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02-21-2010, 12:34 AM
I... have been overcome with this strange urge to know more about my fellow EoFFers. It'll probably pass soon, but I figured I may as well indulge the feeling for now.

Please respond to the following prompts in regards to how your life is currently going. I have attempted to keep it simple. I'm interested, but don't expect me to read a goddamn novel.

How Goes Your...

Love life:




Por moi~!
How I Roll...
Schooling/Career: I was laid off as a teacher and have been unable to find a job, and having difficulty deciding what career path to peruse after dedicating so much time, energy, and money to a career that decided it doesn't need me. I still have a few more months of unemployment checks coming, and BJ has his totally :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty job that he hates. xD

Love life: BJ and I will have been together nine years as of April 21st, and we still totally like each other. Go us.

Hobbies: Mostly been learning some Japanese, and baking. Haven't really done any crafting lately... sad.

Gaming: I've been too busy to play Arkham Asylum. :( Got in a good amount of Brain Age though, and Sims 3 as always. Looking forward to getting FFXIII for 360.

Etc: Spending a week in Japan in April. Woo!

Marshall Banana
02-21-2010, 12:55 AM
<ul style="list-style-image:url(http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/emoticons/squallberry-1.gif)"><li><b>School:</b> Taking a Javascript class right now! And a second Spanish class! And other classes that are boring and not worth my money. </li><li><b>Love life:</b> Tobi and I will be moving to California either this summer or winter. Depends on when we can afford it! Plus, Jeremy and I have already talked about getting married soon after that! I'm a little nervous about moving.</li><li><b>Hobbies:</b> Just sewing and baking, I guess.</li><li><b>Gaming:</b> I've played just a little Pokemon Yellow, and Jeremy and I started a new game of Vagrant Story last night (he recently bought it for me). I'm also planning my next fortress in Dwarf Fortress; I want it to be <i>perfect!</i></li><li><b>Other:</b> I told myself I wouldn't have bangs again, but I'm unhappy with how I look with long bangs at this point, so I'm getting a haircut soon. <a href="http://gabalnara.com/shop/detail.php?pno=8FECB20817B3847419BB3DE39A609AFE&rURL=http://gabalnara.com/shop/big_section.php%3Fcno1%3D1014&ctype=1&cno1=1014" target="_blank">I want bangs again.</a></ul>

02-21-2010, 01:01 AM
Awww, you guys really do love me. You do! ;___;

How Goes Your...
First year at UCR (University of California, Riverside). Physics/Math double major. It's chill. 4.0 last quarter, hoping to pull the same this quarter. -__- Thank heavens for non-insanity-inducing curves like those of Berkeley. :P

Love life:
Dated a guy a few times last year, but cut it off. And it ends there.

Openly gay at school and in my social life. But, not to my family beyond my siblings. Just can't bear to break their conservative little hearts. xD

Let's study in the library! This summer and spring quarter I'll be working in a physics professor's lab. I'll just be a grunt for now, but more interesting things will come in later years~! Yay for research stipends. xD

Let's play Trickster Online! It's fun. I have no console at my dorm nor do I have any handheld to play with. :/

Know what drum corps is? Can't perform this summer because I need 16 units this summer to graduate in four years con two degrees. But for '11, '12, and '13 I will! Someone do Blue Devils with me next year!

02-21-2010, 01:02 AM
Schooling/Career: Eeeehh I'm having a nice time, but I'm currently on academic probation.

Love life: Soopar! I won't be seeing Mogi again until June when he comes down for orientation, though. He sent me some nice flowers for Valentine's day and his birthday present is currently in the mail. We're thinking after this year we're going to make the whole week between Valentine's Day and his birthday a big thing so we don't lump the days together.

Hobbies: I couldn't lug my sewing machine to my dorm, so it's just gaming at the moment.

Gaming: Currently I'm going through FFVIII and Ace Attorney Investigations. Maybe I'll play a little GTAIII this weekend! Mogi and I are going to wait until he's here to play FFXIII, we want to go through it together :3

Etc: I've had to ask three different people today not to commit suicide :|

Aerith's Knight
02-21-2010, 01:05 AM
How Goes Your...

* Schooling/Career: I'm an European Engineer (Ing.) in Applied Physics. I'm currently doing an Masters degree in Medical Engineering, but will switch to a master in Nanotechnology at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at SUNY (State University of NY).
* Love life: Heck if I know. I have a few flings, but nothing solid. Would seem unfair if I leave for the states.
* Hobbies: Basketball, Golf, Gaming, and reading (usually Ludlum books)
* Gaming: Usually RPG or shooter. Actually played HoM&M 2 today, pretty cool. Playing Halo with Psy and Iceglow is always fun.
* Etc: Just had a poker night with my friends. I love whiskey and cigars. I think I should've been born in the 60's.

02-21-2010, 01:08 AM
Schooling/Career: Just finished college, don't have a job...moving swiftly on.

Love life: Can't really be bothered to get into a relationship at the moment...not that I'm getting countless offers xD

Hobbies: Gaming, (thinking about) joining the Gym

Gaming: Fallout 3...again. I'm pretty much waiting for FFXIII atm.

Etc: Looking at this makes me realize how much my life is suffering atm. Not that I feel down or anything, but wow, I'm one lazy mo fo. Perhaps an epiphany coming on...

02-21-2010, 01:10 AM
I would never have expected it from you, Shlup!

Schooling/Career: Second year of university; double major in English and Secondary Education. Probably behind because I've been studying abroad in England @ University of Reading for the year. Summer school is inevitable, though I'll pray to the gods that I won't be behind a semester. Transferring to Stony Brook University; possibly doing a 5 year course that results in a masters degree as opposed to a 4 year bachelors.

Love life: It's dope, except for the fact that we're going from living together to being long distance again in a month. We've been living together for the past 5 months in Reading. It's nice. Now Huxley is going to have to be a grown up and get a job after completing his masters degree in June, and I'm gonna have to go back to university in the US; he should have a much easier time at getting a green card once he's gotten his masters degree.

Hobbies: I have no hobbies in England, since all of my hobby craft stuff is at home. Except for writing, which I've been a lazy bum at.

Gaming: Finally been playing games lately. Dwarf Fortress, Sims 3, Pokemon Red!

Etc: Nothing much. As soon as I get back from the UK, I work for 5 months full time or close to it (last year I worked full time, except for Wednesdays) and then I get to go back to college.

EDIT: Which SUNY, Aerith Knight? I'm going to one of the SUNY schools soon!

02-21-2010, 01:18 AM
How Goes Your...

* Schooling/Career: I'm currently a junior in high school, and have no job to speak of. :P

* Love life: haha, very funny.

* Hobbies: i love reading, #eoff-ing, hangin' out with friends, and playing video games.

* Gaming: my ps2 is breaking down. D: I was trying to play ffx-2, and every time i try to board the airship, the game freezes! i was so mad.

* Etc: Not much. Eoff is an addiction for me. It subsequently affects my grades. I'm grounded a LOT.

02-21-2010, 01:28 AM
Schooling/Career: I'm enrolled at a local community college in my second semester. Currently taking some really stupid classes like Introduction to PC Applications (I have a project due on Tuesday about file management!), English (Research Paper on the legalization of prostitution!), Early Civilizations (Minoan, Greek, Roman, etc) and General Psychology (boring as hell). I have good grades.
Love life: Been dating the same person for three years, five months. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing but I like it.
Hobbies: I like reading, writing, playing video games and long walks on the beach. I love kitties and hate bunnies.
Gaming: I play WoW.
Etc: I want to go to Europe this summer.

02-21-2010, 01:32 AM
How Goes Your...

* Schooling/Career:
<blockquote>I am applying for a :bou::bou::bou::bou:load of internships for this summer, most of which in a particular region of the US to be condusive to my lovelife. I am tutoring thermodynamics for a second semester, which I still love, I'm doing pretty good in most of my classes, but I'm kinda behind in reading, but I feel so goddamned on top of everything!</blockquote>
* Love life:
<blockquote>I'm planning to spend Spring Break with kishi~ he sent me the most wonderful card on valentine's, too <3</blockquote>
* Hobbies:
<blockquote>At this point, I'm not sure if I actually have any hobbies xD It seems like a steady stream of schoolwork, my cat lola, and keeping house. I'm reading Vanity Fair and The Vampire Letstat, and really like them both.</blockquote>
* Gaming:
<blockquote>hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha</blockquote>
* Etc:
<blockquote>Do you like zoos, Shlup?</blockquote>

02-21-2010, 01:34 AM
Schooling/Career: :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty. Hit a roadblock and now I have to wait to finish school. YAY! But after that, I'll be done with it complete and holding a Master's. I've got no job, either. I'm looking for one, but you know how it goes.
Love life: Nonexistent and I likes it that way.
Hobbies: I write a lot. It's really the only thing that can calm me.
Gaming: I was replaying Uncharted, but I stopped for some reason. Still have to play the dlc of ACII and whatever that stuff's called for Resident Evil 5.
Etc: I'm hungry.

02-21-2010, 01:34 AM
Schooling/Career: Graduating this June! Will be getting a PhD in Informatics—what I've studied is called interaction design, which is a pretty wide field, but I'll probably work with web design. If something else fun-sounding and vaguely related to any kind of interaction design comes up I'll be all over that, though.

Love life: Ehh... had a few goes at having one, didn't go so well. Not sure what I want right now.

Hobbies: lol

Gaming: I'm a pretty casual gamer. Or maybe I'm just lazy. I dunno. When I do get into a game, I'm all over that :bou::bou::bou::bou:! But I don't really make much of an effort to stay updated in the gaming world.

Etc: I haven't eaten in like... 12 hours! I keep forgetting to eat dinner xD I'm getting a bit hungry now though, so I'm off to the fridge.

Edit: Hungry-five, Academic

Quindiana Jones
02-21-2010, 01:37 AM
Schooling/Career: Currently in my first year at Manchester University, taking a Combined Studies course. It's alright, though I worry about the ridiculously high costs of it, and how much it will actually help in my future. Especially when taking into account the fact that I'm not doing those subjects like law, economics or 20 different languages. I had a lazy first semester, and it's roughly the same in this second one, though my academic behaviour has improved at least a little. I have a part-time job at Burton. It pays okay enough and I enjoy my co-workers. Also, I'm a beast on accounts so the managers are happy. The people who work Sunday go on STDs after work (Sunday Team Drinks), which are always good fun. We go to a nice Irish pub, and the barmaids are freaking hot. And they love me. I get 20% discount. http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/6207/coolup.gif

Love life: Broke up with a uni thing just before Christmas break. Mutual thing, and we're both happy with it. Other than that, my love life isn't brilliant haha.

Hobbies: I suppose "gym" now takes over from hobbies. No time for real hobbies, and no space either. So me and a few friends go to the gym. It's not as fun as real cycling, but at least it keeps me healthy. Also, swimming is fun.

Gaming: Own a 360. Haven't played it for a few weeks. Tried getting a game on my PC at one point, but I have no graphics card so it was laggy as hell. I doubled my RAM, but I'm definitely going to have to buy a graphics card. xD

Etc.: I'm going on a tour of Europe for a month this summer. I just had my hair cut. Short. All gone.

02-21-2010, 01:43 AM
Love life: Tobi and I will be moving to California either this summer or winter. Depends on when we can afford it! Plus, Jeremy and I have already talked about getting married soon after that! I'm a little nervous about moving.


You're coming and you're bringing Tobi! Last time I asked Jeremy about you moving out here he was all "Durp, I'm moving to Florida instead, durp." Don't be nervous about moving, I will protect you. <3

First year at UCR (University of California, Riverside). Physics/Math double major. It's chill. 4.0 last quarter, hoping to pull the same this quarter. -__- Thank heavens for non-insanity-inducing curves like those of Berkeley. :P
UCR! I know bunches of people who went to and/or still go to UCR. I didn't know you lived so close to me; I grew up in Corona and live in Orange for now. I went to RCC, right by there, but went to Cal State San Bernardino for university 'cause I'm lazy and CSUSB is easy.

Physics/Math double major though... you have got to be kidding me.

Know what drum corps is? Can't perform this summer because I need 16 units this summer to graduate in four years con two degrees. But for '11, '12, and '13 I will! Someone do Blue Devils with me next year!
That sounds cool! My husband is a drummer. He was in Santa Ana Winds in high school, though since then he's stuck to rock drumming. Drummers are awesome. <3 When you perform I want to hear about it. BJ loves drum lines and crap.

Etc: I've had to ask three different people today not to commit suicide :|
I confess... I lol'd. Dunno why. xD

* Etc: Just had a poker night with my friends. I love whiskey and cigars. I think I should've been born in the 60's.
Sounds like any given night at my house with BJ and his work buddies.

Etc: Looking at this makes me realize how much my life is suffering atm. Not that I feel down or anything, but wow, I'm one lazy mo fo. Perhaps an epiphany coming on...
Haha, glad this thread could be of service. xD

I would never have expected it from you, Shlup!
Bitch, I will cut you!

* Etc: Not much. Eoff is an addiction for me. It subsequently affects my grades. I'm grounded a LOT.
lol high school

I remember spending too much time on EoFF in high school and being grounded for bad grades... ten years ago. xP

You were in #eoff last time I popped in; it's nice to see you on the forums too.

Love life: Been dating the same person for three years, five months. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing but I like it.

If you like it then I'm gonna go with 'good thing.'

I love kitties and hate bunnies.
Okay, Lamonda.

Etc: I want to go to Europe this summer.

I wanna go next summer. Put it off for a year so we can randomly cross paths in Berlin or some :bou::bou::bou::bou:!

* Love life:

I'm planning to spend Spring Break with kishi~ he sent me the most wonderful card on valentine's, too <3
I puked in my mouth a little. :<3:

* Etc:

Do you like zoos, Shlup?
You seriously have to ask?

Schooling/Career: :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty. Hit a roadblock and now I have to wait to finish school. YAY! I've got no job, either. I'm looking for one, but you know how it goes.

Well that sucks. Job hunting is my least favorite thing.

Schooling/Career: Graduating this June! Will be getting a PhD in Informatics—what I've studied is called interaction design, which is a pretty wide field, but I'll probably work with web design. If something else fun-sounding and vaguely related to any kind of interaction design comes up I'll be all over that, though.

In June I'm changing your username to Doc Rantzien, PhD, just so you know. I didn't know you were actually smart!

Etc.: I'm going on a tour of Europe for a month this summer. I just had my hair cut. Short. All gone.

And you're properly documenting all of your courses of action so that I can copy you as closely as possible.

02-21-2010, 01:45 AM
</li><li><b>Love life:</b> Tobi and I will be moving to California either this summer or winter. Depends on when we can afford it! Plus, Jeremy and I have already talked about getting married soon after that! I'm a little nervous about moving.</li>

Aww, that's fantastic! Congrats. :)

Marshall Banana
02-21-2010, 01:51 AM
Thank you!

Love life: Tobi and I will be moving to California either this summer or winter. Depends on when we can afford it! Plus, Jeremy and I have already talked about getting married soon after that! I'm a little nervous about moving.


You're coming and you're bringing Tobi! Last time I asked Jeremy about you moving out here he was all "Durp, I'm moving to Florida instead, durp." Don't be nervous about moving, I will protect you. <3
Yep! Tiki is a daddy's girl, and Tobi is a Monda's boy, so my parents keep Tiki, and I keep Tobi. Tobi is also a lot friendlier to new people and more tame than Tiki, so this arrangement works out in more ways than one.

Florida? Why did he say Florida? That's where KISHI lives. Are they having an affair behind my back!? JEREMY, EXPLAIN.

02-21-2010, 01:52 AM
Schooling/Career: Graduating this June! Will be getting a PhD in Informatics—what I've studied is called interaction design, which is a pretty wide field, but I'll probably work with web design. If something else fun-sounding and vaguely related to any kind of interaction design comes up I'll be all over that, though.

In June I'm changing your username to Doc Rantzien, PhD, just so you know. I didn't know you were actually smart!

xD charming

02-21-2010, 01:54 AM
Love life: Tobi and I will be moving to California either this summer or winter. Depends on when we can afford it! Plus, Jeremy and I have already talked about getting married soon after that! I'm a little nervous about moving.


You're coming and you're bringing Tobi! Last time I asked Jeremy about you moving out here he was all "Durp, I'm moving to Florida instead, durp." Don't be nervous about moving, I will protect you. <3
Yep! Tiki is a daddy's girl, and Tobi is a Monda's boy, so my parents keep Tiki, and I keep Tobi. Tobi is also a lot friendlier to new people and more tame than Tiki, so this arrangement works out in more ways than one.

Florida? Why did he say Florida? That's where KISHI lives. Are they having an affair behind my back!? JEREMY, EXPLAIN.

I know that's where Kishi lives, but I swear he said he was planning on moving to Florida. But before that I thought Kishi wanted to move out here and be roommates with Jeremy, but like that was an old abandoned plan. I don't remember how long ago that was though... or if it really happened. My time with Jeremy, in person or online, tends to feel like I'm viewing it through a cloud of ether when I reflect on it.

I want to pet Tobi!

Marshall Banana
02-21-2010, 02:02 AM
I know that's where Kishi lives, but I swear he said he was planning on moving to Florida. But before that I thought Kishi wanted to move out here and be roommates with Jeremy, but like that was an old abandoned plan.
Oh, yeah! That's why I wanted nunchucks. It's my dream to hit Kishi with my nunchaku!

I want to pet Tobi!
He instantly loves anyone who pets him.

02-21-2010, 02:02 AM
And I want to visit a zoo with you, Shlup. Tough luck.

02-21-2010, 02:12 AM
You come here and we can go to a zoo. And bring Kish so Monda can get her chucking on.

02-21-2010, 02:16 AM
Schooling/Career: School is busy as smurf. I have a full course load and have :bou::bou::bou::bou: dumped on me constantly to take care of. My job is going okay but I'm getting bored of it because it's the spring and my freshman either put their :bou::bou::bou::bou: together or are beyond saving at this point. I've applied to three internships back home this summer and have one more currently in the pipeline. I'd like to apply for more but I really want to stick close to home. I've also made the decision to transfer back to a school closer to home for my senior year. About the only thing I'm looking forward to right now is being able to move back for good.

Love life: Depressing.

Hobbies: I've been ADD lately with my hobbies. Worked on a script, worked on a game, jumped all around. Been having trouble feeling terribly satisfied with things I've been creating lately.

Gaming: Since coming back this semester, I've beaten Super Mario Galaxy, Madworld, and Grand Theft Auto IV. I started playing Indigo Prophecy, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Lost Planet. Gaming is about the biggest thing for me to do to unwind.

Etc: My best friends from back home are still the best goddamn people in the world, ever. I can't wait to be back with them. Also found out I'm getting a fat tax return this year so that's cool. And I'm starting to wonder if my room mate is losing his mind.

Marshall Banana
02-21-2010, 02:34 AM
You come here and we can go to a zoo. And bring Kish so Monda can get her chucking on.
Yeah! So if Kishi dodges all of my chucks...

Mr. Lion will get him for me.

02-21-2010, 02:40 AM
That's if he can drag me away from the treetops where the giraffes converse

02-21-2010, 02:41 AM
Career: Going amazingly well. I'm so happy! I had my first wedding published in a popular blog, I booked my highest paying client just a few days ago, I'm getting great feedback from past and current clients, and I'm on my way to hopefully exceeding my 2010 business goals. I'm also getting SICK ass business cards coming in next week. Seriously, they're insane and beautiful and so freakin' expensive but totally worth it. Yay!
Love life: Approaching 4.5 years with Del Murder and still going on strong. Not gonna give everything away, but lets just say we had a conversation today that involved the word "Tiffany's" that left me grinning like an idiot. :jess:
Hobbies: ;_; I haven't been able to craft lately either! Such a bummer. I had a lot of personal goals like taking letterpress classes and whatnot but I had to give them up when my two dogs came to live with me. They're like smurfing babies, I have to feed them, bathe them, exercise them, and make sure they poo and potty at regular intervals. Makes it hard juggling them, work, and personal stuff.
Gaming: Been playing bits of FF: Crisis Core and enjoying it lots.
Etc: Probably gonna be going to New Zealand in the fall. Excited to plan a trip for a place that speaks English! Oh and Del Murder and I had a menage a trois today.

02-21-2010, 02:56 AM
Avec qui?

Marshall Banana
02-21-2010, 03:14 AM
Oh! I have a suggestion for Japan, and I want you to relay it, if you'd do me the favor, Shlupie! Here is my message:




02-21-2010, 05:12 AM
* Schooling/Career: Currently a first-year in law school at William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA. I'm hoping to have a job over the summer, but we'll see. Currently I have an internship at a county prosecutor's office all-but lined up, but I need something paid to go along with it.
* Love life: Non-existent since law school and quite content with that for the time being.
* Hobbies: Beyond the usual nerd stuff, I play and referee basketball regularly. Just this past year I got my state certification to officiate high school basketball.
* Gaming: Unfortunately mostly non-existent since law school. :( Hoping to catch up over the summer.
* Etc: Um... I just got back from a fairly big party and am quite tipsy. Also been making plans to meet up with college buddies over spring break.

02-21-2010, 05:30 AM
After news was relayed that the company I'd worked with for over 6 years was closing my location, I left immediately. Picked up a similar position at another manufacturer. Now, roughly 30% of the US's supply of fiber cement is made by my brother and me. :cool:

Love life:
Blissful. Married over the summer and living the life.

I'm a fool for RPG Maker but still haven't actually completed a game. I still plan on creating a full-length game as well as writing/recording a full-length album.

Trying to finish up loose ends throughout the years. Working on completing FFIX for the first time and still trying to make it through Twilight Princess.

Crazy happy that the weather is actually starting to get warm enough to melt the snowy slush mess in my driveway. After the third account of inclement weather, I all but gave up shoveling. :choc2:

Schooling/Career: I was laid off as a teacher and have been unable to find a job, and having difficulty deciding what career path to peruse after dedicating so much time, energy, and money to a career that decided it doesn't need me. I still have a few more months of unemployment checks coming, and BJ has his totally :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty job that he hates. xD

The employment monster is so hungry right now. Over half of my family is unemployed at the moment! My wife is also a teacher and was very worried about even finding a job to start with in the beginning. I agree with your apparent sentiments concerning the lack of "need" of the profession. I've seen commercials about the 2010 Census that say something along the lines of, "Fill out the form so we know how many kids there are. Then maybe we'll know how many teachers we really need." I don't know, the system just seems so jacked up to me. :\

Schooling/Career: Second year of university; double major in English and Secondary Education. Probably behind because I've been studying abroad in England @ University of Reading for the year.

You wouldn't happen to know anyone from Virginia also studying there, would you? Alex Ostrowski, Allan Marrs?

Etc: I haven't eaten in like... 12 hours! I keep forgetting to eat dinner xD I'm getting a bit hungry now though, so I'm off to the fridge.

Edit: Hungry-five, Academic

I know, it's like an epidemic tonight. I'm about to raid the kitchen.

Moon Rabbits
02-21-2010, 06:04 AM
Schooling/Career: Graduating this June! Will be getting a PhD in Informatics—what I've studied is called interaction design, which is a pretty wide field, but I'll probably work with web design. If something else fun-sounding and vaguely related to any kind of interaction design comes up I'll be all over that, though.

In June I'm changing your username to Doc Rantzien, PhD, just so you know. I didn't know you were actually smart!

xD charming

You'll have a PhD at ... what, 22? D: !!!??

How Goes Your...

* Schooling/Career: First year is over in five weeks! I failed both my math courses! I am passing my psych, socio, sex, and gender courses! I don't have a job and maybe won't be able to afford tuition!
* Love life: I'm fucking some people.
* Hobbies: Writing, sleeping, reading, riding public transit, trying to learn guitar and failing~~~!!!
* Gaming: I want ME2 but can't afford it. Lately I've been replaying SH2 and mostly just flash games or w/e.
* Etc: I just turned 19 so it's now legal for me to get hot mess drunk at clubs.

02-21-2010, 06:11 AM
How Goes Your...
I'm currently a sophomore at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, on my third major of Computer Science, after dropping Psychology and Pre-Medicine, respectively. I still love Psychology as an interest, but I can't see myself in such a career. Same goes for Pre-med, especially when I discovered how much I hate Chemistry classes. I'm currently unemployed right now because the job market here is absolute :bou::bou::bou::bou:... but I'd love to work at a bookstore or a pet store as a side-job with college.

Love life:
Single and hating every second of it.

blah blah blah anime, manga, video games, computer/internet stuff, forums etc etc etc I think all of my hobbies are pretty obvious...

I'm a huge fan of shmups/scrolling arcade shooters, some RPGs, and some puzzle games as well. Maybe the occasional fighting game too. I love independent/doujin games, as well.

i'm kind of considering taking up gardening as a spring/summer activity :| i like flowers

The Summoner of Leviathan
02-21-2010, 08:14 AM
Schooling/Career: I currently posses a BA in World Religions with a minor in East Asian Cultural Studies, since the whole JET thing didn't pan out I am quite at a lose for what I should do. Either apply to another company for a similar position which requires more money from me, thus I have to wait until I am more financially stable to do so, or go back to school. Were I to follow the latter, I am torn between returning to university to upgrade/get a second degree since I slacked off to much to enter a MA program directly. In this vein of though, I am looking pursuing a degree in philosophy where my MA would deal with both philosophy and religion; currently I am interested in the idea of ecstasy and the experience of the divine and how that relates to experiencing both the self and other. My other option would be going to get a certificate to be a Pastry Chef. :s I'M TORN! :(

Current job: cook at a pub and wanting to quit, if you are a LJ friend, you know why.

Love life: Not too sure, between certain things going on in my life right now and such I haven't shared a bed with my boyfriend in a month and we see each other sporadically.

Hobbies: Reading and hanging with my friends. Interest in learning to play piano has arise again, but nothing is currently being done about it.

Gaming: A bit of Fable: TLC lately, finished ACII a few weeks ago. Not too sure what I want to play next, sorta waiting for FFXIII to come out.

Etc: Going to Toronto in May for Anime North. I know, I'm a total geek but it will be with good friends so it will be an awesome time! :D

02-21-2010, 09:31 AM
Schooling/Career: I lost my job last year and I'm still unemployed ;). I hope to find something ok in not too long. It should have "something to do with computers".

Love life: I've been living with my girlfriend for three years now. Things are going ok.

Hobbies: I have an interest in martial arts, and I'm currently practicing Kyokushinkai karate. I also have an interest in drawing, but can't get myself to becomeing good at it.

Gaming: Currently playing through the incredibly poorly written game of Star Ocean 4 International, as well as Radiata Stories, and maybe I'll get back to playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma again soon. That game sure is hard.

Etc: If getting a job goes well, I'll be joining my friends on a trip to Japan in late summer.

02-21-2010, 10:34 AM
How Goes Your...
Schooling/Career: First semester of university starts on Tuesday. Felt like it's taken forever to get to this point. I can't even find myself a casual job so career is out of the question.

Love life: Non-existent! I hope to meet a cute girl at uni soon~

Hobbies: I guess athletics is my hobby. Doing well, March plays host to QLAA State Champs in Townsville and QA National Champs in Sydney. Looking for EoFFers to room with for a couple days in Sydney if possible :p

Gaming: Going alright I guess. No money to fund any new purchases, so I'm going down my list of games to try and knock them all over completely.

Etc: I landed my first somersault yesterday. At the beach, ran down this little bit of hill and then flipped off a little sand platform I made. I almost landed a couple of freestanding ones, but my run-in ones were perfect

Madame Adequate
02-21-2010, 10:52 AM
I'm currently studying for a Masters in Strategic Studies. It's interesting, but there are two problems. First, Masters are supposed to be two year affairs - England generally does them in one and I wasn't rich enough to do a part-time course over two years. The problem is that it's really hard to actually keep up if you didn't do the same exact thing at undergrad (I did International Relations and Politics) so it's just daunting and annoying. The second problem is that I do not like UoR very much at all. I am sick and tired of seeing feedback like "Excellent essay, well written, original thought is clear, convincing arguments... not enough sources, you get a crappy grade". If it's that great I didn't need any more sources, guys. :|

Love life:
Oh man Rye ttly does this thing with her~

Reading doesn't happen much because I have to read so much for classes that I'm just sick of it most of the time. I have been reading some Turtledove though, Jess got me In The Presence of Mine Enemies last weekend. Writing is basically not happening at all, the most I manage is a few pages of revision of what I did last summer.

Gaming is just about going okay though. It's suffering because I can't play stuff online (Connection is pure :bou::bou::bou::bou: if you attempt that, I literally had a better connection with dial-up many years ago) but it's not bad.

I should just about get out of college without being bankrupt. How not-bankrupt depends on how much the landlady takes out of my security deposit on the house :/ Ideally I'd get back my full £400 on account of my not destroying anything, but the house is that old that things are just falling apart and she's probably going to blame us for that :(

02-21-2010, 11:02 AM
You'll have a PhD at ... what, 22? D: !!!??

Wait, what, I totally got things confused here >.> Uh, it's not a PhD but but a BA... So yeah, some difference. xD I can see why Shlup got all excited now! Translating education stuff can be so confusing. :(


02-21-2010, 11:12 AM
I still vote we call him Doc Rantzien. It has a nice ring to it.

02-21-2010, 11:17 AM
Love life: Approaching 4.5 years with Del Murder and still going on strong. Not gonna give everything away, but lets just say we had a conversation today that involved the word "Tiffany's" that left me grinning like an idiot. :jess:


@Monda - I can't wait until you move in over there, so I can take my tour of California trip and visit you guys and Shlup. I want visit everyone at Disney World! Will Del and Miriel come too?

02-21-2010, 11:33 AM
Love life: Been dating the same person for three years, five months. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing but I like it.

If you like it then I'm gonna go with 'good thing.'

I'm going with that too. FOR NOW:cool:

I love kitties and hate bunnies.
Okay, Lamonda.

Bunnies suck. They eat everything in sight and try to bite your hands off. They're adorable though so I can forgive them ;_;


Etc: I want to go to Europe this summer.

I wanna go next summer. Put it off for a year so we can randomly cross paths in Berlin or some :bou::bou::bou::bou:!

Deal. You'll be the one in the octopus costume, right?

02-21-2010, 11:42 AM
How Goes Your...

I just started a new job. I work for RSA, a huge insurance group. I'm working in the commerical motor department. I've been in training for the past week and my brain is going into overload. so much to learn! We also have brands in other countries, for example Johnson Insurance in Canada and Codan in Denmark.

Love life:
I'm in a relationship. My boyfriend is lovely to me. I'm happy!

I don't have a lot of time for many hobbies as I'm always working. The majority of my free time is spent socialising, and catching up with friends.

I can't remember the last time I played a game? Perhaps I will soon.

I'm starting to save up for my own flat. I hope to have enough money for the deposit, and various other things I will need within the next few months. fingers crossed!

Loony BoB
02-21-2010, 12:08 PM
Career: Seems alright. I might be getting shifted around either between companies or between contracts soon as the role I fill in my company for this specific client is being taken on by the client. I figure this means I have choices on where I go, which I'm grateful for. I'd prefer carrying on as normal (and that might happen yet), but regardless of what happens I can rest assured that I will remain paid what I am currently paid and that's good enough for me. My colleagues and I get along great and my bosses all appreciate me so it's all good there.
Love life: Nothing wrong with this. :D Danielle and I have settled properly now, I think, and maybe I'll have to start thinking about a ring by the end of the year... we'll see. Danielle has got herself a career job recently so our financial almost-problems have turned into something much better, and I think we'll be in a very good position in about four month's time to really think about the future in a very sensible way. If not earlier!
Hobbies: Gaming, TV, watching sport, but not much really beyond that at the moment. Time is something we don't have a lot of but I hope that when we have the money for holidays (basically some time after Danielle has settled in her job, don't want to take holidays too early, obviously), more adventures will be had!
Gaming: Left4Dead and Mass Effect 2 have dominated our gaming time lately, but I'm very much looking forward to buying a bunch of new games. :D So many good games are coming out this year...
Etc: etc.

Aerith's Knight
02-21-2010, 12:12 PM
* Etc: Just had a poker night with my friends. I love whiskey and cigars. I think I should've been born in the 60's.
Sounds like any given night at my house with BJ and his work buddies.

I should visit. :p

02-21-2010, 07:10 PM
Schooling/Career: I don't care how much people hate me for hiding this, but I can't tell you about it.

Love life: Non-existant. Though on Friday I'll be heading to this party with my sister and her friends. There's this one Filipino girl there who I'm hoping I'll actually have the courage to talk to this time. It's a bit strange, seeing how she's probably a lot shyer than me, but that's what I like about her (especially the shy expression on her sweet little face). :love:

She's also got a good singing voice (though she's too shy to sing loud enough for others to hear), she's usually always helping out during parties and other stuff while everyone else is enjoying themselves (and I always find myself helping her out), it's easy to make her laugh and hard to get her upset (I've never actually seen her upset though), and I like the way she scrubs those dishes.

...well that last part is more of an inside joke among my cousins and siblings.

Hobbies: I don't really have any that I can do right now (it's winter after all), besides gaming. I should probably at least make one snow tunnel before winter's over though.

Gaming: New Super Mario Bros. Wii (trying to max out my score, seeing how I've done everything else), Fire Emblem Binding Blade, Dragon Quest V DS, Legendary Starfy Trilogy, and Final Fantasy Gaiden.

Yesterday I actually went to a friend's house with some other friends (all of them except for one I knew since Elementary). We had an awesome time playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

It was a lot of fun, though I regret telling them some things they used against me and everyone else like picking up and throwing others and using Yoshis to swallow and spit out others, though I guess killing each other, both accidentally and purposely, was part of the fun. I'm also really suprised that they all survived (as in didn't run out of lives in Free For All Mode) up to the first Fireball Bro in World 9-7. That's considered to be the hardest level in the whole game.

As for Brawl, I was stuck with using only the Wii Remote for most of it, though I did quite decently. My friend whose house I went to still thinks every character I use is annoying, but not cheap. Well I guess it was the losing or getting comboed part that he found annoying. Everyone was a bit out of shape with Smash Bros.

Etc: I have no idea what the future has in store, but I'm hoping I'll be able to make it through it all.

I started playing Indigo Prophecy, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Lost Planet. Gaming is about the biggest thing for me to do to unwind.
You should get rubah to join you in playing that. It's insanely fun multiplayer, and she really needs to find something to do to wind down from all of her engineering classes and tutoring.

Rebellious Eagle
02-21-2010, 07:21 PM
Oh, I'll gladly help. ^^

How Goes Your...

Schooling/Career: I'm currently a freshman at a high school that closely resembles a jail. I'm getting all As except for World History (my teacher's insane), Honors Bio (hard) and LA Honors (almost have an A).
Love life: Ehh...like I said, some guy likes me probably, I don't like him back. I want to ask out my crush, whom I've known since I was 5...but he goes to a different high school and probably doesn't like me back. And all his friends are pretty girls.
Hobbies: I like to speak in Latin when I'm bored. I'm also currently attempting to write a novel about myself as a war general.
Gaming: Currently playing FFX-2 (ugh) and Nostalgia DS.
Etc: Latin for "and others". ^^

02-21-2010, 07:34 PM
Schooling/Career: I'm currently in my first year of Sixth Form, I'm doing Health and Social Care and Art, both are going well I think. :p I have a part time job in New Look, which I love, I just wish I could have more hours at the moment. The money is great though! And the discount. :}

Love life: No boyfriend at the moment, someone soon would be nice though. :p

Hobbies: I never know what to say when people ask me about my hobbies. I guess I could say shopping is one. xD Other than that, socialising and a bit of video gaming.

Gaming: Umm, I'm about half way through FFVII on my PSP, I'm just finishing off Super Mario Bros Wii. I'm also playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days annnd Shadow Hearts Covenant. I haven't really had a lot of time recently though, but those are the games I keep going to when I do. Oh and I'm also looking forward to buying a PS3 and FFXIII. :D

Etc: I can't wait to get paid on Friday! I haven't spent hardly any money since like the beginning of January as I'm saving for a PS3, so hopefully after I have brought that I will have some money left over as there are clothes in New Look begging for me to buy them! :p

02-21-2010, 07:38 PM
How Goes Your...

Schooling/Career: S'alright, just about to finish uni in a few months time and all that. Will probably bum around saving up some money and doing a TEFL after that.
Love life: I'm only with her because I'm scared of what she'll do if I run away she is a nutjob.
Hobbies: Been playing a lot of poker lately and been doing pretty well at it. I can see myself getting in over my head though.
Gaming: Not been doing much of it lately, sporadically playing PES 2010 and occasionally buying a new game and then not finishing it 'cause busy with uni. Have a lot to catch up on.
Etc: Also going to Japan in April. Gonna stay with our old chum Joaquin (http://forums.eyesonff.com/members/james%2Blatimer%2Bcockney%2Brebel.html) while he is out there teaching English, it is gonna be awesome.

I Don't Need A Name
02-21-2010, 07:46 PM
Schooling/Career: Just started my first year at The University of Lincoln, studying BSc Forensic Science. It's pretty cool, having lectures showing us pictures of crime scenes and post mortems. :jess: 1st Semester has been a bit lax though, just doing A Level work. I also work weekends at the joys of Morrisons. Woo checkouts :eep:

Love life: HA! Next joke. :eep: I'm hopeless, so no xD

Hobbies: Watching way too much Anime in my spare time at the moment. Don't do much else other than game.

Gaming: Worryingly, I spend way too much time on my flatmates 360, cause I've completed my PS3 games. Still don't like 360's much though. Waiting on Heavy Rain this week :jess: Emulating PS1 and GBA on my laptop as well =D

Etc: Trying to form a band with the flatmates, but the drummer is too lazy to bring his drumkit up. And I'm gonna force Quin to meet up with me at some point, even if his hair IS too short :eep:

02-21-2010, 09:16 PM
* Schooling/Career: In upper sixth, my last year, at Carmel College; hoping to get A Levels in Photography, English Literature and Sociology. After college, I am hoping to either go the University of York, Cardiff, Keele, Edge Hill or Chester to further Sociology and combine it with Criminology. What's my career? I have no idea. I currently work part-time at DWSports in St Helens, it's what used to be JJB up until the recession, when DW re-bought the JJBs with the gyms so that they didn't completely go down. It's hardly different, really. I basically walk around pretending to have a purpose, when I really don't. Most of the time there are more staff in the store than there are customers!

* Love life: Ahaa xD I'm single, let's just leave it at that.

* Hobbies: Zilch. I'm lazy.

* Gaming: I've just started Zelda Ocarina Of Time: Master Quest. Upto the shadow temple, right at the boss actually. :jess:

* Etc: The bouncers round St Helens know me with about 10 different names, ahhh the joys of being underage and using other's IDs! I'm also addicted to piercings and currently have 7 (8 if you include my retired nose piercing)

Rocket Edge
02-21-2010, 09:46 PM
Schooling/Career: Working as a lorry driver at the moment. Don't really mind it I suppose. Could I be happier in my job? Definitely.
Love life: Been seeing a girl since last April, and its going very well.
Hobbies: Reading, gaming, astronomy, music, and socializing. There is nothing I like more than to go out on the weekends and enjoy my time with friends & my girlfriend, and going crazy on nightclub dancefloor to some trance music.
Gaming: Tekken 6! Playing it online, love it. Call of Duty: World At War also, the multiplayer online with that is awesome. Also recently bought Final Fantasy VIII in the PS store and have been going through that - Deling City on disc 1.
Etc: yada yada yada

Quindiana Jones
02-21-2010, 10:56 PM
First EoFFer in a relationship not to be getting married in the next year wins. http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/6207/coolup.gif

Marshall Banana
02-21-2010, 11:00 PM
I want to go to Wakayama, Japan so badly. I want to ride Ichigo Densha and meet Mr. Tama. :crying:

Quindiana Jones
02-21-2010, 11:01 PM
I want to ride Mr. Tama. http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/6207/coolup.gif

Marshall Banana
02-21-2010, 11:09 PM
Mr. Tama.


Quindiana Jones
02-21-2010, 11:17 PM

02-22-2010, 01:38 AM

Schooling/Career: I am currently a third year English major. No idea what's gonna happen after I'm done. I wanted to teach, but realized that it wasn't for me. I have a great lust for theater, but it doesn't pay.

Love life: I'm married.

Hobbies: Watching old movies I've never seen, reading and writing. I focus my writing energy on plays...so you can say I'm a bit of a playwright.

Gaming: I'm in love with my DS. But until my shipment of games get here I'm playing The Legend of Zelda the twilight princess.

Etc: I have cats and I hope to visit England this fall.

02-22-2010, 02:42 AM
All of this talk about rings makes me think you should all have a big EoFF wedding :cheer:

02-22-2010, 03:05 AM
How Goes Your...
Law degree in hand, I probably won't be back in school again unless I am teaching. As for the career, I have a great one year job working for a judge, after which I will head to New York to be an office lawyer for a bit. Then we'll see.
Love life:
I've been single for a long time now. But I've been moving around a lot, focusing on education/career stuff.
Music-wise, I've been really enjoying the new Spoon album. Older stuff on recent cycle for me are The Strokes first album and Abbey Road. From 2009 my favorite new albums were from Animal Collective and Dirty Projectors.
Book-wise, I finally finished Thomas Pynchon's amazing novel Against the Day. I've also been reading Empire of Liberty, Gordon Wood's fascinating history of the United States from the signing of the Constitution to the War of 1812.
Sports-wise, baseball season is coming soon. It's Bobby Cox's last season as Braves manager. I hope it is a magical one.
I didn't play many video games in law school, except for World of Goo, which was awesome. I do a bit of online strategy playing (warfish.net) and poker games with friends. Last fall I bought a PS3 and have been rocking out with Fallout 3 since then. I want to play Uncharted 2, but I am holding out until after I get FF13, which is so soon now.
Soon I am hopefully going on a weekend trip to Anuktuvuk Pass in Gates of the Arctic National Park, in the Brooks Range of mountains that form the continental divide for the Arctic Ocean. If I go soon, the caribou will still be around!

Rad Bromance
02-22-2010, 04:29 AM
How I Roll...

Schooling/Career: Currently running a florist downtown. Just got through Valentines, which about killed me and my employees, but we made it. Now just to get all the bills paid and see if anything's left after! :D
Love life: I have a friend with benefits. ;)
Hobbies: Well video games of course. I also like to edit other people's computers for them, though I rarely get any money out of it. I also love to travel and go to museums/national parks/places where I can take lots of pictures, I love photography! Haven't been able to do that lately though.
Gaming: Currently playing the God of War Collection to refresh myself in anticipation of God of War III. Also playing through FFXII again to get myself back into the RPG mood in anticipation for FFXIII. :)
Etc: I just got a new fish for my saltwater tank. He is a clown fish. I named him Nemo. :love:

02-22-2010, 09:39 AM
Schooling/Career: I took a year off of school to work. That hasn't really been working out though. I'm taking a test to be a census taker some time this week.

Love life: I've been with my girlfriend for two years now.

Hobbies: Reading, writing. I'm working on a book right now.

Gaming: I finished BioShock 2 a few days ago. Maybe I'll re-play Half-Life now.

Etc: :cool:

02-22-2010, 12:03 PM
I just had my hair cut. Short. All gone.

No way! I thought you were joking! - and now's too late for you to mail it to me ;_; Darn it.

Schooling/Career: Not in school, but working multiple jobs (as a teacher and a service assistant). I'm moving away from home in a little over a month, so I have to quit my jobs and find a new one. Should be interesting :redface:
Love life: Nothing's happening.
Hobbies: Not doing much these days, but some reading and drawing gets in there from time to time. I wish I were more active in my hobbies.
Gaming: Casually playing Final Fantasy XII and Mario Kart Wii. Kinda waiting for Final Fantasy XIII to come out, tbh.
Etc: I have a lot of stuff to do and sort out before I'm moving. All this excitement! :excited:

02-22-2010, 02:12 PM
* Schooling/Career:
I'm currently working as a junior designer for Samar Mehdi. Will Start in April for Synergies Sourcing in the R&D sector which caters to street wear clothing. Inshallah in April , I should also be tentatively be holding my very first exhibition (*hint it has to do with my thesis work)

* Love life:
-Currently trying to court a super busy gal...We managed to go on two dates so far... No kissing yet

-Booty Calls: Nearly a month back

* Hobbies:
Lately my work and hobby as come together so to speak....But then again I do like to smoke up from time to time! :D

* Gaming:
Haven't played any in months but I dream of owning a PS3....

* Etc:
Karachi is getting warmer...And Mosquitoes are evil...


Flying Mullet
02-22-2010, 02:37 PM
I'm in the middle of completing my Masters degree in Computer Science. I'm hoping to finish up at the end of this year, which would be good as I'm bored with the degree and there are other technologies and computer languages I would like to devote my time to studying.

As for the job, I took a severance package from my last employer last summer and was unemployed for a month. I took a contract job for a little over a month and then hired on with my current company as a Senior Web Developer in September and absolutely love it. It's a fun pace to work and everyone is laid back and likes to joke around.

Love life:
Married five and a half years and still loving it. We've been married long enough that we've been through a couple of ups and downs now so we know we have what it takes to work things out and still be happy together. :)

Cycling and running mostly, with a splash of gaming here and there. Honestly, I've been so busy with work and school that the little free time I have is devoted to getting out of the house to do some type of exercise to help de-stress and blow off steam.

Very little time for this, but I received a DS for Christmas so I've been playing through Final Fantasy III and Dragon Quest IV and V when I have time.

We started having the baby talks again, this time seriously. Kinda scary to think about but really cool to think about at the same time.

Oh, and I'm old. :p

Loony BoB
02-22-2010, 03:01 PM
Flying Mullet - potential coolest dad ever?

02-22-2010, 03:09 PM
That's what I thought too, BoB! I read that and I thought "Wow, FM is a cool guy. He'd be a cool dad."

02-22-2010, 03:25 PM
Very cool FM!!

I want to be a cool dad one day!!

:cheers: to FM for attempts to procreate!!

Flying Mullet
02-22-2010, 03:26 PM
Whoa whoa whoa, no protraction attempts yet. Just chatting about it.

02-22-2010, 03:37 PM
How I Roll...
Schooling/Career: I was laid off as a teacher and have been unable to find a job, and having difficulty deciding what career path to peruse after dedicating so much time, energy, and money to a career that decided it doesn't need me. I still have a few more months of unemployment checks coming, and BJ has his totally :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty job that he hates. xD

I know I've said this before, but replace teacher with accountant and you've pretty much got my career situation.

Currently searching for work, but working on learning some C programming and teaching myself everything I can about sound design in preperation for working on a game within the next year or so.

Love Life: Happily married for a little over six months now. We'll have been together for three years this March.

Hobbies: Music is always a big one. Doing CrossFit now as well though I've got a case of tendinitis in both knees right now. Mild though it may be I'll have to take it easy if I want it to get better. Thank god for Advil.

Gaming: Been playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 a lot lately. Looking forward to Heavy Rain tomorrow as well.

Etc: Been reading a lot about Buddhism lately and I have to say that it is pretty damn awesome overall. I can also say quite safely that I'm really and truly happy for the first time in a long time.

02-22-2010, 03:40 PM
Whoa whoa whoa, no protraction attempts yet. Just chatting about it.

Thats no way to make a baby! :colbert:

02-22-2010, 04:51 PM
Flying Mullet - potential coolest dad ever?

Honestly, I'd probably be scared out of my mind if I was the son of a Bacon Bandito.

02-22-2010, 05:36 PM
Schooling/Career: Currently in my second semester of junior year, which is going fairly well. I've just been selected to take over next year as editor-in-chief of the campus's literary journal. I'm working through the last of the lower level classes for my second major (anthropology). I'm feeling somewhat indifferent towards my part-time employment at Barnes and Noble. Given how much crap they're giving me over my hours and scheduling, I'm beginning to consider looking for employment elsewhere. I understand that they want me to maintain more hours of zone maintenance, but I'm a full time student and I'm not going to give up my weekends working when I need time to catch up on both class work and a sleep.

Love life: I'll be hitting a year and three months with my girlfriend in a few days. We hit a bit of a rough spot early this year, but we've moved past it and things to be getting better from here.

Hobbies: Enjoying spending time with the Cinematic Arts Commission on campus. Watching a lot of movies I probably never would have otherwise seen. Anime club is also going just as well. Toradora! is surprisingly fun and Bakemonogatari is pretty awesome as well (although admittedly extremely odd).

Gaming: Just beat Mass Effect 2 not long ago. Just started up White Knight Chronicles last night. Waiting on Pokemon HeartGold and Final Fantasy XIII. As per usual, spending far more time than necessary on Final Fantasy XI. Assorted other games in progress (playing ME2, Dragon Age: Origins, and a few other games multiple times). Pretty standard fare.

Etc: Between full time classes, three clubs, and part time work, I'm pretty exhausted. Also happy.

Moon Rabbits
02-22-2010, 06:04 PM
How I Roll...Schooling/Career: Currently running a florist downtown. Just got through Valentines, which about killed me and my employees, but we made it. Now just to get all the bills paid and see if anything's left after! :D

JEALOUS. I've always wanted to try my hand at working at a florist.

* Schooling/Career: In upper sixth, my last year, at Carmel College; hoping to get A Levels in Photography, English Literature and Sociology. After college, I am hoping to either go the University of York, Cardiff, Keele, Edge Hill or Chester to further Sociology and combine it with Criminology.

Fellow sociologist! *high five.* I hope you're not one of them functionalists, or worse, sociobiologists, though!

02-22-2010, 07:34 PM
School/Career: Law school, eh. I'm too lazy to find a job. Or even a summer job. Seriously, I enjoy the school aspect of it xD But I don't enjoy the law school aspect. I'm also waitressing at a sushi restaurant about 16-18 hours a week.

Love Life: Crazy. I guess the high point is that I've been dating a cute and adorable girl. It's nothing serious, though. :]

Hobbies: Wine tasting. Partying. Drinking alcohol. Anything involving alcohol. I've become a true law student. xD Music, shopping, and all the usual things. Oh, somehow I got addicted to American Idol again this season.

Gaming: Haven't video gamed in god knows how long, but I still do an almost weekly D&D group. :p

Etc: I really want a puppy. xD Also, it told me I last logged in this site on 1/9/10. Oh and my avatar is that chick from Oh my Goddess or something now, apparently. :</>D

02-23-2010, 03:40 AM
Schooling/Career: School is busy as smurf. I have a full course load and have :bou::bou::bou::bou: dumped on me constantly to take care of. My job is going okay but I'm getting bored of it because it's the spring and my freshman either put their :bou::bou::bou::bou: together or are beyond saving at this point. I've applied to three internships back home this summer and have one more currently in the pipeline. I'd like to apply for more but I really want to stick close to home. I've also made the decision to transfer back to a school closer to home for my senior year. About the only thing I'm looking forward to right now is being able to move back for good.
Love life: Depressing.
Hobbies: I've been ADD lately with my hobbies. Worked on a script, worked on a game, jumped all around. Been having trouble feeling terribly satisfied with things I've been creating lately.
Gaming: Since coming back this semester, I've beaten Super Mario Galaxy, Madworld, and Grand Theft Auto IV. I started playing Indigo Prophecy, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Lost Planet. Gaming is about the biggest thing for me to do to unwind.
Etc: My best friends from back home are still the best goddamn people in the world, ever. I can't wait to be back with them. Also found out I'm getting a fat tax return this year so that's cool. And I'm starting to wonder if my room mate is losing his mind.

I'm glad you're GTFO of Arkansas of all goddamn places.

Career: Going amazingly well. I'm so happy! I had my first wedding published in a popular blog, I booked my highest paying client just a few days ago, I'm getting great feedback from past and current clients, and I'm on my way to hopefully exceeding my 2010 business goals. I'm also getting SICK ass business cards coming in next week. Seriously, they're insane and beautiful and so freakin' expensive but totally worth it. Yay!
Love life: Approaching 4.5 years with Del Murder and still going on strong. Not gonna give everything away, but lets just say we had a conversation today that involved the word "Tiffany's" that left me grinning like an idiot. :jess:
Hobbies: ;_; I haven't been able to craft lately either! Such a bummer. I had a lot of personal goals like taking letterpress classes and whatnot but I had to give them up when my two dogs came to live with me. They're like smurfing babies, I have to feed them, bathe them, exercise them, and make sure they poo and potty at regular intervals. Makes it hard juggling them, work, and personal stuff.
Gaming: Been playing bits of FF: Crisis Core and enjoying it lots.
Etc: Probably gonna be going to New Zealand in the fall. Excited to plan a trip for a place that speaks English! Oh and Del Murder and I had a menage a trois today.

This post brings up so many questions, and multiple squee's. :o

Oh! I have a suggestion for Japan, and I want you to relay it, if you'd do me the favor, Shlupie! Here is my message:





In fact, I'mma print that out and put it in my scrapbook.


After news was relayed that the company I'd worked with for over 6 years was closing my location, I left immediately. Picked up a similar position at another manufacturer. Now, roughly 30% of the US's supply of fiber cement is made by my brother and me. :cool:

That's cool that you were able to find another job. Cement sounds fun. Or something. xD

Love life:
Blissful. Married over the summer and living the life.

Nice! The first two years are supposed to be pretty hard, so being blissful after six months sounds good to me.

Trying to finish up loose ends throughout the years. Working on completing FFIX for the first time and still trying to make it through Twilight Princess.

"Trying to make it through"?!?! How can you make playing the best game ever sound like a chore?! D:

Schooling/Career: I was laid off as a teacher and have been unable to find a job, and having difficulty deciding what career path to peruse after dedicating so much time, energy, and money to a career that decided it doesn't need me. I still have a few more months of unemployment checks coming, and BJ has his totally :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty job that he hates. xD

The employment monster is so hungry right now. Over half of my family is unemployed at the moment! My wife is also a teacher and was very worried about even finding a job to start with in the beginning. I agree with your apparent sentiments concerning the lack of "need" of the profession. I've seen commercials about the 2010 Census that say something along the lines of, "Fill out the form so we know how many kids there are. Then maybe we'll know how many teachers we really need." I don't know, the system just seems so jacked up to me. :\
It is jacked up. The classrooms were overcrowded before they started tossing teachers aside!

* Schooling/Career: First year is over in five weeks! I failed both my math courses! I am passing my psych, socio, sex, and gender courses! I don't have a job and maybe won't be able to afford tuition!
Failing math and passing all the ridiculous courses. Why am I not surprised? xD

* Love life: I'm smurfing some people.
I lol'd.

Love life: I'm only with her because I'm scared of what she'll do if I run away she is a nutjob.

Etc: Also going to Japan in April. Gonna stay with our old chum Joaquin (http://forums.eyesonff.com/members/james%2Blatimer%2Bcockney%2Brebel.html) while he is out there teaching English, it is gonna be awesome.
Whuuuuuut? Where does he live??

Schooling/Career: Just started my first year at The University of Lincoln, studying BSc Forensic Science. It's pretty cool, having lectures showing us pictures of crime scenes and post mortems. :jess:
Uhm... Gross! xD

Etc: Trying to form a band with the flatmates, but the drummer is too lazy to bring his drumkit up.
WTF! Drummers are the best musicians. It must be your fault.

* Etc: The bouncers round St Helens know me with about 10 different names, ahhh the joys of being underage and using other's IDs!

I lol'd.

Schooling/Career: Working as a lorry driver at the moment. Don't really mind it I suppose. Could I be happier in my job? Definitely.


I want to go to Wakayama, Japan so badly. I want to ride Ichigo Densha and meet Mr. Tama. :crying:

Me toooooooo! ;_;

Schooling/Career: I am currently a third year English major. No idea what's gonna happen after I'm done. I wanted to teach, but realized that it wasn't for me. I have a great lust for theater, but it doesn't pay.

What does one do with an English degree other than teach? My sister-in-law manages a clothing store.

Hobbies: Watching old movies I've never seen, reading and writing. I focus my writing energy on plays...so you can say I'm a bit of a playwright.

Plays. Weird.

Gaming: I'm in love with my DS. But until my shipment of games get here I'm playing The Legend of Zelda the twilight princess.

Twilight Princess is my favorite game. <3

Etc: I have cats and I hope to visit England this fall.

I approve of both of these things.

Law degree in hand, I probably won't be back in school again unless I am teaching. As for the career, I have a great one year job working for a judge, after which I will head to New York to be an office lawyer for a bit. Then we'll see.

You are such a badass, eestie.

Schooling/Career: Currently running a florist downtown. Just got through Valentines, which about killed me and my employees, but we made it. Now just to get all the bills paid and see if anything's left after! :D


Love life: I have a friend with benefits. ;)

:up: :up:

Etc: I just got a new fish for my saltwater tank. He is a clown fish. I named him Nemo. :love:

:up: :up: :up:

Schooling/Career: I took a year off of school to work. That hasn't really been working out though. I'm taking a test to be a census taker some time this week.

Seems like most people are doing the opposite, heh.

Schooling/Career: Not in school, but working multiple jobs (as a teacher and a service assistant). I'm moving away from home in a little over a month, so I have to quit my jobs and find a new one. Should be interesting :redface:
What do you teach? Where are you moving?

Ditto! Make me clothes out of bags! Be the daring designer that uses chubby models.


We started having the baby talks again, this time seriously. Kinda scary to think about but really cool to think about at the same time.

Oh, and I'm old. :p

Omggggggg, BABY! You're not that old, even I've had baby talks. Or am I old too? Then again, our baby talks typically have the words "a couple more years" in them. i c u 2010 kekeke

Etc: Been reading a lot about Buddhism lately and I have to say that it is pretty damn awesome overall. I can also say quite safely that I'm really and truly happy for the first time in a long time.
Crazy. I like Buddhism. How's your wife feel about that?

Schooling/Career: Currently in my second semester of junior year, which is going fairly well. I've just been selected to take over next year as editor-in-chief of the campus's literary journal. I'm working through the last of the lower level classes for my second major (anthropology). I'm feeling somewhat indifferent towards my part-time employment at Barnes and Noble. Given how much crap they're giving me over my hours and scheduling, I'm beginning to consider looking for employment elsewhere. I understand that they want me to maintain more hours of zone maintenance, but I'm a full time student and I'm not going to give up my weekends working when I need time to catch up on both class work and a sleep.

I had that problem with a couple of my jobs when I was in school. I walked out of Target after ten days of it. Tell them to suck it!

School/Career: Law school, eh. I'm too lazy to find a job. Or even a summer job. Seriously, I enjoy the school aspect of it xD But I don't enjoy the law school aspect. I'm also waitressing at a sushi restaurant about 16-18 hours a week.

You are too lazy to find a job but you have a job, you enjoy school but not law school. You make me lawl.

Love Life: Crazy. I guess the high point is that I've been dating a cute and adorable girl. It's nothing serious, though. :]

02-23-2010, 03:48 AM
Etc: Been reading a lot about Buddhism lately and I have to say that it is pretty damn awesome overall. I can also say quite safely that I'm really and truly happy for the first time in a long time.
Crazy. I like Buddhism. How's your wife feel about that?

She thinks it's great. She certainly doesn't know as much about it as I do at this point, but she's already shown interest in reading the books I've got on it when she has a bit more time. I think she's also happy with the changes she's seeing in me as I really practice the meditation as well as take a fair number of the teachings to heart and have started implementing them in my day to day life. It's certainly not like it's been an overnight change or anything, but it's apparent to pretty much everyone around me that it's improved my mood and outlook on everything. I've even been caught walking around with a smile on my face for entire days for no other reason than I'm happier as I've committed more to this stuff.

So long story kinda long, she's pretty happy about it. Especially when only a month ago I was still pretty deep in depression.

02-23-2010, 03:54 AM
Well damn, go Buddha. May you reach your Nirvana or whatever.

02-23-2010, 03:56 AM
[blah blah blah blah blah]

Does that mean you already know everything about me so you didn't have to even read it? That's sweet. Though also disturbing.

Marshall Banana
02-23-2010, 04:06 AM
April is still strawberry season in Japan. Do you plan to visit a strawberry farm/greenhouse while you're there? Unless I'm mistaken, strawberry houses charge a fee that's equivalent to about $10-$15, then let you eat as much as you want while you're there!

I stumbled onto this yesterday: <a href="http://www.rurubu.com/season/winter/ichigo/index.asp" target="_blank">http://www.rurubu.com/season/winter/ichigo/index.asp</a>. I think it's a directory of strawberry farms. I want to work at one. :crying:

02-23-2010, 04:06 AM
It means GTFO of my house!

ETA: @ Raistlin

STRAWBERRY SEASON! I was excited 'cause it was the best time of year for hanami, but now I gotta look into this strawberry business too.

02-23-2010, 04:12 AM
strawberry season O_O isn't that supposed to be.. late summer?

Marshall Banana
02-23-2010, 04:20 AM
The seasonal period for strawberry picking is from January 5th to May 10th annually, yet we sell strawberries before Christmas time. In Japan, we celebrate Christmas with strawberry cakes and sushi, just as Americans celebrate it with turkey and ham. Perhaps we do this because strawberries have the same color as Santa Claus or just because strawberries are a favorite among all generations especially the children.
From the website of Kawatsura Strawberry Farm. Mmm.

http://chiba4u.com/1583/e/icon/icon_strawberry_s.gif All you can eat in the green house
You can eat as much as you want with time limitation. Some eat over 100 pieces, yet be careful as eating excessive strawberries will cause diarrhea. hahaha!

02-23-2010, 04:22 AM
That's bull! The Japanese celebrate Christmas with KFC.

02-23-2010, 04:25 AM
That's bull! The Japanese celebrate Christmas with KFC.



02-23-2010, 04:33 AM
Whuuuuuut? Where does he live??

Shibuya. Rather him than me, I don't think I could hack living in Tokyo, but going for a couple of weeks will be pretty joyful.

02-23-2010, 04:45 AM
Shibuya? I didn't even realize there was housing in Shibuya. Crazy.

02-23-2010, 04:52 AM
I don't know exactly where his house is, just that Shibuya is the closest notable place to him. :wacky: Should be a fun trip anyway. This big ass yakuza looking dude we know called Satoshi is apparently insisting we go out and get messy in Roppongi with him which should be suave.

02-23-2010, 04:56 AM
I'll bet he really lives in Saitama or something lame like that.

I'll be in Roppongi. If you see an American getting punched in the face by a business man, he's with me. ;D

02-23-2010, 05:41 AM
Schooling/Career: I am currently a student, working on both my Fire Protection Engineering and Mechanical Engineering degrees. I expect to complete my courses at the end of Spring 2012 (8 semesters, 150 credits). I currently have a job, which is as a mixed martial arts instructor for both children between the ages of 3 and 11, as well as an instructor for several adult (> 14 years) classes. I also make some extra money on a side helping my friend develop his distributorship business.

Love life: Non-existent. I would like to have a girlfriend, but it would seem that making money is more interesting. I'd prefer not to drain myself of money: I already don't eat as it is.

Hobbies: Does EoFF count? When I'm not studying, I solve math problems for other people in my spare time and teach them how to do it. Aside from my bid to become the ASME president at my university's chapter, there's not much else to report. I'm pretty much going to be responsible for feeding a bunch of hungry engineers.

Gaming: None. I haven't touched a console since Re:CoM. I play Starcraft, Diablo II, Age of Empires I and II, once in a while. If I have time. Which is never.

Etc: Currently staying up extra late so I can write my goddamn resume so I can get an internship somewhere, maybe. My favorite weapon to kill ants with is the handy-dandy vacuum, combined with some ant aerosol spray.

02-23-2010, 06:16 AM
You're so weird, Tav.

Not necessarily a bad thing.

I Took the Red Pill
02-23-2010, 06:20 AM
Schooling: I'm currently a sophomore at a fairly small research university double majoring in Physics and Mathematics. I enjoy it but it is extremely taxing at times. The worst is when finals week rolls around and I feel like my brain is literally about to turn to mush from all the mathematics being taken in.

Love life: Pretty nonexistent atm unfortunately, although I'm not really actively pursuing anything so it's nobody's fault but my own.

Hobbies: Reading, tutoring math, gaming, volleyball, tennis. There's not much to do around here when the weather gets like this.

Gaming: I've been almost exclusively playing Smash Bros. Brawl and Halo for the past month or so. I haven't found anyone really on my skill level in Brawl in a long long time, so I like to brag about it like it is some sort of tangible and credible skill.

Etc: I love being in a fraternity despite all the stereotypes associated with that, some of them true, a large amount of them false

02-23-2010, 06:21 AM
he is determined, moarlike

do you wear/display your ASME pin anywhere? Mine's on my backpack on the gai pried ribbon

I got an e-mail back from one of the companies I applied for internships to :D Two e-mails (out of like 20 positions ;o'''''') I'm pretty damn excited. Too bad they're both in Connecticutt

02-23-2010, 06:43 AM
Schooling: I'm currently a sophomore at a fairly small research university double majoring in Physics and Mathematics. I enjoy it but it is extremely taxing at times. The worst is when finals week rolls around and I feel like my brain is literally about to turn to mush from all the mathematics being taken in.

You and Xaven are both physics/math majors! Neat.

I got an e-mail back from one of the companies I applied for internships to :D Two e-mails (out of like 20 positions ;o'''''') I'm pretty damn excited. Too bad they're both in Connecticutt

Two out of twenty beats me one out of twenty something. I hope it works out! Connecticut sounds nice, though it's no Florida.

02-23-2010, 07:07 AM
a lorry is a truck. I learned this from Douglas Adams.

02-23-2010, 07:17 AM
*hits up Google images*

Oh damn it is a truck. I always thought it was like a trolly or screet car or some :bou::bou::bou::bou:.

02-23-2010, 07:42 AM
* Schooling/Career: In upper sixth, my last year, at Carmel College; hoping to get A Levels in Photography, English Literature and Sociology. After college, I am hoping to either go the University of York, Cardiff, Keele, Edge Hill or Chester to further Sociology and combine it with Criminology.

Fellow sociologist! *high five.* I hope you're not one of them functionalists, or worse, sociobiologists, though!
Does anyone even get hired as a sociologist anymore?

02-23-2010, 07:47 AM
You're so weird, Tav.

Not necessarily a bad thing.

Weird is in the eye of the beholder.

he is determined, moarlike

do you wear/display your ASME pin anywhere? Mine's on my backpack on the gai pried ribbon

No. We don't do :bou::bou::bou::bou: up in this chapter.

Loony BoB
02-23-2010, 09:51 AM
Shlup, you missed Momiji through to Chloe in your massive replies. Or maybe you just hate us.

02-23-2010, 01:56 PM
This is the year of internships! Good luck everyone. In the hustle and bustle of study abroad, I feel disconnected from that sort of thing. I'll be excited to go back to normal university soon; I think I start doing some student teaching when I get back, which is pretty exciting, but not quite as exciting as applying to places and such.

I forgot to add on my etc that I'm waiting to see which universities I got accepted to transfer to. I only applied to two, and the lesser university/back-up of the two has already accepted me, so I'm just waiting on the other one! I hope I get some money!

02-23-2010, 03:58 PM
It means GTFO of my house!

I know your policy is for me to leave right after, but I had to come back for my keys.

a lorry is a truck. I learned this from Douglas Adams.

There is so much to learn from Douglas Adams.

Unbreakable Will
02-23-2010, 04:13 PM
How Goes Your...

Schooling/Career: Meh, I need to pay more attention in my lecture classes on campus.
Love life: Good :) Me and Nikki are great.
Hobbies: Making RPG's via Rm2k, reading, gaming and hanging out with friends.
Gaming: I've played and beaten; Dante's Inferno, Gears of War, L4D2, Dead Space and Fable 2 in the last 3 weeks. I have waaaay too much time on my hands sometimes.
Etc: I'm spending a few days in Chicago during my Springbreak xD. Do any EoFFers live there?

02-23-2010, 04:23 PM
Do you have a pin, Tav? :!O

and you guys are lame. I knew that lorries were trucks back in third grade. READING ftw. No, actually before then! In second grade, we had a little worksheet on what things were called in England. Lofts, lifts, lorries.

02-23-2010, 05:06 PM
Does everyone know what wellies are?! I can't think of any other word that's used in England and not in the US. Wellies is my favorite word.

02-23-2010, 05:10 PM
I've never heard of wellies! I didn't know lorry was a British word, though. I guess I've known about it since high school, or something?

02-23-2010, 05:13 PM
Wellies is short for "Wellingtons" which is what the British call rainboots!


02-23-2010, 05:27 PM
Ooh, I knew the full word, just not the contraction. xD Okay, so it's a cute word, but I think the full word is even cuter!

02-23-2010, 05:50 PM
Shlup, you missed Momiji through to Chloe in your massive replies. Or maybe you just hate us.

It's stupid x-quote! It was pissing me off. And I totally replied to all of those in my head at least.

Love life:
Oh man Rye ttly does this thing with her~

I still vote we call him Doc Rantzien. It has a nice ring to it.

@Monda - I can't wait until you move in over there, so I can take my tour of California trip and visit you guys and Shlup. I want visit everyone at Disney World! Will Del and Miriel come too?
Disney World is in Florida. You fail!

Etc: I want to go to Europe this summer.

I wanna go next summer. Put it off for a year so we can randomly cross paths in Berlin or some :bou::bou::bou::bou:!

Deal. You'll be the one in the octopus costume, right?
The Octo-American. I think I could pull that off.

I'm starting to save up for my own flat. I hope to have enough money for the deposit, and various other things I will need within the next few months. fingers crossed!
Sounds cool. Your own flat like, by yourself or you gonna get flatmates? I never lived really on my own before. :o

Career: Seems alright. I might be getting shifted around either between companies or between contracts soon as the role I fill in my company for this specific client is being taken on by the client. I figure this means I have choices on where I go, which I'm grateful for. I'd prefer carrying on as normal (and that might happen yet), but regardless of what happens I can rest assured that I will remain paid what I am currently paid and that's good enough for me. My colleagues and I get along great and my bosses all appreciate me so it's all good there.
Love life: Nothing wrong with this. :D Danielle and I have settled properly now, I think, and maybe I'll have to start thinking about a ring by the end of the year... we'll see. Danielle has got herself a career job recently so our financial almost-problems have turned into something much better, and I think we'll be in a very good position in about four month's time to really think about the future in a very sensible way. If not earlier!
Pfft, I want a cool job. Does Danielle like it so far?

* Etc: Just had a poker night with my friends. I love whiskey and cigars. I think I should've been born in the 60's.
Sounds like any given night at my house with BJ and his work buddies.

I should visit. :p

I dunno if you'd want to, BJ wins most of the time. :D

Schooling/Career: I don't care how much people hate me for hiding this, but I can't tell you about it.

Schooling/Career: I'm currently a freshman at a high school that closely resembles a jail. I'm getting all As except for World History (my teacher's insane), Honors Bio (hard) and LA Honors (almost have an A).

All high schools closely resemble jail. And all history teachers are insane. Trust me, Cid is a history teacher.

Heh, my little sister is a freshman too.

Hobbies: I never know what to say when people ask me about my hobbies. I guess I could say shopping is one. xD Other than that, socialising and a bit of video gaming.
Shopping is a valid hobby, I suppose.

* Schooling/Career: Meh, I need to pay more attention in my lecture classes on campus.

Meh, I'm sure that isn't necessary.

* Etc: I'm spending a few days in Chicago during my Springbreak xD. Do any EoFFers live there?

Not that I know of. What's there to do in Chicago?

and you guys are lame. I knew that lorries were trucks back in third grade. READING ftw. No, actually before then! In second grade, we had a little worksheet on what things were called in England. Lofts, lifts, lorries.

That explains a few things. Second grade is when most students learn actual useful things, like to capitalize proper nouns, rubah.

Unbreakable Will
02-23-2010, 06:19 PM
Visiting some friends that moved to the windy city :)

02-23-2010, 06:36 PM
I highly suggest against going to Chicago. Instead, you should just kill yourself. It's about as fun.

ps i hate chicago

Unbreakable Will
02-23-2010, 06:59 PM

Flying Mullet
02-23-2010, 07:02 PM
Chicago, she's a fickle bitch.

02-23-2010, 10:33 PM
Schooling/Career: Not in school, but working multiple jobs (as a teacher and a service assistant). I'm moving away from home in a little over a month, so I have to quit my jobs and find a new one. Should be interesting :redface:
What do you teach? Where are you moving?

I'm a teacher in two different afterschool clubs, so it's more about pedagogy than actually teaching :)
I'm moving to the second-largest city in Denmark, called Århus. CAN NOT WAIT! SRSLY!

02-24-2010, 01:56 AM
How Goes Your...
Schooling/Career: Dropped out of school early, I was a bit of a mad teenager. Life goin nowhere but downhill til I got a job in insurance thanks to good old nepotism. I hate it but it pays good.

Love life:

All over the place, just out of a marraiage of 5 years to a great girl. No bitterness, it was all my fault.


Used to be parties, football & drugs, then it changed to parties football & alcohol, then it was marriage football and pubs & now I'm back to parties football & alcohol (with the odd drug)


I pretty much only got a Playstation cause back in the 90s I lived with my dad in Lenadoon, West Belfast for a bit and the fighting there got too intense to go out much during the summer. I gtot hooked to the games since, don't play much now though. I do often feel I must.


Picking up the pieces of a shattered future back at my Ma's till I find a place. Gettin used to being single again, it's as fun as I thought it would be but sentiment and nostalgia are trying to ruin it all for me.

That is the one & only time I will be open about :bou::bou::bou::bou: here. From now on it's back to the asshole starting now.

Yer all wee dicks.

02-24-2010, 02:00 AM
I got an e-mail back from one of the companies I applied for internships to :D Two e-mails (out of like 20 positions ;o'''''') I'm pretty damn excited. Too bad they're both in Connecticutt

Hey, hey, hey! It's not too bad up here in Connecticrap!

02-24-2010, 04:38 AM
Do you have a pin, Tav? :!O

No. Am I supposed to?

02-24-2010, 04:58 AM
Yer all wee dicks.


Sorry about the divorce. Well, probably not since you said it was all your fault anyway. Still sucks.

Unbreakable Will
02-24-2010, 07:13 AM
Anyone else hear that leprechaun (http://cinematropolis.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/irish.jpg) from the Simpsons voice whenever you read Cuchulainn's posts? Or is it just me?

02-24-2010, 07:18 AM
I always wondered if Disney World or Disneyland was better. I guess I will have to visit Californighyay and investigate this.

02-24-2010, 07:45 AM
I always wondered if Disney World or Disneyland was better. I guess I will have to visit Californighyay and investigate this.

Just go to Six Flags instead.

02-24-2010, 07:56 AM
Anyone else hear that leprechaun (http://cinematropolis.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/irish.jpg) from the Simpsons voice whenever you read Cuchulainn's posts? Or is it just me?

Well I do now.

I always wondered if Disney World or Disneyland was better. I guess I will have to visit Californighyay and investigate this.
I'm suer Disney World must be better. It's huge. It's like, what... six parks? Disneyland, I'm sure, is tiny compared to Disney World. It's still completely awesome though. If I were to go to Disney World I would have to be there for several days to feel satisfied.

Just go to Six Flags instead.
Six Flags has epic coasters, but there is no magic there.

This fireworks show (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qPQ34nHpKY) makes me tear up, and I don't even like fireworks. Maaaaagic.

02-24-2010, 08:03 AM
Yeah, but Six Flags has coasters and fire. And that rules.

Other than Club 33 and the Disney Princesses, I don't really care much for Disneyland anymore.

Club 33 is fucking awesome though, I highly suggest anyone go that has the opportunity too.

02-24-2010, 08:11 AM
I have not had the opportunity to go. :crying:

I've gotten a Six Flags annual pass several times though. <3 Tatsu 4 evah

02-24-2010, 11:14 AM
Yer all wee dicks.


Sorry about the divorce. Well, probably not since you said it was all your fault anyway. Still sucks.

thank you. was my fault but that's not to say what happened was what I wanted. We live & die by our mistakes!

Anyway, too heavy. Let's talk about the pros & cons of flumps.

02-24-2010, 07:57 PM
Career: Seems alright. I might be getting shifted around either between companies or between contracts soon as the role I fill in my company for this specific client is being taken on by the client. I figure this means I have choices on where I go, which I'm grateful for. I'd prefer carrying on as normal (and that might happen yet), but regardless of what happens I can rest assured that I will remain paid what I am currently paid and that's good enough for me. My colleagues and I get along great and my bosses all appreciate me so it's all good there.
Love life: Nothing wrong with this. :D Danielle and I have settled properly now, I think, and maybe I'll have to start thinking about a ring by the end of the year... we'll see. Danielle has got herself a career job recently so our financial almost-problems have turned into something much better, and I think we'll be in a very good position in about four month's time to really think about the future in a very sensible way. If not earlier!

Pfft, I want a cool job. Does Danielle like it so far?

I think it's really great, but the begining it was a bit boring because I didn't have much to do but now I have a lot of responsibility and it keeps me nice and busy! ^^ I prefer being busy than not doing anything at all. Plus I get to speak to important people like the Ambassader of the Netherlands, the Goverment of India, U.S Govermant or Bill Gates and stuffs. Still haven't spoken to Bill Gates yet but it's a possibility!

So I have 3 months so show them what a hard working person I am or something like that and it becomes a permanent position.

02-24-2010, 09:22 PM
I have not had the opportunity to go. :crying:

I've gotten a Six Flags annual pass several times though. <3 Tatsu 4 evah

D'awwww. :G At least you've heard of it, most of my friends have no clue what I'm talking about and they're the ones that actually like going to Disneyland still.

I still like X2 the best. FIRE. Tastu is probably second though.

02-24-2010, 10:20 PM
I can't pick between X2 and Tatsu, really. Tatsu is like "wheeeee, I am fly now, wheeeeeeee OH :bou::bou::bou::bou: UPSIDE-DOWN LOOP oh hey that was crazy wheeeeee." And X2 is like "OH FUCK WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME HOLY JESUS OMG AM I ON FIRE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIII--- ... ... ... ...did I just get laid?"

02-25-2010, 01:39 AM
That is the perfect description.

EoFF MEET UP AT SIX FLAGS. Best idea ever.

The Summoner of Leviathan
02-25-2010, 02:45 AM
And X2 is like "OH smurf WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME HOLY JESUS OMG AM I ON FIRE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIII--- ... ... ... ...did I just get laid?"

:O That sounds fun!

02-25-2010, 03:47 AM
Good idea. I've already been with Necro. Tickets are like $25 or something; $60 for a season pass if you go before April-something.

02-25-2010, 03:56 AM
Just go to Six Flags instead.
Six Flags has epic coasters, but there is no magic there.

This fireworks show (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qPQ34nHpKY) makes me tear up, and I don't even like fireworks. Maaaaagic.

The fireworks show during Christmas time with all the decorations and the snow bubbles is the closest thing to a magical experience as I've ever had. It's wonderful.

Del Murder and I had our first kiss during the fireworks show in October 2005. :love:

02-25-2010, 04:10 AM
OMG, when the music dies down and you notice "snow" flitter in front of your face, and you look around and it's everywhere, and then the fireworks build back up... I got goosebumps just thinking about it!

That is the best first kiss ever. I wasn't even there but I am quite positive that it's true.

Mine and BJ's first kiss was during the end credits for Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze. xD

02-25-2010, 06:21 AM
Mine and BJ's first kiss was during the end credits for Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze. xD
Super Shredder arm thrusts out of pile of rubble...

02-25-2010, 06:40 AM
Well it got me hot.

02-25-2010, 08:41 AM
Mine and BJ's first kiss was during the end credits for Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze. xD
Super Shredder arm thrusts out of pile of rubble...


02-25-2010, 12:14 PM
T-U-R-T-L-E Power. :aimkiss:

Flying Mullet
02-25-2010, 12:42 PM
Awesome first kiss. And when you and BJ are watching TMNT2 with your kids in the future you can gross them out by pointing out the exact time Mom and Dad had their first kiss.

Old Manus
02-25-2010, 02:33 PM
I should be revising right now

Schooling/Career: BSc in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics at Aberystwyth (that's welsh) University. It's cold and wet, and the weather is pretty :bou::bou::bou::bou: too.
Love life: Discovered a few days ago on/off girlfriend of 3 years has been sleeping with a mate from her university for the last 6 months :|
Hobbies: Cricket cricket cricket cricket football football football football snooker
Gaming: Endless, endless, Football Manager 2010
Etc: smurf bitches, smoke trees, get money

02-25-2010, 07:50 PM
Six months?? Damn. That's a long time to not get caught. You are an unobservant mofo right there.

02-25-2010, 10:44 PM
Good idea. I've already been with Necro. Tickets are like $25 or something; $60 for a season pass if you go before April-something.
Yeah, tickets are pretty cheap and I can get either at the Navy Base nearby. Plus, if you get your season pass late in the year for the next year, you get the rest of the year free. :bigsmile:

Mine and BJ's first kiss was during the end credits for Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze. xD

I like this one more. I approve.

Old Manus
02-26-2010, 02:17 AM
Six months?? Damn. That's a long time to not get caught. You are an unobservant mofo right there.I always knew you'd be there to support me in my times of sadness shlup

02-26-2010, 03:13 AM
Ehehe, sorry. If it weren't for the "on/off" part I promise I would be totally sympathetic. The "on/off" thing some people do confuses me.

Still sucks to be cheated on regardless.

02-26-2010, 03:34 AM
Well, to be fair, if they were on/off, he probably would not have been giving as much scrutiny to the situation than if they weren't on/off.

Still sucks, btw.

02-26-2010, 03:59 AM
That is a little fair, actually.

02-27-2010, 02:38 AM
you're considered a weakling if you express concern about the well being of others or disclose too much about your personal life...

I don't want to upset Psychotic by naming any of those other websites/forums/as he doesn't want us to say anything negative about other sites...
I know that from personal experience from being a member of those sites before I came here..so I'll pass on saying anything...

Except to say it's safer under most circumstances to keep your personal life issues/feelings/cares and concerns to yourself...;)

02-27-2010, 10:35 AM
* Schooling/Career: Not too bad on a placement atm which allows me to watch football (soccer) every day! and when the world cup starts 2 out of every 3 matches will be watched at work! with alcohol most probably!

* Love life: completely dead

* Hobbies: Gaming, considering making a blog/website, building gundam models and trying to figure out what to do for my final year project once i've finished my placement

* Gaming: Finished heavy rain last omgwtf its amazing a second lpay through is a must! and a third! and a fourth!

* Etc: Due to the nature of me being human, i've alienated two people I cared most about in the 9 months, both of them being my fault, the first I didnt know what I wanted but I do now and is to late to say and the second because they need to be happy so I have to disappear.

How's shlups?

02-27-2010, 10:51 AM
you're considered a weakling if you express concern about the well being of others or disclose too much about your personal life...

I don't want to upset Psychotic by naming any of those other websites/forums/as he doesn't want us to say anything negative about other sites...
I know that from personal experience from being a member of those sites before I came here..so I'll pass on saying anything...

Except to say it's safer under most circumstances to keep your personal life issues/feelings/cares and concerns to yourself...;)

You know from other sites? I've been here for nearing a decade; if caring about others and talking about my personal life was going to be a problem it probably would've become apparent by now. ;)

[...]watch football (soccer) every day!

[...]building gundam models

[...]* Love life: completely dead
Hmmmm... *ponders*

* Etc: Due to the nature of me being human, i've alienated two people I cared most about in the 9 months, both of them being my fault, the first I didnt know what I wanted but I do now and is to late to say and the second because they need to be happy so I have to disappear.

That sucks. :(

How's shlups?

Dandy. My dear, sweet husband set out to get trashed tonight, so I got to hose puke off the whole side of my car before bed. xD

02-27-2010, 12:10 PM
http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/icons/moombasmile.gif Schooling-
Currently in second year of Uni, studying Sequential Illustration (comic books). Deadlines left upto last minute again so it's all rush rush rush at the moment.

http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/icons/moombasmile.gif Love life-
Tracy and I have been dating for almost two years now, I'm sort of living with her, as in I spend most time over hers since I live just around the corner.

http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/icons/moombasmile.gif Hobbies-
Started reading a whole lot of Green Lantern lately (mostly Geoff Johns' volume 4 run at the series), I've got two manga on the go atm (Honey & Clover, Berserk). Also been trying to get some ideas and sketches down for a comic I want to someday produce.

http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/icons/moombasmile.gif Gaming-
Halo 3 online mostly. Playing through Tales of Vesperia with my girlfriend. I try to get some Counter Strike in when I can, and I'm always up for a game of Bomberman! Plus, today I plan on purchasing Heavy Rain.

http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/icons/moombasmile.gif Etc-
It's been tough to get online for me lately since my laptop recently got a virus and I only have access to my PC once a week when I visit home for one night. I'm so used to going online everyday, it's been a weird transition.

02-27-2010, 12:22 PM
You can study comic books?? I love comic books. I love to read and I love pretty pictures, and when the two are combined... magic.

The Summoner of Leviathan
02-27-2010, 06:22 PM
How's shlups?

Dandy. My dear, sweet husband set out to get trashed tonight, so I got to hose puke off the whole side of my car before bed. xD

Nothing says love like cleaning up their vomit!

02-27-2010, 09:09 PM
How's shlups?

Dandy. My dear, sweet husband set out to get trashed tonight, so I got to hose puke off the whole side of my car before bed. xD

noice, now its your turn to get trashed and puke on a side of him!

02-27-2010, 09:32 PM
Oh ho ho, I assure you I've already had my turn. After the mess I made on my 21st birthday I owe him quite a few puke clean-ups.

02-28-2010, 01:05 AM
Schooling/Career: I graduated high school. Now I get paid to kill people and teach others how to kill people. That's pretty much describes it well.
Love life: Oh man where do I start. I don't have an <i>official</i> girlfriend right now, but yeah... Apparently I'm also still in Joy's pants x.~
Hobbies: Video games, reading, hanging out doing whatever everyone else is doing, and drinking.
Gaming: Currently playing through Persona 4 and anxiously waiting FFXIII. Also when my NES catches up with me I'm gonna replay through Castlevania 1~3.
Etc: I am so buying a Harley once the weather warms up.

Shattered Dreamer
02-28-2010, 01:32 AM
Schooling/Career: Currently unemployed. Graduated with a BA in Irish Law last November but decided not to pursue a career at the Bar because the Barrister training is super expensive (€14,000) & that coupled with the fact it just wasn't for me. I'm on the Back To Education scheme whilst unemployed & I'm currently doing an Office Skills Diploma to pass the time & to aid in my job search.

Love life: Just over 2 months ago was introduced to this awesome chick by a good friend of mine over MSN. We really hit it off, decided to date & I went to visit her & we spent 2 wonderful days together & before I went home agreed to be a couple. 2 days after that (just over a month ago) she dumps me stating she wasn't ready for any type of relationship. 3 weeks ago she started dating someone else!?!? Considered getting back with an old college girlfriend in the aftermath of all this but realized that would be a terrible idea so I didn't bother.

As of right now I would like to meet somebody new but at the same time in light of recent events my pride is somewhat dented & it may take me sometime to get my $h*t together.

Hobbies: Joined 2 new bands. Singing in one & singing & playing rhythm guitar in another. Trying to decide which I like playing with the most. Aside from that I weight train a couple of times a week. I also finally went pro wrestling training! Toughest thing I ever did, got pretty badly banged up too so for now I may give it a miss!

Gaming: Lets see. Finished Killzone 2 last week epic game! Finished Shining Force & I'm almost 3/4 of the way through Shining Force II.

Etc: Moved out of my parents house a little over a month ago & moved back to Dublin! I'm living in an apartment with 2 1st year college students (1 being my best friends younger brother) & they're both really cool guys. It's weird being away from home after 7 months but it was time my life took its next step as I'm almost 22 & given the messy break up amongst other things a fresh start was needed!

How bout that ShlupQuack :p

02-28-2010, 05:41 AM
Yesterday, I toured NASA; played with the power drill designed to be used on EVAs, stuck my hands in pressurized astronaut gloves, took pix where it looks like I'm wearing a prototype space suit, stood inside a chamber that could kill me (or make the saliva boil on my tongue), walked through a training mock up of Kibo, saw an astronaut be awarded the chance to hang his mission's plaque in Mission Control Center (STS-130), and attended a nerd party with twenty mechanical engineers.

Today, we rode a ferry to Bolivar Peninsula, had some seafood, rode back to Galveston, picked up pretty seashells, then hit up Chinatown for chinese food and (for me) asiacandy.

Tomorrow is a ten hour drive 8)

02-28-2010, 11:08 AM
Schooling/Career: I'm currently working for New South Wales Police in the North West Metro region. Been here for a little over eighteen months now and I've pretty much got the measure of the land. If I face westbound, the only thing that stands between me and the horizon is housing blocks full of human garbage. Walking parasites! Pigeon hearted no hopers and half-awake, half-asleep heroin comas given breath.

I love this place. I got a pocket full of pens (half of them don't work), my handy notebook, a good friend as my partner on the truck and plenty of streets to drive on. My job is the best job. Well, at the moment. >=D

I'm also studying law part time, so when I get sick of standing on this side of the fence, I can defend these grubs/people in court and make a killing doing it. Oh yeah!

Love life: Currently sort-of-maybe-seeing-someone-not-quite-sure. She seems alright and is motivated. She has this really nervous laugh which she uses inappropriately instead of a typical 'um', 'ah', 'er' or when she has nothing else to say though. Makes me think she has a mild case of the 'Spergers.

Hobbies: I like cycling. But I won't wear lycra. EVER. Instead, I wear these 'shy bike shorts'. They're normal shorts with a lycra equivalent underneath! They even have pockets. I also spend time at the gym picking up heavy things, putting them down, picking up heavy things, putting them down, et cetera.

Getting back in to drumming after having sold my kit a few years ago. At the moment, the bottom of my sneakers and a pair of old sticks (mismatched) are doing me fine for practicing rudiments.

Gaming: Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age are great. BioWare is great in general. FFXIII is on my 'looking forward to but not quite sure what to expect' list. I might even pick up one of the new Pokemon games, Heart Gold or Soul Silver, if I feel like being a fruit.

Etc: I found an old photo album. That brought feelings of nostalgia. Then I thought about all the things I could be nostalgic about in the world, all the has beens and already done thats which I've long forgotten about and ought remember! Then I thought of my time spent on this forum, posting about absolute garbage and thinking it was totally cool because I was e-infamous enough to get banned repeatedly for saying something dumb. It was like I was FIGHTING THE MAN. Except the man was a Final Fantasy discussion forum.


Loony BoB
02-28-2010, 12:22 PM
You work for the police?


02-28-2010, 12:40 PM
Sure do. The government gave me a Glock .45, 30 rounds, an extendable baton, a long baton, pepper spray, handcuffs and an X-26 Taser. And has entrusted me with an original authority to cause Her Majesty The Queen's peace to be preserved in our fine state of New South Wales.

Paraphrased: I have heaps of cool gear and lock up :bou::bou::bou::bou: head criminals and sometimes beat them down.

Loony BoB
02-28-2010, 12:41 PM
I can't help but adore the irony in all of this.

02-28-2010, 12:43 PM
I know right?! Isn't it like some sort of SICK JOKE?

Loony BoB
02-28-2010, 12:45 PM
All I know is that I'm suddenly a little scared to ever go to Australia.

02-28-2010, 04:17 PM
Hmmmm I can't remember Sugpo rap but if BoB is laughing, then it must be something quite notorious about him!

Flying Mullet
03-01-2010, 02:28 PM
then hit up Chinatown for chinese food and (for me) asiacandy.
Where did you eat?

03-01-2010, 02:39 PM
All I know is that I'm suddenly a little scared to ever go to Australia.

The rest of the country is safe BoB. Well, relatively.

03-02-2010, 03:36 AM
^ Not really. Pretty much everything in our country is designed to kill you. The natives will spear you, the 'roos will kick you in the face, most of the spiders weigh over a pound and EVERYTHING is poisonous.

Don't come here. You will probably die.

03-02-2010, 04:08 AM
Kudos for surviving in that :bou::bou::bou::bou:hole of a country. :P

03-02-2010, 04:25 AM
^ Not really. Pretty much everything in our country is designed to kill you. The natives will spear you, the 'roos will kick you in the face, most of the spiders weigh over a pound and EVERYTHING is poisonous.

Don't come here. You will probably die.

Don't forget the sharks at our irresistible beaches.

And drop bears. Those things will fucking maim you and then kill you. I am not joking these things are dangerous. And Yowies, I can't tell whether they're supposed to be dangerous or just a collection of perverted old men. That statue in <del>boganville</del> Kilcoy makes me lean towards the latter.

03-02-2010, 04:28 AM
All I know is that I'm suddenly a little scared to ever go to Australia.

^ Not really. Pretty much everything in our country is designed to kill you. The natives will spear you, the 'roos will kick you in the face, most of the spiders weigh over a pound and EVERYTHING is poisonous.

Don't come here. You will probably die.

Don't forget the sharks at our irresistible beaches.

And drop bears. Those things will smurfing maim you and then kill you. I am not joking these things are dangerous. And Yowies, I can't tell whether they're supposed to be dangerous or just a collection of perverted old men. That statue in <del>boganville</del> Kilcoy makes me lean towards the latter.

Weather's nice this time of year though ^^

03-02-2010, 09:54 AM
^ Not really. Pretty much everything in our country is designed to kill you. The natives will spear you, the 'roos will kick you in the face, most of the spiders weigh over a pound and EVERYTHING is poisonous.

Don't come here. You will probably die.

Don't forget the sharks at our irresistible beaches.

And drop bears. Those things will smurfing maim you and then kill you. I am not joking these things are dangerous. And Yowies, I can't tell whether they're supposed to be dangerous or just a collection of perverted old men. That statue in <del>boganville</del> Kilcoy makes me lean towards the latter.
And hoop snakes!

And you have abos huffing on petrol. *shakes head*

03-02-2010, 03:03 PM
Schooling/Career: Have another year and a half left of college (History Ed. Major, English Minor). Just found out I can transfer some of my dad's GI Bill to my costs, so I'll be doing that to cut down on loans. Feel like I'm doing pretty solid this semester, will see after midterms come out. I found out I am not being rehired as the Resident Assistant of my floor due to a rule that was changed this semester (before this RA's could only step down or be fired for breaking rules). Normally this would mean that I could not stay on the floor (with more or less all my friends), but I'm going to try and fight it since when I signed the contract agreeing to that particular clause I was under the impression that I would have my job secured (since I wasn't stepping down or planning on breaking any big rules). We'll see.
Love life: Broke up with my girlfriend back in January. She was graduating this year, and we didn't think we would make it long distance (our relationship was more focused on the physical then it should have been). We have fortunately managed to maintain good friends and get to know each other even better. Other than that I'm on the market and looking.
Hobbies: Reading through Animal Farm. Aside from that I've been watching movies on Netflix Instant Queue and thinking of playing some board games in the coming weeks.
Gaming: I've been playing a crapload of games lately. In just the past two weeks I've started Assassin's Creed II, Red Faction Guerrilla, and Bioshock 2, in addition to regularly playing Battlefield: Bad Company. I'm looking forward to picking up Mega Man 10 this week and beating it over my Spring Break.
Etc: My Spring Break will be spent staying in the college dorms as the RA on duty (if anyone else in the dorm has a problem). Luckily quite a few friends are also.

There, satisfied?

03-03-2010, 01:10 AM
* Schooling/Career: What career? I'm a cashier at a dollar store. I should have a much better job than what I have but it seems all the dropouts and addicts and such are getting the good ones. :( I know several people who dropped out of school early and are making upwards of 20 bucks an hour! That's bull.

As for school it was a nightmare, and I never want to be reminded of it again. Especially college. I have to pay them back 75,000 bucks even though they A: didn't teach me crap and B: they didn't help me get a job like they were supposed to (this was one of those accelerated programs where they're supposed to help you find a job at the end of the program). Actually my parents and I are thinking about suing this particular school real soon.

* Love life: You're asking me, the most unlucky guy with getting girls, about a love life? Surely you jest.

* Hobbies: The only hobby I have is gaming now. I quit doing art recently (recently meaning about a year ago). It doesn't pay, for one thing, and it just doesn't interest me now. So, gaming and sleeping it is.

* Gaming: Played Valkyria Chronicles about halfway and I'm already bored of it. I started a new game on Okami and got about 2 hours in. Tonight I'll probably play Street Fighter or something.

* Etc: I'm just hoping things turn around. But with 21, going on 22 years of bad luck and missed opportunities, I don't think it'll happen anytime soon.

Marshall Banana
03-03-2010, 01:11 AM
I've been awake for 27 hours...

03-03-2010, 01:58 AM
Time to snuggle with Monda!

03-03-2010, 02:51 AM
Oh god, fun times.

School/Career: I'm in my final year of High School so that's pretty bitchin'. Uhh, I plan to major in biology once I go to college and then hopefully become a Physician's Assistant!

Love life: I broke up with my girlfriend in November and dated some guy on and off a couple times after that.

Hobbies: Exercising and hanging out with friends. Also, I occasionally enjoy managing my friends' band. :)

Gaming: Just got finished with Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2. I'm very much considering buying Heavy Rain at the moment!

Etc: I really, really would enjoy moving out!

03-03-2010, 04:07 AM
And hoop snakes!

Hoop snakes are an Ozarkan phenomenon~

and I'ms tarting to doubt Shlup's level of care :colbert:

03-03-2010, 05:10 AM
and I'ms tarting to doubt Shlup's level of care :colbert:

Same, she doesn't love us. :G

03-03-2010, 06:26 PM
I have attempted to keep it simple. I'm interested, but don't expect me to read a goddamn novel.

I'll um try, lets face it I don't often do short posts :P

How Goes Your...

Schooling/Career: My career is fine except for the fact that my managers are a bunch of bullies. I'm hoping to get this resolved however that or a new career though I actually enjoy my job itself which is a shame but bullying from my managers is something I just won't put up with.

Love life: I've been with Ewa close to 3 years now and things are great. I have to admit I'm happy it's like it is we're not always perfect but we're good more than we're bad so it's nothing bad

Hobbies: I'm reading a couple of good books atm and I've got 2 weeks off from work atm which means I might actually get on with some writing.

Gaming: I'm nearly done with Dragon Age: Origins I had to put it on hold a couple of weeks which sucked I've also began to enjoy GTA IV and once I am done with DA I will begin to do more Fallout 3 or Mass Effect 2 quickly.

Etc: I'm going Egypt for 10 nights in april - may :D I look forwards to it, 10 nights in a 5 star hotel in Sharm El Sheik.

03-03-2010, 07:09 PM
Schooling/Career: Well I have neither at the moment cause I've been tied down with a baby. OHH CAN'T WAIT!
Love Life: I'll pretend I didn't see this one =/
Hobbies: I've been doing a lot of baking due to the fact of being stuck at home and bored out of my mind. Good thing I know my way around the kitchen ^__^
Gaming: I'm currently playing FF4 for the DS (and having a hard time >_<) As well as KH for the DS.
Etc: I've had the flu for about a week and a half now, so I'm pretty exausted.

black orb
03-04-2010, 01:31 AM
Schooling/Career: Nothing..

Love life: Nothing..

Hobbies: I wonder if I really have a hobbie..

Gaming: Its ok, it could be better but im a poor guy..

Etc: Money? Im totally broke.. :luca:

Marshall Banana
03-06-2010, 02:20 AM
Today, I finally bought a hair brush.

Not just any brush, though! A strawberry brush!


03-06-2010, 03:09 AM
Ack, it looks like strawberry tracks in the snow. :P I can't see anything other than strawberries.

So why do you have banana in your name when you love strawberries so much?

black orb
03-06-2010, 03:23 AM
>>> Watch out for strawberry lice!..:luca:

Marshall Banana
03-06-2010, 03:30 AM
So why do you have banana in your name when you love strawberries so much?
"Marshall Banana," in its entirety, is a reference to something trivial in Cowboy Bebop, not actual bananas. I don't like bananas.

Big D
03-06-2010, 01:13 PM
How Goes Your...
Schooling/Career: Been in this job over a year now. It's varied, interesting, challenging - I still reckon I stumbled upon a perfect 'first career' there.

Love life: Exactly one year today :love:

Hobbies: They keep me busy, though thanks to work and life I have less time than ever, so some hobbies get neglected.

Gaming: See above. A lot less than when I was a student.

Etc: Nothing of note. Posting at this place for the first time in quite a while, I guess.

03-06-2010, 08:05 PM
Schooling/Career: I graduated high school. Now I get paid to kill people and teach others how to kill people. That's pretty much describes it well.
Love life: Oh man where do I start. I don't have an <i>official</i> girlfriend right now, but yeah... Apparently I'm also still in Joy's pants x.~
Hobbies: Video games, reading, hanging out doing whatever everyone else is doing, and drinking.
Gaming: Currently playing through Persona 4 and anxiously waiting FFXIII. Also when my NES catches up with me I'm gonna replay through Castlevania 1~3.
Etc: I am so buying a Harley once the weather warms up.

I already knew all of this. Go away.

Hobbies: I like cycling. But I won't wear lycra. EVER. Instead, I wear these 'shy bike shorts'. They're normal shorts with a lycra equivalent underneath! They even have pockets.

I approve of this.

I can't help but adore the irony in all of this.

I teach the children and Sug locks them up when I'm done. Seems fair.

There, satisfied?
No. smurf RAs! I hate them.

* Schooling/Career: What career? I'm a cashier at a dollar store. I should have a much better job than what I have but it seems all the dropouts and addicts and such are getting the good ones. :( I know several people who dropped out of school early and are making upwards of 20 bucks an hour! That's bull.

I know that pain. Dollar stores are cool though. Do you get an employee discount?!

Oh god, fun times.

School/Career: I'm in my final year of High School so that's pretty bitchin'. Uhh, I plan to major in biology once I go to college and then hopefully become a Physician's Assistant!
That doesn't sound like a bad plan.

and I'ms tarting to doubt Shlup's level of care :colbert:

Get off my back, I've had the goddamn swine flu all week!

Schooling/Career: My career is fine except for the fact that my managers are a bunch of bullies. I'm hoping to get this resolved however that or a new career though I actually enjoy my job itself which is a shame but bullying from my managers is something I just won't put up with.

Love life: I've been with Ewa close to 3 years now and things are great. I have to admit I'm happy it's like it is we're not always perfect but we're good more than we're bad so it's nothing bad

Hobbies: I'm reading a couple of good books atm and I've got 2 weeks off from work atm which means I might actually get on with some writing.

Gaming: I'm nearly done with Dragon Age: Origins I had to put it on hold a couple of weeks which sucked I've also began to enjoy GTA IV and once I am done with DA I will begin to do more Fallout 3 or Mass Effect 2 quickly.

Etc: I'm going Egypt for 10 nights in april - may :D I look forwards to it, 10 nights in a 5 star hotel in Sharm El Sheik.

Those all sound awesome to me. Is Ewa going to Egypt too?

Etc: I've had the flu for about a week and a half now, so I'm pretty exausted.

Me too! Also with the baking and being bored... No baby though, just me and my lack of job. I'm making cake balls today. :D

Schooling/Career: Nothing..

Love life: Nothing..

Hobbies: I wonder if I really have a hobbie..

Gaming: Its ok, it could be better but im a poor guy..

Etc: Money? Im totally broke.. :luca:

Now this is how we play this game. black orb once again obtains the title of My Favorite.

How can you not have a hobby though? You draw.

Today, I finally bought a hair brush.

Not just any brush, though! A strawberry brush!


That is the most adorable hair brush I've ever seen. Well, legit hair brush. I saw a super cute Ariel one once but I didn't think it'd work very well.

How Goes Your...
Schooling/Career: Been in this job over a year now. It's varied, interesting, challenging - I still reckon I stumbled upon a perfect 'first career' there.

Love life: Exactly one year today :love:

Hobbies: They keep me busy, though thanks to work and life I have less time than ever, so some hobbies get neglected.

Gaming: See above. A lot less than when I was a student.

Etc: Nothing of note. Posting at this place for the first time in quite a while, I guess.

I want pics of your girlfriend. :|

Quindiana Jones
03-06-2010, 08:05 PM
A lot less than when you were a student? FUCK. I haven't played since January and I'm a student. :(

03-06-2010, 08:07 PM
I hardly have time to play at all and I'm a house wife. Being a grown-up sucks. :mymelbert:

03-06-2010, 08:08 PM
SEE I knew you didn't care

Quindiana Jones
03-06-2010, 08:09 PM
Oh fuck this :bou::bou::bou::bou:. *suicide*

03-06-2010, 08:11 PM
SEE I knew you didn't care
You're right, I don't care as much about this thread as my own pain and discomfort. I can't believe it's Saturday; I slept through most of the week. o.O

Oh smurf this :bou::bou::bou::bou:. *suicide*
I support this choice.

Quindiana Jones
03-06-2010, 09:53 PM
If I had more willpower, I'd make a thread that simply quotes that, and then stop posting to see how long it would take to :bou::bou::bou::bou: people up.

But I don't have the willpower. And I'd rather not see people not caring about my apparent suicide.

03-06-2010, 09:56 PM
Get off my back, I've had the goddamn swine flu all week!

Was it given to you by the Goddamn Batman?

EDIT: @Quin: Linus already did it better, anyway.

Quindiana Jones
03-06-2010, 10:03 PM
EDIT: @Quin: Linus already did it better, anyway.

Haha nice. Link?

03-06-2010, 10:32 PM
Get off my back, I've had the goddamn swine flu all week!

Was it given to you by the Goddamn Batman?


EDIT: @Quin: Linus already did it better, anyway.

Haha nice. Link?

April Fools like... 2004 or something.

03-06-2010, 10:50 PM
I went to Shakespeare Country and snuggled with some cats!

Quindiana Jones
03-07-2010, 12:34 AM
Haha nice. Link?

April Fools like... 2004 or something.[/QUOTE]

Get in the kitchen Archive and fetch me my damn sandwich link, woman!

I jest. I'll go look, ma'am.

03-07-2010, 02:04 AM
Oh, come on, Quin. You can't tell her than and just be kidding, you have to commit!

03-07-2010, 02:09 AM
I think it was 2003, and the Staff might have hidden the thread in their Garbage forum. I couldn't find it in a forums search, just this repeat attempt from 2004 (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-chat/44646-bye.html), which was not funny because it wasn't widely believed.

03-07-2010, 02:38 AM
I don't see it. I hope it didn't get pruned. :o

03-07-2010, 04:00 AM
Those all sound awesome to me. Is Ewa going to Egypt too?

I could be mean and answer with a "well duh" comment but no I'm not yet that mean only nearly there. Yeah Ewa is coming with me, if anything this is more her idea of a holiday then mine however I'm still looking forwards to going to Egypt because I've never been and the red sea riveria does look so beautiful.

black orb
03-07-2010, 04:25 AM
How can you not have a hobby though? You draw.

>>> Drawing is more like a necessity than a hobbie..:luca:

03-07-2010, 04:45 AM
Those all sound awesome to me. Is Ewa going to Egypt too?

I could be mean and answer with a "well duh" comment but no I'm not yet that mean only nearly there. Yeah Ewa is coming with me, if anything this is more her idea of a holiday then mine however I'm still looking forwards to going to Egypt because I've never been and the red sea riveria does look so beautiful.

Yeah that would be mean 'cause it's not a "duh;" you're not fucking married. :twak:

Quindiana Jones
03-07-2010, 08:18 AM
Because only married people go on holidays?

Madame Adequate
03-07-2010, 04:19 PM
Because only married people go on holidays?

Of course dude, us unmarried types just leave the missus to prepare a LOT of sandwiches for what we return from our solo excursions. :hux:

Jess and I are returning to Reading shortly, where we will relax and get drunk tonight but where we have to start writing huge huge huuuuge amounts of words tomorrow :( We would both rather stay in Leicester so that she can creep Paul out. :bigsmile: In two weeks we're going to Norn Iron to stay with my granny for awhile. When we come back we have one full day and then she is leaving, so that's pretty gutted itbt ;_;

03-07-2010, 05:07 PM
Because only married people go on holidays?

Only married people can be so close as to be expected to do everything together; people dating and living together for years don't qualify for that expectation. Their relationship is not real until some government agency says so! :p

I don't see it. I hope it didn't get pruned. :o

You stupid staff and your pruning of epic threads. :mad2:

03-07-2010, 05:09 PM
Shlup, being married, thinks that everyone has to be married :p

03-07-2010, 07:50 PM
Oh FFS BJ and I went on plenty of vacations before we were married; it doesn't mean it's automatic! A man can do things without his girlfriend. You're all a bunch of little green tards.

03-07-2010, 08:08 PM
but not without his wife?

*or husband

** or spouses

03-07-2010, 09:07 PM
It's far more unlikely.

Seriously is it that unreasonable of a question? The label "girlfriend" says little about how serious the relationship is; a wife is far more likely to go to another country with you than a girlfriend. You're all just being all homo about the "my relationship is real too, shlup, just 'cause you're married doesn't mean your relationship is more real than mine wah wah wah." Fuck you, yes it does.

03-07-2010, 09:27 PM

03-07-2010, 10:39 PM
No it doesn't :p there's plenty of married people with terrible to no relationships. They are marriages of convenience or compulsion or expectation.

Kawaii Ryûkishi
03-07-2010, 10:52 PM
The Joshsuth suicide sextravaganza was in 2002. I'm pretty sure that means it was pruned, but we always have our memories. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e200/grokyou/little.gif

03-08-2010, 12:34 AM
No it doesn't :p there's plenty of married people with terrible to no relationships. They are marriages of convenience or compulsion or expectation.

So you're saying that if, hypothetically, Kishi were to be going on a trip to, say, California, I should assume that you're coming with him?

Oh wait, 'cause that is happening and you're not coming.

If you think a dating relationship, generally speaking, is equal to a marriage relationship, you're fooling yourself. And I find it amusing that you, of all people, are the one fooling yourself on this.

So there. :mymelbert:

03-08-2010, 12:56 AM
what the fuck, amanda? alright, I am not moving to California any time soon--rub it in my face xD
We also don't live together. I believe iceglow and his girlfriend do.

I didn't have any problem with you asking that :p I started teasing you because you don't seem to ever(see EoEO thread on marriage) want to believe that non-marriage relationships can have any permanence or meaning. I don't understand that; you said somewhere that you were going to celebrate nine years (dating) with BJ soon. Clearly, that (dating) relationship had meaning to you, else you'd wait until summer and celebrate your wedding anniversary.

At this point in time, you don't think that people under the PACS in France, any homosexual couples in your state, people with multiple partners, any of them have as real a relationship with their partner as you do with BJ.

I'm sorry, but the weight of probability lies far and hard against you. I will agree with you that 'yeah, if people really have a good thing going, they will probably get married' but I also know that sometimes they don't.

But goddamn, are you just trying to be a bitch, making an example out of me?

03-08-2010, 01:07 AM
You're trying to be a bitch making an example outta me, ho! Iceglow didn't say he and his girlfriend were living together.

Though I apologize if I've given you the impression that I don't think non-marriage relationships are "4 realz" ever. I totally do not feel that way. My Nana and her husband aren't legally married, and he's my grandpa to me just as much as if they were married and he were my father's biological father. My mom and her boyfriend aren't married, but I consider him my parent. My dad didn't marry my stepmother for years but I still called her my stepmom.

I'm just saying, you know, in general.

*rubs things in your face*

03-08-2010, 01:12 AM

03-08-2010, 01:20 AM
is this like the female version of my dick is bigger than yours what the fuck

03-08-2010, 01:21 AM
Rubah has Kishi; therefore her dick is small but she has three so it evens out.

03-08-2010, 01:45 AM
Seriously is it that unreasonable of a question? The label "girlfriend" says little about how serious the relationship is; a wife is far more likely to go to another country with you than a girlfriend. You're all just being all homo about the "my relationship is real too, shlup, just 'cause you're married doesn't mean your relationship is more real than mine wah wah wah." smurf you, yes it does.

No it doesn't; you're right that a label says little about how serious or connected a relationship is. But context does, and the original post that sparked this discussion said something to the effect that he had been with his girlfriend for three years, which DOES point towards how serious it is.

But your arbitrary bias (that only state-sanctioned marriage = "real" relationship) is very prevalent in society, so if I hadn't already pointed that out to you eighty zillion times, I wouldn't blame you for it. :p

03-08-2010, 01:49 AM
It didn't seem like you *were* saying in general though! Which is why I was trying to provide a counterpoint!

As for making an example out of you, I was going off of this post (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2685916-post37.html). I know it's not in-thread context, but it was something I had vaguely in the back of my mind, and I only link it to show that I had somewhere I was coming from

03-08-2010, 02:22 AM
Seriously is it that unreasonable of a question? The label "girlfriend" says little about how serious the relationship is; a wife is far more likely to go to another country with you than a girlfriend. You're all just being all homo about the "my relationship is real too, shlup, just 'cause you're married doesn't mean your relationship is more real than mine wah wah wah." smurf you, yes it does.

No it doesn't; you're right that a label says little about how serious or connected a relationship is. But context does, and the original post that sparked this discussion said something to the effect that he had been with his girlfriend for three years, which DOES point towards how serious it is.

But your arbitrary bias (that only state-sanctioned marriage = "real" relationship) is very prevalent in society, so if I hadn't already pointed that out to you eighty zillion times, I wouldn't blame you for it. :p

I don't hold that bias. I hold the bias that being married makes it far more likely that the relationship is serious, but the word "only" doesn't belong anywhere in that sentence.

He said they had been together three years; that's not all that long and we're only assuming it's three consecutive years. Though that is a reasonable assumption and I now know they're living together, the context of the original post wasn't quite enough to convince me I should just assume she's going with him.

It didn't seem like you *were* saying in general though! Which is why I was trying to provide a counterpoint!
Just admit you're being a butt 'cause you like being a butt. You already admitted it was reasonable for me to ask she was going with him.


03-08-2010, 02:29 AM
I'm being a butt because I want you to apologize for airing my private life out on these fora in a really mean way!:p

03-08-2010, 02:57 AM
I'm being a butt because I want you to apologize for airing my private life out on these fora in a really mean way!:p

Well, technically, since only Kishi is going to California, and you two aren't living together, this is not technically your private life, it's Kishi's.

ShlupQuack, I demand that you apologize to Kishi for airing out his private life to the forum in this mean manner.

03-08-2010, 03:07 AM

Because rubah feels like you insulted her maidenly honor or somesuch and I'm bored.

03-08-2010, 03:44 AM
I'm sorry Kishi is coming to California without you. I promise that if he finds a cute California girlfriend I will let you know.

Better? :D

03-08-2010, 03:51 AM
marginally :p

03-08-2010, 04:10 AM
Can't you both just settle this with a bikini mud-wrestling contest?

Meat Puppet
03-08-2010, 06:23 AM

hammer time

03-08-2010, 10:04 AM
is this like the female version of my dick is bigger than yours what the smurf
Looks like it, lulz.

Can't you both just settle this with a bikini mud-wrestling contest?

I second.

Shlups :love:

Madame Adequate
03-08-2010, 10:53 AM
I really don't quite know what to say in this thread, except that it's very funny and :love:

Also someone get Steve in here to wall o' text the place up!

03-08-2010, 01:41 PM
I'm in here but I'm not wall of texting this place up I'm just staring in wonder I caused an internet bitch fight with one simple little post......I have the power xD

Flying Mullet
03-08-2010, 02:03 PM
Today, I finally bought a hair brush.

Not just any brush, though! A strawberry brush!

If you don't keep your strawberry brush in the fridge do the strawberries go bad? Because there's nothing worse than moldy strawberries.

Oh, and women are silly.

03-08-2010, 02:15 PM
......I have the power xD

With great power...comes more internet bitch fights!

Flying Mullet
03-08-2010, 02:32 PM
......I have the power xD

With great power...comes more internet bitch fights!
Iceglow, do you take requests? If so, there are a couple of match-ups I'd like to see.

03-08-2010, 03:13 PM
Who are you calling bitch, Iceglow? :mad2: Am I gonna have to open up a can o' whoopass?!?!

Old Manus
03-08-2010, 04:44 PM
Split the last 30 posts into a new thread and archive imho

Posting in archived thread

03-08-2010, 06:18 PM
I should seriously consider doing requests but right now I'm not taking on more than I can handle. And Rantz, you know I loves y'all really :D I call you a bitch because I care ;)

03-08-2010, 08:26 PM
Rubah started it. :mymelbert:

03-08-2010, 09:39 PM
Can we start taking bets?

03-08-2010, 10:27 PM
:mymelbert: + :doublecolbert:

03-08-2010, 10:28 PM
Rubah started it. :mymelbert:


03-08-2010, 10:47 PM
If I finish her Kishi finishes me, and I wouldn't wish that end on my worst enemy, let alone myself.

ANYWAY! I am eating Oreos and have wicked cramps today.

Quindiana Jones
03-09-2010, 12:58 AM
If I'd've known Shlup was gonna go on about it, I'd never have made that bloody post. xD

03-09-2010, 01:04 AM
Let's make a poll thread. Who is hotter: rubah or ShlupQuack? Winner wins this thread.

03-09-2010, 01:06 AM

03-09-2010, 01:47 AM
Shlup's boobs (those were robbed of the Ciddie). The rest of her is just scary.

Quindiana Jones
03-09-2010, 01:48 AM
I'd happily bed them both. Be even happier if it was at the same time.

Madame Adequate
03-09-2010, 02:42 AM
Yup, Shlup's cups.

03-09-2010, 02:47 AM
4 pages of a lotta owl bollocks. You 2 should smurfing know better.

Oh and Shlup's hotter as she's married & that makes it a challenge. smurf morals.

03-09-2010, 03:50 AM
People need be not challenging my statements lest they be ready to get showed. That goes for all ya'll.

Also I vote for my boobs too 'cause they look nice today in my strawberry tank top. I haven't seen rubah's boobs at all though. *hinthint*

Marshall Banana
03-09-2010, 04:30 AM
strawberry tank top


03-09-2010, 04:38 AM
I will be the lone voice of Team rubah if I have to be. :doublecolbert:

03-09-2010, 05:11 AM
I'm still recovering from the last picture I posted of them (with two layers of fabric over them, too!)

To make up for it, I woke up feeling incredibly hot and attractive this morning. Looking in the mirror only reënforced it :)
