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01-23-2010, 06:14 PM
Well my worst nightmare was after my brother forced me to watch jaws, my nightmare was where I'm trying to swim to ladders to get out of the water but the shark gets me as I grab them. Then it spilts me in half and I'm still alive in his mouth as he eats me... This is why I have a phobia of sharks now. O_O *cries*

Ever had a nightmare recently or had one you never forgot? :whimper:

01-23-2010, 06:19 PM
I don't remember the vast majority of my dreams, so any nightmares haven't stuck with me. I don't remember any nightmares since I was a kid; I've had dreams where bad stuff happens, but they didn't really frighten me.

01-23-2010, 06:54 PM
Just recently, the first one was kinda..ACII Italian-Renaissance-building-inspired. I fell back from the top of this building and as I fell all of my loved ones were killed and then thrown from the top as well. I was falling slower so saw every single face fall by. . .nasty

Last night was when I was being chased by these two superhuman people, I think. . .they wanted to destroy the world or somethign cliche like that. Me and a mate were running and it was really dark even though it's one something in the afternoon, running through the park. We were kind of caught at this really nice structure, which was kinda Greek-pillar-ish. I was held down while I watched my best mate being beaten and raped to death. . .

Dreams and nightmares mean nothing.

01-23-2010, 07:23 PM
Ha! I checked the timestamps and mine was first miss sheep lady!

01-23-2010, 09:02 PM
I've kept coming back to a really uncomfortable underground area in my dreams where strange cannibalistic creatures kill equally strange creatures from the outer world and bring them home.
There's something about the atmosphere of the place that makes it so scary, think of it as a combination of the areas from Quake 2 with the feeling of the Morlock caves from The Time Machine.

01-23-2010, 10:31 PM
Ha! I checked the timestamps and mine was first miss sheep lady!

..........:cool:.....we'll see about that..

Thinks to self: now..where is that Dr Who fellow..

01-23-2010, 10:33 PM
I had a horrible, vivid nightmare about a local cemetery some years back and the images are still seared in my brain.

I don't mind the nightmares too much though, because I have night terrors and those are far far worse. I'll be asleep and suddenly open my eyes to find... well, anything. Men attacking me, being covered in spiders, things flying around the room, dwarfs. Often times I try to run, and I black out and come to in another room. I tried to run the other night and fell directly on my space heater, I bruised my arms and breast pretty badly.

Screw you, night terrors!

01-24-2010, 12:07 AM
A rather prominent Japanese voice actor, Daisuke Gouri (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=871), committed suicide very recently. This morning, I had a nightmare that involved a bunch of the characters he's voiced.

Most notably/scarily, Heihachi from Tekken and Bass Armstrong from Dead or Alive drinking tea together.

01-24-2010, 02:56 AM
Was Yosimite Sam in there o:

01-24-2010, 04:05 AM
I recently had a nightmare that played like a rip-off of the movie Armageddon. Basically, there was an asteroid hurtling toward earth, and a few of my friends and I went up there to set up the bomb and all that. When we returned to earth, we found out that we forgot to set the timer. My dream ended as the asteroid was colliding with the planet. Biggest subconscious fail ever.

I also had a dream the other night that I didn't get accepted to Michigan State. 'Twas depressing. :p

Unbreakable Will
01-24-2010, 05:53 AM
I got drunk last night on rum and Beer 30 (supremely cheap beer that tasted like swamp water) and had the strangest (and oddly scary) dream.

I lived in a tower, not unlike Tenpenny tower in Fallout 3, and these badass lookin ogres started killing everyone and smashing the foundation. So the tower fell on me, but I survived, and I was trapped in a small room with 4 ogres who tried to eat me. It was really odd.

01-24-2010, 06:11 AM
Once I had this weird surreal dream where I was being chased by some kind of cloud/moon monster. What it was was this giant cloud-like being and it's like circle the moon and fire at me. It was scary.

There was another one where I was fighting a vampire and it cheated and bit my shadow and then I woke up.

Moon Rabbits
01-24-2010, 06:16 AM
there was no water only this grimy brown stuff everywhere and i was uuuuuuber thirsty. then i found a lake of blood and limbs and drank it and couldn't stop because i was sooooo parched. the end.

i never have normal dreams ;-; they're all horrible morbid messes.

01-24-2010, 09:15 AM
there was no water only this grimy brown stuff everywhere and i was uuuuuuber thirsty. then i found a lake of blood and limbs and drank it and couldn't stop because i was sooooo parched. the end.

i never have normal dreams ;-; they're all horrible morbid messes.

Yeah I never have normal dreams too. =/

I remember I had a dream about edinburgh and we all lived in these pods that were tiny about the size of a portable toilet. Anyway I went out and walked up a hill. As I looked down I could see this wave of lava destroying everything. So everyone quickly got into their pods, but I didn't want to so I ran higher. I turned around and all the pods melted and then I was running through burning buildings. I got to the harbor where a boat was leaving, but I don't know if I got it because I woke up...

01-24-2010, 03:37 PM
Oh, update. In my dream last night, I was still with my ex. There's a nightmare for you.

Moon Rabbits
01-24-2010, 04:58 PM
there was no water only this grimy brown stuff everywhere and i was uuuuuuber thirsty. then i found a lake of blood and limbs and drank it and couldn't stop because i was sooooo parched. the end.

i never have normal dreams ;-; they're all horrible morbid messes.

Yeah I never have normal dreams too. =/

I remember I had a dream about edinburgh and we all lived in these pods that were tiny about the size of a portable toilet. Anyway I went out and walked up a hill. As I looked down I could see this wave of lava destroying everything. So everyone quickly got into their pods, but I didn't want to so I ran higher. I turned around and all the pods melted and then I was running through burning buildings. I got to the harbor where a boat was leaving, but I don't know if I got it because I woke up...

o___O that is weird. It reminded me of a dream I had at a beach where I was up on a hill and suddenly everyone dropped dead! and then the ocean drained and it was full of dead things too.

Sometimes my dreams give me anxiety attacks D:. I woke up last night having one and I didn't even remember my dream that started it!

Dreams and nightmares mean nothing.

Also I disagree. Dreams and nightmares are made by your brain, so obviously they've got something to do with something.

01-24-2010, 06:55 PM
I've had "silent hill" like dreams for the last month almost every night. Those dreams where the weirdest things happen constantly and totally unpredictably. Mostly really creepy stuff but they're not so scary that I'd concider them nightmares.
For the last week though I've only been seeing army dreams because once you're there you dont have any outside life. Feels like I haven't slept at all because when I'm awake all I do is work out and be as correct as I can when i see a higher ranked officer and when I'm asleep ALL I DO IS WORK OUT AND BE AS CORRECT AS I CAN WHEN I SEE A HIGHER RANKED OFFICER!

01-31-2010, 05:02 PM
Ive had quite a few nightmares, but there mainly the usual that everyone gets, falling dream, loosing your teeth dream, one was loosing my gf woke up well panicked that i'd done something wrong lol! XD

but aparantly in falling dreams if you dont wake up before you hit the ground, from shock you die...thats why you always wake up. Scary to think =/