View Full Version : >> Did I miss something??

black orb
04-27-2010, 06:53 PM
>>> Suddenly most of the people i know is talking about him, whenever i go the kids are singing this "baby baby" song..
And every time when im watching TV this kid named Justin Bieber appears.
Its like he became the greatest pop star from one day to another, wtf? did i miss something?..:luca:

04-27-2010, 07:22 PM
It's probably delayed popularity like the Hannah Montana thing. It hits USA first, then the internet, then Europe. ;) Don't worry, he'll be all over us soon enough!

04-27-2010, 07:23 PM
You missed nothing; he is a load of rubbish and people decided to go from liking good people to supporting a literal baby. They now support rubbish and think they look good doing it.

It.is.a.farce. I wish to eradicate him as soon as possible, who's in?

04-27-2010, 07:33 PM
I watched half of a video, laughed at half of the hald that I watched, and for the other half I had one eyebrow raised as I watched him dance with Ludacris.

He said the word 'Baby' about 50 times, he had a rapper guest star in the video, he has the same face as the warewolf guy from twilight and the song was about 3 minutes and 30 seconds long; so I'd actually be shocked if he didn't become a teen sensation.

Hot Shot
04-27-2010, 07:38 PM
Justin Beiber sucks big time. He only really appeals to pre-teen girls because they find him good looking. But in his defense, his voice hasn't really matured yet making him sound quite young and he still hasn't had enough time to develop as an artist. When he does get older I'm sure he will be good when his act and music matures a bit. But as of now, he sucks.

04-27-2010, 10:28 PM
In the '50s, his parents would have been arrested for child neglect for letting him do those videos.

"Child sensations" are difficult to assess, but the '80s had some decent ones "Tiffany", "Debbie Gibson" and Asia's "Tiffany", Alyssa Milano.

I lived for a whole year as a kid in Asia, and Alyssa was a big singing sensation: YouTube - Alyssa Milano - Look In My Heart Music Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1Qt1EgF5T4). :D

04-27-2010, 10:43 PM
It's probably delayed popularity like the Hannah Montana thing. It hits USA first, then the internet, then Europe. ;) Don't worry, he'll be all over us soon enough!

I don't know, I feel the same way! Like who is this kid o.o

04-27-2010, 11:48 PM
I just discovered who he was coming back from the UK recently. Turns out he had a song on the radio I really liked a few months ago JUST when he came out. I thought he was a cute little black singer, like the new Michael Jackson, so I was really endeared to the song... but I was disappointed to find out he's just a measly 16 year old white boy wannabe rap star whose balls have never dropped. :(

04-27-2010, 11:54 PM
He was initially discovered on YouTube. After that, he signed on to a label and they changed the way he dresses and acts to be marketable and, ta-dah, here he is.

I'd do it too. Now he's rich and we aren't. I don't care about integrity if it means money.

04-27-2010, 11:56 PM
We hope by 2011 Justin Bieber will be officially removed from the male gender. There is hope.

04-28-2010, 12:11 AM
He's doing the rounds in Australia at the moment. He was supposed to appear in a plaza in Sydney somewhere, I think, for a free performance. The thousands of pre-teen girls that had camped out the night and were waiting for him were more than the police and organisers expected and the situation escalated to what has been called 'riot-like' conditions as people were getting crushed because no one heeded the police warning to get away from the stage. I think about 14 kids were hospitalised or something.

04-28-2010, 03:44 AM
He's doing the rounds in Australia at the moment. He was supposed to appear in a plaza in Sydney somewhere, I think, for a free performance. The thousands of pre-teen girls that had camped out the night and were waiting for him were more than the police and organisers expected and the situation escalated to what has been called 'riot-like' conditions as people were getting crushed because no one heeded the police warning to get away from the stage. I think about 14 kids were hospitalised or something.

Death Metal moshers are absolute pussies compared to Australian Pop-Fans.

04-28-2010, 10:03 PM
He amuses me. So little to be singing such songs! Have some parodies :D

YouTube - Justin Bieber "Baby" Parody - I'm Just a Baby ft. Tay Zonday (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvSoGW1U20s)

YouTube - Justin Bieber Baby Parody "Sleep on You": Key Of Awesome #10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_cGo0q7krk)

YouTube - Bieber Fever! ft. Lil Wayne: Key of Awesome #19 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHzN80iC59I)

Rebellious Eagle
04-28-2010, 10:25 PM
I really dislike pretty much all singers who are my age. They all sound so childish and their songs are so whiny, especially Justin Bieber. Compared to him my voice sounds like I should be 30 years old. :<

04-28-2010, 10:31 PM
You missed nothing; he is a load of rubbish and people decided to go from liking good people to supporting a literal baby. They now support rubbish and think they look good doing it.

It.is.a.farce. I wish to eradicate him as soon as possible, who's in?

*raises hand* Me. I'm so in.

I had the misfortune of catching the end of one of his videos where he confidently said, lets see if I can recall the exact words... "Yeah." and "Shaw-tay." I've hated him since. I can't put into words how much I loathe this child. And his, what was it, Us Weekly picture(?) scares the living :bou::bou::bou::bou: out of me. The anti-christ is here people, and he's taking Hollywood first.

04-28-2010, 10:34 PM
He's getting pretty big in Denmark too, this younger version of Zac Efron.

black orb
04-30-2010, 01:35 AM
He was initially discovered on YouTube. After that, he signed on to a label and they changed the way he dresses and acts to be marketable and, ta-dah, here he is.

I'd do it too. Now he's rich and we aren't. I don't care about integrity if it means money.
>>> Yeah, I guess i cant blame the kid for wanting to be rich, one chance of a lifetime that you cant miss..:luca:

Rad Bromance
04-30-2010, 03:00 AM
I just discovered who he was coming back from the UK recently. Turns out he had a song on the radio I really liked a few months ago JUST when he came out. I thought he was a cute little black singer, like the new Michael Jackson, so I was really endeared to the song... but I was disappointed to find out he's just a measly 16 year old white boy wannabe rap star whose balls have never dropped.
Ha, this totally happened to me too! I heard that song about "you'll be my number one girrrrl!" or something and I pictured someone like Lil Bow Wow (back when he was little) then I saw the video and I was promptly reminded of Aaron Carter and Jessie McCartney back in the day.

Except he's waaaaaaay more popular than either of them were back in their teenage days. I mean they were both restricted to being played on Radio Disney and Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel, but Mr. Bieber is all over everything. Every day I pull up MSN for the last couple weeks and the "tops in twitter" list has Justin at the top of it.

I don't expect him to retain his popularity once puberty runs it's course on him though, but I could be wrong seeing as Jessie McCartney is far more popular than he ever was now.

Meat Puppet
05-01-2010, 01:26 PM
Seems like the kind of fellow I’d encounter on Xbox Live, minus the manners.

05-02-2010, 01:14 AM
If I were in his position i'd probably do the same, but yeah his music is pretty poor. Unfortunately, most of it won't be HIS music, anyway. There is a chance that at some point when he has enough money and enough balls he can break away from the 'produced' aspect of pop music and I bet he could actually be good! Like MJ for example (Jackson 5 lol), and yet he is not as young so it probably wont screw him up as much.

05-06-2010, 11:20 AM
Its so funny who they put next to Justin in music videos his 'girlfriends' i guess for the lack of story they look as if they are in there 30s and hes just reached 12 so amusing :D

05-08-2010, 04:24 AM
Eh, flavor of the week kid. He'll go the way of Hanson and Backstreet Boys and so on. :p

Rad Bromance
05-11-2010, 04:33 AM
YouTube - Justin Bieber Doesn't know what German Is.. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkKqihEUmH4)