View Full Version : Animorphs

03-22-2010, 08:24 PM
This was most of my intermediate school life. Who else loved these books when they were little. Everything about it was awesome, except for the ending. That was just weird. Anyway, Rachel was awesome. One of my favorite moments was when she got her arm ripped off, in Bear morph, and she started clubbed the Hork-Bajir with it.

And great news, they're being re-released with spanking new cover art and everything.

And there was *NO* TV series. At all. It was a lie.

03-24-2010, 05:29 AM
I always really liked Tobias and wished he could be a guy again :( After the local library failed to stock more books I kind of just forgot all about Animorphs. I really should read a plot synopsis sometime