View Full Version : Hmph

04-18-2010, 09:19 PM
What do you tend to do when in a moody? Most of you being adults I guess you're able to keep yourself more or less controlled. . .some.

Like, some people get all teary with anger, sometimes. Others stamp their foot if they can't have it their way (because BK lies). I tend to get all throat-constricted and irritated and a little achey.

Or like yesterday, before getting the train I went all quiet because I didn't want to go back home. Started making little weird noises and was all "¬¬.......don't.make.me.gooooo" and yeah, didn't want to let go. So that was me in a sulk all the way home for almost three hours ;D


Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
04-18-2010, 11:55 PM
I usually get quiet. Just stop talking.
If I am alone I usually brood and write in my Book of Hate and Discontent. It soothes me. I also like to run away and be by myself somewhere outside. That is nice too.

I like being alone.

04-19-2010, 12:12 AM
I usually get quiet. Just stop talking.
Yes this.

I'm also known to exercise or go for a walk to let off some steam.

Rebellious Eagle
04-19-2010, 12:21 AM
Yeah, I get really quiet and snap at innocent people who try to talk to me. And I like to cross my arms and glare at my feet when I'm mad. :O

04-19-2010, 12:23 AM
When I am pissed off because I don't quite do angry I tend to get more sharp and sarcastic about everything, people, work, things...anything and anyone. I'm at my funniest when I'm angry. People at work love it when I'm annoyed because I then keep them amused for hours on end.

04-19-2010, 12:46 AM
I rarely get angry. I get annoyed a lot though, but it usually doesn't last long enough for me to actually take it out on someone else. Not that I'm a particularly happy camper in any way, I just don't get angry.

Citizen Bleys
04-19-2010, 12:55 AM

04-19-2010, 03:18 AM

The cause and solution to all of life's problems.

04-19-2010, 04:00 AM
I usually just become extremely silent and distant, I guess. :p:p

04-19-2010, 11:27 AM
It takes a lot for me to get angry, and so it doesn't happen often. I don't know, I probably just get a little snappy and keep to myself.

Loony BoB
04-19-2010, 12:20 PM
I usually get quiet. Just stop talking.
This. And surf the internet or watch TV.

04-20-2010, 09:17 PM
Yeah I'm best just being alone, especially if you're my family. I'll sleep it off and be right as rain the next morning.

04-20-2010, 09:22 PM
I get angry easily, though I'm better than I used to be. But if I'm left alone to take a walk or run and pound out my frustrations that way for a little while, 90% percent of the time I'll be better after and I'll apologize for being angry/forgive the person if they did something wrong and ask for us to be cool.

With most people this is how it works. But if I get upset with my family, they nag and nag and pry and they don't give me time alone to think it over and feel better, because that's just how they are. XD

04-20-2010, 09:38 PM
I sigh, put my fingertips together, and remember that unimportant people with 2 followers Tweet everything they do in their life every 10 minutes. I feel better and the anger just disappears.

05-02-2010, 02:59 AM
I start off by saying "I'm piiissed." Then my voice gets obnoxious, and a bit higher, and I start expressing my desire to kick random objects. This is if I'm around people I know.

If by myself, I blast music and play video games, sleep, or call somebody and vent.

If in a room full of people I don't know, I stay quiet and clench my fists and bite my lip to keep from raging at some poor innocent soul.

05-02-2010, 03:04 AM
I rarely get angry. I get annoyed a lot though, but it usually doesn't last long enough for me to actually take it out on someone else. Not that I'm a particularly happy camper in any way, I just don't get angry.

Ditto, it's really hard to make me angry, but I have a few pet peeves that make me really pissed (i.e. blaming me for something I didn't do)

05-02-2010, 03:09 AM
Really it depends on whether or not I'm irritated, grumpy or angry. If I'm irritated I make hilarious mock shows of anger like stamping my feet like a child or throwing my keys in the floor. It makes me and other people laugh so we stop being irritated.

If I'm grumpy I just seal myself away from everybody and do things I like or work really hard to work out all the yuck.

If I'm angry, everone needs to go away as soon as possible and let me scream and rage and swear. If you don't get away, it will probably be directed at you.

And, on a few occasions of complete and utter rage, I have been violent towards people and objects. And then cried afterwards. I don't like that.

05-02-2010, 08:05 AM
Sometimes, I cry when I'm angry and my throat burns and tightens up. Other times when I'm angry, I just...well, if I were to look at you, simply my stare would kill you.

However, according to some, I'm hot when I'm angry. To others, I'm adorable when I'm trying to be angry. Takes so much for me to be taken seriously :eep:

05-02-2010, 08:13 AM
I just get very quiet and sort of tell my brain I'm somewhere else; maybe curl up in bed and watch TV or something. If I'm being confronted and I'm extremely upset I either cry, pretend nobody is there and stare at a wall, or completely flip out and shout things and throw :bou::bou::bou::bou:. Then pretend nothing ever happened! I have very little experience dealing with face-to-face conflict of any sort, so I regress to a child and it's extremely mortifying xD

05-02-2010, 08:36 AM
I just get very quiet and sort of tell my brain I'm somewhere else; maybe curl up in bed and watch TV or something. If I'm being confronted and I'm extremely upset I either cry, pretend nobody is there and stare at a wall, or completely flip out and shout things and throw :bou::bou::bou::bou:. Then pretend nothing ever happened! I have very little experience dealing with face-to-face conflict of any sort, so I regress to a child and it's extremely mortifying xD

According to my baby book, I was quite tempermental and bossy as a child, and yet i still act pretty childish when i get angry, sooo don't feel alone :eep:

05-02-2010, 09:08 AM
I get very testy and snappy at people and then I just walk away and be all broody and stuff

Vincent Valentine
05-02-2010, 02:20 PM
Bitch and rant at the thing making me angry until I get bored.

It works. Sometimes.

05-02-2010, 08:08 PM
Does anyone do aggression sports to relieve their anger? F.O.A mentioned working really hard, it's a similar thing :p

Lately I've also noticed one or two people can actually bring me out of my hulk-rage and I end up laughing. . .does that make me rubbish at being angry, or mean people have talent?

05-02-2010, 11:38 PM
When my husband and I have silent treatment battles you can use the heat of them to forge mighty weapons. And then I pout.

05-06-2010, 11:44 AM
Well if im with people then i stay quiet and look down cause i have nothing to say and when people talk to me when im moody i give a dead end answer,
(them)"you ok ?"
Or if im by myself, cry... sad, angry, depressed...i just cry XD

05-06-2010, 12:59 PM

I mostly just get pissy and snap at people.
Maybe yell at my cat or something lols