crazily than before xD Best of luck though. Cait Sith is so love that NOT using him is hard mode for me though :(

I once got over 6000 on the Speed Square :cool:

Marshall Banana
03-29-2010, 11:54 PM
8000!? Geez!

I just won the Umbrella in Speed Square! Took eleven tries. For some reason, I thought it was called "Parasol," too. Oh, well! Same thing!

03-30-2010, 12:01 AM
I hope you still have the Chupons A, B and C. In my save data I have every item as much as possible - without the W-Item glitch which is nothing but a cheat - so of course I have 99 Bagrisk Claws as well and Key Items like the Chupons. But I suppose you do not collect as much items as you can find, so 99 when it is possible?

No FFVII file is truly perfect until you've made Chocobuckle do 9999 damage.

Indeed. And Vincent's ultimate weapon has to glitch for a perfect save data.

03-30-2010, 06:28 PM
8000!? Geez!

I just won the Umbrella in Speed Square! Took eleven tries. For some reason, I thought it was called "Parasol," too. Oh, well! Same thing!

Unfortunately, I got this score fairly early on and you have to continually beat your score to earn the prizes... needless to say, I got screwed. For subsequent playthroughs, I had to really monitor my scoring process and as I struggle to beat my own scores, I start to wonder how the hell I got that high.

Indeed. And Vincent's ultimate weapon has to glitch for a perfect save data.What does that mean?

03-30-2010, 06:55 PM
Indeed. And Vincent's ultimate weapon has to glitch for a perfect save data.What does that mean?

In case you get Vincent's damage high enough with his ultimate weapon because you have beaten 65535 enemies Final Fantasy VII is confused because of the damage calculation and the high stats. You don't even have to beat 65535 monsters. It is enough to beat very, very much and use a lot of Hero Drinks. Than the Death Penalty glitches and when you attack your enemy, Final Fantasy VII says something like "||||" instead of "9999" and your enemy - no matter if Ruby WEAPON, Emerald WEAPON, Safer Sephiroth or everyone else is automatically defeated.

So for the perfect save data I mean you have to beat 65535 enemies of course. It is the maximum to count. But then his ultimate weapon will definitely glitch.

And Vincent is not the only one. Barret's Missing Score has the same glitch as well. Just use a lot of MASTER materia and Hero Drinks - but Barret's weapon glitch is not necessary for a ultimate save data because his weapon damage is not calculated by beating monsters so it does not matter if you beat 65535 monsters with him. His glitch will only happen with all these materia and the strength increasing Hero Drink items.

03-30-2010, 07:02 PM
I think Umbrella is the name the English language version chose and Parasol is just an alternate translation of the Japanese word. Either way, they essentially have the same meaning.

03-30-2010, 07:04 PM
I think Umbrella is the name the English language version chose and Parasol is just an alternate translation of the Japanese word. Either way, they essentially have the same meaning.

I am no native speaker but isn't the umbrella just used when it rains and the parasol to protect yourself from the sunlight?

Kawaii Ryűkishi
03-30-2010, 08:46 PM
Yes, the "sol" in parasol refers to the sun.

The Japanese name from the weapon is "Umbrella" (anburera), same as in the localization.

03-30-2010, 09:50 PM
I've seen guides listing it either way. Since I never got it, I didn't know which version appears in the English version.

I've heard parasols historically predate umbrellas, although the construction is similar. Certainly the latter can serve as the former, but not necessary vice versa, depending on the material.

03-31-2010, 05:36 PM
I don't remember having an Umbrella in my game. I'm pretty sure it was called Parasol. That's how it's listed in my game guide. Now I've got to reload my save file and find out.

Hot Shot
03-31-2010, 07:48 PM
Shouldn't playing without a party member being KO'd or a game over be a part of it? Because I knew one guy who would start the game all over again if he had a Game Over. Personally, I think these 'Perfect' Games takes the fun out of it so I never attempt such things.

03-31-2010, 07:53 PM
Shouldn't playing without a party member being KO'd or a game over be a part of it? Because I knew one guy who would start the game all over again if he had a Game Over. Personally, I think these 'Perfect' Games takes the fun out of it so I never attempt such things.

You cannot check how many times you were GAME OVER so it does not matter. Other than the Desert Rose and the Earth Harp for example. You get them once and the Chocobo and the Materia more than just once but the proof you got the items is that the WEAPONs are gone and the Kalm traveller has vanished to start his journey.

03-31-2010, 09:46 PM
Daaayuum, Marshall Banana! Good luck with all that! :)