View Full Version : The Zombie Party - Phase III: Electric Boogaloo. Brains or glory await! Om nom nom!
04-06-2010, 03:48 PM
Ultima Shadow
04-06-2010, 03:52 PM
Now I am free of the mighty clutches of boobies. might want to keep your distance, because even zombiefied, I go for the boobies before I go for the brains.
04-06-2010, 03:55 PM
I think we need to put pressure on the good folks at Umbrella to engineer a lifeform that has brains inside of the boobs. Or a lifeform composed entirely of brains. Or just one big moose-sized brain.
Ultima Shadow
04-06-2010, 03:59 PM
I vote for brain-boobs. The blonde teenage girls needs them. It's just like I've never said before: 2 brains are better than none.
Aerith's Knight
04-06-2010, 04:09 PM (
General of All the Armies (Lord of all the "General" Forums)
I nominate myself. (
That's why.
04-06-2010, 04:54 PM
Play this. YouTube - Fallout 3 Soundtrack - The Washington Post (
Ultima Shadow
04-06-2010, 05:19 PM
Unless it requires me to be on during the weekend, I'd love to be the Keeper of Knowledge (Lord of the Final Fantasy Forums).
If activity during the weekend would somehow be required for whatever reason, then I'd have to pass though.
I voted for this fine party.
How do I become one of you? Do I need to do a rite of passage or something, and eat the brain of a Blood or Crip to prove I'm worthy?
04-06-2010, 05:35 PM
Unless it requires me to be on during the weekend, I'd love to be the Keeper of Knowledge (Lord of the Final Fantasy Forums).
If activity during the weekend would somehow be required for whatever reason, then I'd have to pass though.No worries if you can't do it! :zombie:
How do I become one of you? Do I need to do a rite of passage or something, and eat the brain of a Blood or Crip to prove I'm worthy?Nah, all you need to do is say "I want to join" and then think up a zombie name. Crop is a hell of a hard one to do though!
Damn it, I was hoping you'd have an idea.
04-06-2010, 05:43 PM
This is all I can think of right now! (
Of course! The original place I got the name Crop comes from, is a character on the Zombie level of TS2.
It was right in my face and I missed it! Work your magic!
04-06-2010, 06:05 PM
I will definitely be more involved with this when i'm less busy from packing/unpacking/when i get internetz in my bedroom :D
04-06-2010, 06:06 PM
I got a message telling me to do this so I did it :P
04-06-2010, 06:19 PM
Yay! thanks for joining Vermachtnis :zombie:
04-06-2010, 06:20 PM
What did you do?! OH GOD VERMACHTNIS, WHAT DID YOU DO?! :eek:
04-06-2010, 06:22 PM
She was like that when I got here :shifty:
04-06-2010, 06:26 PM
Atta boy. I can't decide what to do with your name.
A ridiculously long combination of the two?
04-06-2010, 06:28 PM
I like Vermachompinbits myself xD
04-06-2010, 06:32 PM
Right you are, chief. :zombie:
Also I have to ask based on a link in your sig, do you play Urban Dead?
04-06-2010, 06:36 PM
No, I forgotten all about that link xD. Do you play?
04-06-2010, 06:50 PM
I did back in the day. I was a proud of member of the zombie horde! :zombie:
In other news, all hail President Necrobama!
04-06-2010, 07:57 PM
All hail the KFC bucket of victory!
Depression Moon
04-06-2010, 07:59 PM
I was wondering if I could get a zombie sig and av set with this image, Preferably in blue with our party's name on it.
04-06-2010, 08:22 PM
I'll speak to some underworld (literally!) contacts of mine and see what can be made for you. :zombie:
Unbreakable Will
04-06-2010, 08:35 PM
There should be a :doublezombert:. :doublecolbert:
Quindiana Jones
04-06-2010, 08:50 PM
A :doublevaderbert: more like.
Unbreakable Will
04-06-2010, 08:51 PM
Both? I love the :zombert: and the :vader: equally.
04-06-2010, 09:27 PM
All hail the KFC bucket of victory!
Perhaps some tasty side dishes will soon appear :eek:
04-06-2010, 09:33 PM
Breeeeeines. :)
Also come on, 2004 was a hell of an awesome ride xD
Breeeeeines wrocks! :zombie:
Also, yeah.. 2004 certainly wasn't bad :bigsmile:
04-06-2010, 10:02 PM
Who can forget our sweet, sweet second place? Let's try to go one better this time xD
Quindiana Jones
04-06-2010, 10:43 PM
It's lucky you love second place so much.
04-06-2010, 10:44 PM
He loves it so much he will give it to you to enjoy. Forever :zombie:
04-06-2010, 10:45 PM
Yeah just like the second place we got in the primar...
This is awkward.
Sorry Quin. :shobon:
Back off Mace Quindu, you're not welcome in these here parts. Unless you have any brains to spare.
Quindiana Jones
04-06-2010, 10:52 PM
He loves it so much he will give it to you to enjoy. Forever :zombie:
You guys are so good to me. :blush:
Yeah just like the second place we got in the primar...
This is awkward.
Sorry Quin. :shobon:
I'm looking forward to quoting this is our victory thread. :D
Back off Mace Quindu, you're not welcome in these here parts. Unless you have any brains to spare.
I know how desperate you guys must be for some intelligence, what with you party members, but ask me for brains. You truly could not be scraping the intellectual barrel any more.
I know how desperate you guys must be for some intelligence, what with you party members, but ask me for brains. You truly could not be scraping the intellectual barrel any more.
*bitch slapped*
My one track mind can't form a good comeback.
04-06-2010, 11:01 PM
Well of course we asked for your brains; it's not like anyone would want you for your body.
04-06-2010, 11:02 PM
*raises hand* I do.
Quindiana Jones
04-06-2010, 11:04 PM
Well of course we asked for your brains; it's not like anyone would want you for your body.
Your mother never complained. Then again that doesn't really say much for me as, looking at your dad, it's clear she never had much taste.
04-06-2010, 11:04 PM
It's not like anyone of any worth or value wants you for your body.
Also quin I am kind offended by that I don't want you posting in my thread anymore :-/
04-06-2010, 11:04 PM
I'm a ZOMBIE now.....
04-06-2010, 11:10 PM
It's not like anyone of any worth or value wants you for your body.
Also quin I am kind offended by that I don't want you posting in my thread anymore :-/
*rips your arms out their sockets*
04-06-2010, 11:11 PM
Hey now fella, dinner and a movie first. I'm not that kind of reanimated corpse!
Depression Moon
04-06-2010, 11:23 PM
04-07-2010, 12:17 AM
Your order, sir. Unfortunately the waitress had a quick nibble of it as she brought it over. You just can't get the staff these days!
Depression Moon
04-07-2010, 12:25 AM
*nam nomamrmghrmgmrmmmm*
04-07-2010, 12:27 AM
But Quin, your mother, dude I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but...
Your mother came to me last night begging me to turn her in to one of us. I mean I was shocked, confused and flabbergasted I had to ask her why she wanted to join us. I was asking because well, her son being such a huge bigshot 501st member and all surely she was happy with that. However she broke down in tears and told me her story of why she wanted to be a zombie because she couldn't bear to look at the deformed depraved abomination she should have had aborted in fact she believes she should have cut your daddies testicles off with his own lightsaber before she let him impregnate her with you. Her only chance of repenting is to come become one of us. So ofcourse, I had to oblige her and bite her delectable breasts numerous times. Then I bit her in other naughty areas, and now as I type this she's nibbling on an all important part of my body O nom nom nom.
04-07-2010, 12:32 AM
That's coldblooded.
04-07-2010, 12:34 AM
That's brilliant.
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 12:38 AM
My mum bit Icegnaws cock off. Now you know why the 501st pay her so much. And I feel significantly less guilty about ploughing your gran now.
04-07-2010, 12:43 AM
My mum bit Icegnaws cock off. Now you know why the 501st pay her so much.
I'm sorry, I forgot to mention, to make your mother better at being a zombie we removed her dentures and hid them so unless she intends to GUM my penis off I doubt that she could. See we never trust anyone. Also as a Zombie, she forgot all mention of the plans though you know the 501st if theres 501 of them well, they're welcome to pay for her services as a prostitute which is what we turned her in to btw me and Necrotic are the pimps anyone wants her freed needs to beat us both from within "the cage" on halo 3.
Edit: Oh yeah baby using your own arguments about lesser intellect against you = instant victory! :zombert:
04-07-2010, 12:44 AM
Icegnaw, you've done it again.
The reward for your quips will be brains, brains, and more brains! That and Quin's mother, I guess, if you really want that...thing.
04-07-2010, 12:46 AM
beat us both from within "the cage" on halo 3.
I'm game. :colbert:
04-07-2010, 12:48 AM
NCG lets see it!
04-07-2010, 12:49 AM
I wonder if we'll have a new ragequit record on our hands.
04-07-2010, 12:50 AM
Name changes are great, keep them coming.
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 12:50 AM
My mum bit Icegnaws cock off. Now you know why the 501st pay her so much.
I'm sorry, I forgot to mention, to make your mother better at being a zombie we removed her dentures and hid them so unless she intends to GUM my penis off I doubt that she could. See we never trust anyone. Also as a Zombie, she forgot all mention of the plans though you know the 501st if theres 501 of them well, they're welcome to pay for her services as a prostitute which is what we turned her in to btw me and Necrotic are the pimps anyone wants her freed needs to beat us both from within "the cage" on halo 3.
Edit: Oh yeah baby using your own arguments about lesser intellect against you = instant victory! :zombert:
Even without teeth, it's not difficult to gum your wispy needle dick off.
04-07-2010, 12:51 AM
To Halo with us all now for the battle of Quins mom!
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 12:52 AM
Just so you know guys, that's really not a battle you want to win. Everybody's a loser in that fight. Except my mum, of course, who gets to further spread her various diseases.
04-07-2010, 12:55 AM
Yo, NCG, gamertag. I forgot it. I'll send you an invite.
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 12:57 AM
Save the video. I wanna see it. :D
04-07-2010, 12:58 AM
Being dead disease doesn't matter :zombie: I'd be obligated to defend my penis size except I'm not that insecure because unlike you I didn't realize what a failure I was and sit there crying as I cut off my penis with a rusty parker pen so that my failure might never be passed on to the next generation.
Northern chaos wookie, get to the cage!
04-07-2010, 12:58 AM
If you can stand seeing your team mate getting humiliated, sure!
Come on NCG. You can talk the talk, can you walk the walk? I invited you. So come on, bitch, unless the 501st trains its troopers to be little weak crybabies who are scared of a little cage. :greenie:
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 01:01 AM
This is unrelated. I just really wanna see the cage. xD
And Icegnewb, it doesn't really say much about your sex life if my mother is the best you can get. Necro's right, man. Even a hideously disfigured monster like yourself should aim higher than that.
04-07-2010, 01:03 AM
your mother isn't the best I can get but it bothers you and thats what matters.
Chaos God I wanna teabag a brigadier already so get your ass in gear!
04-07-2010, 01:04 AM
It's kind of hilarious that a Brigadier is so scared of a Colonel and a Lieutenant. I guess his mouth wrote a check that his balls couldn't cash. :shobon:
Aerith's Knight
04-07-2010, 01:04 AM (
04-07-2010, 01:05 AM
Whats my 10 skill against your 45 pussy boy? :P
04-07-2010, 01:06 AM
He probably bought his 45 account on eBay.
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 01:07 AM
It's weird that we're doing each other's mothers. It's like we traded or something. I find that weird because I got Psy's mum for free so I thought that was the SOP for the Zombie Party. Icegnawbhead, you have rocked my world. ;)
04-07-2010, 01:07 AM
$20 Nec? isn't that what we charge for 10 goes on Quindu's mom?
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 01:08 AM
Dude, she's ripping you off.
04-07-2010, 01:10 AM
Dude, she's ripping you off.Yeah, I've had his mum a fair few times, and she's a $5 at best.
04-07-2010, 01:10 AM
no read properly, if rotting corpses can do so why can't you? We're charging $20 for 10 goes with your mother, it's the rate we charge the 501st
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 01:12 AM
Still a rip off. For normal people, I'd argue that she should be paying you, but you're so inadequate that it all balances out.
04-07-2010, 02:50 AM
You guys can lick my balls. :colbert:
04-07-2010, 02:52 AM
Well well well.
You guys can lick my balls. :colbert:
04-07-2010, 02:54 AM
You change back my name right now, dammit.
You bitches weren't even on. :doublecolbert:
04-07-2010, 02:57 AM
Sure we were. We were dicking about on Forge for an hour making crazy constructions while we were waiting for you to show up. Although we kind of forgot about you and ended up making some really stupid :bou::bou::bou::bou:, but you could've joined at any point! I guess Wookiees are just natural cowards. Ah well. :zombie:
04-07-2010, 02:59 AM
I was just on, it said you left over 20 minutes ago. :colbert:
And I never got any invite. And I was having a life. :doublecolbert:
04-07-2010, 03:01 AM
Excuses of a dead man.
04-07-2010, 03:02 AM
Excuses of a man fucking my mother.
04-07-2010, 03:03 AM
And I was having a life. :doublecolbert:I like to think you were just whimpering under the bed instead. :aimkiss:
Either way, you can have your name back. I am feeling generous.
04-07-2010, 03:04 AM
Excuses of a man smurfing my mother.
Really, you enjoy fucking 60 year old fat women with bad hair... If thats the best you can do I feel good about Quin's mom.
04-07-2010, 03:09 AM
And I was having a life. :doublecolbert:I like to think you were just whimpering under the bed instead. :aimkiss:
Either way, you can have your name back. I am feeling generous.
And remove the pussy one from previous names. :colbert:
Not cool, Paul. Not cool.
Really, you enjoy smurfing 60 year old fat women with bad hair... If thats the best you can do I feel good about Quin's mom.
Women, like fine wine, get better with age. The tricks that women knows could fill a book.
04-07-2010, 03:13 AM
It doesn't say it in your previous names.
Æ¿æƒ2, Northernchaosgod, NorthernDemonGod
also the cage is ready for you. :mwahaha:
04-07-2010, 03:15 AM
Good. Hmph.
Now bring it on.
04-07-2010, 03:44 AM
I'm channeling Freddy Kreuger.
Also, I like the sound of President Zombama better.
04-07-2010, 05:52 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to report that yours truly and Icegnaw honourably slew one foeman, NorthernChaosGod, 687 times in honourable combat. In return, he slew your glorious leader a total of 0 times, although Icegnaw managed it twice and your leader got killed by the explosives rain he created once.
We declare total and utter victory over the 501st Legion.
Pictures forthcoming.
04-07-2010, 05:58 AM
*sneaks in to leave a kiss for Necrotic*
04-07-2010, 06:00 AM
:aimkiss: you're a babe.
04-07-2010, 06:00 AM
The battle was long, and on occassion, due to accident the battle became VERY close quarters for me, (read I was inside getting involved in a 1 on 1 fisticuffs with him) I fell 11 times, atleast 3 of those 11 were actually me committing suicide. I also let him kill me several times so that I could get out again.
04-07-2010, 06:10 AM
Also, I like the sound of President Zombama better.
President Zomboma of Zombabwe?!
04-07-2010, 06:20 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to report that yours truly and Icegnaw honourably slew one foeman, NorthernChaosGod, 687 times in honourable combat. In return, he slew your glorious leader a total of 0 times, although Icegnaw managed it twice and your leader got killed by the explosives rain he created once.
We declare total and utter victory over the 501st Legion.
Pictures forthcoming.
You spawned me in a cage/box without weapons and just shot at me. :colbert:
Fight me in a real match. :doublecolbert:
04-07-2010, 06:22 AM
Hey, you requested the cage. :greenie:
beat us both from within "the cage" on halo 3.
I'm game. :colbert:Besides, I only killed you when you misbehaved. I was having too much fun playing peekaboo with you behind my giant soccer ball and making Mongoose ramps to care about that sort of thing.
Although the Fuel Rod under the floor thing was too exciting not to do!
04-07-2010, 06:27 AM
You tricked me into it. And then bragged about killing me when I can hardly fight back. :colbert:
Real match time, or are you chicken?
04-07-2010, 06:31 AM
I know this great Sandbox variant we can play on. I made it, you know. I think you'll really like it! {:
04-07-2010, 06:38 AM
I take that back, I played yours, now it's time to play mine.
Slayer on Guardian, MLG variant. First to 25.
04-07-2010, 06:41 AM
Dennis; Forge. :zombert:
Also it will have to be tomorrow as it is late and I am going to bed soon. Our game lasted 2:38:00 xD
04-07-2010, 07:03 AM
Beezy, I got the map and gametype. :colbert:
And I am well aware of that, it was the first thing I checked.
Quindiana Jones
04-07-2010, 09:48 AM
You people are weird. xD
Looking forward to the pictures though.
04-08-2010, 03:34 PM
You people are weird. xD
Yes we are :p
04-08-2010, 09:05 PM
This is your Undead President, Barack Zombama, with another announcement to coincide with our glorious foray into the debates.
YouTube - Fallout 3 Soundtrack - Battle Hymn of the Republic (
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the horde
They are stamping out the humans where the brains of men are stored
They hath made the best posts on this internet message board
The dead are marching on!
Gory, gory Zombielujah!
Gory, gory Zombielujah!
Gory, gory Zombielujah!
The dead are marching on!
04-08-2010, 09:15 PM
Hey guys, it look like I missed the important bit! If there's nothing I can do then knock me off the member list for the party, for I am no glory seeking politician who hitchhikes the bandwagon of success. xD
04-08-2010, 09:20 PM
Yes, there are things you can do! The fight is far from over!
04-08-2010, 11:29 PM
I might just be back 100% if everything works out as planned. :D
04-08-2010, 11:49 PM
I suggest Phase III be called "Phase III: Electric Boogaloo."
04-08-2010, 11:50 PM
04-09-2010, 12:01 AM
That picture is really scary, I'm glad our zombies don't look that bad. Or is that supposed to be you, Paul?
04-09-2010, 01:01 AM
It's not supposed to be him darlin, it's what he actually looks like I mean once I was through chewing on him and all. :zombie:
Depression Moon
04-09-2010, 01:06 AM
what's happenin' now?
Aerith's Knight
04-09-2010, 01:16 AM
what's happenin' now?
Shattered Dreamer
04-09-2010, 01:35 AM
Is it too late to join the party?
Aerith's Knight
04-09-2010, 01:45 AM
Is it too late to join the party? (
04-09-2010, 04:46 PM
It's never too late! What would you like your zombie name to be?
Del Murder
04-09-2010, 06:51 PM
Apparently your leader has defected to our side! What do you have to say to that, zombys?
Shattered Dreamer
04-09-2010, 07:15 PM
It's never too late! What would you like your zombie name to be?
Hmm surprise me :bigsmile:
04-09-2010, 07:16 PM
Depression Moon
04-09-2010, 07:26 PM
Hey what the Emperor Paulpatine???
04-09-2010, 07:52 PM
Apparently your leader has defected to our side! What do you have to say to that, zombys?
Sooner or later, they all come to the Dark Side.
Aerith's Knight
04-09-2010, 08:35 PM (
And his name is Paul. :(
04-09-2010, 08:37 PM
dont worry guys emperor palpatine is p. much a fucken zomby anyway.........................
04-09-2010, 08:57 PM (
And his name is Paul. :(
I lol'd.
04-10-2010, 09:02 PM
honestly I just like fallout 3
Quindiana Jones
04-11-2010, 12:02 AM
You gotta shoot 'em in the head.
04-11-2010, 12:05 AM
Someone gimme a 411 of our moaning status
Depression Moon
04-11-2010, 12:26 AM
It's Deathly
04-12-2010, 06:52 AM
Apparently your leader has defected to our side! What do you have to say to that, zombys?
He's freaking Emperor Paulpatine. He owns all your asses now. :cool:
Actually, We go by ranking system and his rank is a pile of crap. :D
04-12-2010, 09:08 AM
What's your rank then? Sarlacc fodder? /smug
My rank is The Guy Who Made The Winning Party. :smug:
04-12-2010, 01:28 PM
Who Still Dies In The End? :p
04-12-2010, 02:48 PM
Actually, We go by ranking system and his rank is a pile of crap. :DI'd say it's more of a mound than a pile.
04-12-2010, 07:50 PM
Mandy when will you learn, these are just the debates in the end it'll all come down to votes, argue as much as you like and you can still bloody loose... for a reference just look at the Liberal Democrats in UK politics, they talk the talk at times (at others they just chat :bou::bou::bou::bou:), but they'll never win a general election it is always going to come down to Conservatives vs Labour has been like that for well, forever there has never to my knowledge been a Lib Dem government in power.
Actually, We go by ranking system and his rank is a pile of crap. :DI'd say it's more of a mound than a pile.
I'll give you that. You are quite a hefty load.
Mandy when will you learn, these are just the debates in the end it'll all come down to votes, argue as much as you like and you can still bloody loose... for a reference just look at the Liberal Democrats in UK politics, they talk the talk at times (at others they just chat :bou::bou::bou::bou:), but they'll never win a general election it is always going to come down to Conservatives vs Labour has been like that for well, forever there has never to my knowledge been a Lib Dem government in power.
Whoa, way to ruin the fun. If you want to get serious about it, if it does indeed come down to votes I'll be a little worried, but I'm sure we'll give you a good run. We're all in this for the fun anyways aren't we? Aren't we?
04-13-2010, 01:41 AM
i am leaving the zombie party. :mad2:
04-13-2010, 01:43 AM
Ha. Yes. You are the one who has to be worried by a vote count! Ha ha ho hiddle HAR. Good one! :greenie: Honestly we've all known for a week who is going to win this so relax and enjoy the ride.
Also no this internet election is a serious business, zomby. *loads shotgun* *readies katana* *puts on trenchcoat*
edit: ok demondude seeya wouldn't wanna be ya *bans your second account*
04-13-2010, 01:48 AM
No whybwould you
04-13-2010, 01:49 AM
04-13-2010, 01:59 AM
yOu wish he is the biggest ballbagf ever you betray the partyman shame in yuo
04-13-2010, 02:00 AM
Hey, I am the one who has the katana :zombert:
04-13-2010, 02:01 AM
I was just borrowing it :shobon:
04-13-2010, 02:03 AM
She has a habit of setting people on fire though when they try and use her, she is quite picky. She also wants to set Jiro on fire again, but unless he attacks I'm not chasing him around :p
04-13-2010, 02:34 AM
Two words: Wee. Aboo.
04-13-2010, 02:55 AM
It's Otaku :p
04-13-2010, 08:22 PM
OK, Otacon. :colbert:
04-13-2010, 08:24 PM
I miss you.
I miss you.
She also wants to set Jiro on fire again, but unless he attacks I'm not chasing him around :p
Would you like some tea?
04-14-2010, 03:09 PM
She also wants to set Jiro on fire again, but unless he attacks I'm not chasing him around :p
Would you like some tea?
Tea is delicious. Do you have any Gingerbread? :bigsmile:
All I have is this strawberry sorbet :(
04-14-2010, 03:23 PM
That works too! Just making sure you didn't take it from Monda though, if you steal her Strawberries you have a 150% increase of risk of things such as decapitation, nunchaku to the face, angry Tiki pictures, and death.
I made it myself from the many jam satchels I stole from McDonald's
04-15-2010, 05:44 AM
Jiro used snatch! Obtained 17 jam satchels and a turnip!
I guess that's what the special ingredient was in our crack chicken
04-15-2010, 06:31 AM
oh that was just me adding secret ingredients I found in the closet into the marinade when you weren't looking :shobon:
04-15-2010, 06:39 AM
Are you two friends now?
Aren't you people on Phase III yet?
04-15-2010, 06:40 AM
Are you two friends now?
We were always friends :p
04-15-2010, 06:51 AM
04-15-2010, 06:55 AM
look through our VM conversation then :zombert:
04-15-2010, 06:59 AM
Too much work.
04-15-2010, 07:01 AM
or you can always ask Jiro yourself or something like that :p
04-15-2010, 09:53 AM
I don't care enough.
Just try and find the truth amidst the lies, trickery and compelling plots! My world is a maze and you will never find your way out! :mwahaha:
Aerith's Knight
04-15-2010, 04:57 PM
Just try and find the truth amidst the lies, trickery and compelling plots! My world is a maze and you will never find your way out! :mwahaha: (
04-15-2010, 05:37 PM
The Cactuar party just bought the zombie party for $3 and a picture of lady gaga
04-15-2010, 08:05 PM
Eww, why Lady Gaga?
04-15-2010, 08:07 PM
They were reminded of theselves by her
04-15-2010, 11:13 PM
It was a good deal for all of us!
Quindiana Jones
04-15-2010, 11:15 PM
For the record, if the Zombies do decide to become the Cactuar Party, I will join without a single trace of guilt.
Cactuars fucking own.
04-17-2010, 11:33 PM
YouTube - Cockatiel sings Victorys Fanfare(Final Fantasy) (
04-18-2010, 12:23 AM
Truth Zombie party is now the cactuar party. same goals. cooler mascot
do you want your gaga pic now or later?
04-18-2010, 01:09 AM
Yeah just like the second place we got in the primar...
This is awkward.
Sorry Quin. :shobon:
I'm looking forward to quoting this is our victory thread. :DBeen looking forward to quoting this in ours. :greenie:
Aerith's Knight
04-18-2010, 01:17 AM
We shall rule with an iron brain!
Your army is under our command, but you mind if I kill a dozen or two?
Just to show who's boss. I'll save the brains.
04-18-2010, 01:18 AM
Again, I just ordered a shipment of 2000, what did you do with them, they are expensive!!!!
Quindiana Jones
04-18-2010, 01:19 AM
Yeah just like the second place we got in the primar...
This is awkward.
Sorry Quin. :shobon:
I'm looking forward to quoting this is our victory thread. :DBeen looking forward to quoting this in ours. :greenie:
Pshaw, original. :roll2
04-18-2010, 01:20 AM
We shall rule with an iron brain!
Your army is under our command, but you mind if I kill a dozen or two?
Just to show who's boss. I'll save the brains.Go crazy! :zombie:
Aerith's Knight
04-18-2010, 01:50 AM
We shall rule with an iron brain!
Your army is under our command, but you mind if I kill a dozen or two?
Just to show who's boss. I'll save the brains.Go crazy! :zombie: (
Quindiana Jones
04-18-2010, 01:53 AM
That is so evil. Throwing ketchup on those poor villagers. :(
04-18-2010, 01:56 AM
Pshaw, original. :roll2nice name change :vaderbert:
04-18-2010, 02:00 AM
Wtf isn't Vaderbert part of the smilies yet?!
Quindiana Jones
04-18-2010, 02:02 AM
Pshaw, original. :roll2nice name change :vaderbert:
I changed your mum's name! :randomcharacterbert:
04-18-2010, 02:06 AM
Stop eating all the brains, wait for The guests to arrive first!
Aerith's Knight
04-18-2010, 02:06 AM
Pshaw, original. :roll2nice name change :vaderbert:
I changed your mum's name! :randomcharacterbert:
Where's Ernie? :bertbert:
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