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View Full Version : Inane time wasters

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-20-2010, 07:11 PM
Have you ever had the urge to do something so inane, so pointless, with little or no reward in a Video Game and you ask yourself: "Why the heck am I doing this?" Only to continue to attempt your goal despite the increasing frustration? If so, please share some of your latest endeavours! Feel free to also share what led you to doing it!

Currently, I am trying to catch a Feebas in Pokemon Platinum, I have tried for HOURS with no luck, yet I continue to do it. T_T I just want my own Milotic.

P.S. If someone has a bunch of extra Feebas lying around, and happen to want to be free of one, please contact me? Pretty please?

01-20-2010, 09:23 PM
I spent an hour playing Blackjack in Persona today :|

01-20-2010, 09:59 PM
the 200 lightning bolt on ffx

one time i tried to sort my tapes of tv..... i got a few hundred.....

01-20-2010, 10:08 PM
Anything in Diablo II.

Anything on Facebook.

01-20-2010, 10:16 PM
You shall receive Feebas :)

I have a whole box full of Feebas that I bred for my 'perfect Milotic'...that kind of flopped-- IV values weren't as good as I wanted them to be. They all know Splash, Surf, Ice Beam, and Mirror Coat as egg moves ;D

Anyway, yeah. Pokémon is a great time-waster.

01-20-2010, 10:27 PM
I remember when I was really into Pokémon and I spent hours trying to catch some powerful thing using a normal ball.

I also played WoW.

01-20-2010, 10:35 PM
I once decided to reach LV50 in Final Fantasy 1.
It was actually quite exciting until I was finished, when I suddenly was like "O...K...? And what now?". XD

It turned out that there was at least some sort of reason to do so - to fight Warmech.
I like when RPGs give you a clear reason to level up to the max - Final Fantasy X's Monster Arena is my favourite training ground so far, because even in the original Dark Aeon-free version you get guys like Nemesis.

01-20-2010, 11:10 PM
My most recent endeavor was filling up the Almanac in Atelier Annie. In any game with a list of stuff, I have to fill it up. Am not satisfied with a ?????? in my list.

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-20-2010, 11:11 PM
You shall receive Feebas :)

I have a whole box full of Feebas that I bred for my 'perfect Milotic'...that kind of flopped-- IV values weren't as good as I wanted them to be. They all know Splash, Surf, Ice Beam, and Mirror Coat as egg moves ;D

Anyway, yeah. Pokémon is a great time-waster.

Did I ever mentioned that I love you? :D

@Namelessfengir: I remember trying to do the 200 lightening bolt dodge, I got to like 10 and gave up. -__-;

01-20-2010, 11:37 PM
I once played Banjo Kazooie if that counts.

I really can't think of any recently. I suppose playing through Ace Combat Zero the full three times to play each level and trying to unlock the final one would probably be the thing I've been doing lately. I actually don't mind that so much though because Ace Combat is awesome and I do get to play some new levels by doing it.

01-21-2010, 12:21 AM
I just remembered something, Ritapon from Suikoden IV. I don't want to think of how many hours I wasted playing that. In my defense it was fun.

Agent Proto
01-21-2010, 12:41 AM
There are some sports games that allow you to rename players. Several times, I spent hours just renaming players. It was pretty mindless I tell you, but it's better to have players named after people you know that having the default names. ;D

01-21-2010, 12:51 AM
You shall receive Feebas :)

I have a whole box full of Feebas that I bred for my 'perfect Milotic'...that kind of flopped-- IV values weren't as good as I wanted them to be. They all know Splash, Surf, Ice Beam, and Mirror Coat as egg moves ;D

Anyway, yeah. Pokémon is a great time-waster.

Did I ever mentioned that I love you? :D

@Namelessfengir: I remember trying to do the 200 lightening bolt dodge, I got to like 10 and gave up. -__-;

Let me know if you need anything else, I have a ton of spare whatever Pokémon.

Also if anyone else wants a Feebas or Porygon let me know and we can make arrangements :3

01-21-2010, 02:04 AM
Doing the sidequests in Fallout 3. After awhile I just asked myself 'why I'm doing these repetitive quests over and over' and haven't bothered to beat the game since. : D

01-21-2010, 02:25 AM
Oh man countless hours JP grinding in FFT just because I wanted that one perfect amalgamation of a character.

I almost have the Platinum Trophy in Killzone 2, all I need are the "weekly honor ranks". This is when you rank in the top 10, 5, 3, and 1% of any given week. I started doing it once and I just can't bring myself to do it. One game of spawn campers, even if you're on their side, is enough to ruin any multiplayer session in any game for me. 7 hours a day is around what it would take... I'm not sure if I can do that.

01-21-2010, 02:32 AM
Playing through the Wily Castles felt like that earlier in Mega Man. But after beating them, I felt lovely.

01-21-2010, 05:35 AM
The majority of the fun I had in the first Assassin's Creed was just running around the cities killing people and running.

01-21-2010, 03:43 PM
Insane in the Membrane - Achievement - World of Warcraft (http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=2336)

01-21-2010, 08:04 PM
Anytime I have spent trying to improve my score on Crazy Taxi.

Markus. D
01-21-2010, 09:47 PM
going for any of the non-Mission titles in Guild Wars.

... eg. Be drunk for 4000 minutes or use 100,000 party items, barbaric numbers like that.

Meat Puppet
01-21-2010, 11:55 PM
video games

01-22-2010, 12:01 AM
Trying for so many items in Diablo II and boss runs for EXP. It was the same experience over and over. Why? Achieving a perfect score with 10 characters in 7 levels in Resident Evil 5 was one of the biggest time wasters ever.

All of Dragon Quest VIII I had this feeling. The entire time.

01-22-2010, 01:48 AM
when i was younger i looked up how to play the Titanic theme, Kakariko Village theme, and a few other random songs on the ocarina on OoT. Spent so much time trying to perfect it...

01-22-2010, 05:16 AM
The majority of the fun I had in the first Assassin's Creed was just running around the cities killing people and running.

It's really fun discretely poisoning a guard in Assassin's Creed II and then throwing money at him to attract large crowds. After a few seconds the guard starts tweaking out and swings his weapon around wildly slaughtering as many as fifty innocents with no penalty to Desmond. And since you don't desynchronize, this obviously mean Ezio actually did this!