View Full Version : When you're playing the game do you ever wish that Squall didn't fall for Rinoa?

The Fat Bioware Nerd
04-15-2010, 04:54 AM
I thought Rinoa was kind of a childish, rich bitch so I don't know why somebody would fall for someone like that. I mean if Rinoa was real she'd be kind of pretty I suppose but I wouldn't call her hot or sexy.

If I were Squall I think I would kind of gravitate over to Selphie because in my opinion she wears a mask just he does. Only Selphie's mask is a mask of hyperactivity and cheerfulness while Squall's is a mask of aloofness and antisocial behavior.

I think Rinoa is so transparent. She tells you exactly what she's feeling so she doesn't wear a mask to hide her emotions like Selphie and Squall do. And that means Rinoa isn't a mysterious character she's an open book who can be easily read.

04-15-2010, 05:54 AM
Isn't that the kind of 'opposites attract' thing that you'd expect would draw Squall and Rinoa together, though?

I think Squall needed to fall in love with someone irregardless of who it was. FF8 without the love story has as much plot as Space Invaders. It would've also been interesting to see more of a love triangle with the couple + Seifer.

04-15-2010, 05:55 AM
They were always destined to be together.
If you wish Squall to not to meet Rinoa in the current circumstances, it won't work. Because the universe will re-correct the courses, anyway.

04-15-2010, 08:28 AM
if theres anything we've learned from rpgs is if you dont like the universe fix it or destroy it

04-15-2010, 12:26 PM
he should be doin' Quistis

04-15-2010, 03:01 PM
he should be doin' Quistis

was waiting for that to come in somewhere ><;

but no, it wouldn't be FFVIII if it was anyone else really...it just wouldn't be the same

04-15-2010, 03:54 PM
Squall should be with xu, Rinoa, quistis, NOT selphie, and ellone

The Fat Bioware Nerd
04-15-2010, 04:05 PM
Isn't that the kind of 'opposites attract' thing that you'd expect would draw Squall and Rinoa together, though?

I think the "opposites attract" thing is kind of a cliche though. It's just my two cents.

04-15-2010, 04:45 PM
Squall should be with ellone

thats his sister.....




awesome choice, wincest for the win!!!!!!!!!

04-17-2010, 12:56 PM
Isn't that the kind of 'opposites attract' thing that you'd expect would draw Squall and Rinoa together, though?

I think the "opposites attract" thing is kind of a cliche though. It's just my two cents.
Totally. But this is a video game we're talking about.

04-17-2010, 06:53 PM
he should be doin' Quistis

I thought he would have been better off with Quistis.

Of course back then I was attracted to Quistis rather than Rinoa.:roll2

04-17-2010, 06:55 PM
I wanted to see him shag elvoret.

04-17-2010, 09:55 PM
It would've also been interesting to see more of a love triangle with the couple + Seifer.

I agree with this. They touch on her having feelings for him, but it was so underdeveloped that it was pointless even mentioning it. I'd have loved it as a main part of the story.
I don't think Seifer was in it enough at all, his character was really good.

04-18-2010, 12:42 AM
I'm cool with it. If it had to be someone else, I'd put him with Selphie though :heart:

The Fat Bioware Nerd
04-18-2010, 06:51 AM
I'm cool with it. If it had to be someone else, I'd put him with Selphie though :heart:

I like Selphie that was the main reason why I was kind to her in the game.;)

In fact I like Selphie a hell of a lot more than I like Rinoa but that's just me. I know I'm in the minority here. :cool:

04-18-2010, 02:34 PM
Their my favorite FF couple and two of my favorite FF characters, so no.:cool:

04-18-2010, 03:35 PM
Coulden't agree more, Selphie was a much better choice for a love interest cause she had her home(town) destroyed and her friends die. Rinoha (w.e its name is) "Waaaa i'm a saucearus, i'm so strong, -zap" annoying bitch needed rescueing none stop, did lil selphie? Nope!

04-19-2010, 02:15 PM
I wanted to see him shag elvoret.

When my rep limit is renewed, I'm back for this post.

I would've liked him to be with Quistis better, she's more of a motherly and caring figure. Squall is fucked up and needs the help, Rinoa was too needy. However Squall x Quistis is touched on during the game, so I would've liked to at least see more of this triangle.

Although if it spawned something akin to the Cloud-Tifa-Aeris crap, oh man no.

04-19-2010, 02:56 PM
The Squall-Rinoa paring didn't bother me in of itself: I thought they were a cute couple whose personalities complemented each other. It the way the game no-so-subtly informs us that this is their romantic destiny that bothers me.

That being said, I liked Quistis, but she drops out of any romantic pursuits once Rinoa comes along. Squall with Selphie would have been interesting, but goes totally unexplored.

I do think this was a step up from FFX, where the affection meter with the three female leads makes no difference at all who Tidus winds up with.

04-19-2010, 07:53 PM
I kinda wish they bothered to make any of the PCs likeable. D:

04-19-2010, 08:02 PM
I'm cool with it. If it had to be someone else, I'd put him with Selphie though :heart:

I like Selphie that was the main reason why I was kind to her in the game.;)

In fact I like Selphie a hell of a lot more than I like Rinoa but that's just me. I know I'm in the minority here. :cool:

This is the FFVIII section. You are definitely not in the minority xD

04-19-2010, 10:12 PM
Sadly not. (It's still your opinion, and I respect that) - if anyones in the minority it's me, because I really liked Rinoa's character, I just found her likeable and cool.

04-19-2010, 10:17 PM
It annoyed me more that he kept ignoring her for almost three full discs before it happened.

Aerith's Knight
04-19-2010, 10:25 PM
It annoyed me more that he kept ignoring her for almost three full discs before it happened.


And he could have at least done Quistis in the first part of the game. Spoony sums up my thoughts on that in the first parts of his review.

04-19-2010, 10:47 PM
It annoyed me more that he kept ignoring her for almost three full discs before it happened.

Except he didn't.

There is a reason Squall's thoughts appear throughout the game - it is our chance to related to him, so we understand how he feels on the situation.

I have another reply on another thread here that might explain things better, although I am eventually going to type up a full article on it, but this will do for now - hang on while I get it.

Ok, here it is - bare in mind it is in context with the original thread.

Well, the key differences are that I liked the characters, and you seemingly didn't - so you may not take what I say seriously, but please, hear me out.

Firstly, I didn't find Rinoa annoying - she's one of my favorite characters in FF. I also noticed the chemistry in the relationship between her and Squall early on in the game, even when they are having their (deliberately) childish fights, which is a given sign in fiction (and real life in some cases). And yes, Squall was "silent", but that was because of his background - he'd been let down so many times in life he had given up expecting anything was going to get better.

It may seam like I'm starving for attention here, but I am just trying to help you understand my point - I actually went through a "Squall" like phase when I was younger (before I played FFVIII) - my life wasn't anywhere near as bad as Squall's, but a lot of things where happening, friends where leaving I was just not very good at making friends - I identified with Squall because of this, I have said this before, but he is my favorite FF character.

Squall is "silent", but we know from his thoughts that he does want to be more open, deep down there are many scenes that without these insights that would make Squall seam a much more uncaring person than he actually is.

Squall doesn't just "suddenly" fall in love with Rinoa - it happens gradually, like most Medias with a storyline FFVIII doesn't have a set timeline, so we don't know how much time has past between their first meeting, and time he acts more caring. Further more, he didn't begin to love her when he was in a coma either - it had been developing through out the game. There is definitely passion during the dance scene, He seams generally concerned for her safety when the Igniouns(sp?) have her cornered, just before the battle starts (even though, to me, they really don't look like they are make that much of an attempt to attack her - infact they look somewhat playful :jess:) After the battle Squall is initially shocked by Rinoa's reaction - he says it's because he assumed she was "used to battles", but I think it's because he isn't used to people displaying emotion in front of him. No one, not even Quistis (who is revealed to have had a crush of sorts on Squall in the past) has shown this much in front of him. His demeanor then changes, he reassures Rinoa, that everything is ok and basically tells her to "stay close to [him]" There is a touching moment in the battle coming up where Rinoa states that she's alright if Squall is by her side - After that battle Squall is almost killed, and Rinoa reacts more directly and personally than anyone else (admittedly the only other people present are Irvine, Seifer and Edea, and none of them are going to react!) If you look at Squall during that scene - he seams to be more focused on Rinoa that anyone, or anything happening in that scene.

In disc two - there are some optional scenes of them together. Squall is still learning how to act around people, but the two of them seem to have neutral understanding of how each other are now, Rinoa makes comments on how Squall is "expected" to act a certain way. When there is a ceremony for Squall becoming the leader there is a very romantic scene between him and Rinoa - we see how close they are now becoming, and once again Squall's thoughts are there to help us understand that Squall has the potential to change and Rinoa is helping him do just that. She seams to be pushing him to talk about something, just to see if he will open up, he of course doesn't, but his thoughts show us, that he is simply scared that if he does then it will all be for nothing - nobody stays around Squall. He's not the kind of person to be loved, but why would he care so much about some one, he supposedly doesn't care about.

I also think the infamous orphanage scene (which, I absolutely loved, but I have a whole article in writing as to why) was semi instrumental in getting Squall to open up more, he has time to think about this even in game time, he had lost so much more than he ever realized, and now sees that every one (sans Rinoa) went through a similar time as him when he was younger, I think he felt a bit more assured then. I also think it gave him more strength to open up with Rinoa.

Then the coma does take place - I didn't find his actions a change in character, I saw it coming. I really thought that Squall was falling in love with Rinoa as far back as disc 1 although I think that might have been more "I find her interesting" type of love, at first, but as time went by (remember we don't know the exact timeline) they got closer, and his love for her developed, he just needed to accept that he felt something for her, and get over his fears of losing someone again. You basically have to read between the lines sometimes - this is a shortened version on why I found Squall and Rinoa such a compelling couple, I may right a full article on it one day (it will take a while, so don't expect it to be instant - I do so many projects at once).

Thanks for reading this, I'm sorry if it was long, but it needed to be.

04-21-2010, 05:47 PM
Personally, I didn't find her annoying. I found her to be a seventeen year old girl.

My only problem with the Rinoa thing is that if they were going to make it a love story, they could have played up the love triangle with Seifer a little more xD

It's like. "Oh okay forget that Seifer guy I like Squall now 'cause he saved me from monsters :heart:"

04-21-2010, 10:10 PM
I agree with ♪ on all accounts!

The Fat Bioware Nerd
04-22-2010, 06:27 AM
You know I once read a very well written fan-fictional story where Rinoa is actually Squall's long lost illegitimate half-sister because that stupid bitch Julia Heartilly met up with Laguna Loire again and slept with him even though she was married to General Caraway.

It was such an unique twist that I could actually imagine that crap taking place in the game itself. And it was so suspenseful I kept wondering when the hell somebody was gonna tell Squall that he was banging his own half-sister.

But sadly I forgot the title of that story because it was taking the author way too long to get to the big reveal part of the fic where Squall discovers his incestuous relationship. And quite frankly I lost interest after a while. :redface:

But then again the premise was pretty cool and I can imagine a plot twist like that taking place in the finished game product. And maybe it should been a part of the actual game because then FFVIII would've been about family instead of a silly "opposites attract" love story brought on by "Destiny" :roll2

04-23-2010, 06:44 PM
Another thing that ticks me off about rinoa, is shes a fun character i'll give her that, but she needs rescueing so much :(. I don't mind rescueing her once...but after that :@. i also think she should of had magic bangles instead of a shurikun type weapon, a mix between bangle/gloves, would have made me like her as much as tifa :/

04-23-2010, 09:57 PM
Another thing that ticks me off about rinoa, is shes a fun character i'll give her that, but she needs rescueing so much :(. I don't mind rescueing her once...but after that :@. i also think she should of had magic bangles instead of a shurikun type weapon, a mix between bangle/gloves, would have made me like her as much as tifa :/

But the thing you need to remember about FFVIII (and the majority of FFs, but VIII was the one that did it best in my opinion) is that the team was just that ateam and each one of them needed saving at some point - Zell needs saving, Rinoa needs saving, anyone who's at the Missile Base needs saving, Hell, even SQUALL needed saving - and he's the main character! You see what I'm saying? You shouldn't single out Rinoa, becuase it is just a way to humanize the characters, by putting them in situations where they can't go alone, and need help from their friends, because we all do at some point.

Rinoa needed saving thrice, admitidly more so than most characters, but those occasions are so far from each other, it's ok - the closest one to her is Squall, who needed saving twice, and one of those times it was Rinoa who saves him. :)

04-24-2010, 09:44 PM
Another thing that ticks me off about rinoa, is shes a fun character i'll give her that, but she needs rescueing so much :(. I don't mind rescueing her once...but after that :@. i also think she should of had magic bangles instead of a shurikun type weapon, a mix between bangle/gloves, would have made me like her as much as tifa :/

But the thing you need to remember about FFVIII (and the majority of FFs, but VIII was the one that did it best in my opinion) is that the team was just that ateam and each one of them needed saving at some point - Zell needs saving, Rinoa needs saving, anyone who's at the Missile Base needs saving, Hell, even SQUALL needed saving - and he's the main character! You see what I'm saying? You shouldn't single out Rinoa, becuase it is just a way to humanize the characters, by putting them in situations where they can't go alone, and need help from their friends, because we all do at some point.

Rinoa needed saving thrice, admitidly more so than most characters, but those occasions are so far from each other, it's ok - the closest one to her is Squall, who needed saving twice, and one of those times it was Rinoa who saves him. :)

Yeah i know zell needed saving, but the missle team?
Squall needed saving twice? I can only rememeber once atm.

Hot Shot
04-24-2010, 10:06 PM
TBH, I kinda found Rinoa annoying (I didn't find Selphie annoying) because she just tried too hard to get Squall and she just didn't seem like she was part of the group. Having said that, I was rooting for her because I would have found it embarassing and it would have made cringe if she had gotten turned down after trying so hard.

04-24-2010, 10:27 PM
Yeah i know zell needed saving, but the missle team?
Squall needed saving twice? I can only rememeber once atm.

Yeah, they needed saving as far as we knew, as that mission ends in a cliffhanger (which is resolved when you read Selphie's "page").

And as for Squall, the times I am reffering to are the prison, and the ending.

04-27-2010, 03:16 AM
Really, Rinoa and Selphie were both annoying. And although there wasn't much to the RinoaxSquall relationship, there was absolutely NOTHING about Selphie that Squall would like.

Quistis actually seemed like she might have had a chance, but she gave up so quickly! She came off as a strong woman, but in the end she was weak and stepped aside and attributed her feelings to the orphanage history, whaaat?

Rinoa seemed like a weak woman in comparison, but really she ends up being stronger than Quistis in the end. Just not in battle, haha.

black orb
04-27-2010, 03:30 AM
>>> For Squall, Rinoa was just a pain in the ass, I wonder when he really started to care about her so much.
The whole RinoaxSquall relationship made me sick and I really didnt get it at all. I guess Squall was brainwashed just like Seifer..:luca:

04-27-2010, 05:02 AM
Another thing that ticks me off about rinoa, is shes a fun character i'll give her that, but she needs rescueing so much :(. I don't mind rescueing her once...but after that :@. i also think she should of had magic bangles instead of a shurikun type weapon, a mix between bangle/gloves, would have made me like her as much as tifa :/

But the thing you need to remember about FFVIII (and the majority of FFs, but VIII was the one that did it best in my opinion) is that the team was just that ateam and each one of them needed saving at some point - Zell needs saving, Rinoa needs saving, anyone who's at the Missile Base needs saving, Hell, even SQUALL needed saving - and he's the main character! You see what I'm saying? You shouldn't single out Rinoa, becuase it is just a way to humanize the characters, by putting them in situations where they can't go alone, and need help from their friends, because we all do at some point.

Rinoa needed saving thrice, admitidly more so than most characters, but those occasions are so far from each other, it's ok - the closest one to her is Squall, who needed saving twice, and one of those times it was Rinoa who saves him. :)

Rinoa needs saving at least 5 times.

Iguions and Edea.
Hanging from the crumbling edge of the Quad.
Sorceress Memorial.
Drifting in space.
Being junctioned to Adel.

04-27-2010, 11:15 PM
Ok, fair enough, but I liked her enough to save her a million times.

And Sorceress Memorial doesn't really count since she was sort of there voluntarily, but I see your point.

The reason I love the Squall/Rinoa paring is mainly because they are two of my favorite characters in FF, and I actually find them to be a very beliveable paring, because I can see that sort of thing happening, I am really "Inolved" in this game, and I am pleased that they did become a couple, because if they didn't I would have felt cheated.

04-28-2010, 03:14 AM
Ok, fair enough, but I liked her enough to save her a million times.

Oh, as do I. I was just correcting your numbers. :)

The reason I love the Squall/Rinoa paring is mainly because they are two of my favorite characters in FF, and I actually find them to be a very beliveable paring, because I can see that sort of thing happening, I am really "Inolved" in this game, and I am pleased that they did become a couple, because if they didn't I would have felt cheated.

I agree. They aren't my most favorite characters, but they are very high on the list.

04-28-2010, 08:55 PM

I accept that everyone has there own opinion, but it's always nice when some one agrees (if that makes sense).

04-30-2010, 01:36 PM
I felt that Squall was also a complete douche. They're a typical couple, really.

I doubt their romance lasted more than a few months after FF8 ended, to be honest. I think their relationship was just a stage in their life they'll get over.

The scene in space was meant to be all lovey-dovey and nice, but when I was watching it I didn't feel it at all. Not sure why. It's like they both wanted a love story, but you can't force those things.

05-02-2010, 09:45 PM
I think they lasted forever. But theat maybe because I'm a fan, but mostly because I find them perfect for each other.

Ultima Shadow
05-02-2010, 10:25 PM
Squall should be with Xu
This. It would have made things a hell of a lot more interesting. Honestly.

...not to mention I could totally see it happening too, had she not been an NPC.

05-02-2010, 10:38 PM
I wish Xu would fight with you sometimes. Sort of like Beatrix.

05-10-2010, 03:23 AM

**shudders at the thought of all the crappy AMVs of Hot For Teacher by Van Halen**


05-11-2010, 09:54 AM
I've always found Rinoa to be endearing, and the pairing of her and Squall was pretty perfect in my opinion. So, I have no problems with that whatsoever.

Just because you might like Selphie or Quistis better, doesn't mean they'd do well in having that function in the storyline. Bigger picture, yo.

05-12-2010, 01:12 AM
Well, looking at Squall's clothes, he's obviously a fan of fur and leather.
Rinoa has a dog and seems like the type of person that really loves animals.


06-10-2010, 01:54 PM
I was hoping Squall to fall for PuPu. But if he falls for Rinoa, he might as well fall in love with a random Behemoth or a Cockatrice. :(

07-08-2010, 01:31 AM
I'm not a fan of Rinoa at all, though I don't exactly dislike her. I'd much rather see Squall with someone else, but she's the one who became the Sorceress and Squall is supposed to be the knight, so he must like her.
I suppose what I'm getting at is: Why couldn't someone else inherit the powers. Like Selphie, then he'd probably end up liking her.

07-08-2010, 03:42 AM
Hi guys! Been reading your posts... lovely topics! and great outfits everyone although i couldn't see all of you (I'm running out of compliments, sorry)! :D I'm quite new here so welcome with all your HEART! :p tee hee

I'm a big fan of FFVIII, although my most fave is FFX. So regarding about this topic, uhmmm... It's actually right that Squall fell for Rinoa.Ok First lemme clear out that i don't really go gaga over RinoaxSquall or Rinoa/Squall. So, i'll just try to share my opinion as an observer.

Let us analyze Squall with other girls one by one:

with Quistis- I don't really think the 'chemistry' is there. The first thing that came to my mind was she was like a mother to him. So, seeing them all mushy together looks disgusting. Sure, Quistis is prettier, in my opinion, but she isn't the one who Squall needs, and besides, Squall gets bored of her. And Quistis sorted out her feelings that she only wants to replace Ellone as a big sister to Squall. So, Quistis might be better with Irvine, I assume. I can see that potential coming when I saw them together during the FF8 credits. A lot of bickering and hard to get will get Irvine's attention for a long time... :p

with Selphie- A rather more unlikely match than with Quistis. Selphie is too childish for Squall and Squall is too serious for Selphie. Selphie likes guys chasing after her (remember how she enjoys being flirted by Irvine) and she will eventually lose interest in Squall. Besides, Selphie's short attention span will bother Squall. A better match for Selphie would be Zell. I really thought they had something, at least only in my fantasy.

with Xu- I forgot this girl. Is she the one who Squall, Seifer, and Quistis were with during the Dollet mission?

with Ellone- ew much?

with Rinoa- Perfectly complimented. Squall needed someone to not leave him ever again, the one who gives him the undying comfort and Rinoa can give him all of that attention. What most people didn't realise is that it was actually Squall who first fell for Rinoa. Rinoa actually first fell for Seifer due to his confidence and that Seifer promised to help them with their rebellion. Squall actually said that when he first met her at the dance, he couldn't stop staring at Rinoa's eyes coz it gave him the most comfort. The look that promises that everything's gonna be okay. That's why he was like all dazzled and enchanted and danced with her. Actually, he didn't know why he'd done it, but he'd done it. You can eventually see a twist in Squall's character. He can be romantic and warm if he really wants too. Besides, a 'typical' Squall would be like....

"Sir, we're being attacked. What are your orders?"
What I love about this pairing is, it brought change to two people. They've become better and also, on how they treat each other. Squall learned to care for other people. Rinoa learned to not just think about herself. Rinoa was actually likable during the almost-end of the game. If we've seen her change earlier, then we would've liked her more, and for others, hate her less.

It would've been wonderful, but Square didn't just execute it really well.

I was just so surprised at SE that they didn't make a sequel for this. FFVII and FFX were better off without sequels coz they were already epic on their own.

FFVIII has more potential to have a sequel and a higher chance to have a better one. At least we can be clear of all the assumptions.

07-08-2010, 04:00 AM
Welcome aboard!

The manga Imadoki: Nowadays will give you a pretty good feel of a Squall/Selphie relationship. It's pretty cute the contrast between the bouncy perky Tanpopo (with a pet fox!) and the sullen aloof Koki (who is a closet plant lover and coping with a lot of family drama). It would have been an interesting route to explore, but this game is all about romantic destiny.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
07-09-2010, 04:02 PM
Doesn't anybody else think it's stupid that Rinoa tries to act all tough in the beginning, when she's really just a timid little bitch who can't even fight off two lizards on her own?

And afterwards the stupid bitch says, "I was scared. I was really really scared." That's because your plan failed you idiot. It's just like Noah said, you don't announce your presence to a sorceress you're trying to kill. Not unless you want your frickening plan to fail.

07-09-2010, 05:21 PM
Foolishness must be hereditary. Remember General Caroway's little walking tour of the city where he goes through the logistics of the assassination right out in the open?

07-09-2010, 06:13 PM
Doesn't anybody else think it's stupid that Rinoa tries to act all tough in the beginning, when she's really just a timid little bitch who can't even fight off two lizards on her own?

And afterwards the stupid bitch says, "I was scared. I was really really scared." That's because your plan failed you idiot. It's just like Noah said, you don't announce your presence to a sorceress you're trying to kill. Not unless you want your frickening plan to fail.

Oh c'mon. A lot of people say that drugs are bad and it's a proven fact, yet there are still many people who use em. Stupidity is everyone's epidemic. Besides, she wasn't trying to "kill" the sorceress... She was trying to seal her powers. Rinoa just didn't know how powerful a sorceress can be although she's one. She isn't a SeeD for all we know. Squall is a SeeD, but he was no match for the sorceress too.

Oh one more thing, she couldn't really fight because Edea 'stunned' her... or maybe weakened her to an extent. Hmmm...I just realized that if that bangle reacted on her, that only proves Rinoa's a sorceress from the beginning...

07-11-2010, 11:42 AM
I like Rinoa and Squall together but I wouldve liked if Quistis found someone too.

07-11-2010, 02:19 PM
. Hmmm...I just realized that if that bangle reacted on her, that only proves Rinoa's a sorceress from the beginning...

Finally someone else notices it!:cool:

Future Esthar
07-12-2010, 11:51 PM
Rinoa´s plan didn´t fail.

Her plan was to find out who is the true Villain of FF8.
And she did it.

If the sorceress´s powers were sealed the plan would fail.

07-13-2010, 05:06 AM
No because then we wouldn't get, "I kinda light it your way" at the end.

Future Esthar
07-13-2010, 09:02 PM
Everything would be lost because Laguna would not be able to confirm his suspicions.
He would therefore not be able to stop the baddy efficiently.
Laguna is teamed with Ellone to save the world.

And Rinoa IS Winhill Ellone.

Big Ellone is just a cyborg.

07-13-2010, 10:12 PM
And Rinoa IS Winhill Ellone.

Big Ellone is just a cyborg.

You've lost it dood?

07-14-2010, 11:18 PM
And Rinoa IS Winhill Ellone.

Big Ellone is just a cyborg.

You've lost it dood?

Check out Future Esthar's old posts. This theory is explained in better detail, and you can kind of see where he got his ideas from -it makes sense as a theory even if you don't agree with it. (I'm still open minded).

Future Esthar
07-15-2010, 08:40 PM
Rinoa is Winhill Ellone.

You can contrast little Elle´s personality with that of the one in the ship to see they are very different.

In the present there are only two girls with black hair and blue dress:Ellone and Rinoa.

Taking the two phrases above we conclude the first one.

I think i proved it now.

07-16-2010, 12:58 AM
Your theories have an interesting black-box quality: I can see where you start and where you end up, but I can't for the life of me see how you get there.

07-16-2010, 04:20 PM
And Rinoa IS Winhill Ellone.

Big Ellone is just a cyborg.

You've lost it dood?

Check out Future Esthar's old posts. This theory is explained in better detail, and you can kind of see where he got his ideas from -it makes sense as a theory even if you don't agree with it. (I'm still open minded).

His ideas are bogus, yet i don't think of him as a troll o.O.

Rinoa is Winhill Ellone.

You can contrast little Elle´s personality with that of the one in the ship to see they are very different.

In the present there are only two girls with black hair and blue dress:Ellone and Rinoa.

Taking the two phrases above we conclude the first one.

I think i proved it now.

Ellone's personaility has changed, yeah...so what? That happens in real life too, people can be hyperactive and then mature when they're older, just the way of life. Also she has some of her old traits, shes still a gentle person.

You serious? Because they have black hair and the 'same colour dress', they're the same?

P.S Ellone doesn't have a dress...it's like a shirty thing, she has a white long skirt ;P

07-17-2010, 01:29 AM
In one of FE's theories it is stated that in the space scene when Rinoa is being possesed by Ultimecia and starts going all "multi imaged" one of them looks more like Ellone than Rinoa, even having her acsessories.

However, this may be in the eye of the beheader. I can't remember if I noticed it before, but I can sort of see his point. This a chance that Ellone and Rinoa have similar graphic designs, and the fact that not all Rinoa's fetures are visable in the "images" may simply make one of them appear more Ellone like. It could have been Square's intention though. You never really know until they say.

07-17-2010, 02:10 AM
I hope you meant eye of the beholder. A beheader decapitates people while a beholder sees things.

And the burdern of proof lies with the claiment; it's not our job to prove the theory wrong but for him to prove it correct. And I don't find the evidence convincing so far.

That being said, I like FE: he seems a nice enough and sincere person. I just don't understand how he draws his conclusions.

Future Esthar
07-20-2010, 11:49 PM
P.S Ellone doesn't have a dress...it's like a shirty thing, she has a white long skirt ;P

More help to my theory.

In that case there is only ONE person on the present similar to little Elle.

You serious? Because they have black hair and the 'same colour dress', they're the same?

Yes because they are the ONLY ones in the world.
So applying Occam´s Razor the simplest explanation is:
They are the same.

Ellone's personaility has changed, yeah...so what? That happens in real life too, people can be hyperactive and then mature when they're older, just the way of life. Also she has some of her old traits, shes still a gentle person.

Of course.
But Rinoa´s personality matches little Elle better.
Occam´s Razor dictates the answer.

Good to know you discuss instead of comment ChickenHeart.

07-21-2010, 12:35 AM
More help to my theory.

In that case there is only ONE person on the present similar to little Elle.

...Who? :)

Yes because they are the ONLY ones in the world.
So applying Occam´s Razor the simplest explanation is:
They are the same.

I've had a look at them both. Rinoa has black hair with highlights. Ellone has brown hair. That's where it ends i think.

Of course.
But Rinoa´s personality matches little Elle better.
Occam´s Razor dictates the answer

To a point, i agree. When you first meet Rinoa, shes immature, smart and brave. But i think the reason she's this way is because of her hate for her father. Later on she begins to grow up a little bit, and by the disc 3 midway. Shes mature, smarter and willing to be frozen in order to keep the peace or something. Ok i'll give you this.
Disc 1-2 Rinoa is similar to past Ellone.
Disc 3-4 Rinoa is similar to present Ellone.
Still don't think they're the same though.

Good to know you discuss instead of comment ChickenHeart

I do what i can!

Future Esthar
07-21-2010, 01:12 AM
Rinoa is never similar to present Ellone.

Still too far.

07-21-2010, 10:57 AM
...What...What are we even discussing :(
P.S i mean simliar in personaility

Future Esthar
07-21-2010, 05:50 PM
And about personality am I talking.

03-30-2011, 07:56 PM
Rinoa is Winhill Ellone.

You can contrast little Elle´s personality with that of the one in the ship to see they are very different.

In the present there are only two girls with black hair and blue dress:Ellone and Rinoa.

Taking the two phrases above we conclude the first one.

I think i proved it now.

Ooookay, this is so wrong on so many levels...

I mean, Rinoa is NOT Ellone. They're two different characters who happen to have the same hair color. I mean, I can also get a crazy theory out of my ass and say that Seifer=Quistis=Zell just because they're blond or that Fujin=Ultimecia because they both have silver hair or worse yet, that Squall=Cid because they're both brunets.

And if you want to use clothes as references, I'm afraid that's a mayor fail too. In that case, Selphie=Raine because they're both wearing yellow. Oh! And they both have the same hair color, so that definitely proves that they're one and the same!!!! :eek:

And don't tell me that it's all plainly explained in that theory of yours, because frankly, it belongs to the fanfiction section... and it's not even a good fanfiction.

03-31-2011, 03:56 PM
Ooookay, this is so wrong on so many levels...

I mean, Rinoa is NOT Ellone. They're two different characters who happen to have the same hair color. I mean, I can also get a crazy theory out of my ass and say that Seifer=Quistis=Zell just because they're blond or that Fujin=Ultimecia because they both have silver hair or worse yet, that Squall=Cid because they're both brunets..

And if you want to use clothes as references, I'm afraid that's a mayor fail too. In that case, Selphie=Raine because they're both wearing yellow. Oh! And they both have the same hair color, so that definitely proves that they're one and the same!!!! :eek:
He's not saying that. He's saying that based on what he took to be hints that Ellone and Rinoa could be the same person, this is another theory I don't follow 100%, but I can see how he arrived at it. It's not just because of her hair, but her general design, and the fact that one of the Rinoa clones really does look like Ellone (at least I think it does), further more there are many other potential hints to them being either the same, or at least versions of one another, for example their names have the exact same root, and the two of them act similar. I'm not saying that Rinoa IS Ellone, but I can see how FE interpetted these things to be hints, his theory actually makes a lot of sense if you read it through. It's certainly better than R=U in anycase which just seems to be pulled out of thin air. (The only thing that seemed to based on was the fact that in the ending Rinoa and Ultimecia were shown a split second appart from eachother - using that logic you could also say that Squall and Zell are the same person, because the same thing happened with them - that scene is just Squall's memories corrupted.)

And don't tell me that it's all plainly explained in that theory of yours, because frankly, it belongs to the fanfiction section... and it's not even a good fanfiction
No. Fanfiction is when someone makes a story based on an originally existing franchise. FE's theory is based on how he saw the game, and I will admit some of it actually helped me understand the game better. It's like how I intially thought based on "hints" that Ultimecia also appeared in Final Fantasy VII, but I found official sources that disprooved that. So I don't state it as "fact" anymore, and I realize that those "hints" were'nt "hints" after all, just how I viewed them, and even today they still make a whole lot of sense to me, even though I know they're wrong. They are not fanfiction because I genuinly thought that they were what Square was trying to say.

03-31-2011, 07:40 PM
Ooookay, this is so wrong on so many levels...

I mean, Rinoa is NOT Ellone. They're two different characters who happen to have the same hair color. I mean, I can also get a crazy theory out of my ass and say that Seifer=Quistis=Zell just because they're blond or that Fujin=Ultimecia because they both have silver hair or worse yet, that Squall=Cid because they're both brunets..

And if you want to use clothes as references, I'm afraid that's a mayor fail too. In that case, Selphie=Raine because they're both wearing yellow. Oh! And they both have the same hair color, so that definitely proves that they're one and the same!!!! :eek:
He's not saying that. He's saying that based on what he took to be hints that Ellone and Rinoa could be the same person, this is another theory I don't follow 100%, but I can see how he arrived at it. It's not just because of her hair, but her general design, and the fact that one of the Rinoa clones really does look like Ellone (at least I think it does), further more there are many other potential hints to them being either the same, or at least versions of one another, for example their names have the exact same root, and the two of them act similar. I'm not saying that Rinoa IS Ellone, but I can see how FE interpetted these things to be hints, his theory actually makes a lot of sense if you read it through. It's certainly better than R=U in anycase which just seems to be pulled out of thin air. (The only thing that seemed to based on was the fact that in the ending Rinoa and Ultimecia were shown a split second appart from eachother - using that logic you could also say that Squall and Zell are the same person, because the same thing happened with them - that scene is just Squall's memories corrupted.)

Okay, first things first: he's saying EXACTLY that or are u FE so that you can acertain he's not? Can you read his mind and be sure he's not implying just that?
Second: those "hints" you're talking about don't exist. Period. They are two different characters. The fact that they have similar features, or walk the same or whatever you can come up with, is because some sprites or models are used in different characters in order to save time and money. Programming a game costs, you know?

You say that you can see how he came down to it, but, even though, all his assessments are correct, that doesn't mean they are TRUE.

And what Rinoa clones are u talking about???????????????? And if you could please enlighten me as to what root they names come from, I'd be in eternal debt, because I had no clue that could be even possible.

I'm not a defender of the R=U theory, but I have to admit even that is waaaaay better than FE's so called theories. At least they have more plausible bases than just hair color and clothes *rolls eyes*

And don't tell me that it's all plainly explained in that theory of yours, because frankly, it belongs to the fanfiction section... and it's not even a good fanfiction
No. Fanfiction is when someone makes a story based on an originally existing franchise.

That's what he's doing. Or tell me where the hell did he come up with all the names from the rulers of Centra? (I happened to notice he wrote something like that in another post and had to leave halfway through his explanation before my eyes bled). That's not CANON, therefore, it's FICTION made by a FAN = FANFICTION.

FE's theory is based on how he saw the game, and I will admit some of it actually helped me understand the game better. It's like how I intially thought based on "hints" that Ultimecia also appeared in Final Fantasy VII, but I found official sources that disprooved that. So I don't state it as "fact" anymore, and I realize that those "hints" were'nt "hints" after all, just how I viewed them, and even today they still make a whole lot of sense to me, even though I know they're wrong. They are not fanfiction because I genuinly thought that they were what Square was trying to say.

I don't see how you thought Ultimecia was present in FFVII. Really.
And I really can't see how FE's theories helped you to understand this game better. Seriously. If you want to know Ultimecia better, if you want to have a better view of her character read what Sir Bahamut has to say. He actually has some FACTS to back his theory up.

FACTS: that's the difference between a plausible, believable theory and something that just came up out of nowhere for the kick of it.

03-31-2011, 11:15 PM
I hope I wasn't the only one who was dying to see Rinoa get together with Odine.

I never really felt myself hoping that Squall and Rinoa wouldn't get together. Although perhaps it was a bit of a cliche for the cold, stoic armour of Squall to be removed in the name of love for Rinoa, I felt it just worked well. The two characters worked well together and had a good chemistry. It didn't seem unbelievable for Squall to fall for her and for him to develop a big emotional attachment as I think Squall - although he wouldn't admit so outwardly - craved that kind of affection and that kind of relationship with a woman. Certainly when I think to other video game relationships of the period, I struggle to think of one that was done better than Squall and Rinoa.

03-31-2011, 11:42 PM
Okay, first things first: he's saying EXACTLY that or are u FE so that you can acertain he's not? Can you read his mind and be sure he's not implying just that?
Second: those "hints" you're talking about don't exist. Period. They are two different characters. The fact that they have similar features, or walk the same or whatever you can come up with, is because some sprites or models are used in different characters in order to save time and money. Programming a game costs, you know?
No, I'm not FE - I'm just his fan. And I never said that he wasn't saying what he said - just that it wasn't the thing he was basing his whole theory on. However, it could easily just be just Square reusing sprites, I don't doubt that, I'm sure it's done all the time. I am simply basing what I say on what I have read in FE's other threads.
Second: The fact I deliberatly put quotes around the word "hints" is my way of saying that they probably aren't hints, just what someone has taken to be a hint - in this case FE, he saw/thought he saw Ellone appear during that scene on the spaceship (when it's meant to be Rinoa) and it either helped him with a theory he already had, or inspired him to start one - I don't know the exact order he "discovered" everything.

You say that you can see how he came down to it, but, even though, all his assessments are correct, that doesn't mean they are TRUE.
Never said they were. It's just that I like them, and that I see how he arrived at them. The debate was whether FE just pulls these theories out of thin air, or if he actually makes them like proper theories. All of my theories, including the ones I now know to be false, are all based on what I deem to be evidance, until I know it is not evidance at all. The same goes with FE, whether he is right or wrong he doesn't just wake up one morning and go "Oh, I'll just go on EoFF and type a load of stuff about Rinoa and Ellone being the same person, and then I'll throw in that all the locations are on different times, and the color check confirms this!" - he actually draws these conclusion by studying the game, and what it *might* be hinting. The same way I did with mine, I didn't just decide "what if Ultimecia" was on FFVII, I actually thought Square was implying she was.

And what Rinoa clones are u talking about???????????????? And if you could please enlighten me as to what root they names come from, I'd be in eternal debt, because I had no clue that could be even possible.
Couldn't think what else to call them - they're not even clones, they're after-images (and even then it's wrong of me to call them clones, as clones are the things that act like you, not look like you so forgive my mistake) What I actually mean is when Rinoa is on the spaceship and wandering around like she's being controlled (which she is) there are two or three "ghostly" Rinoas following her. Sometimes, one of them appears to take the shape of Ellone rather than Rinoa, I noticed this before I read FE's theory, but thought I was imagining it, and then I saw the theory and thought "hmmm...It's a possibility", but I don't flat out say it's right, and like you said it could easily be that Rinoa and Ellone had the same sprite to begin with, and since Square wouldn't be using the "full" design of Rinoa to create to "ghost" effect, on the other hand it could just be Rinoa all the way through, and me and FE got confused because they look similar.

I'm not a defender of the R=U theory, but I have to admit even that is waaaaay better than FE's so called theories. At least they have more plausible bases than just hair color and clothes *rolls eyes*
Each to their own. In my opinion R=U is less plausible than FE's theories because it doesn't EVEN have a basis on hair and clothes (Rinoa and Ultimecia neither dress similar, act similar, nor look the same) even though FE based E=R on more than just their looks, whoever came up R=U based it on the fact that they are after each other in the ending - that's it! There's nothing to imply that they are the same, they don't even act the same or look the same. Rinoa doesn't even have the same accent as Ultimecia! I will admit that the S=G theory (which you haven't mentioned) is more plausible, but to fully believe that I have to believe the R=U for it to work, so I just add it to the "cool but fake" list, I do have theories on that matter to, but I don't think he *is* Squall, but I do think he's "part" of Squall, indeed if you scan him it says "In Squall's mind..." I think he's the personification of Squall's depression and general "I'm alone" emotion - this is supported by the fact that in the ending Squall returns to the place where he is fought - once again, I could be completly wrong.

That's what he's doing. Or tell me where the hell did he come up with all the names from the rulers of Centra? (I happened to notice he wrote something like that in another post and had to leave halfway through his explanation before my eyes bled). That's not CANON, therefore, it's FICTION made by a FAN = FANFICTION.

Do you mean names like "Hyne" and "Vascaroon"? Those names are used in the game. I can sort of see how you arrive at "fanfiction", but I need to check if those are the names you meant, because if they are it's not fanfiction it's a theory.

I don't see how you thought Ultimecia was present in FFVII. Really.
I don't think she's in FFVII now...

On FFVII we have a character who can corrupt people with no definition of how she got there, she is believed to be Cetra/Ancient, but then the game states she is not. How did she get there? We know a weaker meteor fell from the sky, but was she on the meteor or already on "The Planet"? We don't know. I arrived on the conclusion that Ancients/Cetra/Sorcery were all linked. I also thought that Sephiroth - a character on FFVII was actually controlled by this character, I was later proved wrong by Square - Sephiroth controlled her, pretty much dampenning my theory there and then, but while my theory was still potentially correct it made me think... hmmm... Ultimecia can control people of her kind too...

Ultimecia wants to use Ellone to send her concious to the past so she can achieve Time Compression, her goal is explained. What does she intend to do with Time Compression? At the time I assumed that she needed to bring every event closer together to her time line for everything to work propperly - it has been a while since I fully thought about this now defunct theory, and to be honest it makes even less sense to me now.

The Final Battle with Ultimecia is not human, but still has a human outline, but still doesn't look human - her head is a hole with a flashing light - if you were to cut of the head, things start to look weirdly familliar...

Also check out the music; It starts with the main "Fithos" chorus which has been following you around the game everytime sorceresses are involved in the storyline, then it appears to play the music used in Balamb and is somewhat calm as Ultimecia explains that she is now able to conpress time, and we get our first attacks in. By arround 01:08 we can already tell the music is starting to "prepare itself" to reach a more "battle like" sound and at 01:39 01:54 we plainly hear the traditional Final Fantasy Battle Music last used in FFVI (it came back for FF IX) and from 01:55 onwards it sounded like a remix of something to me... It sounded like a remix of Jenova's Music! There's a bit of the Highwind Music in there as well (actually it's the FFVIII track "Premonition" which sounds like the Highwind Music).

I thought to myself; Looks like Jenova + Has Jenova's Music = OH. MY. GOD.

Of course I realize now I was way off the mark, but that's what I thought at the time. (NOTE: The song's called "The Extreme" if you want to listen to it.)

And I really can't see how FE's theories helped you to understand this game better. Seriously. If you want to know Ultimecia better, if you want to have a better view of her character read what Sir Bahamut has to say. He actually has some FACTS to back his theory up.
I understood most of the game already, I just meant that FE inspired me to look at things differently, and I began to wonder about Ultimecia, and a lot of what FE has put on her makes a lot of sense to me, but I will have a look at Sir Bahamut's stuff, I am open to all theories at least once.

FACTS: that's the difference between a plausible, believable theory and something that just came up out of nowhere for the kick of it.
Well hopefully by now I've mangaged to show you that FE didn't come up with it from nowhere, he looked at things in the game and saw it that way, some of it I half saw myself. His theories may not be correct in the long run, but for the most part they make sense if you look at them from the right angle, same with the one I just mentioned - I didn't make it up as I went along, I genuinly thought that was what the game was saying, even though now, I know it wasn't.

04-01-2011, 09:29 PM
No, I'm not FE - I'm just his fan.

Yeah, kinda noticed...

However, it could easily just be just Square reusing sprites, I don't doubt that, I'm sure it's done all the time.

That's all there is to it.

Second: The fact I deliberatly put quotes around the word "hints" is my way of saying that they probably aren't hints, just what someone has taken to be a hint - in this case FE, he saw/thought he saw Ellone appear during that scene on the spaceship (when it's meant to be Rinoa) and it either helped him with a theory he already had, or inspired him to start one - I don't know the exact order he "discovered" everything.

What he "discovered" are only glitches and bugs present in every game. You can't build a theory from them.

The same goes with FE, whether he is right or wrong he doesn't just wake up one morning and go "Oh, I'll just go on EoFF and type a load of stuff about Rinoa and Ellone being the same person, and then I'll throw in that all the locations are on different times, and the color check confirms this!" - he actually draws these conclusion by studying the game, and what it *might* be hinting.

Sorry, but that is exactly how I think he does it. And the game is not "hinting" anything at all. You people have to get over it.

... and like you said it could easily be that Rinoa and Ellone had the same sprite to begin with, and since Square wouldn't be using the "full" design of Rinoa to create to "ghost" effect, on the other hand it could just be Rinoa all the way through, and me and FE got confused because they look similar.

Exactly. That's all there is to it.

In my opinion R=U is less plausible than FE's theories because it doesn't EVEN have a basis on hair and clothes (Rinoa and Ultimecia neither dress similar, act similar, nor look the same) even though FE based E=R on more than just their looks, whoever came up R=U based it on the fact that they are after each other in the ending - that's it!

You're terribly wrong about the last part, but I'm not even going to bother.

I will admit that the S=G theory (which you haven't mentioned) is more plausible

I haven't because it's not even worth mentioning.

but I don't think he *is* Squall, but I do think he's "part" of Squall, indeed if you scan him it says "In Squall's mind..." I think he's the personification of Squall's depression and general "I'm alone" emotion - this is supported by the fact that in the ending Squall returns to the place where he is fought - once again, I could be completly wrong.

Finally! Something we can both agree with. Griever is Squall's creation: his incarnation of every value he holds in the highest regard: pride, strenght, courage (remember his fixation for lions, that is why Griever looks like one).

Also, I have always believed that Ultimecia "stole" the idea of Griever from Squall's mind, gave it life (it's implied that Sorceresses are able to give "life" to inanimated objects. Look at Krysta's scan.) and corrupted it to use as a weapon against Squall and his friends.

Imagine what Squall must have felt the instant Griever appeared before them. That is a low blow, if you ask me.

Do you mean names like "Hyne" and "Vascaroon"? Those names are used in the game.

No. I know who Hyne and Vascaroon are. What I was reffering to was the names he chose for the rulers, kings, or whatever of Centra. I can't find the thread for the life of me, but I remember it was something that resembled the names of the main characters, but spelled differently and with added words like "von" or something along those lines (to look "cool" obviously.)

We know a weaker meteor fell from the sky, but was she on the meteor or already on "The Planet"? We don't know.

Yeah, we do. The game doesn't call her "the calamity from the skies" for nothing.

Of course I realize now I was way off the mark, but that's what I thought at the time. (NOTE: The song's called "The Extreme" if you want to listen to it.)

I have listened to it. And I really recommend a remix made by a group named SHADE. The album is called: GUARVAIL: FInal Fantasy Heavy Metal arrange album. It's pretty cool. :D:D:D:D

Well hopefully by now I've mangaged to show you that FE didn't come up with it from nowhere, he looked at things in the game and saw it that way, some of it I half saw myself. His theories may not be correct in the long run, but for the most part they make sense if you look at them from the right angle, same with the one I just mentioned - I didn't make it up as I went along, I genuinly thought that was what the game was saying, even though now, I know it wasn't.

Sorry, no luck in that department.

As I said before, he's just seeing the game the way he wants but not the way it is. You don't need to elaborate such a complicated theory based on what you took as hints that weren't there to justify some technical failures you saw during the game. They don't need to be justified because they're not implying anything else. It's a mistake from either the programmers, or the graphic system or even the display capabilities from the PS. That's it.

Besides, if he truly applied the Occam's Razor as it was meant to be, he wouldn't have the need to go beyond what the game presents us (entities must not be multiplied beyond neccessity).

Let's take Ultimecia for example. We don't know who she is, if that's her real name, where she comes from, her age, etc. etc. But what we do know is that she loathes SeeD and hates people (read the script on the speech in Deling's parade. Those are Ultimecia's words, not Edea's) so much that she is going to the extent of wiping all life by compressing time, creating a world where only she could live.

Now, let's reflect a little on the Sorceress' Wars. They are a world wide event, like WWI and II were in our planet. What happens to the bad guys? The nazy are still the villains in many books, series and movies in our time. The entire world has a nasty opinion of them and it's not likely to change any time soon. Now extrapolate this concept to FFVIII. Sorceresses were already feared and hated before Ultimecia (that's why Rinoa was so disraught to know she'd turned into one), so imagine what would happen to them once Ultimecia had caused all the ruckus among the several nations.

Of course people would be terrified of them, not only because they've proved once more the destructive force they are capable of being, but also because now they know for sure that a Sorceress would raise one day to be the cruel Ultimecia and that she would be virtually unstoppable. So what would happen? Human nature at its worst: when we don't understand something, we fear it and we destroy it.

Don't go that far, it has happened before in our world. In the middle ages thousands of innocent women were tortured and slaughtered because the Church claimed they were witches. People were afraid of them and collective paranoia led to their murders. Now imagine that same situation (the human factor, if you wish to call it) in a world where actual Sorceresses with REAL, POWERFUL and DANGEROUS magic exist.

Ultimecia might have been persecuted and developed the hate for humanity she shows in the game. We don't know how she got her powers or if she was born with them, but if you consider that she was a Sorceress among fearful people who thought her dangerous, even if she wasn't at the moment, then you can see what I mean.

There is a lot more, but I don't have the time nor the energy to type it. Go read Sir Bahamut's theory (which I have poorly displayed here, really, he's magistral) and you'll get what I want to say.

Those are ideas based on more than just glitches, clothing and hair. They are based on actual facts in the game and some inherent aspects of human beings. They don't need to go beyond what is presented to us in the game, but give a deeper perspective to a character we all know and few of us understand.

That's what FE's theories lack.

04-30-2011, 03:11 AM
When I first saw the trailers of FFVIII, I was very excited about this couple, but that disappeared in the first disc.

Everything seemed to evolve around them and their feelings, even the other characters almost exclusively talk about them and their problems, not their own.

I thought Rinoa remained annoying throughout the series; she's a lot cooler in Monty Oum's Dead Fantasy movies than she ever was in the game :(

Topaz Flare
06-20-2011, 01:00 PM
Well, I first played the game when I was 13, I obviouly didn't want Squall to fall in love mainly because, well...I had a crush on him :eek:

haha, but nowdays I just think she's an idiot, I hate how she puts herself into trouble just so Squall can save her, I hate how she acts, shes annoying and so bland imo.

I'dve really liked to see him with Quistis or someone more sane than Rinoa

06-21-2011, 03:38 AM
They are the perfect match. Rinoas personality brought out the best in him whilst everyone else was too serious all the time, just like Squall.

Big D
06-25-2011, 11:34 PM
Part of me wanted to see Quistis get together with someone - she really deserved some attention and closure in the romance department. However, she could do way better than Squall, so it's one of those situations where I wouldn't want her to get what she actually wants.

Still, I agree with what a lot of people were saying before the thread went on a tangent to Weirdsville: the "love triangle" with Squall, Rinoa and Seifer could've been made far bigger, adding more depth and conflict to all those characters. If Quistis' feelings for Squall had been handled the same way, too, then there would've been some pretty interesting character development and interaction going on.
Either that, or some god-awful teen angst. We need to remember that these kids are 17 and 18, with scarcely the emotional maturity to tie their own shoelaces.

06-28-2011, 10:22 PM
I would have to say that VII and VIII are two of my favorite games, with Squall + Rinoa as one of my favorite couples. I too thought they fit together perfectly. I never found her annoying, but did get really irritated with Selphie. I'll admit, I think I wanted to punch her at times. I thought she was childish and required too much attention from men (which is why Irvine's personality works for her). Quistis I thought was too motherly and serious for him.

In my opinion, both Rinoa and Squall are flawed and human, which is why they work so well together. They complement each other and change for the better. Squall is introverted, closed off, too serious, etc. Rinoa brings him out of his shell because she's so needy/annoying/whatever you guys want to call it. She sticks around, she shows that she wants to be with him, that she depends on him and cares for him. Maybe that's "needy" to some, but if you really like someone you don't mind the neediness. Rinoa on the other hand...someone said that she's too open/honest about what she wants...that there's no mystery to her...but maybe that open honesty is what Squall needs in a partner. He's so scared of getting hurt that being with someone as open as her comforts him. I actually like that she acts confident and sure of herself, even when she's not...she goes for what she wants! And I feel that she had more depth to her because she did put up a strong front until she actually faced battle, but Squall eventually sees how delicate she is. And doesn't everyone have a front to some extent? Getting past the mask that they put on is part of falling in love with them. They GROW together and that's why I think they make such a great couple.

Then again...I'm just a sucker for the whole "Even if the world becomes your enemy... I'll be your knight, I'll protect you." *swoon* <swoon> <swoon></swoon></swoon>

06-29-2011, 07:20 PM
I wanted to see him shag elvoret.

When my rep limit is renewed, I'm back for this post.

I would've liked him to be with Quistis better, she's more of a motherly and caring figure. Squall is fucked up and needs the help, Rinoa was too needy. However Squall x Quistis is touched on during the game, so I would've liked to at least see more of this triangle.

Although if it spawned something akin to the Cloud-Tifa-Aeris crap, oh man no.

I'm still waiting for my rep btw.

Darth Cid
06-29-2011, 08:42 PM
Come on People. Squall and Rinoa go together like Anakin and Padme!

07-20-2011, 07:11 PM
Squall should've ended up wit....ZELL. It would have been a :cool: Rad bromance.

Professor Complexity
07-22-2011, 12:58 PM
The romance in FFVIII has never really interested me, asides from the fact that Rinoa comes across incredibly immature at times.

What I would have liked to see at the end of the game is Raine somehow appearing after being saved due to Time Compression combined with Ellone's power... considering that the story seems to have circled around Ellone and her family (read: Laguna, Squall and the events that happened in Winhill etc) it would have been a nice ending... that and it would be massive food for thought for any fanfiction writers.

07-22-2011, 10:30 PM
I never liked Rinoa, largely because she always came across as a real attention seeker and the classic damsel in distress in almost every scene. Not to mention she seemed to have a thing for both Seifer and Squall.

Personally, I always figured Quistis was more suited to Squall. It never really seemed as if her feelings were ever resolved during the course of the game, either.

Professor Complexity
07-22-2011, 10:53 PM
I never liked Rinoa, largely because she always came across as a real attention seeker and the classic damsel in distress in almost every scene. Not to mention she seemed to have a thing for both Seifer and Squall.

That freaked me out as well... the conversations in Timber, Galbadia Garden and in Deling City don't shut up about Seifer. Yet in disc 2, her attitude changes completely... its odd, she then falls over herself in FH trying to flirt with Squall - especially if you sent her to the missile base...

Personally, I always figured Quistis was more suited to Squall. It never really seemed as if her feelings were ever resolved during the course of the game, either.

Hmm, that's something I never thought of, but I do remember Quistis saying that her feelings were remnants of her role as a big sister to them ("I guess I sorta took Sis... I mean Ellone's place") Disc2, Trabia.

Ashley Riot
07-25-2011, 09:38 AM
Rpg's should have sex scenes , I think... Just a sick desire. And yes, him shagging Quistis on the class table would have been hot.

07-25-2011, 09:57 AM
Rpg's should have sex scenes , I think... Just a sick desire. And yes, him shagging Quistis on the class table would have been hot.

Mass Effect.