View Full Version : DoC : FFVII (help)

01-18-2010, 01:50 AM
I've asked other places but got no response. So....

I got a few questions. I have beaten the game on normal. Now I'm wondering how to level up but it seems that you only level up in the chapter you were in. For example I'm like lv 38 in the final chapter but when I go back to chapter 1 I'm still low leveled. So the question is this;

If I level up to level 99 in chapter 1 will I then be level 99 in all the other chapters?

Remember I already beat the game so I will be going to the chapters I've already beaten. So say I got to level 99 (which will be hard) can I go to another Chapter I already beaten and be level 99 there too? Or is it stuck when you beat the game?

Another question is about the Ultima Weapon. I got the model gun and its said that you can level it up into Ultima weapon. remember I'm going back to chapters I've already beaten to get stuff I missed. I went to a shop and had no luck being able to upgrade it. So the next question is;

When you get the Model gun, where do you upgrade it and can you even obtain it if you missed it on your first run of the game?

Last question is like all other questions concerning the faq that it won't let you keep stuff in older missions when you got it in later missions. The question is memory Capsules. Can you go back and get them after you beat the game? I see it saves after I find them but for some reason It seems like nothing gets unlocked.

Anyways if you can try to help me. Its starting to seem like I need to start a new game but I've already beat it so I could just leave it and play something else.[!] google_ad_section_end [/!]

01-18-2010, 09:41 PM
The game keeps 1 save for every section of every chapter. If you level up in chapter 2, and then go to an earlier point in the game, it actually loads an earlier save, so your levels will not carry over. The only way to carry over levels or items from one point in the game to a previous one is to play through again on the super-hard difficulty so that you can use New Game+.

The Model Gun can not be upgraded for quite a while. Just keep it, and it will show up as an upgradeable item about halfway to two-thirds of the way through the game.

Memory Capsules are the one thing that is saved from every playthrough. It doesn't matter when you get one. As soon as you shoot a memory capsule, it saves to your memory card and you never half to get it again.

01-19-2010, 04:38 AM
So I can't level to lv99 on chapter 1 now and be on lv99 on chapter 2/3/4/ect?

Anyways I was also wondering about the G Reports and Omega files. Can I go back and get them or will it just not save?

And btw Skyblade I really appreciate you helping me out.

01-19-2010, 02:09 PM
So I can't level to lv99 on chapter 1 now and be on lv99 on chapter 2/3/4/ect?

Anyways I was also wondering about the G Reports and Omega files. Can I go back and get them or will it just not save?

And btw Skyblade I really appreciate you helping me out.

Oh, absolutely you can. When you move from one level to the next, it autosaves your progress. The problem is only if you move backwards, because to do so you are loading a new save. When you move forward, you create new saves (and autosave over any old ones of the same section. DoC only has one save "slot" for each chapter section).

You can go back and collect anything from any previous save. But, once you do so, you can only get back to where you currently are by playing through the game regularly.

Let's look at an example. We'll split Chapter 1 into 5 saves, each save is at the beginning of a part of the chapter.

Chapter 1:
Part 1
Part 2 <= Has something we want to go back for
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 <= We are here right now

-To get the bit from Part 2, we start the game by loading the Part 2 save.
-When we finish Part 2, it autosaves everything we did to the new "Part 3" slot (since everything we did in Part 2 is now saved as we start Part 3).
-If we then go and load Part 5, it won't matter. The Part 5 save is unchanged, so it won't have the updated stuff we reacquired in it.
-To get back to Part 5 with the stuff we got from Part 2, we have to play all the way through all the parts in between. As we go through each one, it will update the autosaves for us, and when we reach Part 5, we will have everything we went back for.

This is how the G-Reports and Omega Files work, from what I remember. You can go back for them, but you have to play through everything else you've been through to get back to where you are.

And no problem. I enjoy helping out. :D

01-20-2010, 07:38 AM
Thats what I feared. I guess playing chapter 1 next time I might as well power grind cause its one of the few places I know with infinite enemy spawns. Also chapter 1 cause I'll be able to be higher level in all the missions :D.

Ok thanks again.

01-21-2010, 03:05 AM
Thats what I feared. I guess playing chapter 1 next time I might as well power grind cause its one of the few places I know with infinite enemy spawns. Also chapter 1 cause I'll be able to be higher level in all the missions :D.

Ok thanks again.

Chapter 1 is easily the best place to Power Grind. It is one of three places in the game I know of with infinitely spawning enemies, and it is far better than any of the others, due to the nature of the enemies and the game's mechanics.

In the second point with infinitely respawning enemies, it is impossible to acquire any items from them. And, without the constant supply of Potions and Hi-Potions (both of which drop with fair regularity from the enemies in Chapter 1), you will die in short order against these guys. Not to mention that since you can only engage them at range, and can't gather their items, your ammo will drain far too quickly as well.

The third point is near the end-game, and is part of a repeatable 100 enemy fight that is really not worth the trouble it would take to farm it, and it is so late that it won't do a lot of good.

Honestly, though, I'd suggest farming for gil, not exp. Convert the exp you get from your Chapter 1 farming to gil, and use it to max out your weapons and accessories, because those are going to be more useful to you than the increased stats. Then just grab exp for every other chapter.