View Full Version : How do you think technology will play a role in FFXIV's story?

04-14-2010, 12:36 AM
In the first trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAiBqh1zhis) for the game, we see those vertically-inclined airships mounted with guns, which helps give us an idea of what kind of technology there will be in FFXIV's world. Then, in an interview (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/no-experience-levelling-in-ffxiv) with the developers, it's said that "the setting will be 'high fantasy' but more modern than FFXI's, with more advanced technology". Of course, that interview has some pretty outdated info, considering that it says there will be no EXP involved. :p Still, it at least shows that the developers at least planned at some point to have technology involved in the game's setting.

Listening to the leaked soundtrack, it's easy to find songs that are particularly mechanical or electronic sounding, like Track 14, Track 16, and Track 19. Track 16 and 19 sound like they might be battle themes, so it could just be that they're supposed to sound intense. But Track 14 doesn't really sound like a battle theme to me. Even so, it has enough excitement in it not to be a theme used for a cutscene. It makes me think of areas like the steam ship in FF5, with meaningless metal contraptions all over the place. It makes me wonder if there will be very technological areas that the player can explore which might tie into the story in important ways.

Anyway, the game is still in development, so I guess that means the songs themselves might change, too. :roll2 But for the sake of speculation, how do you think technology will play a role in FFXIV's story?