View Full Version : A Heroic and Villainy Ranking Thread

Forsaken Lover
03-24-2010, 12:50 AM
Here's the basic idea.

You take whatever idea of good and bad you have and try to scale it.

From 1 to 10 is Heroic. 1 would be a pretty horrible person, perhaps cowardly, opportunistic and doesn't go out of his way to help people. Nevertheless he isn't a killer for no reason or outright malicious.
10 weuld be the paragon of nobility; helps everyone they can, thinks only of how to help others and does so in ways you'd consider nice or good.
From -1 to -10 is Villainy. -1 characters are people who have done wrong things purposefully but perhasps for reasons you can understand or sympathize with.
-10 is the embodiment of evil. They are wicked because...they jusst are. They kill without remorse or care and have absolutely no excuse or redemption for what they did.

For example, I'll list a couple characters froM FFXII since I just finished it.

Gabranth - A Zero or -1. His emotional turmoil over the loss of his homeland made him very confused and unstable despite his cold demeanor. Still, he killed innocent people and would have gladly had Ashe kill more.

Vayne - -6. His desire for peace is admirable but his would be a peace enforced with bloodshed. The ending showed he had no qualms about killing thousands of helpless people to serve as an example. He also killed his father and brothers so he might gain absolute power.

Feel free to list your own rankings for any FF character you please. Explanations are encouraged, of course.

It's important to remember these are your ideas of good and bad. My ranking might not fit with anyon else's because my ideas of right and wrong are my own.