View Full Version : This leona lewis thing

03-10-2010, 06:19 AM
Did I miss it? Or have I not heard it yet? All the fanbois and girls were complaining but I haven't even heard it yet while playing. Maybe it'll come later? So far the music has been awesome so I'm sure it'll fit where ever it is o.o

03-10-2010, 06:23 AM
Eyes on Me and Suteki Da Ne were only played once, so I'm guessing My Hands only will be played once too, probably at some turning point in the second half of the game.

Flying Arrow
03-10-2010, 10:39 AM
Dreading that already.

The Summoner of Leviathan
03-10-2010, 10:45 AM
It could be like Kiss Me Good-bye which only played at the end of FFXII.

But I agree, the soundtrack for this game is so fitting. While some die hard fans might feel it is lacking due to the absence of the classic "FF Theme" and some form of "Victory Fanfare", the music really helps set the mood. Also, the details such as the bird chirping in some areas, which remains in the background even during battles.

03-10-2010, 11:19 AM
Kimi ga iru kara is the first ending theme of the japanese version so My Hands is the first ending theme of the EU & US version.

Dignified Pauper
03-10-2010, 03:44 PM
All I have to say is "Chocobo Theme."

on a related note: YouTube - Cockatiel sings Theme of Chocobo(Final Fantasy) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d81qFaoe010&feature=related)

03-13-2010, 11:53 AM
Is this the song?

YouTube - Final Fantasy XIII Main Theme - Leona Lewis - My Hands (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEsqH41GJFM&feature=related)

I first heard it on the commercial om MTV, a couple of days ago. But I'm not sure if it'll be in the japanese version (that i'm playing)?

I think it's okay. It's not a typical FF song, but it's not THAT bad.
Even though my initial reaction to to commercial was..." oh... some other song... HEY WAIT A MINUTE that's Final Fantasy!" XD and I hade already been playing the game for some time.

And the line "i put on my maceup" really bothered me... O.o

kimi Ga Iru Kara, is so much better. ^^'

03-13-2010, 01:19 PM
I honestly thought it was very strange to put her music in the game, not because I don't like her, but because it doesn't really fit well.

But I haven't even played the game yet, soo... I'll judge when I do. :P

03-13-2010, 03:15 PM
Well maybe this is just "sales" stuff but Leona does say she thinks the song fits for the Lightning and her struggles as a woman.

Square Promo with Leona Playing FFXIII (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixUY5zZO53s)

I know the song was not well received on the radio compared to the original theme "Kimi ga Iru Kara,” by Sayuri Sugiwara. When I first played Leono's track I did have people turn the station off, but now I can tell you I do get request for it. Not a bad track but is indeed different then what we normally expect from Square. But with the company breaking up the composer group in house I am thinking we may see more of this in the future.

If you have not seen this is the video of Sayuri from her CD single and it is kinda cool version of her just singing. She is what we expect from a Final Fantasy game but then times are changing.

Kimi ga Iru Kara - Sayuri Sugawara (http://www.rgonotsayz.com/video/play.php?vid=581)

03-13-2010, 03:22 PM
I think that song, kimi Ga Iru Kara, is much more of the "song" of the series. It's incorporated into most of the music of the game. I'm excited to hear My Hands in the game though - I like that song. I like the change of style and I like that it shakes up people who will only prefer the Japanese version of anything, just because it's ♥ 日本語 ♥!!!

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
03-13-2010, 03:26 PM
I think people need to stop thinking about her as a singer and listen to the song, the SONG goes really well with the game, i think its sounds better than the japanese one would have for sure saying as now everyone cud understand it! and omg shes a singer thts like saying cause she isnt japanese she doesnt go, maybe non-japan people shouldnt play the game either eh?

03-16-2010, 12:03 PM
such a well known singer outside japan to be doing a song for a final fantasy game. thats the unusual part

03-16-2010, 02:22 PM
At first I was really against the idea of Leona Lewis of all people doing a song for a Final Fantasy game, because I don't really like her music. And because the original song is gorgeous, though I heard that due to financial cuts there wasn't enough staff/time to produce an English version.

It's growing on me, and I don't really like her music. It is fitting to the game, and to Lightning, and actually fits in pretty nicely with the rest of the music.

Would I have preferred the original song? Yes. But I'm no longer really bothered by it. If anything, Final Fantasy getting a song done by a British singer only means that the games could become more mainstream over here.

Dignified Pauper
03-16-2010, 02:26 PM
The song really fits the ending.

03-16-2010, 03:46 PM
All I have to say is "Chocobo Theme."

on a related note: YouTube - Cockatiel sings Theme of Chocobo(Final Fantasy) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d81qFaoe010&feature=related)

This actually made my day :D

Doc Sark
03-16-2010, 04:25 PM
Did anyone ever see the episode of Friends where Joey thinks he's found his hand twin and he makes up a song to convince the guy they're hand twins?

YouTube - Friends - Joey - Hand Twins Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzL9KGmNBF0)

That's all that springs to mind when I hear 'My Hands'.

03-16-2010, 05:13 PM
Oh lord the chocobo song... whoever came up with the lyrics idea needs to be put down asap. But on topic, that song definitely doesn't fit the vibe of the game. The only reason I can actually force myself through so far is by playing my own music.

I think the worst song is the theme that starts as soon as you get to the Main Menu though, omg lol I'm not a 5 year old in need of a lullaby geez

03-16-2010, 07:43 PM
I have never heard of Leona Lewis.

Rad Bromance
03-29-2010, 02:51 AM
Yeah, it plays during the ending and it's perfect. :)

03-29-2010, 03:02 AM
It's grown on me, though I do like the Japanese one better.

The Summoner of Leviathan
03-29-2010, 04:53 AM
It is especially apt considering it plays at the end and how the scene before it goes. :D

03-29-2010, 05:42 AM
I think the worst song is the theme that starts as soon as you get to the Main Menu though, omg lol I'm not a 5 year old in need of a lullaby geez

goodness...i listen to it at least once through every time i play, so i guess i am in need of being lulled to sleep...or something:roll2 meh to each his own.

and the original japanese track was definitely more fitting in terms of a traditional FF, but this game is hardly very traditional, as much as i love it

Loony BoB
03-29-2010, 12:34 PM
I barely noticed the song for a while when it finally came on. I think anyone who listens to it and has an open mind will agree that there is nothing wrong with the song choice and placement within the game. It's fine.

03-29-2010, 01:10 PM
I really, really don't like leona lewis, but..... the song fits brilliantly.... I cried :eek:

Although I don't attribute that to the song entirely it definitely contributed!

Oh at that cockatile is the most amazing bird ever! I have now plastered it over facebook :p

03-29-2010, 10:08 PM
All I have to say is "Chocobo Theme."

on a related note: YouTube - Cockatiel sings Theme of Chocobo(Final Fantasy) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d81qFaoe010&feature=related)

This actually made my day :D

That is awesome! :D

03-31-2010, 02:50 PM
All I have to say is "Chocobo Theme."

on a related note: YouTube - Cockatiel sings Theme of Chocobo(Final Fantasy) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d81qFaoe010&feature=related)

This actually made my day :D

That is awesome! :D

Oh....my...God. I've never in my life wanted a bird as a pet. But now I'm just dying for that one.