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Madame Adequate
01-26-2010, 11:23 AM
Jess mutilates herself. She uses so-called 'eyelash curlers (http://www.fashion-tips.co.uk/image.axd?picture=EyelashCurler.jpg)'. Now to me that looks like she's attempting to remove her eyelids, or is at least at risk of it. Oh, and these things come in heating versions. Like ear toasters hair curlers. Yes, something that heats up to around 100 degrees c, that close to your eye.

Also she uses a ped egg. Now I used to think a ped egg was just a rough stone for rubbing off callouses. But it isn't. It's a fucking cheese grater. (http://www.asseenontvguys.com/Productimages/PED_EGG_REPLACEMENT_BLADES.jpg) I actually felt physically sick when she used it.

Why do women inflict serious torture on themselves? :confused: I mean I thought high heels were bad enough, but amputating their eyelids, searing their eyes, grating their skin off!

01-26-2010, 11:24 AM
Eyelash curlers look like medieval torture devices

01-26-2010, 11:33 AM
Ask her to quit doing that stuff for a month and then see how she looks. Could you handle desert-feet?

I don't get eyelash curlers. If I'm looking into a girls eyes I'm not looking at her eyes' hairdo.

01-26-2010, 11:38 AM
Hahahah important thread is important *stickies*

Edit: Also yes that ped egg thing made me almost not want my breakfast anymore and I didn't even see it in use!

leader of mortals
01-26-2010, 11:40 AM
Girls do all sorts of horrible things to themselves because they don't know that we love them because they lift our mood, not our dicks.

01-26-2010, 11:52 AM
The best thing is to just sit back and pretend it's not happening and just appreciate the view once they've stopped trying to mutilate themselves :)

Unbreakable Will
01-26-2010, 12:13 PM
Ask her to quit doing that stuff for a month and then see how she looks. Could you handle desert-feet?

I don't get eyelash curlers. If I'm looking into a girls eyes I'm not looking at her eyes' hairdo.
Im with him.

But seriously, that 'Ped-Egg' looks torturous. I can't stand those Nail Filers that Nikki uses either, the sound they make is smurfing horrible. :cry:

01-26-2010, 12:58 PM
I like how they use the Ped-Egg on a balloon in the TV ads. Well, okay, thanks for that, your company will definitely be my #1 choice if I ever have a balloon which has a callous.

And seriously, eyelash curlers have always weirded me out. When I first saw a girlfriend using them, my immediate reaction was just "whoa what the living fuck is she doing? Has she lost it?"

01-26-2010, 12:59 PM
Yeah, we do some terrible things to ourselves, hey?

Like wearing 5-inch heels that're impossible to stand in, let alone walk; the afore-mentioned eyelash curlers and Ped-Eggs; waxing of the underarms and bikini line; bleaching of the hair with all sorts of chemicals; dragging said hair through rubber caps with a crocheting needle (aka. getting streaks); plucking of the eyebrows; filing of the nails; Botoxing of the skin; etc. etc.

But honestly, if you don't like it, don't watch.

Liken it to a Sunday roast. You enjoy it more if you don't cook it and go through all the preparatory stages :D

Loony BoB
01-26-2010, 01:28 PM
I have never in my life looked at a girl and thought "She's hot, yeah, but... I just don't think her eyelashes are curly enough."

Unbreakable Will
01-26-2010, 01:35 PM
I have never in my life looked at a girl and thought "She's hot, yeah, but... I just don't think her eyelashes are curly enough."
This and nails, what man really gives a smurf? I mean honestly what man thinks "Damn she's fine, but I can't get over the color clash of her fingernails and toenails."

Loony BoB
01-26-2010, 01:41 PM
To be fair, I don't personally like coloured nails, so I find it silly that girls colour their nails to look good when it does, in my opinion, quite the opposite.

01-26-2010, 02:23 PM
Beauty = Pain.

Guys and girls are both weird, just... on total complete opposite ends of the spectrum.

01-26-2010, 02:42 PM
You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

01-26-2010, 02:47 PM
You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

Word. More often I'm doing this to look good compared to other girls or overall just myself.

When I'm hanging out just with Huxley, I rarely even put make-up on, I just wear normal clothes, etc. When I'm alone or around girls, I dress up really nice. It's weird. Though I guess it's weird for guys to understand; the only time they get their mac on and dress really nice is for the ladies.

As for the ped-egg; GAHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE DESERT FEET. Oh my god, the worst sensation ever is for a calloused foot to touch a leg. The idea makes me literally as sick as the ped-egg made Huxley. That's why I do it.

I use eye-lash curlers because I have really thin short eyelashes and it's hard to see them even with mascara on. I don't use heated ones though. Not that they even get THAT hot anyway, silly boy!

01-26-2010, 02:53 PM
You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

Idd. Is to compete with the other girls. Girl gossip is vicious! While you guys endlessly call each other gay and noobcake we girls diss each other on the curliness of our lashes and the clash of colors, rough feet, etc... :cry:

Madame Adequate
01-26-2010, 03:17 PM
Hahahah important thread is important *stickies*


Ask her to quit doing that stuff for a month and then see how she looks. Could you handle desert-feet?

Yes. Yes I could.

You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

I truly do not understand women. If you are not trying to attract a mate then why would you do this sort of demented thing. As Rye said to the male mind the only possible reason to put this much effort and pain into something is if you actually get something out of it. :p And whilst cash-money or baby batter count as 'something', being bitched about in a slightly different way does not.

01-26-2010, 03:19 PM
You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable
Come on girls, admit it, you live for compliments. I understand your secret wars between women... but it's always flattering to be looked at by other guys.

01-26-2010, 03:40 PM
ped egg doesn't hurt. It's the same effect as scratching dead skin off with a loofah or fingernails xD

01-26-2010, 03:47 PM
Although these things are not done just to attract the male species, it would be a lie to say it was not done for that reason in the slightest.

I do lots of these things. lots and lots. but ped-egg? I just find them GROSS. I'd much rather moisturize my feet to keep them nice and soft then grate the skin off them.

Unbreakable Will
01-26-2010, 03:49 PM
Im with Hux, seriously, why would anyone want to go through all that trouble for nothing?

01-26-2010, 04:25 PM
Im with Hux, seriously, why would anyone want to go through all that trouble for nothing?

Cause they're suppose to give us guys boners.... And it works too!:greenie:

Loony BoB
01-26-2010, 04:40 PM
Not all the things they do, though, Rod. If a curled eyelash and a coloured nail is the difference between you getting a boner or not, then hey, whatever floats your boat. :p

As for the "we look good for the girls, not the guys" thing, I find this a little crazy. Basically what you're saying is "Yes, I'm a slave to fashion, if the fashion gods say something is 'in' then I have to have it or else girls will look at me funny." Really, are these the girls that you want to impress? You say you're competing - competing for what? The least bitchy comments behind your back by, well, bitches? Because really, bitches will bitch. It's what they do. That's why they're bitches, and that's why nobody should give half a crap what they think. If you do, you're only effectively letting them run your life.

If you do it to look respectable, good. I have no problem with obvious things - wearing nice clothes, washing your hair, a little makeup once in a while, whatever. But to colour your nails, curl your eyelashes, buy new clothes because "it's the fashion" or anything like that... that's where I get a little lost on where you're trying to get to. Of course, I generally just ignore the whole thing because, well, hey - maybe other people have different tastes to me. But for my thoughts on the pre-mentioned: Colouring your nails is ugly, curling your eyelashes is weird (but if it makes your eyes look good, I guess I can understand on some level, but still, there must be other ways, surely?) and the worst of the worst: Fashion. Fashion is an excuse for someone to sell you something that in all reality doesn't look that great. If it actually looked good, people would buy it without the need to mention 'fashion' and nobody would question why they were bought. But a lot of girls wear stupid things and look stupid for it, and then they bring up "but it's the fashion" and I just... urgh.

If guys did the same thing, girls would probably start to understand why we think it's stupid. But we aren't stupid enough to do that, so I guess they never will!

01-26-2010, 04:43 PM
Hi, I'm a girl, and I want your attention.

Unbreakable Will
01-26-2010, 04:54 PM
I think Tav is onto something ladies.

01-26-2010, 05:00 PM
Hi, I'm a girl, and I want your attention.
must resist, MUST resist :cool:

01-26-2010, 05:04 PM
Not all the things they do, though, Rod. If a curled eyelash and a coloured nail is the difference between you getting a boner or not, then hey, whatever floats your boat. :p

As for the "we look good for the girls, not the guys" thing, I find this a little crazy. Basically what you're saying is "Yes, I'm a slave to fashion, if the fashion gods say something is 'in' then I have to have it or else girls will look at me funny." Really, are these the girls that you want to impress? You say you're competing - competing for what? The least bitchy comments behind your back by, well, bitches? Because really, bitches will bitch. It's what they do. That's why they're bitches, and that's why nobody should give half a crap what they think. If you do, you're only effectively letting them run your life.

If you do it to look respectable, good. I have no problem with obvious things - wearing nice clothes, washing your hair, a little makeup once in a while, whatever. But to colour your nails, curl your eyelashes, buy new clothes because "it's the fashion" or anything like that... that's where I get a little lost on where you're trying to get to. Of course, I generally just ignore the whole thing because, well, hey - maybe other people have different tastes to me. But for my thoughts on the pre-mentioned: Colouring your nails is ugly, curling your eyelashes is weird (but if it makes your eyes look good, I guess I can understand on some level, but still, there must be other ways, surely?) and the worst of the worst: Fashion. Fashion is an excuse for someone to sell you something that in all reality doesn't look that great. If it actually looked good, people would buy it without the need to mention 'fashion' and nobody would question why they were bought. But a lot of girls wear stupid things and look stupid for it, and then they bring up "but it's the fashion" and I just... urgh.

If guys did the same thing, girls would probably start to understand why we think it's stupid. But we aren't stupid enough to do that, so I guess they never will!

I was being light hearted about it BoB, but you make a valid opinion.

I'm a designer by profession and in this harsh reality of Fashion, models need to fit into whatever clothes and most models need to have a smaller build..But we're not talking about models here..

Now I know not every outfit or makeup would make every other gal beautiful... What truly gets me is that she looks after herself health wise... Girls with curves usually does justice with me.

So if you look good in something with added flair of 'support' ie make up, then you'll get my attention

And if you look as pure as the day you were born...That'll work for me too!!

A lady on the street...while a freak in the bed! XD

01-26-2010, 05:33 PM
ped egg doesn't hurt. It's the same effect as scratching dead skin off with a loofah or fingernails xD

Yeah! It feels rather nice, actually. There is little better than using your ped-egg, then putting some lotion on your feet, putting them in some cotton socks for a few hours, and then taking them off and finding feet soft as bebez. Love it!

I do like compliments from guys. And from girls too. I like attention in general (anyone who denies they like attention is just kidding themselves, or has pretty serious anxiety), but I do really dress up more for my benefit. I have much higher standards for myself than anyone else does for me. I'm harsh on myself sometimes. :x

As for dressing compared to other girls - it's not to please other girls, to stop their bitchery, it's so I feel better than other girls. That's what girls mean, but they don't like to say it, because it sounds bad! But it's true. Nothing makes me feel better than feeling better. :aimkiss:

(Not to be confused with people thinking you're better. It's all to do with self-attitute. Get too caught up with trying to make people think you're better and you just look like someone with no confidence)

I don't need to dress up to feel better than everyone else in my boyfriend's eyes. I can tell by just the look on his face that even when I'm throwing up, my hair is a giant cloud, and when I'm wearing his sweatpants and some nasty old t-shirt than I'm prettier to him than any other girl. Though I will dress up for his benefit sometimes! That's why there's lingerie - (though that's also for feeling good yourself).

It's like that saying "The only thing better than telling your girl that she's pretty, is telling her that she's prettier than other girls." It's human nature; guys like it too when you tell them that you like them/find them sexier/find them smarter than other people, as opposed to just telling them you like them/find them sexy/find them smart. :hux:

It's the truth! Everyone is vain, even if it's not necessarily towards looks (ex: Huxley is mega-super-ultra vain about intelligence and video game skillz), but that's ok. It's natural, as long as you try to curb yourself from being a total twat about it and try to use it positively. If it weren't for our own little personal vanities, the world would just be a mediocre place with no advancements, since no one would feel the need to strive and work hard.

01-26-2010, 05:50 PM
As for dressing compared to other girls - it's not to please other girls, to stop their bitchery, it's so I feel better than other girls. That's what girls mean, but they don't like to say it, because it sounds bad! But it's true. Nothing makes me feel better than feeling better. :aimkiss:

It's like that saying "The only thing better than telling your girl that she's pretty, is telling her that she's prettier than other girls." It's human nature; guys like it too when you tell them that you like them/find them sexier/find them smarter than other people, as opposed to just telling them you like them/find them sexy/find them smart. :hux:

It's true that everyone likes this! I do too, but I don't really go out of my way to make it so (at least not consciously). My terribly uneducated guess for why girls do stuff like curl eyelashes and paint their kneecaps, or whatever it is they do these days, is quite simply that it's the norm and not fitting within certain norms makes you weird and gets you the occasional stink-eye, and few people are comfortable being that person.

Unbreakable Will
01-26-2010, 05:52 PM
Damn, next time I have a question on the female mind I'm asking Rye.

01-26-2010, 05:57 PM
There's nothing more amazing to me than a girl with callous feet. It makes me think "Rowr, I'm a girl, and my feet can withstand walking on sharp rocks!"

Not really, but I'm not exactly turned off by callous feet. If that's how your feet are, okie-dokie.

01-26-2010, 06:03 PM
The guys who have spoken about my point have all totally missed it. We're merely peacocking and competing with each other, yes, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's something that friends bond over as well as something to bitch about. It's FUN. It's creative expression. And do you really think we wouldn't find 10 more ways to be horrible to one another without the emphasis on fashion and primping rituals? Our sophisticated, nasty social circles will never fail to glean more ways to destroy one another from the media. (because the media trains people to be judgemental bitches all across the spectrum, but that's another can of worms...)

I honestly, seriously think you guys who have complained don't like the idea of us doing all this beauty ritual stuff for any reason other than to snag men because it takes importance away from you being the primary motivation for any of our selfish actions, even when we're just trying to have fun. Women who make men their primary or sole motivation for looking good are usually the insecure ones. I like my selfish actions for myself and the people I care about kthx. You are really not what I'm thinking about when I'm getting dolled up most of the time. (But, as a self-admitted feminazi, I probably care quite a bit less about "the attention of men" outside of the spectrum of "the attention of people in general" than most women.)

Why is it any worse than piercings or tats or hair gel or styling or shaving so you don't have a beard in men? It's taken to a greater extreme with us because we have more interest in it and buy into it more, yeah, but that's because we enjoy it and it's a common social bonding medium. So don't you dare claim to be less ridiculous than us. Each person has unnecessary and selfish weirdnesses that are a privelige they enjoy, being a human being in 21st century society. Let fashion slaves buy overpriced, ridiculous tat as long as they have fun doing it, whatever your personal judgements are on how it makes them look. It's our right to have stupid personal vanities in whichever field we want. We're pretty freaking lucky to live in a world where we can do things like that. I think we should take full advantage of it!

Out of argue mode, I find it interesting how nobody has spoken about women shaving their legs in this thread yet. I find leg shaving to be one of the most abhorrent and ridiculous beauty rituals that it's the norm to perform for a lady, mainly because of the motivation behind it -it's basically just rooted in the promotion of sexxxxy infantilism and money making. The idea was totally ridiculous just over 100 years ago. I feel like it's gotten way way way out of hand and it's probably the fashion that I'd like to get rid of the most. (That said, I still shave if I'm getting my legs out because I'm a big insecure hypocrite.) (Pits are kind of different because that's really a hygiene thing. Boys are gross. They're allowed to be. Because Society Says So.)

...feminazi away~! :bigsmile:

Old Manus
01-26-2010, 06:28 PM
Phew, I was thinking you were going to go the whole THE SEXIST MASCULOCRACY AND MALE MEDIA FORCE US TO GO THROUGH THIS RIDICULOUS TORTURE EVERY DAY TO MAKE US LOOK LIKE BARBIE etc etc for a second there and I might have had to smack a bitch.

01-26-2010, 06:33 PM
As for dressing compared to other girls - it's not to please other girls, to stop their bitchery, it's so I feel better than other girls. That's what girls mean, but they don't like to say it, because it sounds bad! But it's true. Nothing makes me feel better than feeling better. :aimkiss:

It's like that saying "The only thing better than telling your girl that she's pretty, is telling her that she's prettier than other girls." It's human nature; guys like it too when you tell them that you like them/find them sexier/find them smarter than other people, as opposed to just telling them you like them/find them sexy/find them smart. :hux:It's true that everyone likes this! I do too, but I don't really go out of my way to make it so (at least not consciously). My terribly uneducated guess for why girls do stuff like curl eyelashes and paint their kneecaps, or whatever it is they do these days, is quite simply that it's the norm and not fitting within certain norms makes you weird and gets you the occasional stink-eye, and few people are comfortable being that person.

I seriously wish painting our knee caps was a fashion. That'd be so awesome. I'd paint mine to have ladybugs on each. :bigsmile:

Oh, one female means of torture I'll never understand is pushing back cuticles. Why is this done? When I got my nails done once, a woman did this to me and my fingers bled and hurt terribly. Keep in mind that this is coming from someone who bites their nails and their cuticles really severely.

01-26-2010, 06:35 PM
Phew, I was thinking you were going to go the whole THE SEXIST MASCULOCRACY AND MALE MEDIA FORCE US TO GO THROUGH THIS RIDICULOUS TORTURE EVERY DAY TO MAKE US LOOK LIKE BARBIE etc etc for a second there and I might have had to smack a bitch.

That's a connected but different kind of thing! That's the root of the low self-esteem in the women who make men their primary reason for looking good, imho. It's a totally different kind of beauty ritual process with a different root. It also spawns pageant mothers and Katie Prices.

01-26-2010, 06:35 PM
It's the little things we do, all added together, that make us look nice. You're not supposed to look at a girl and be able to list all the things she's done to herself to get that good looking, you're just supposed to notice that she's pretty.

I've had my male friends comment on the small amount of make-up I wear, how it's just some on my eyes. I actually wear a ton of make-up and use face stuff and groom and etc, but it just adds up to me looking good, not looking made-up. The eyelash curler makes the eyes look more open, the foundation makes the skin look smoother, the gloss makes the lips look fuller, the rouge makes the face look more lively. Etc etc.

You're not supposed to see it, but when it is there all together versus when there's no effort at all there's a big difference in hotness.

01-26-2010, 06:38 PM
Everybody cares about how they look in one way or another. Girls just tend to do more about it than guys.

Loony BoB
01-26-2010, 07:52 PM
My main complaint will always be that they do things that don't look good in the name of fashion alone. Like painting toenails. That one throw my mind so much. Why would someone want to draw attention to their toenails? To me, it just doesn't make sense. But again, maybe it's just me. Maybe other people think it makes you look good - please note I say "look good" rather than "look fashionable". But yeah. Dunno.

01-26-2010, 07:55 PM
When I try to look nice, it's usually either for Mogi or for myself. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I'm going to have a nice day, so I try to look my best to give me a little confidence boost. Some days it makes a big difference!

Oh hi BoB!

Speaking of toenails. I never use polish remover, I just let them chip off, so I don't ever buy any. My fingernails will have polish on them for like two weeks. Last August I decided to paint my toenails. I didn't think about the fact that they'd be protected by socks most of the time, so there's still a couple of specks on my big toes. They'll probably go with the next clipping.

01-26-2010, 08:05 PM
My main complaint will always be that they do things that don't look good in the name of fashion alone. Like painting toenails. That one throw my mind so much. Why would someone want to draw attention to their toenails? To me, it just doesn't make sense. But again, maybe it's just me. Maybe other people think it makes you look good - please note I say "look good" rather than "look fashionable". But yeah. Dunno.

What "looks good" is subjective so that's not really an argument against the entire beauty industry and the concept behind it, just because you don't like the way something looks. If they personally think it looks good and they enjoy doing it, why does that bother you?

Old Manus
01-26-2010, 08:29 PM
Probably because he doesn't think it looks good and doesn't enjoy seeing it

01-26-2010, 08:37 PM
Yeah but you don't hate the vidja gaems industry because they made a game of Legally Blonde or something.

01-26-2010, 08:45 PM
Yeah but you don't hate the vidja gaems industry because they made a game of Legally Blonde or something.

No, but I hate them for making 'Greatest Finds' in which you go from yard sale to yard sale in order to find the best deals...

Back onto topic, you women do some silly :bou::bou::bou::bou:. And yes, we men know you look at us and think the same thing. The problem is, to us what we do isn't really silly. So when you say we do things that are just as silly as what you do, it's somewhat confusing. Because, as I said, we don't view what we do as silly, but we view what you do as such.

It's not really as simple as saying we all do silly things when one person doesn't see what they are doing is silly. :p

I don't think I have ever used the word silly so much in my life.

01-26-2010, 08:50 PM
FYI, eyelash curling doesn't hurt. At all. I mean, you're bending hair, how does that hurt? I get that it looks all torture device-y, but 5 seconds and bam, you've got pretty curly eyelashes. It's no big deal.

It's less hassle and work and danger then say, putting on contact lenses.

And if a curling iron is ever close enough to your eyes to endanger you, you're doing something very wrong.

black orb
01-26-2010, 08:51 PM
>>> Girls are not weird they are just "different"..:luca:

01-26-2010, 09:01 PM
My reaction: who cares? It's just like using a curling iron or putting on eyeliner. Another way of making yourself look fancy. I don't do it, but I don't see how it's weird at all. Now clipping your toe nails with your mouth. That ish is weird. I saw some dude doing that on the subway a few days ago.

01-26-2010, 09:35 PM
While I wholeheartedly agree that girls are indeed weird, I find it's for reasons other than personal grooming habits. I'm actually sort of awe-stricken that so many ladies are willing to go through such lengthy routines. I have enough trouble convincing myself to shave my face twice a week.

01-26-2010, 09:41 PM
While I wholeheartedly agree that girls are indeed weird, I find it's for reasons other than personal grooming habits. I'm actually sort of awe-stricken that so many ladies are willing to go through such lengthy routines. I have enough trouble convincing myself to shave my face twice a week.
Tweezers. :bigsmile:

01-26-2010, 09:44 PM
We are weird. But atleast we look damn good when we're weird.

01-26-2010, 09:48 PM
Yeah, girls are pretty weird. I don't try to understand women though and there strange ways, too much work. :D

01-26-2010, 10:25 PM
If my girlfriend stopped wearing make-up, using a Ped Egg and curling her hair, I'd break up with her. Hell, she breaks a nail and we're done.

Marshall Banana
01-26-2010, 10:40 PM
I feel ridiculous when I'm wearing makeup, so I'm into improving my skin without it. The stuff feels awful, and blush makes me itch like crazy (I feel like I'm dying if even a little touches my skin)!

I think that eyeshadow is really cute, though. :kaoclove:

01-26-2010, 10:57 PM
Word. More often I'm doing this to look good compared to other girls or overall just myself.

When I'm hanging out just with Huxley, I rarely even put make-up on, I just wear normal clothes, etc. When I'm alone or around girls, I dress up really nice. It's weird. Though I guess it's weird for guys to understand; the only time they get their mac on and dress really nice is for the ladies.
If you were single that might mean more.

Not all the things they do, though, Rod. If a curled eyelash and a coloured nail is the difference between you getting a boner or not, then hey, whatever floats your boat. :p

As for the "we look good for the girls, not the guys" thing, I find this a little crazy. Basically what you're saying is "Yes, I'm a slave to fashion, if the fashion gods say something is 'in' then I have to have it or else girls will look at me funny." Really, are these the girls that you want to impress? You say you're competing - competing for what? The least bitchy comments behind your back by, well, bitches? Because really, bitches will bitch. It's what they do. That's why they're bitches, and that's why nobody should give half a crap what they think. If you do, you're only effectively letting them run your life.

If you do it to look respectable, good. I have no problem with obvious things - wearing nice clothes, washing your hair, a little makeup once in a while, whatever. But to colour your nails, curl your eyelashes, buy new clothes because "it's the fashion" or anything like that... that's where I get a little lost on where you're trying to get to. Of course, I generally just ignore the whole thing because, well, hey - maybe other people have different tastes to me. But for my thoughts on the pre-mentioned: Colouring your nails is ugly, curling your eyelashes is weird (but if it makes your eyes look good, I guess I can understand on some level, but still, there must be other ways, surely?) and the worst of the worst: Fashion. Fashion is an excuse for someone to sell you something that in all reality doesn't look that great. If it actually looked good, people would buy it without the need to mention 'fashion' and nobody would question why they were bought. But a lot of girls wear stupid things and look stupid for it, and then they bring up "but it's the fashion" and I just... urgh.

If guys did the same thing, girls would probably start to understand why we think it's stupid. But we aren't stupid enough to do that, so I guess they never will!


01-26-2010, 11:23 PM
Kentarou, I walk barefoot:) You don't have to scrape your callouses off, just the dead skin. Unless you loofah your feet. I don't usually xD

And I love having painted toenails. I've painted kishi's, too. Right now, they're kinda peeled off mostly, but they were purple with glitter. I don't paint my finger nails very much because it chips off too fast and tastes bad

If you were single that might mean more.
If you weren't single, that might mean more :)

I Don't Need A Name
01-26-2010, 11:56 PM
Word. More often I'm doing this to look good compared to other girls or overall just myself.

When I'm hanging out just with Huxley, I rarely even put make-up on, I just wear normal clothes, etc. When I'm alone or around girls, I dress up really nice. It's weird. Though I guess it's weird for guys to understand; the only time they get their mac on and dress really nice is for the ladies.
If you were single that might mean more.

Not all the things they do, though, Rod. If a curled eyelash and a coloured nail is the difference between you getting a boner or not, then hey, whatever floats your boat. :p

As for the "we look good for the girls, not the guys" thing, I find this a little crazy. Basically what you're saying is "Yes, I'm a slave to fashion, if the fashion gods say something is 'in' then I have to have it or else girls will look at me funny." Really, are these the girls that you want to impress? You say you're competing - competing for what? The least bitchy comments behind your back by, well, bitches? Because really, bitches will bitch. It's what they do. That's why they're bitches, and that's why nobody should give half a crap what they think. If you do, you're only effectively letting them run your life.

If you do it to look respectable, good. I have no problem with obvious things - wearing nice clothes, washing your hair, a little makeup once in a while, whatever. But to colour your nails, curl your eyelashes, buy new clothes because "it's the fashion" or anything like that... that's where I get a little lost on where you're trying to get to. Of course, I generally just ignore the whole thing because, well, hey - maybe other people have different tastes to me. But for my thoughts on the pre-mentioned: Colouring your nails is ugly, curling your eyelashes is weird (but if it makes your eyes look good, I guess I can understand on some level, but still, there must be other ways, surely?) and the worst of the worst: Fashion. Fashion is an excuse for someone to sell you something that in all reality doesn't look that great. If it actually looked good, people would buy it without the need to mention 'fashion' and nobody would question why they were bought. But a lot of girls wear stupid things and look stupid for it, and then they bring up "but it's the fashion" and I just... urgh.

If guys did the same thing, girls would probably start to understand why we think it's stupid. But we aren't stupid enough to do that, so I guess they never will!



Although BoB missed out one fact. 3/4 of make-up makes girls look pretty ridiculous. I've never understood it.

Ok, yes, eye makeup can make a girl look nicer. But foundation & concealer!? I think I would rather see a spot on a girls face than look like she's had a painter and decorater smearing plaster and polycement on there. Most lipsticks are kinda retarded as well.
And the belly button piercing baffles me.

01-26-2010, 11:58 PM
My terribly uneducated guess for why girls do stuff like curl eyelashes and paint their kneecaps, or whatever it is they do these days, is quite simply that it's the norm and not fitting within certain norms makes you weird and gets you the occasional stink-eye, and few people are comfortable being that person.
ya a bit of that.. If I get the stink eye for something I think is not true, I couldn't care less, but if I get the stink eye for something that is not "the norm" then it hurts because it feels like it's my fault.

My main complaint will always be that they do things that don't look good in the name of fashion alone. Like painting toenails. That one throw my mind so much. Why would someone want to draw attention to their toenails? To me, it just doesn't make sense. But again, maybe it's just me. Maybe other people think it makes you look good - please note I say "look good" rather than "look fashionable". But yeah. Dunno.
Is fun to paint yourself.. My kids love to do it. When they were younger all 3 loved to cover themselves with paint, now the boy is more into sports and video games but still likes to do mustaches and other stuff with a burned cork :p I guess we girls can keep on using facepaint which never ceases to be fun for us :p

01-27-2010, 12:45 AM
eye liner, mascara, eye shadow (cream), blush, concealer (if needed), and lip gloss. Tada~

01-27-2010, 01:29 AM
If you were single that might mean more.
If you weren't single, that might mean more :)


01-27-2010, 01:36 AM
Anyway, if you don't approve of feminine grooming habits, go find a girl who inhabits a tree (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364751/). Shaving is much more dangerous than sloughing your feet or curling your eyelashes!

01-27-2010, 02:03 AM
The thread title is a massive understatement.

Anyway, I agree with Daniel. I understand shaving and some makeup and even maintaining ridiculous hair, that's fine. Go nuts. But I will never understand high heels, curling eyelashes, or spending exorbitant amounts of money on fashion.

01-27-2010, 03:13 AM
On the other hand, some dudes go nuts for heels.

BJ doesn't so I almost never wear them. ^_^

01-27-2010, 05:02 AM
As long as they don't hurt themselves, starve their children in the process, etc. I guess it's... tolerable.

But personally, I prefer girls who don't use any of that stuff whatsoever (as in no makeup, no eye liner, no lipstick, no earrings, etc.). I'll admit that no earrings may be a bit too much. The more of that stuff a girl uses, the less innocent and sincere they look. To me, even if a girl pretties herself up to the max (sorry if this sounds cheesy, I didn't know how else to say it) with all that aforementioned stuff, I still wouldn't be willing to feast my eyes on her (I didn't know how else to say this part either) if she did it in a way that makes her appearance lose its innocence.

I'm hoping that some of you actually got what I was saying and I wasn't just spouting nonsense you couldn't understand.

Tofu Rocket
01-27-2010, 05:45 AM
Dunno how I feel about this topic. Personally, I enjoy the company of women who are self confident enough to go out without anything on, or in pajamas.

Although if that said woman wants to coat her eyes with shark skin make up and face with 1 pound of cover up, blush and subject her body to something that amounts to torture in order to magnify everything 100x, sure why not. Beauty radiates outward from the inside anyways but there is nothing wrong with flaunting it.

01-27-2010, 05:53 AM
The only girly things I do is wear makeup and the occasional slightly more dressy (to me, that is, probably not to some other people) clothing when I'm going out to a movie or eating. I do get my hair colored once every six months, if that even; however, I don't get mani-pedi's, I hate shopping, I hate gossip and chattering my head off with my gal-pals. I always refer to myself as "the other brother" as I have 2 brothers. Always been a tomboy and had a hard time understanding girls on certain things as well.

They baffle me sometimes.

01-27-2010, 07:25 AM
I'm far too accident prone to ever trust myself anywhere near an eyelash curler. I have a hard enough time simply using flat irons without injury...In fact, just burnt my forehead with my flat irons tonight, have a small blister :( Not to mention my inability to walk very well in heels...though I'm learning! And well, I simply prefer jeans/t-shirt or pajamas over a skirt/dress every day :D

The Last Oath
01-27-2010, 07:26 AM
to make themselves look sexy and compete with one another ;)

01-27-2010, 10:53 AM
Word. More often I'm doing this to look good compared to other girls or overall just myself.

When I'm hanging out just with Huxley, I rarely even put make-up on, I just wear normal clothes, etc. When I'm alone or around girls, I dress up really nice. It's weird. Though I guess it's weird for guys to understand; the only time they get their mac on and dress really nice is for the ladies.
If you were single that might mean more.

W-why? xD

I don't get it. I'm not sure if you're implying that I should eat my own words because I have a boyfriend or not? Being single is awesome too. I actually recommend people enjoy their time being single before they go into a long-term relationship. It really kicks ass. Though I like being taken as well.

Half the reason I have a boyfriend is probably more to do with the fact that I don't get dressed up for the purpose of every chasing guys. I don't feel the need to. If he wants to date me, he can let me know.

@Monda - I don't like blush either! My cheeks actually get really red really easily, so I don't like anything else that calls attention to it!

For the most part, I like to do things to improve my skin without make-up as well. When I'm at home, my skin glows, since I get to eat eggs and those other healthy things and use my nice moisturizer and such. Sometimes, I don't even wear any cover-up at all because I have no bags under my eyes. Unfortunately, due to my British malnutrition, the bags are back. xD

The best way that I do all this is that I always wear sun skin. No leather-skin wrinkles for me later in life!

For the most part, I don't think these routines are actually crazy or lengthy. It will tend to go something like me...

* brush my teeth and floss (everyone does this)
* washing my hair every other day, drying it for about 20 minutes. (Which is something that nearly anyone with long enough hair does anyway)
* Washing my face with this special soap liquid so I don't break out. (a lot of guys I know do this)
* Put on a bit of moisturizer. (takes all of 10 seconds)
Then if I feel like it, I'll...

* Put on make-up. That rarely takes long. 5 minutes, tops. More likely just a minute or two.

* Get dressed. (everyone does this)

It's really not that hard. I don't ped-egg very often. I get my nails done at a salon once and a while, but more often I have just my nasty little bitten nails which are impossible to paint.

I take less time to get ready than my little brother does, because he brushes his teeth for literally, ten minutes straight. I timed it once. Good for him though, I guess, he has really nice teeth.

EDIT: @Shlup. Yeah, I rarely wear heels. I brought one pair with me for when I go out to nicer places, and I've wore them all of two times. I definitely tend to wear flats more.

Madame Adequate
01-27-2010, 01:50 PM
Word. More often I'm doing this to look good compared to other girls or overall just myself.

When I'm hanging out just with Huxley, I rarely even put make-up on, I just wear normal clothes, etc. When I'm alone or around girls, I dress up really nice. It's weird. Though I guess it's weird for guys to understand; the only time they get their mac on and dress really nice is for the ladies.
If you were single that might mean more.

If you weren't a poopy-head that might mean more. :peachdance:

01-27-2010, 02:20 PM
Hux + Rye = <3

Rye-Hux= :(

01-27-2010, 03:49 PM
My reaction: who cares? It's just like using a curling iron or putting on eyeliner. Another way of making yourself look fancy. I don't do it, but I don't see how it's weird at all. Now clipping your toe nails with your mouth. That ish is weird. I saw some dude doing that on the subway a few days ago.

Hey! That's how we groom ourselves to look impressive to women!

01-27-2010, 07:23 PM
I am so glad I got all my cootie shots. :omghey:

01-27-2010, 08:21 PM
The thread title is a massive understatement.

Anyway, I agree with Daniel. I understand shaving and some makeup and even maintaining ridiculous hair, that's fine. Go nuts. But I will never understand high heels, curling eyelashes, or spending exorbitant amounts of money on fashion.

How can you understand shaving but not eye lash curling?

Shaving takes like 20 times as long, and there's like a thousand more likelihood of hurting yourself via shaving than with an eyelash curler. Of all the makeup applications, eye lash curling literally takes the least amount of time.

Acting as though it's this insane thing that girls do, now that's the weird thing.

01-27-2010, 09:18 PM
Something I've been meaning to ask...

Why is this important?

01-27-2010, 09:55 PM
The simple truth of girls being weird adds a lot of weight to the subject.

01-27-2010, 11:35 PM
The thread title is a massive understatement.

Anyway, I agree with Daniel. I understand shaving and some makeup and even maintaining ridiculous hair, that's fine. Go nuts. But I will never understand high heels, curling eyelashes, or spending exorbitant amounts of money on fashion.

How can you understand shaving but not eye lash curling?

Shaving takes like 20 times as long, and there's like a thousand more likelihood of hurting yourself via shaving than with an eyelash curler. Of all the makeup applications, eye lash curling literally takes the least amount of time.

Acting as though it's this insane thing that girls do, now that's the weird thing.
Shaving can be seen as more of a hygiene issue, whereas eye lash curling is purely cosmetic.

01-28-2010, 12:51 AM
Why would shaving be seen as a hygienic measure? There's a lot of women out there who don't shave their legs and most men don't. And most everybody except swimmers don't shave their arm hair. Shaving is almost entirely an aesthetic thing. Except for swimmers where it's a speed thing. And the nether regions which people will argue is a sex thing.

01-28-2010, 01:18 AM
Yeah, there's really nothing unhygenic about not shaving. It just means you get hairy. Shaving actually tends to lead to more issues than not, such as ingrown hairs and infected follicles.

01-28-2010, 01:49 AM
Why is this important?

Hi, I'm a girl, and I still want your attention.

01-28-2010, 05:42 AM
How can you understand shaving but not eye lash curling?

Some things are just such ubiquitous cultural standards that they're useless to fight against. Like me having to wear a tie on formal/professional occasions -- it's because doing otherwise would be very frowned upon by a lot of people. So I can understand shaving, because the majority of people do not find excessive hairiness attractive.

But eyelashes? Really? Would not bothering impact what other people think of you in the slightest?

01-28-2010, 05:50 AM
Wide-eyes are pretty universally attractive. Curling your eyelashes makes your eyes look wider. Duh.

01-28-2010, 06:55 AM
I have to admit, I didn't know eyelash curling was this ubiquitous. I think mine are flashy enough with mascara xD

01-28-2010, 06:59 AM
You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

Not really. Women do it to needlessly compete with each other and then you wonder why most guys think women are sluts. :)

01-28-2010, 07:03 AM
What's slutty about appearing pretty?

01-28-2010, 07:08 AM
What's slutty about appearing pretty?

Not getting what I am saying. There is nothing wrong with being pretty. There IS something wrong with being pretty for the sake of trying to outdo other women and compete like a pack of wild animals. I am not saying that ALL or the majority of women do this, for the record. The few that do kind of ruin it for everyone.

Whether I am a trashy place like a bar or a "sophisticated" place like a libray and a woman is overdressed, I never ever trust them. Something has to be up. Yes, everyone--male or female--goes out of their way to look good in public, but when I feel like someone (again, male or female) is doing it for the sake of some unwritten competition, it's just shallow and pointless.

No one is going to agree with me.

01-28-2010, 07:11 AM
Wide-eyes are pretty universally attractive. Curling your eyelashes makes your eyes look wider. Duh.

Yeah, really! Like, this one time I saw this girl I really liked, great body and personality, and I was about to ask her out... when I realized her eyes really could've been wider with eyelash curling. Oh well, maybe the next one.

01-28-2010, 07:15 AM
Wide-eyes are pretty universally attractive. Curling your eyelashes makes your eyes look wider. Duh.

Yeah, really! Like, this one time I saw this girl I really liked, great body and personality, and I was about to ask her out... when I realized her eyes really could've been wider with eyelash curling. Oh well, maybe the next one.

Totally. I agree with you! I was at a bar running my mad game on some chick when I suddenly realized that her eyelashes weren't long enough. I threw my drink in her face, started a bar fight, and spent the night in jail because of it! WOMEN RUIN EVERYTHING! :(

01-28-2010, 07:32 AM
Curling your eyelashes is only a marginal improvement on a girl's entire look, no one is saying that its some big whopping change, but it does make a small positive impact. And since it only takes a few seconds, I dunno why it's such a "OMG WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!" thing. Shaving is a much bigger pain in the ass than the few seconds it takes to bend some hair.

Marshall Banana
01-28-2010, 08:08 AM
I've never used an eyelash curler, so I think I will try one tomorrow!

01-28-2010, 09:43 AM
I've never used an eyelash curler, so I think I will try one tomorrow!

You should record it Monda!!

Madame Adequate
01-28-2010, 09:50 AM



01-28-2010, 10:23 AM
Curling your eyelashes is only a marginal improvement on a girl's entire look, no one is saying that its some big whopping change, but it does make a small positive impact. And since it only takes a few seconds, I dunno why it's such a "OMG WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!" thing. Shaving is a much bigger pain in the ass than the few seconds it takes to bend some hair.
There are plenty of people who would think it was gross if a girl didn't shave, people really wouldn't care if a girl didn't curl her lashes.




01-28-2010, 12:25 PM
I shave my arms sometimes! But that's because I like the feeling of smooth. My arm hairs are just that golden invisible sort of color, so they're not noticeable. I'm one of the few lucky Italian girls that don't have really dark hairy arms. XD

Though shaving is definitely mostly aesthetic, yes. Armpit shaving can be a bit more hygienic for the sole reason that having hairs in your armpits actually traps and worsens smells (or so I've read), so to shave your armpits helps reduce BO, but that aside... I personally enjoy feeling really smooth, but if pubic topiary is your thing, why not!

@ Monda - Do make sure you get a nice eyelash curler. You really wouldn't think it with something like an eyelash curler, but a few dollars makes the difference between a really awesome one (the one I used to have) and one that's crap (the one I have now. :x)

I'm not really sure what to add to this thread anymore besides small points. It's kind of a shame that the OP and most of the posts intentions were the fun-poking gentle kind of mocking of girls are weird like "girls are silly", for fun and all, and but a few posts have actually really gotten quite into the sinister "girls are stupid and don't know what's right for them" and that's why they're weird direction. I didn't know my eyelash curling would have such a bad effect!

01-28-2010, 12:34 PM
I'm starting to think some of these men are just out to complain about females, whether it's related to our habitual grooming methods or not xD

01-28-2010, 01:07 PM
There are plenty of people who would think it was gross if a girl didn't shave, people really wouldn't care if a girl didn't curl her lashes.

You're missing the whole, it only takes a few seconds thing. I do about 4 seconds on each eye. Who cares if someone doesn't curl their eyelashes, but who cares if they do? It's a teeny tiny fraction of a girl's day. There are a crapton of more silly things that girls do than eyelash curling.

Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.

01-28-2010, 01:16 PM
There are a crapton of more silly things that girls do than eyelash curling.

Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.


Agreed! Heels should be outlawed.

01-28-2010, 02:19 PM
There are a crapton of more silly things that girls do than eyelash curling.

Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.


Agreed! Heels should be outlawed.

I'll veto that law and make it mandatory for all women above 18 to wear heels! No flats allowed with few exceptions....

01-28-2010, 02:20 PM

So what's the difference between a woman and a dishwasher?


Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.

Ok, now we're in agreement. I have never understood heels.

Unbreakable Will
01-28-2010, 03:57 PM
Wide-eyes are pretty universally attractive. Curling your eyelashes makes your eyes look wider. Duh.

Yeah, really! Like, this one time I saw this girl I really liked, great body and personality, and I was about to ask her out... when I realized her eyes really could've been wider with eyelash curling. Oh well, maybe the next one.
I don't know how many times this has happened to me.

01-28-2010, 05:21 PM
There are a crapton of more silly things that girls do than eyelash curling.

Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.


Agreed! Heels should be outlawed.

I'll veto that law and make it mandatory for all women above 18 to wear heels! No flats allowed with few exceptions....

Have you ever worn heels though.

Actually i love heels because i LOVE BEING TALL MMMMMM

I never buy heels I can't walk in. Or if I do because they're just too gorgeous, I use insoles and grips and things and practise practise practise in them round the house. Chicken walking in heels removes any elegance or gravitas they would have otherwise lent you.

You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

Not really. Women do it to needlessly compete with each other and then you wonder why most guys think women are sluts. :)

I use face paint and mess around with my hair and put freakish looking rags on myself because I like the aesthetic OBVIOUSLY I SLEEP AROUND GOSH IT'S SO OBVIOUS NOW :jess:

Unbreakable Will
01-28-2010, 05:34 PM
Make me a sammich :colbert:

01-29-2010, 12:49 AM
There are plenty of people who would think it was gross if a girl didn't shave, people really wouldn't care if a girl didn't curl her lashes.

You're missing the whole, it only takes a few seconds thing. I do about 4 seconds on each eye. Who cares if someone doesn't curl their eyelashes, but who cares if they do? It's a teeny tiny fraction of a girl's day. There are a crapton of more silly things that girls do than eyelash curling.

Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.

I completely understand, but chances are it'd be overlooked. If it's not going to be noticed regardless of time it's a fruitless endeavor.

Don't shave for a week but curl your lashes, then don't curl your lashes for a week but keep shaving. I'm sure someone would notice the former and not the latter.

01-29-2010, 01:19 AM
Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.

Ok, now we're in agreement. I have never understood heels.

long legs + sexy lingerie = ohman

just sayin

01-29-2010, 02:15 AM
I did an informal poll today in the computer lab. Out of four girls, one regularly curled her eyelashes, two did on special occasions, and one had no idea (me).

one of them did say that curling lashes helps to get them out of the way, so if I'm ever going to be using a microscope again...
(seriously, I always had trouble seeing things because my lashes would get in the way)

Fun fact: There are 11 girls out of 241 mechanical engineering undergrads.

01-29-2010, 03:35 AM
I completely understand, but chances are it'd be overlooked. If it's not going to be noticed regardless of time it's a fruitless endeavor.

Don't shave for a week but curl your lashes, then don't curl your lashes for a week but keep shaving. I'm sure someone would notice the former and not the latter.
No, it will be noticed. If a girl one day doesn't curl her eyelashes and the next day she does, you're going to notice that she looks just a little bit nicer, although you may not be able to pinpoint exactly why.

And lol @ you if you think girls don't regularly go a week without shaving. :p Especially in the winter.

Oh yeah, and heels make you look hot. No question. They just huuuurt. :( I've done a massive amount of research on comfortable heels, and the only ones that I can wear for any length of time are Sofft and Cole Haan with Nike Air. But both are really expensive. :o And the super cute shoes are never comfortable. Its like some sort of conspiracy.

01-29-2010, 03:38 AM
Oh yeah, and heels make you look hot.

Dear Lord, this could be the understatement of the century.

01-29-2010, 03:44 AM
You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

Not really. Women do it to needlessly compete with each other and then you wonder why most guys think women are sluts. :)

I use face paint and mess around with my hair and put freakish looking rags on myself because I like the aesthetic OBVIOUSLY I SLEEP AROUND GOSH IT'S SO OBVIOUS NOW :jess:

See the post I made after that.

Marshall Banana
01-29-2010, 04:49 AM
You won't get away with this. BRING OUT THE BLOB FISH (or Witch of the Waste) AVATAR. Or even Edward Cullen!

01-29-2010, 08:30 AM
No, it will be noticed. If a girl one day doesn't curl her eyelashes and the next day she does, you're going to notice that she looks just a little bit nicer, although you may not be able to pinpoint exactly why.

And lol @ you if you think girls don't regularly go a week without shaving. :p Especially in the winter.

I honestly wouldn't be able to notice any change, I doubt most guys would. Secondly, I wouldn't give a damn.

I've never known a girl to not shave for longer than a couple days if she was getting laid, in fact, most girls I've been with didn't even want me to see them with their pants off if it'd been more than two days.

But I wasn't saying they don't, I'm saying it'd certainly be more noticeable than the former.

01-29-2010, 02:56 PM
I doubt most guys would.

No, we would definitely notice. Maybe not if it isn't obvious, like hair, but we notice. We just don't care enough to point it out.

01-29-2010, 05:25 PM
There are a crapton of more silly things that girls do than eyelash curling.

Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.


Agreed! Heels should be outlawed.

I'll veto that law and make it mandatory for all women above 18 to wear heels! No flats allowed with few exceptions....

Have you ever worn heels though.

Actually i love heels because i LOVE BEING TALL MMMMMM

I never buy heels I can't walk in. Or if I do because they're just too gorgeous, I use insoles and grips and things and practise practise practise in them round the house. Chicken walking in heels removes any elegance or gravitas they would have otherwise lent you.

Actually I have once on a dare. Had to walk around my friends condo and outside for at least five hours...

feet sore :yes
Legs looking sexy:HELL YES!!

Conclusion: Women should wear heels cause its worth it! :D

01-29-2010, 05:58 PM
There are a crapton of more silly things that girls do than eyelash curling.

Heels for example. Heels are the work of the devil.


Agreed! Heels should be outlawed.

I'll veto that law and make it mandatory for all women above 18 to wear heels! No flats allowed with few exceptions....

Have you ever worn heels though.

Actually i love heels because i LOVE BEING TALL MMMMMM

I never buy heels I can't walk in. Or if I do because they're just too gorgeous, I use insoles and grips and things and practise practise practise in them round the house. Chicken walking in heels removes any elegance or gravitas they would have otherwise lent you.

Actually I have once on a dare. Had to walk around my friends condo and outside for at least five hours...

feet sore :yes
Legs looking sexy:HELL YES!!

Conclusion: Women should wear heels cause its worth it! :D

My grandma used to be a hairdresser and she would have rather died than gone without heels while she was working - which she did, really long hours 6 days a week. Now her feet are in a really awful state and she's constantly in superbad pain and expensive surgery and stuff which isn't fun. So it can begin to severely incapacitate you. You're meant to vary your heel height if you wear shoes apparently :redface:

01-30-2010, 04:24 AM
My mom constantly wore shoes that killed her feet. She had to get surgery on both of them to correct that all because of a ridiculous fashion statement. She was down for weeks at a time and still has 2 big nasty scars from the surgery, but it's getting better. I'm glad I don't give a damn about how sexy my legs look because I'd rather take care of my poor feet and my posture (which is already bad) than to look hot.

01-30-2010, 09:43 AM
Scrumple I know wearing stilettos heels for extended periods are harmful and yes women should vary the heel heights.

I knew this chick who wore heels for literally 24.7!! Even while she was pregnant! ...And she never seemed to be fazed... Talk about gutsy :whaa:

01-30-2010, 10:24 AM
I doubt most guys would.

No, we would definitely notice. Maybe not if it isn't obvious, like hair, but we notice. We just don't care enough to point it out.

I call shenanigans.

01-30-2010, 04:20 PM
I call shenanigans.

You don't stare at women when they're not looking enough.

01-31-2010, 02:47 AM
I call shenanigans.

You don't stare at women when they're not looking enough.

Damn straight.

01-31-2010, 03:02 AM
I don't like how this says "girls are weird". Not all girls do this stuff. I don't even know how to use eyeshadow. I'm not good at putting on make-up. and I rarely spend more than 5 minutes in a bathroom getting ready. All I do when I wake up is brush my teeth, wash my face, and maybe...MAYBE... brush my hair, but I keep my hair short so I don't have to worry about it ever. Also, I have never in my life used a eyelash curler >_< (I don't have steady hands.) Not even if I'm going out with friends do I "get ready". But I guess I'm lucky also because I've never used a ped-egg and i have smooth soft feet cause i put lotion on them after every shower. Trust me girls! It really works! then you don't have to file or "sand" down your feet.

01-31-2010, 03:48 AM
lotion would be worse, since I use the ped egg to remove dead skin from my feet if I don't use my fingernails in the shower.

01-31-2010, 09:43 AM
Lotion helps my feet, but I really do need the ped-egg. I have really sensitive weird skin, though. :(

Eyeshadow is my favorite thing about make-up. I always love trying new colors and mixing things up. Most colors look good for most people, but I find everyone has a color that looks bad on their face. Blue looks so bad on my skin and it does nothing for my eyes, which are already a blue/green.

My new favorite color is a silvery-grey.

Madame Adequate
01-31-2010, 09:59 AM
Jesus Christ people

01-31-2010, 10:23 AM
Jesus Christ people

Let the gals be now....

Although why does eye shadow remind me of the time where my sister belched in my face while she was putting on make up! 0_o

01-31-2010, 04:50 PM
Callouses are good indicators a part of your body is under some kind of chafing; either address the chafing issue or realize your body is trying to protect itself!

The only thing weird here is how people mangle their bodies to suit an idea than find an idea which suit their bodies!

02-02-2010, 12:03 AM
I play guitar and would have permanent callouses on my fingertips if I didn't use lotion and a pumice stone. The callouses don't really help much, so I take them off.

02-05-2010, 10:39 PM

02-05-2010, 10:51 PM
Bahahaha. That never ceases to be funny. :cool:

02-05-2010, 10:51 PM
It's a pretty :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty metaphor (what lock can unlock a lock? or key lock a key?)

02-05-2010, 11:32 PM
It's a pretty :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty metaphor (what lock can unlock a lock? or key lock a key?)

I don't know what you're reading into it, but the metaphor makes perfect sense (in that the metaphor is not mixed). As everyone is taught early in life: boys have a key; girls have a lock.

02-06-2010, 01:46 AM
It's a pretty :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty metaphor (what lock can unlock a lock? or key lock a key?)

Wtf are you on about?

02-06-2010, 02:46 AM
You know I never got the double standard thing about sex either, but after reading that explanation it does make sense.

Marshall Banana
02-06-2010, 03:11 AM
I think rubah's talking about boyxboy and girlxgirl.

02-06-2010, 03:16 AM
Obviously the keys are opening a different lock and the locks are using fake or alternative keys. Duh.

02-06-2010, 05:52 AM
No really, it makes me mad, sorry I can't be more lighthearted at it.

02-06-2010, 06:16 AM
It's a pretty :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty metaphor (what lock can unlock a lock? or key lock a key?)

Typical girl crazy "logic".

Unbreakable Will
02-06-2010, 07:29 AM
Lock on lock action is totally awesome. :colbert:

02-06-2010, 09:56 AM
Idg the LOCK AND KEY metaphor because i dunno is the lock supposed to be DEFENDING PRECIOUS EGGS or something? It only works as an analogy to the long-held view that a woman's sexuality is A MAGIC SECRET THAT SHE MUST DEFEND WITH ALL HER MIGHT OR ELSE SHE'S A FAIL SLUTBAG TAINTED 4EVA, so it's a very good analogy for what he's trying to say, but he's just giving us society's view on it without giving any solid reasons for it at all. Because this thing about women having a MAGIC PRECIOUS HIDDEN FLOWER OF LOVE and that it's inherently more SACREDDDDD than a dude's sexuality or w/e is something that we should totally be over by 2010. This little metaphor is not an excuse. That viewpoint is totally counterproductive and stupid.

...feminazi away? okay i promise i'll leave for good this time :jess:

Old Manus
02-06-2010, 02:43 PM

02-06-2010, 10:55 PM
You know I never got the double standard thing about sex either, but after reading that explanation it does make sense.

There is no double standard. Guys are called "players" because they must compete with one another to get a female to pick them for sex. Women are called sluts, because they don't have to compete with anyone. Will they have to compete for the hottest/richest guy? Yes, but if the goal is just sex, they have zero trouble at all. It's the opposite for men. Women don't lower their standards for sex, men have to. Why do you think prostitution has such high monetary value for women? Because it's basic human biology, it doesn't swing that way for males. There is no way to make money as a male prostitute, unless you are outrageously attractive. So, you are called a slut because you are not "beating" out anyone else for sex, you simply are manipulating basic human biology for sexual gratification.

Completely different sex drives and motivated by different stimuli. Men are biology geared to constantly want to spread their seed, and they want as many partners as possible. More partners means greater chance their seed will be passed on. Women just want the best seed, so they are more selective of their mates. They don't want just anyone, but because men DO want anyone, women can exploit that biological difference. The reason this isn't a double standard is backed by simple biology.

02-06-2010, 11:48 PM
So? That doesn't make it wrong.

Biology says that humans can't fly, yet we do. Biology says we shouldn't stand a chance against the biggest predators, yet we do. Biology says that women should bleed out of their vags twelve times a year, and yet many of them don't.

This is the 21st century. I know it's fun to harp on sluts and slatterns, but you're essentially saying that women can't seek sexual satisfaction because they are women. You're disgusting.

02-06-2010, 11:55 PM
In all seriousness, the typical double-standard is completely bogus towards both men and women. What people choose to do with their own private lives is their business, and how many partners they have or haven't had should not in and of itself reflect on them, positively or negatively.

02-07-2010, 01:24 AM
Actually, you miss the point entirely of the statement in two ways.

The first is that no matter how many times a man uses his special dangly bits, they are largely unaffected, yet a womens 'magical place' is (At least most view it as though it is, I honestly don't know if the whole 'it get's less tight' thing is true or not, but thats what is believed to be the case anyway.) giving it the feeling of being used, and used is always less appealing then not used. And the less used it is, the better.

The second thing you miss, is it's a god damned joke women. :mad2:

Edit: I love you scrumps. ;P

02-07-2010, 01:57 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention the genius of scrumpleberry's rant. I especially like the phrases "fail slutbag tainted 4eva" and "magic precious hidden flower of love."

02-07-2010, 02:19 AM
I love playing hide-n-seek.

02-07-2010, 02:38 AM
Locks who are keys
who like keys to be locks
who do keys like they are locks
who do locks like they are keys
always should be someone you really love!

02-07-2010, 06:39 AM
Biology says that humans can't fly, yet we do. Biology says we shouldn't stand a chance against the biggest predators, yet we do.
No it doesn't, that's what brains are for.

This is the 21st century. I know it's fun to harp on sluts and slatterns, but you're essentially saying that women can't seek sexual satisfaction because they are women.
Not really, I couldn't actually care less what other people do. But there isn't a double standard.

You're disgusting.
Thank you.

02-21-2010, 02:30 AM
Girls do all sorts of horrible things to themselves because they don't know that we love them because they lift our mood, not our dicks.

:squee:this is the greatest thing i've ever read. :P

You guys think that we do this to look good for men ahahahaha that's adorable

Word. More often I'm doing this to look good compared to other girls or overall just myself.

When I'm hanging out just with Huxley, I rarely even put make-up on, I just wear normal clothes, etc. When I'm alone or around girls, I dress up really nice. It's weird. Though I guess it's weird for guys to understand; the only time they get their mac on and dress really nice is for the ladies.

As for the ped-egg; GAHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE DESERT FEET. Oh my god, the worst sensation ever is for a calloused foot to touch a leg. The idea makes me literally as sick as the ped-egg made Huxley. That's why I do it.

I use eye-lash curlers because I have really thin short eyelashes and it's hard to see them even with mascara on. I don't use heated ones though. Not that they even get THAT hot anyway, silly boy!

I think Rye has it down-pat.

the ped-egg doesn't hurt. at all. and it's actually good for you. what the ped-egg does, actually, is get the dry, dead skin off your foot. (calluses, too)

Loony BoB
02-21-2010, 11:50 AM
One thing on the whole key/lock/girl/boy/double standard thing - I don't know about you guys, but when Jude Law cheated, he was slated. When Tiger Woods cheated, he lost millions upon millions. When John Terry cheated, he lost the England captaincy.

I personally have no freaking clue where this whole "guys are applauded if they sleep with more than one girl" but it's not true from my experiences. Unless you mean outside of having relationships, in which case I view guys and girls just the same. If I was a gay, I wouldn't want to sleep with the guy who sleeps with just anyone. I don't want to sleep with the girl who sleeps around. If I were a girl, I wouldn't want to sleep with the guy/girl who sleeps around.

So maybe I'm an exception, but judging by the press and how everyone is reacting to Tiger Woods and so on, I don't think sleeping around is really considered such an amazing thing, even for guys. Unless you hang around with a bunch of jocks who think sleeping around is cool or something. But I imagine there are similar groups of girls out there, too.

02-21-2010, 11:52 AM
There is, BoB!

I don't think what Tiger Woods did was good, but he shouldn't have anyone to apologize to except for his family. What he does in his pants has nothing to do with his golf ability. :x

Ultima Shadow
02-21-2010, 01:03 PM
*checks first page*

It's a smurfing cheese grater. (http://www.asseenontvguys.com/Productimages/PED_EGG_REPLACEMENT_BLADES.jpg)


*checks last page*

*reads intense debate about key/lock metaphor*

Reaction: ...wait, is this really the same thread? =O

Men are biology geared to constantly want to spread their seed, and they want as many partners as possible. More partners means greater chance their seed will be passed on. Women just want the best seed, so they are more selective of their mates. They don't want just anyone, but because men DO want anyone, women can exploit that biological difference. The reason this isn't a double standard is backed by simple biology.

I suppose I could just respond to this with something you said yourself:

No it doesn't, that's what brains are for.

It's true that there's a biological instinct, trying to tell us what to do. But thanks to the very same brain that allows us to "fly" and "defeat strength-wise superior predators", we also have the ability/option to defy the biological logic when it comes to picking partners.

For a quick example, it has happened me twice that I've turned down a woman for the sole reason that I felt no "mental/emotional" attraction for her. That's a choice which I, according to your biological logic, shouldn't be allowed to make as a man since my sole goal should be "spreading the seed".

The biological instincs give us a certain direction, but we DO have enough brains to pick and walk another direction if we wish to do so. I'm a man, and I'm a very selective one at that. I don't consider "spreading the seed" my main objective.

...all this seriousness feels too serious, so here's some tentacles: :tpg:

Mmmm, tentacles.

02-21-2010, 03:10 PM
All I can say is I've worn "guyliner" for myself 'cause sometimes I think it looks good. And I shave my face and armpits because they get itchy and break out otherwise. So its not just for looks. I shave my chest for looks :{ and I'm sure I'd notice wider eyes. But as Miriel said, I may not be able to pinpoint. And I know girls go through that trouble because its more of an adult extension of their childhood "dress-up"ness and they just like to look pretty sometimes, end of story. But I for one appreciate it. Even if it has nothing to do with me

And I approve of scrumples' rants. Girls should be able to do whatever so long as it doesn't negatively affect others

The "player" thing is more an issue in highschool and college though, I think. And maybe uptight adults don't like hanging around with "sluts", but who wants to hang around with tight asses anyway

I'm one of those people that consider both genders slutty when they act slutty. But again, to each their own. I only look down when I know they're not being careful. Having lots of sex is one thing. But possibly spreading disease or risking pregnancy when you're not ready is idiotic

And I think I'm one of the people guilty of answering more seriously than the thread intended xD

Madame Adequate
02-21-2010, 08:53 PM
*checks first page*

It's a smurfing cheese grater. (http://www.asseenontvguys.com/Productimages/PED_EGG_REPLACEMENT_BLADES.jpg)


*checks last page*

*reads intense debate about key/lock metaphor*

Reaction: ...wait, is this really the same thread? =O


You know what else she does that is weird btw? She hugs the air. She'll spritz a little perfume in front of her and then she will hug it. I don't know why she doesn't just spray it on her armpits like a normal person :(

02-21-2010, 09:14 PM
That was brought up at work where my one friend piped in that its body -mist- not body -spray-

Though that argument may not hold up as well with perfume :}

02-21-2010, 09:16 PM
You know what else she does that is weird btw? She hugs the air. She'll spritz a little perfume in front of her and then she will hug it. I don't know why she doesn't just spray it on her armpits like a normal person :(


02-21-2010, 10:01 PM
perfume... armpits?!

the traditional sexy areas are wrists, neck, breasts, and pubis! I settle for the first two and a half!


I just used one today x_X it didn't hurt! It tickled some, though xD

02-21-2010, 11:45 PM
I don't huggg the airrrr! I have no room in my dorm room to spritz and walk through it, so I spray the air, and I wave my wrists into it! XD

02-22-2010, 12:06 AM
the traditional sexy areas are wrists, neck, breasts, and pubis! I settle for the first two and a half!

Wrists, neck, and one breast? :erm:

02-22-2010, 12:15 AM
the traditional sexy areas are wrists, neck, breasts, and pubis! I settle for the first two and a half!

See, this is why guys always stare at breasts. We're trying to figure out where the smell is coming from.

02-22-2010, 12:16 AM
lower collar bone :jokey:

02-22-2010, 12:19 AM
Are you sure? I think I should investigate some more. Don't mind me.

02-22-2010, 12:20 AM
I'll sic lola on you~

"what's a crotch? OOH DANGLIES!!!!!! =33333"

02-22-2010, 10:11 AM
I don't huggg the airrrr! I have no room in my dorm room to spritz and walk through it, so I spray the air, and I wave my wrists into it! XD

Buh :screwy:

Loony BoB
02-22-2010, 12:02 PM
Why don't you just spray it on you, Rye?

02-22-2010, 01:17 PM
Because then it'll smell too strongly and there's nothing worse than if someone smells like they've bathed in their perfume/cologne, no matter how pretty the scent is. Plus, if I spritz it in the air and walk through it, I use much less of it - not sure why, I guess I can gauge how much I've sprayed better. That bottle was really expensive, and that was when my Dad found a deal in Manhattan after he left work. It was his going away present to me and I don't wanna waste it!

02-22-2010, 01:53 PM
Agree with Rye...Spray only a small amount (same for the guys)

A perfume/cologne is suppose to enhance the natural chemical odor that attract a 'mate'..... Not send them the other way in tears!!

Old Manus
02-22-2010, 02:47 PM
There's a bloke who lives next door to me who constantly smells like he's been swimming in pour homme for the last 24 hours. That and faeces.

02-22-2010, 02:51 PM
My Italian grandma has this old stale way past use-date strong Italian perfume that she's used I think since before I was born, and it smells like she bathes in it. It smells really bad, but I don't think she realizes, but when you're old, your sense of smell diminishes. =x

02-23-2010, 12:22 AM
If it's really too strong to spray on directly, why not get a subtler scent?

02-23-2010, 01:11 AM
Because she has the scent she wants and has the method she likes to apply it and smell right. They don't make perfumes in "weak" "medium" "strong" concentrations xD It's just whatever scent you like. You're free to apply it however you like

Moon Rabbits
02-23-2010, 01:16 AM
Do <s>guys</s> people really know this little about perfume and cologne? :confused: I'm an air hugger too :jess:

Don't you boys have AXE spray or whatever? Don'tcha know spraying that stuff onto your actual body smells disgusting and overwhelming :jess:

02-23-2010, 01:23 AM
Oh god, one of my friends from college would spray AXE on in ridiculous and overwhelming amounts. Just walking past his door after he's taken a shower would almost knock you over from the scent.

02-23-2010, 06:29 AM
People actually use Axe? :confused:

None of my colognes require me being weird in their application.

Loony BoB
02-23-2010, 11:47 AM
If you use Axe/Lynx sprays then it doesn't matter how you put it on, it's going to stink.

02-23-2010, 12:40 PM
Seriously, Axe? xD I don't know anyone above 16 who uses it. I just use antiperspirant.

02-23-2010, 01:38 PM
AXE is what a lot of teenage girls use and ten year old buys when they first get BO! Seriously! I think teen girls like AXE more than guys do.

02-23-2010, 01:42 PM
Seriously, Axe? xD I don't know anyone above 16 who uses it. I just use antiperspirant.I was going to make this exact same post (well, I was going to say 15) as soon as I saw the word Axe come up.

02-24-2010, 07:36 AM
Come to think of it, I only know one person who uses Axe and he's dirty.

Antiperspirant/deodorant all the way.

02-24-2010, 09:52 AM
I use Axe deodorant :(

but not the spray stuff

02-24-2010, 11:23 AM
I use Axe deodorant :(

I pity you .... ;)


I have never used body spray.....So start rolling out the jokes :tongue:

Madame Adequate
02-28-2010, 11:42 PM
Hehe, I don't use Axe, I use Lynx, so I am secure from your barbs.

02-28-2010, 11:56 PM
Hehe, I don't use Axe, I use Lynx, so I am secure from your barbs.

har har :mad2:

03-01-2010, 04:31 AM
I feel used and cheapened!

03-01-2010, 04:51 AM
Oh god. When I was in the sixth grade, I was in this tiny tiny tiny middle school. It was the gym part of the old high school. So it's just the gym/stage and the surrounding rooms for classrooms (we went to the elementary school for lunch). So half of everyone's classes were on the side of the gym that had the boy's locker room. They had to send a note to everyone's parents because all of the boys changing for gym for the first time would spray TONS AND TONS of Bod (since that was the cool thing at the time for guys) and the students would get sick just walking to classes S: