View Full Version : The Key of Awesome

04-28-2010, 09:55 PM
Made by some of the minds behind Barely Political, we get this awesome string of Parady songs.

Most recently comes their Parady of Telephone.

YouTube - Lady Gaga Telephone Parody (ft Beyonce): Key of Awesome #17 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvOucvTpKrE)

Much funnier if you've actually seen the Lady Gaga Video though. :p

I remember a while back someone posted up the Ke$ha parady video they did, the whole thing about vomit and glitter and the Intervention. :p

I love thier songs, the Gaga paradies and Emo Vampire being my favorites.

Their Adam Lambart one was pretty rad as well.

Edit: Or maybe there were a couple after Telephone, but meh. It's still awesome. :p

Moved to The Lounge. -Rantzien