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01-13-2010, 12:42 PM
Do you think it's acceptable to dog ear the pages of your books, or are you in the camp that hates it when people do that? For the interest of it being in General Chat, let's just include all paper media in it, like magazines or video game guides. :greenie:

Loony BoB
01-13-2010, 01:06 PM
I don't approve of such things, personally. If other people want to do that to their books, okay. Just not anything I pay for, thanks.

01-13-2010, 01:08 PM
I will dog ear a textbook.

Loony BoB
01-13-2010, 01:14 PM
Ohhh, yeah, I used to dog-ear textbooks. :p

01-13-2010, 01:21 PM
If it's like a textbook or something I need to find references in then sure. If it's just pure reading for pleasure then not really, I'll just bookmark where I'm up to. I don't mind wearing my books out a little bit.

01-13-2010, 01:27 PM
Textbook, sure. Anything else, no.

01-13-2010, 01:52 PM
Textbooks, I'd totally do it.
Library books, I wouldn't but it's acceptable if other people did it.
Prized manga and graphic novels, HELL NO!

vinnie's mini's
01-13-2010, 02:25 PM
Absolutely not. Even if the book is old and tatty I won't do it (Would you believe I feel guilty about it xD).

When I was younger I actually went through a stage of collecting and making my own bookmarks so I normally have one on hand if needed. If I don't then I use a piece of paper.

I don't like folding my textbooks, especially if they're new/newish ones (I like that clean, just bought look :3 ) So, if I need to bookmark a certain page for a reference or whatever, then I'll use a post-it note - Certainly saves ruining the book :P

xD But thats just my opinion :omghey:

01-13-2010, 02:59 PM


^that's what lola thinks about dog-earring books. I feel that as long as there are sufficient scraps of paper lying around (which I have always found to be true), then they will pass as excellent bookmarks.

I once read a very old edition of the Wizard of Oz that someone had dog-earred. The corners were simply breaking off as I tried to unfold them.

I don't even tend to use that many bookmarks. The way we use our textbooks in engineering means that it's mostly to reference the same tables, so I can flip to them immediately very accurately.

01-13-2010, 03:27 PM
i worked in a library for 2 years. part of my training there was in preservation of texts.

not only do i refrain from dogears i am licensed to deliver beatdowns to those i see doing so.

01-13-2010, 03:29 PM
Wow, I'm shocked by these answers! I'm a bibliophile, but I dog ear all the time. The only time I don't is when I borrow a book. To be fair, I picked the habit up off my Mom. I also highlight or underline things I like and small comments in the books. A worn book is a loved book, for me (a favorite book was read so much its cover just fell off xD)

I hate most book marks - but I found really cute small magnetic paper ones that go over the top of the page so I dog ear less when I have those. But otherwise... :greenie:

01-13-2010, 03:50 PM
i just remember the page number or the book opens near the place i left off

01-13-2010, 04:12 PM
I did until I was like, ten. Then I either used the dust cover if it's a hardback or simply remembered the page number.

01-13-2010, 04:23 PM
I just grab the nearest reasonably sized object and throw it in; a pencil, a scrap of paper, a coin, a ruler, maybe even a smaller book. Sometimes if its not a heavy book I just leave it lying face down open on the page. I never dog ear but i guess im abit of a spine breaker

01-13-2010, 04:30 PM
Textbook, sure. Anything else, no.

Yes. Dog earing novels and such is a big fat no-no to me.

01-13-2010, 04:58 PM
Personal magazines, textbooks and cookbooks are allowed to be dogeared. Novels, library books, and other books not belonging to me are not.

That being said, I've dogeared one or two pages in my entire life and they were from a cookbook.

01-13-2010, 05:25 PM
You're all doing it wrong. You've got less of a case of dog-earing your textbooks than you do for books that are for pleasure reading. Textbooks can be sold back, the more unused they are, the better. But of course, I'll probably slap you if you damage my books. I couldn't care less if you disrespected your own monetary investment. That's your own damn problem.

Is it that hard to shell out all of nineteen cents for a perfectly good pack of sticky tabs or scrap paper?

Well, I shouldn't be too harsh. I used to fold the pages in my day planner so that I could know which week I was on.

Quindiana Jones
01-13-2010, 05:52 PM
i worked in a library for 2 years. part of my training there was in preservation of texts.

not only do i refrain from dogears i am licensed to deliver beatdowns to those i see doing so.

For this reason alone I'm going to start dog-earing every book I see. And it'll be a Great Dane sized dog ear.

01-13-2010, 08:35 PM
The only time I ever dog-eared was for college class books where I'd have to write something afterward (say, a review or analysis for the argument), which was a fairly common requirement for a lot of my history classes.

I mark the hell out of my law school casebooks, but only with highlighters and pens.

I don't dog-ear my personal reading, more for the reason that I just don't see the point than to try to avoid damaging them.

I Took the Red Pill
01-13-2010, 09:09 PM
of course I dog-ear my pages. it's a fucking piece of paper.

01-13-2010, 09:42 PM
I normally use a torn piece of paper as a bookmark, and I've only ever dog-eared a planner that I used as a ten-year-old boy.

Recently I made a set of bookmarks for Jesswee and myself that are all green lasery in the background and have a picture of Godot from Ace Attourny. In the foreground it says "I'MMA GET'CHU WIF MAH LASERS."

They're on card stalk and laminated, so one can actually use them.


01-13-2010, 10:16 PM
You're all doing it wrong. You've got less of a case of dog-earing your textbooks than you do for books that are for pleasure reading. Textbooks can be sold back, the more unused they are, the better.

Textbooks go into my personal library. The only ones that get sold back are the worthless ones (Chem, Handbook of Style, How to be a Successful Student [if I thought anyone would buy it, at least])

01-13-2010, 10:40 PM
I prefer using my Godot-y book mark to folding pages!

Aerith's Knight
01-13-2010, 10:45 PM
I do it all the time, even when I just read 2 pages. It's my damn book, I paid for it. If you've got a problem with it, then don't borrow it, and buy your own!

01-13-2010, 10:54 PM
I used to use bookmarks all the time until I stopped reading books. Now I don’t have the burden of creasing paper anymore.

01-13-2010, 11:04 PM
I've never even felt the need to dog-ear a book! Either way I probably wouldn't do it even if I really needed that page, I'd just find stiff to stick in there. In all kinds of books.

01-13-2010, 11:14 PM
I find it more effective to just stick something random into the page I'm currently at, like an envelope, a receipt or a note of some sort. or if it's an exciting book... I turn it upside down. :shifty:

01-14-2010, 12:19 AM
I've done it on occasion to textbooks, but not very often. I would never do it to one of my own books.

I have a few bookmarks that I can use for the various books I read at a time.

01-14-2010, 12:37 AM
I've never dog-eared once. I have fancy bookmarks! :P

01-14-2010, 12:52 AM
I actually used to make my own bookmarks.

1) Print something in dimensions you like
2) Cut it out
3) Apply packing tape (broad clear) to both sides
4) Cut the tape so that it's close to the paper, but still sealed so your bookmark is waterproof

01-14-2010, 01:25 AM
I usually bend the corners to mark my place. Dog-earing doesn't really bother me unless the book has pictures in it.

01-14-2010, 01:58 AM
I do it all the time to books I read, but if I'm borrowing something I respect their property and use a bookmark since not everybody is so carefree with their property.

01-14-2010, 02:14 AM
THIS JUST IN local internet minor celebrity Quindolen B. McGillicutty papercut to death! more on this story at 11!

01-14-2010, 08:01 AM
No, it is never acceptable to dog ear the corners of the pages on my books, I don't use bookmarks either though if friends borrow a book I will generally slip one of mine in there as well or just a folded up piece of paper with the words "I'm a bookmark, use me well" written on it then again, my friends know I'm a bit particular when it comes to books. Now some people will be sitting there thinking, "how the heck without dog earing the page or a bookmark does Iceglow remember where he is in a book?" The answer is simple, I memorize the page number by reading it aloud once even under my breath will allow me to then remember the page next time I open the book. A very useful skill learnt when living at my mom's because my darling niece Charley loved my bookmarks so much so that she wouldn't dare touch the book itself but she'd tug the bookmark from between it's pages.

01-14-2010, 08:03 AM
Absolutely under no circumstances. Why not just take a dump on the page you were at?

01-14-2010, 09:48 AM
I don't do it and I also can't bend spines until I necessarily have to due to not being able to read the damn book. If I borrow a book from the library and it has dog ears in it I have to de-dog ear them :(. It looks messy D:

Madame Adequate
01-14-2010, 11:12 AM
I don't understand why the hell people would be happy to deface a textbook but not a normal book. :confused: That really does make no sense to me. A textbook should be treated with even more respect, not less.

01-14-2010, 11:27 AM
People tend to underline, highlight and write notes all over their text books anyway so a few dog ears would be the least of their worries.

01-14-2010, 12:21 PM
I don't understand why the hell people would be happy to deface a textbook but not a normal book. :confused: That really does make no sense to me. A textbook should be treated with even more respect, not less.

Textbooks don't have equal rights, clearly.

01-14-2010, 12:22 PM
I take care of my textbooks really well, since I tend not to use them aside from assignments in the textbook. I even keep the plastic, so I can put them back in and seal them up and pretend like I never used them. The best thing about college is when I get to sell my books and get a nice $100 or so dollars.

01-14-2010, 12:33 PM
I have roughly 80 different bookmarks lying around, yet I still find myself using unbent paperclips, scraps of paper and my memory to hold the markers (yes my brain is so small it fits inside the books :monster:)

Loony BoB
01-14-2010, 01:44 PM
Most textbooks I received were paid for by the schools I was at and many were already dog-eared repeatedly anyway. I wouldn't gain any monetary benefits from such a thing, so, well, yeah.

01-14-2010, 03:46 PM
Absolutely not. Even if the book is old and tatty I won't do it (Would you believe I feel guilty about it xD).

When I was younger I actually went through a stage of collecting and making my own bookmarks so I normally have one on hand if needed. If I don't then I use a piece of paper.

I don't like folding my textbooks, especially if they're new/newish ones (I like that clean, just bought look :3 ) So, if I need to bookmark a certain page for a reference or whatever, then I'll use a post-it note - Certainly saves ruining the book :P

xD But thats just my opinion :omghey:

You're a serial killer aren't you... xD :pencil trick:

My rule of thumb.

Library Reference Books: Dog ears.
Old Magazines: Dog Ears

Everything else: Book Marks!!

Marshall Banana
01-14-2010, 06:32 PM
Absolutely under no circumstances. Why not just take a dump on the page you were at?
I plan to fold at least one page in every book I find when I visit you next!

01-14-2010, 06:34 PM
You can tell from just looking at my books, which ones have been read a billion times. They're literally coming apart at the seams and I have to hold loose sheets of paper and stick 'em back into the book as I'm reading.

I'm not gentle with my books at all. I dog ear them, I chuck 'em around, a lot of them have ink stains or marks where I spilled water, etc. Unless it's some rare edition, I don't see the point in being super careful with my books. A huge chunk of my books come from used book stores and so they're already beat up as it is, and I don't mind. Last weekend, Del Murder and I bought like 11 books for $30 at our local bookstore. If I bang up these copies, I'll just go back and drop another $30. In the scheme of things, that's really not a lot to pay to support a local business and I'm happy to do it.

01-14-2010, 07:03 PM
Yeah, I tend to buy pretty often from used book-stores/street vendors, so I'm pretty used to messy pages and stuff.

I also forgot to mention that a lot of my books have water stains because I alwwwways read in the bath tub and sometimes the corner dips in! Woops!

01-14-2010, 07:40 PM
I don't understand why the hell people would be happy to deface a textbook but not a normal book. :confused: That really does make no sense to me. A textbook should be treated with even more respect, not less.

1) For me personally, it's not a consideration of value. I don't dog-ear my own books simply because I've never seen the point in it. I don't particularly care about the condition of my personal books, and many of them are very, very worn (just no dog-eared pages). I have dog-eared pages from various books I've bought for classes because I do see a point in it -- specifically that it saves time when looking up certain passages for writing up an analysis.

2) There are different definitions of "value" that some people might apply to certain kinds of books. Regardless of the value of the books (especially for resale), their own personal books may hold such a high sentimental value that they would care more about their condition than a textbook. I don't particularly understand it (since as long as it's readable it should be fine, and you can just buy another copy of a novel for $5-10), but that seems to be some people's justification.

01-14-2010, 07:46 PM
I myself will always use a bookmark, especialy if the book I'm reading is either new or in a good condition.

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-14-2010, 07:49 PM
I use some form of bookmark, often it is merely the receipt from the purchase, or a piece of paper I find lying on my desk.

01-14-2010, 07:53 PM
Just because something isn't a big investment doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it well. Maybe you'd maltreat a low-end camera, Miriel, but I'd probably try to at least take a little care of it, because then it could go to someone else. You're supporting local economy, yes, but you're also filling landfills and denying just a little more the opportunity to read the people who can't afford to buy new books.

Same goes for books. I learned through many issues of Archie comics what happens when you set books down flat on their pages, so I never do that anymore xD

Anyways, dog-earring doesn't make sense as a place holder anyways; if you read the book subsequent times, the old dog ears will still have a small fold in them (or worse, break off entirely)!

Writing in a book may seem just as bad as folding pages, I guess, and really, I'd probably write on a piece of paper I was using as a bookmark (you guys should see the page I used for Anna Karenina. Quotes over every inch of that thing), but at least it helps to further understanding, imo

I Took the Red Pill
01-14-2010, 10:09 PM
Just because something isn't a big investment doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it well. Maybe you'd maltreat a low-end camera, Miriel, but I'd probably try to at least take a little care of it, because then it could go to someone else. You're supporting local economy, yes, but you're also filling landfills and denying just a little more the opportunity to read the people who can't afford to buy new books.have you actually found a book that was rendered unreadable or, christ, even less readable, by dog-earring? Because I haven't, and I doubt I ever will. maltreatment of a camera can result in it becoming unusable. making a small, temporary, triangular fold at the top of the page, affecting at most 5% of the page, is not analogous.

the old dog ears will still have a small fold in them (or worse, break off entirely)!no.

01-14-2010, 10:18 PM
I don't understand why the hell people would be happy to deface a textbook but not a normal book. :confused: That really does make no sense to me. A textbook should be treated with even more respect, not less.

I don't get it, either. Textbooks can be resold, even if you don't like them (especially if you don't like them), so one would think that in order to preserve the money you get back, you'd want to be as careful with the book as possible, right?

One would think that the price of the novel is only balanced by the potential of sentimental value.

have you actually found a book that was rendered unreadable or, christ, even less readable, by dog-earring?

Yes. I used to do it all the time to my books when I was younger. Then I grew up and realized that books have resale value. Though you may consider this far more destructive than what you would logically assume, it still happened.

I've had to go so far as to re-purchase the same book multiple times, one that I use for actual reading, and one just so that it looks pretty on the bookshelf. Example, I have had three copies of the Silmarillion. One I regularly read, one I marked up from the LotRish days of Starcraft (it's a long story), and one that sits on the bookshelf next to the Tolkien Reader's Companion and Children of Hurin.

Moon Rabbits
01-14-2010, 10:18 PM
Wow, I'm shocked by these answers! I'm a bibliophile, but I dog ear all the time. The only time I don't is when I borrow a book. To be fair, I picked the habit up off my Mom. I also highlight or underline things I like and small comments in the books. A worn book is a loved book, for me (a favorite book was read so much its cover just fell off xD)

of course I dog-ear my pages. it's a smurfing piece of paper.

These are me answers.

01-14-2010, 10:21 PM
You can tell from just looking at my books, which ones have been read a billion times. They're literally coming apart at the seams and I have to hold loose sheets of paper and stick 'em back into the book as I'm reading.

I c wut u did thar :ffvilaugh:

because its literature...

01-14-2010, 10:32 PM
Yeah, my dog ears always ended up undoing themselves as soon as I opened the book to the point where the pages weren't even really creased when I read it again. I can never tell where I've dog-earred previously. The only damage that I dislike doing to books is when I have them all in my purse (at any given time, I could have 3 books in my purse), sometimes a corner of the cover will bend and it makes me sad, because the covers are pretty. Unless I have to choose by translation or edition or something important, I'll almost always shell out more money to have a prettier cover. I just have to! :jess:

Hux takes books out from my personal library and he says he only noticed a slight crease in one of my books, and it was a book I read dozens of times. He scolds me, however, on my habit of facing the book down on the bed pages open, because that's supposed to hurt the spine. I do that a lot because I'm a multitasker/I have ADD and sometimes have to go between reading a page online, reading a book, and listening to music. XD

I'm sure Miriel wouldn't toss a point and shoot camera around. That's just kind of silly since they are kind of pricy as compared to a 2 dollar book at a used book store and I'm sure she wouldn't disrespect her own property that she worked hard for in her business in such a way where it wouldn't actually work anymore (drop a camera once and sometimes it's just kaput :x), that'd just be silly. I don't know what that has to do with dog-ears! :greenie:

01-14-2010, 10:52 PM
Just because something isn't a big investment doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it well. Maybe you'd maltreat a low-end camera, Miriel, but I'd probably try to at least take a little care of it, because then it could go to someone else. You're supporting local economy, yes, but you're also filling landfills and denying just a little more the opportunity to read the people who can't afford to buy new books.

Lol. Ok.

You can do whatever you want with your books. As far as I'm concerned, my books and I have a very happy relationship. Books are meant to be read, and during the course of many many readings, the books are gonna get messed up. Maybe if you only read a book once or twice, you can maintain pristine condition, but most of my books I've read 5+ times. My copy of the Silmarillion has been read like a dozen times, and it's lovingly battered. My books go everywhere with me. I carry them in my purse and I don't bother to wrap them in tissue paper or anything just to make sure the edges don't get bent. Hell, some of my books have gotten wet from bathtub mishaps. :p I'm not prissy with my stuff. Things are meant to be used. Nor do I throw away any of my books. I still have my withered copy of Little Woman from when I was a kid. I'll never throw it away, even though I have a new copy. It's a relic from a time when I used to take my books on camping trips and read them from inside a tent. The only books that have ever left my possession ares ones that I've donated to a local after school program.

And yeah, my point and shoot is MESSED up. That's what happens when you take it with you while ziplining or cenote diving or hiking through the jungles of Mexico. You'd be surprised by how resilient cameras can be. I've dropped my in the ocean before and it still worked, although it was funky for awhile. But hey, I'd much prefer my things get beat up during the course of using it and enjoying that sitting very still while very carefully holding my things to make sure they don't get damaged in any way.

01-14-2010, 11:13 PM
Lol. Ok.

You can do whatever you want with your books. As far as I'm concerned, my books and I have a very happy relationship. Books are meant to be read, and during the course of many many readings, the books are gonna get messed up. Maybe if you only read a book once or twice, you can maintain pristine condition, but most of my books I've read 5+ times. My copy of the Silmarillion has been read like a dozen times, and it's lovingly battered. My books go everywhere with me. I carry them in my purse and I don't bother to wrap them in tissue paper or anything just to make sure the edges don't get bent. Hell, some of my books have gotten wet from bathtub mishaps. :p I'm not prissy with my stuff. Things are meant to be used. Nor do I throw away any of my books. I still have my withered copy of Little Woman from when I was a kid. I'll never throw it away, even though I have a new copy. It's a relic from a time when I used to take my books on camping trips and read them from inside a tent. The only books that have ever left my possession ares ones that I've donated to a local after school program.

And yeah, my point and shoot is MESSED up. That's what happens when you take it with you while ziplining or cenote diving or hiking through the jungles of Mexico. You'd be surprised by how resilient cameras can be. I've dropped my in the ocean before and it still worked, although it was funky for awhile. But hey, I'd much prefer my things get beat up during the course of using it and enjoying that sitting very still while very carefully holding my things to make sure they don't get damaged in any way.
It is very possible to take care of your things while using them.

Use != beaten and battered

My ten-year-old copy of The Hobbit is still in very good condition and I've made it a point to read it at least once a year since I got it.

01-14-2010, 11:28 PM
Lol, Ok.

I'll respect my property and you can do whatever with yours. Maybe our different backgrounds are interfering here. None of the depression-era books I inherited from my grandma had been dropped into bathtubs, laid spine up, although one was dog-earred, and yes Keith, the dog ears did tear off when I tried to straighten them :p You're mistaken when you assume I am prissy with books and possessions. I just don't abuse them. They last longer that way! You're welcome to spend your disposable income however you like, after all.

01-15-2010, 12:06 AM
Never said or assumed you were prissy with your things, just that I'm not. But I do know you like to misinterpret things I say as insults toward yourself. Don't worry, I have really little interest in either gaining your approval or offending you.

01-15-2010, 01:27 AM
I see it this way: I wouldn't defile a dvd, video tape, painting, sculpture, etc. so why would I defile the pages of a book? Gotta respect the art -- plus bookmarks are cute.

01-15-2010, 01:33 AM
I've never dog-earred a book haha. I consistently read in the tub, too, so I have a couple water damaged ones, although putting them in the freezer can really help take out the moisture. I have a lot of really old books, but most of them are in fairly good condition.
The only books I jot things in are psychological books and text books, depending on the book.

Marshall Banana
01-15-2010, 01:53 AM

01-15-2010, 03:13 AM
Please don't hate me...

I get chocolate fingerprints in my books
I get breadcrumbs in the page cracks
I underline my favorite parts of a book
I yellow out important things in textbooks
I sometimes put books open upside down when I'm not reading them.

...and I don't feel like stopping any of the above. :D

01-15-2010, 03:56 AM
...and I don't feel like stopping any of the above. :D

You, sir, have made a powerful enemy.

Moon Rabbits
01-15-2010, 04:01 AM
I assume you all think it's a sin to fold back the front cover of a book behind it while you're reading it so only the right page is visible? Cuz I do that all the time too :jess:

Del Murder
01-15-2010, 06:50 AM
I only dog ear when I can't find a bookmark. Usually I just use a folded post-it note for a bookmark. I like to keep my books in good condition but I'm not bothered that much if they get a little beat up.

The Man
01-15-2010, 07:28 AM
I usually just remember where I left off or use receipts as bookmarks. Since I work at a book store I always have plenty of them on hand. Oddly although I hate dog-earing books I don't have as much of a problem with the spine being bent, although I don't do it as much as I used to.

01-15-2010, 08:15 AM
I ALWAYS lose my bookmarks! x.x

01-15-2010, 12:11 PM
I assume you all think it's a sin to fold back the front cover of a book behind it while you're reading it so only the right page is visible? Cuz I do that all the time too :jess:

Oh, God. Not only does that sound very damaging, but terribly impractical. I'd rather just have to keep turning the pages, it's less work and less damaging.

01-16-2010, 02:01 AM
Whether or not it's impractical depends on the position you're in when you're reading. It's definitely much more comfortable to bend the book back if you're laying on your back as you'll only use one hand to hold the book instead of two.

01-16-2010, 02:40 AM
I just remember where I stopped reading :p

01-16-2010, 10:09 AM
At the beginning of every school year, I used to get terribly nervous and didn't really know how to makes friends, so I would literally always have a book on me. I would read whenever the teacher was talking, when we were supposed to be doing school work, yada yada. I always just tore a piece of paper out of my notebook to use. But even that wasn't enough, I had to actually write 'Book Mark' on my piece of paper, and I usually doodled on it too.

I never ever dog-ear my books. I do have a habit of breaking the spines on the paper backs though. Because I usually just flip them over, and they don't want to stay down, so I bend the spine and make it stay. I'd never ever do that to my hardback books though.

I highlight the heck out of my textbooks though, and I have various post-it notes all through them. While my index is pretty good, it's easier just to flip the page with a post it note and find the highlighted section than search my index. I keep all my textbooks too. Cause yeah, no one would buy them with all my highlightedness.

I apparently really like the word 'though'.

I Don't Need A Name
01-16-2010, 08:16 PM
I won't even use bookmarks, I just remember where I am in a book. No damage what so ever!

01-16-2010, 08:43 PM
I don't read, so hah! Just kidding, I don't dog-ear at all. I have scraps of paper laying all over my desk and stuff, so I can make a quick bookmark.

01-17-2010, 06:11 AM
Whether or not it's impractical depends on the position you're in when you're reading. It's definitely much more comfortable to bend the book back if you're laying on your back as you'll only use one hand to hold the book instead of two.

I'm full capable of holding open a book with only one hand. o_O

The Man
01-17-2010, 07:17 AM
You're probably not capable of holding the hardcover of A Storm of Swords open with one hand. Some books are doorstop-sized. Just saying.

01-17-2010, 07:54 AM
Never seen it before so I couldn't say, but I've never had a problem before.

The Man
01-17-2010, 09:19 AM
It's over a thousand pages. The latest Stephen King novel is pretty smurfing heavy as well.

01-18-2010, 01:23 AM
I have it in paperback, I just have never seen the hardcover.

The Man
01-18-2010, 07:30 PM
Yeah, good book. When hardcovers get that large though it's pretty hard to hold them in one hand.