View Full Version : Mega Man!

01-19-2010, 07:22 PM
So, because I've not played most of the classic series of Mega Man games, I figured I'd start by playing Mega Man 2. I started with Bubble Man. Unlike Mega Man 9, I was able to beat this stage on my first try. Before continuing, I decided I'd make a post detailing my progress! :p

So, what do you think of Mega Man games? Which games did you start with, and which are your favorites? Personally, I started with the X series, but I jumped from X1 to X4. I know both games by heart. :3 What about you?

01-19-2010, 07:28 PM
Gonna have to say the original series is my favorite, but I like the X and Battle Network series a lot too xD

01-19-2010, 07:30 PM
My first Mega Man game was Mega Man 4 and it was my first game ever. But Legends 1 and is my favorite game. I wasted a lot of time kicking that can and playing tag with those dogs in Old Town. Also I love the music for the final dungeon.

01-19-2010, 07:33 PM
X1-3 are awesome. Never got into the ones before or after it though, except Command Mission. :p

Also, YouTube - I Can't Defeat Air Man (Airman ga Taosenai) English Version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLzCfUM7BM8)

I Took the Red Pill
01-19-2010, 07:50 PM
The original series is awesome, but such a bitch. The Wily stages at the end are sadistic. But I find myself continuing to play them, and after hours of blood sweat and tears, beating them. :shrug:

01-19-2010, 08:20 PM
Megaman 2 was one of the first games I ever played, I've since played the rest of the nes ones as well as finishing 9, X1 and coming damn far on X2, X3 and 7. Haven't gotten around to try any others in the X series yet. After 10 I'll probably go for 8.

I enjoy the classic series more, but X1, 2 and 3 are pretty damn good too.

01-19-2010, 08:26 PM
I have a deep love for the original series, especially with all the nostalgia value. Last year I even played through some of them again on my laptop and still enjoyed them, despite the obnoxious difficulty at certain parts.

I also really like Legends (never played the second, though), but by numbers I have to give it to the original series.

Del Murder
01-19-2010, 08:30 PM
Classic all the way. I love the retro style of MM9 and soon MM10.

The X series was fun but I feel it went downhill after X2. I'm not even going to touch the later ones.

I have played all of the original series. Have yet to beat 9. My favorite is either 3 or 4, only because those were the ones I had as a kid.

In the X series I've gone at least through X4, can't remember if I played X5. Definitely haven't played any since that one.

I've never played any of the other games, unless the Game Boy games count.

01-19-2010, 09:20 PM
I voted for Mega Man Legends off the strength that it's the series that most deservedly needs a sequel. The first game was "sandbox" before the pack-mentality video game media and marketing strategists started using the word. It had fully expressive characters, a gripping story, and successfully brought Mega Man to 3d, something not all franchises have been successful at. The sidequests made it a total package - like building and pimping out your own private clubhouse. Wonderful memories.

The original series might have the tightest gameplay (save for 7 and 8) and for that reason is arguably the best "games". But partially because of what I said above, I'm discouraged that Capcom is making MM10. The formula is set in stone, you could make a million sequels and they'd all be fun, much like MM9 was, but at the end of the day they really won't mean much to the medium of gaming on a whole.

I would recommend some of you play X5, it was intended to be the final game, and ties up some holes in the Mega Man Canon. It was also a tribute to the series, chock full of references for you true Mega Man lovers.

01-19-2010, 10:40 PM
I've had two double K.O.'s in Mega Man 2 so far. First, Quick Man. I accidentally used his weakness while I was going through his boss door, so I had to kick his butt with the buster. My buster shot hit him after he killed me, and I left the level triumphantly. Second one was with the dragon. I fell while I killed it. My screen's frozen right now.


01-19-2010, 10:43 PM
Zero Fo Sho YouTube - NDS Rockman Zero Collection PV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMGP_Ok6pVo)

Will Buy. Maybe Twice.

01-20-2010, 12:00 AM
I heard about that earlier. It's a definite buy for me as well.

Edit: Mega Man 2 is beaten. I think I'll go ahead and never play it again just so I can say I never ever lost to the final boss. On to Mega Man 3!

01-20-2010, 12:53 AM
I started on the X series and I guess as such, it became my favorite series.

The classic games are good, but I just really like the style of X more.

Legends are great as well, now if only I could get my ISO's to work.

Ramza Beoulve
01-20-2010, 07:48 AM
I started with the X series, but after some years I managed to play nearly all the Megaman games to date (Except 9 and Command Mission).

Each series is excellent, but my vote goes to the Zero series, mostly because it combines the hardcoreness of the first series, and the game style of the X series, adding it's own design between. Next to them, all the others are in a tie (Battle Network and Starforce receive a third place...)

01-20-2010, 01:27 PM
I started with Mega Man X so I suppose that might be why that series is my favourite. Mega Man Legends would follow close behind with the original series close behind that. I never did play the MM Zero or ZX games though to be honest so I can't really say anything about those.

I do appreciate the original series unforgiving nature and the games are quite well designed, but I just can't put them over MMX or Legends when I look at which series I enjoy playing the most.

Flying Arrow
01-20-2010, 02:31 PM
Original. I still play through Mega Mans 2, 3 and 4 when I get stressed out. The X series isn't as good, except for the first X game, which is magnificent.

I've never had a chance to play the Zero, ZX, Battle Network or Legends games. Hell, I haven't even played 5-8 in the original series or X5-X8 in the X series.

01-21-2010, 03:48 PM
I really loved the original series as a kid. I played the crap out of them. When I first saw X I thought it was going to be an abomination. It was awesome. X2 was even better. X3 was less good and then after that it was steep decline, but I probably love the first 3 X games the most out of everything if I take of the nostalgia goggles.

01-21-2010, 04:52 PM
Mega Man 2 and X2 are two of my favorite games ever.

01-21-2010, 05:24 PM
I'm not really a Mega Fan of Mega Man. I got close to the end of Mega Man 5, but never really tried to beat any of them. In fact, Mega Man 5 is the only installment I own and we just recently got a Nintendo to go with it. (My parents bought it somehow and I had to explain that we could have merely downloaded pretty much all of our currently owned Nintendo games onto computer for free or bought a Wii and tried to get'em on there.)

I've seen pictures of "Nightmare" Zero though, so whatever game he's from has got to be good.

01-21-2010, 05:57 PM
Mega Man 2 is pretty much the best game on the NES. And it's only 500 Wii points!

black orb
01-21-2010, 06:05 PM
>>> Classic and X, all the other suck..:luca:

01-22-2010, 06:07 PM
Okay, now I've beaten Mega Man games 2-7. I enjoyed all of the games, but I think that the day where I beat 2-3 was the most enjoyable. Mega Man 4 was good, 5 was neat, and 6 was okay and remarkably easy. The hardest Mega Man game may have been 3, but definitely not 2. 2 was almost as much of a cakewalk as 6.

Edit: Whichever game had Dr. Cossack was epicsauce, but I've already forgotten which it was because they were all so similar! D:

01-23-2010, 10:38 AM
Cossack is in 4. I remember that one because toadman is an idiot who doesn't attack if you shoot him.

01-23-2010, 03:02 PM
Cossack is in 4. I remember that one because toadman is an idiot who doesn't attack if you shoot him.

Right, Toad Man. And 6 had Mr. X or some such, and 5 had Protoman.

01-23-2010, 04:19 PM
I like all the mega man games! Its so hard to choose which one is my favorite. I like Battle Network, Legends, Star Force, X, Classic the most tho. The battle network games were so much fun I loved playing them. :love: :monkey:

01-23-2010, 08:43 PM
X series is probably my overall favorite in music and style, of course I still like the classic series a lot too. Recently got to play Mega Man 9 and it was pretty nice to sit down with a nostalgic game like that (after dying the first 30 times of course). Although I've at least tried out all of the X series, there's still a few of the classic series I've never even played.

Haven't really gotten into any of the other series.

01-24-2010, 01:12 AM
My experience with the Megaman series can be described easily with the following anecdote:

A friend and I decided to play through Megaman 7 on ZSNES together when I was about sixteen years old. I had only played the Megaman X series, so I thought that this might have been a good change of pace because I heard there was a shop and some other cool elements. I had trouble getting used to the different platform elements and died right away; my friend took over on her turn and got through the entire level without a problem, but she was hit by an enemy right before the boss lair and said, "Argh, I got hit!" and finished the level without a problem.

I am not good with platforming games like Megaman, I think, but I enjoy them for what they are.

I perform a rap based on Splash Woman that I will be featuring on YouTube soon, too. Splash Woman by Random (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCJ0-hyJ-YM).

01-26-2010, 08:40 PM
X series is probably my overall favorite in music and style
I wish I could say the same. You'll probably hate my short review on the music for the Mega Man X series once you read on. :(

I perform a rap based on Splash Woman that I will be featuring on YouTube soon, too. Splash Woman by Random (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCJ0-hyJ-YM).
Very cool.

I voted for the classic series. It's definitely my favourite by far, but that's probably because I grew up with that [along with FF I and Dragon Warrior I-IV]. I believe that Mega Man 2 was also the first Mega Man game I ever played. I also love the Mega Man X series, but only 1, 2, and 3. I never played the others.

Read on ONLY if you care to read my opinions on the Mega Man games:

Mega Man 1: I actually played this game long after I played 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, but only because it's practically impossible to find. I think most fans of the classic Mega Man series might find this one to be pretty hard, because for some reason a lot of people have torn their hair out due to its demands on platforming skills.

Mega Man 2: This is notoriously one of the easiest Mega Man games out there, but it's also one of the most popular if only for its soundtrack. For an NES game, this game actually had really wonderful music that I loved as a kid. I've always loved games with a darker tone for a soundtrack and this game definitely hits the spot with that one.

Mega Man 3: Another Mega Man with a wonderful soundtrack, which has a darker tone that I enjoy. However this game has a higher difficulty setting than 2, but I wouldn't consider it to be "hard".

Mega Man 4: I liked it, but the music style got a little too "bright and cheery" for my tastes, which was annoying. I think music for games like this have a huge impact.

Mega Man 5, and 6: Hated them. They reverted back to very easy play-through, to the point where it was SO easy that it was ridiculous. The musics flat-out sucked.

Mega Man 7: SNES entry - the final boss was kinda hard, but like with all AI, has an easy pattern to master. Everyone probably feels nice once they master killing him without getting hit. Oh, and the music totally sucked. Disaster.

Mega Man 8: Playstation entry - this game was strangely fun. I have no idea what they were thinking with the music, but it all basically sounds like k-pop elevator music [which really doesn't fit the game at all, but it's pretty nice and relaxing to listen to]. The voice acting for Clown Man and Aqua Man will make anybody laugh. Funny game, but in a good way.

Mega Man 9: I think this is universally agreed upon to be the hardest of the classic series. It had some pretty nice music as well, except for the boss theme. The boss theme sounds like you're in an RPG game, with level 5 characters and you're fighting your first boss in the game - the mutated cat that escaped from the evil wizard's laboratory. Watch out for his claw attack!

Mega Man X 1, 2, 3: I loved these games a lot, but I hated almost all of the musics, except for the boss themes for X2 and X3. The stage musics in each game kept getting worse and worse, until the point where they all started to sound THE EXACT SAME AS EACHOTHER and I felt like I was literally listening to the same track over and over. The exception of course is the music for Blizzard Buffalo's stage in X3 - I loved it, though for some odd reason, it sounds almost nothing like any of the other musics from any of these three games.

Unfortunately, I haven't played any other Mega Man games!

I am not good with platforming games like Megaman, I think, but I enjoy them for what they are.
I'll force you to be good at them. We'll have to play one sometime once we finish playing our current game!

01-27-2010, 01:28 AM
I always find it odd when people say music flat-out sucks in a video game. Maybe I'm just too forgiving of stale soundtracks, but I found all of the Mega Man games' soundtracks, from 1-9 to X1-X3 to at least be decent. I don't regularly listen to many of them, but none of them made me go "Ooh nuuuuu volume down now."

01-27-2010, 08:19 PM
I always find it odd when people say music flat-out sucks in a video game. Maybe I'm just too forgiving of stale soundtracks, but I found all of the Mega Man games' soundtracks, from 1-9 to X1-X3 to at least be decent. I don't regularly listen to many of them, but none of them made me go "Ooh nuuuuu volume down now."
Music is really important to me, as is visual art. Mega Man 4 had some decent musics, but with this game and others after that, they went from very darker toned/interesting musics to happy cheery generic trash that sounds like any random amatuer music-synthesis artist could've made up. I never had the urge to "volume down now" as you said because I have some tolerance, but nevertheless I found a lot of the aforementioned musics to be quite poor and stupid sounding, especially Mega Man 7 [seriously, what were they thinking when they chose the synth instruments for this?], where the only decent stage music is Shade Man's stage.

Better musics of Mega Man:
Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1J6M9pkQ3c&feature=related)
Mega Man 2 - Quick Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-uZF2rE7dQ)
Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily's Castle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJRoRt155mA&feature=related)

Terrible Mega Man musics that I wish didn't exist:
Mega Man 7 - Turbo Man Stage [AKA Happy Sunday at the Park] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJxir0_MCGo&feature=related)
Mega Man 7 - Auto's Shop [AKA SOMEONE SHOOT THE RETARD THAT MADE THIS MUSIC] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raiYrWbD-E0&feature=related)

It's just my opinion, but ironically I feel that their older musics were a lot better than their newer ones.

01-27-2010, 08:35 PM
I think we just have a different idea of what bad music is. To me, bad music is when someone doesn't present the emotion they wanted to because they messed something up musically, like going off rhythm or putting notes together that make a bad sound. But I'm not exactly a musical scientist or anything like that, so I'm not really one to say.

Edit: To clarify, I didn't really like the style of Mega Man 5 and 6's music either. I don't like their soundtracks.

02-02-2010, 02:55 PM
IMO most of the Mega Man games had great music, with the exception of maybe MM7 (and some songs in Rockman & Forte/Megaman & Bass). Even MM8, considered a black sheep by many, had some really great tracks. The MMX series had awesome soundtracks too, but dammit, MMX2's soundtrack can tie itself up with bricks and jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for all I liked it. One of the worst soundtracks ever made.

Anyway I'm probably one of the biggest Mega Man (and Capcom) fans-- ever and this series in particular helped me get through a lot of tough times, so it's near and dear to me, much like Street Fighter (and if you doubt my fandom, you will soon see ;D).

My favorite Mega Man series, however, is not the original, but Legends. Legends was one of the best 2d-to-3d adaptations released at the time, and although it wasn't completely a Mega Man game in every sense of the word, it had many traits from the original games. Basically it was a little dude blasting the hell out of robots just like the old days, and done with great characterization, gameplay, and weapon selection. Just didn't get better than that.

Like Bolivar up above me said, it introduced a 3D sandbox world before most other games could even think to. The story part of the game was convoluted at quite a few points but mostly understandable once you put all the pieces together. Just remember: all the humans in the MML world are artificial humans called Carbons. If you remember that the story makes a lot more sense. :jess:

The characters were very well fleshed out, especially the Bonne family. Tron was a very believable rival for Rock, and had the ironic tinge of actually being in love with the guy for saving her from an angry dog named Paprika in the first game. Teisel had some crazy one-liners and was just overall comic relief. Bon was essentially just a big lovable baby.

There are many other notable characters from the series, too, such as Klaymoor, Glyde (Glyde later got his own NetNavi form in Battle Network), and Sera, who are all pretty much rivals to Rock throughout the series. Don't forget the main characters, like Rock, who have real convictions and motivations for digging, and Roll, who is a generally sweet and helpful character.

Voice acting was great, especially for a game from 1997/1998. Much better than Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X4 by far. Dang near every line is well acted and makes you emphasize with the characters that much more. I do remember all the crying about Volnutt's voice actor from the English version of the first game (Corey Sevier) being changed to Susan Roman for the second game.

Gameplay was just addictive. I mean, in the first game, having to use the L1/R1 buttons to turn was awkward at first but then you got used to it. What made the gameplay in the MML series so fun are three things: the weapons/accessories, the ruins, and the enemies, especially the boss fights. I'll touch on this at a later date.

The Legends series was mostly overlooked after the first installment. The first game sold well in Japan and sold well enough in the US to get the Greatest Hits label, while the second did moderately well in Japan and not so well in the US. Misadventures of Tron Bonne was a lead weight in the US due to Capcom lowballing the amount of copies but from what I heard did well in Japan.

In the past few years, other than some cameo appearances from the Legends characters in games like the PSX version of Pocket Fighter (Rock Volnutt/Trigger and Roll show up in the background of the Running Battle mode), Namco X Capcom, and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, where Volnutt is playable, not much mention has been made of the Legends series in past years. Its relatively small fanbase compared to other Capcom series and lack of more MML games that weren't for mobile phone are probably to blame.

Capcom did release 1 and 2 for PSP and were gonna put it out in the US but they were rejected by Sony, so no go there. There have been a few cellphone games, including one MML game that could somewhat be called a sequel, or at least a prequel, but they are all Japan-only.

However, the creator of Mega Man, Keiji Inafune, has stated a desire to do an actual third Mega Man Legends/Rockman DASH game, but has stated that the budget he'll need to do it is quite high (IIRC, it was something like US$15,000,000). So while there's a glimmer of hope for the franchise to come back, the hurdle that will need to be climbed is a high one indeed.

02-02-2010, 05:37 PM
Servebots are really cool

02-02-2010, 05:56 PM
MM7 has decent music imo. I agree Turbo Man's stage is mildly annoying but then there's the awesome opening stage theme, which is one of the most epic MM tunes ever, and then there's Shade Man's stage, which is a personal favorite of mine. Freeze Man also has a very nice theme, always gets me pumped up. The soundtrack of MM7 is better than MM5, MM6 and MM1 in the numbered series imo.

Opening theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-SXBYTgXhg)
Shade Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsgbnG7ZJ4g)
Shade Man Remix (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka5Kvv1BhR0&fmt=18) - This is the best remix of a megaman theme I've found online.
Freeze Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-_MHWEGiFA)

02-02-2010, 06:17 PM
Servebots are really cool

I approve! Servbots are cool and cute. I'm almost ashamed that I didn't mention them in my last post. :mad:

Now that somebody replied (thanks qwertysaur) I like every Mega Man series there is. Every series save maybe Legends has its bad games, though, and with each new generation of gamers, the newer something is along with the most different, the more it will be looked down upon (such as in BN and SF's cases).

This is my ranking as to my favorite series:

Star Force
Battle Network

Also I agree with Levian that there were a few good tracks in 7 (he named a few), but IMO, and only IMO, a lot of the tracks weren't that good.

02-02-2010, 06:29 PM
The X series was what I started out with, and it was pretty hard for me to try and play the original series after that just because there's so many differences.

I Took the Red Pill
02-02-2010, 07:30 PM
actually, I had completely forgotten how utterly awesome Megaman Legends was. Definitely one of my favorite PS1 games.

02-02-2010, 08:10 PM
The soundtrack of MM7 is better than MM5, MM6 and MM1 in the numbered series imo.
This isn't saying much because MM1, MM5, and MM6 soundtracks were trash. I guess Freeze Man's music was okay but too many musics in MM7 drove me nuts. They chose the poorest selection of synth instruments and the construction was also terrible.

02-02-2010, 09:34 PM
Well, it's saying that it's only surpassed by 2, 3, 4 and 9. :D But yeah, they were pretty crap indeed. Megaman 1 only had Cutman, which is awesome. Dr. Wily stage 1 is allright and maaaybe I would give them Guts Man too but that would be stretching it.

Not really any memorable tracks from MM5. Charge and Stone were OK at best.

The only decent track I remember from MM6 is Flame Man.

02-02-2010, 11:01 PM
There's also Knight Man, Blizzard Man, and Yamato Man.

And IMO MM1's soundtrack is full of win and god.

02-03-2010, 04:39 AM
There's also Knight Man, Blizzard Man, and Yamato Man.

And IMO MM1's soundtrack is full of win and god.
Really? The only music I liked from MM1 was stage 1 and 2 of Dr. Wily's castle. It was extremely good, but I didn't like the others.

02-03-2010, 03:38 PM
Elecman has really cool music too :p

02-03-2010, 09:57 PM
Yes, IMO, Khalin, most Mega Man soundtracks are pretty awesome. There are definitely some that aren't though.

The main thing with Mega Man's soundtracks is that the ones for the NES games in lots of cases did things that no other NES games could do with regards to game music, which is why the series' soundtracks are so respected.

Also, Khalin, you definitely have to play the Legends series, ZX Advent, the Zero series, and several other MM series games. Classic and X are all well and good but there's other great MM games just waiting to be played! ;D