View Full Version : Doom Dreams

05-03-2010, 06:20 PM
Ever play or watch enough FPS to wind up dreaming you're in a FPS? I call them Doom dreams because I used to get them from playing too much Doom II. Not so much the combat but just meandering through long hallways. And not realistic either, but pixelated.

I'm bringing this up now because I had another DD last night. I've not been playing any FPS, but I have been watching Helloween4545's playthough of AVP3 on Youtube. I dreamed I was moving between what was called 2D Hell and 3D and back again. 3D Hell was like a very sickening roller coaster where I kept twisting around both vertically and horizontally. :eep:

05-04-2010, 09:50 AM
I haven't had any FPS dreams, or Doom Dreams as you call them, but I've had plenty of Tomb Raider dreams. I just dream about Tomb Raider, so it's not like I am Lara Croft in the dreams, and I don't know why I get them.. I just do xD

05-04-2010, 11:42 PM
I actually think none of my dreams are in first person... which is weird... But I did have an Assassin's Creed II dream last night!

05-05-2010, 12:21 AM
Not uncommon for me to get dreams about a certain game if I am playing it excessively for a few days.

The funniest are minesweeper dreams. As I am playing I am obviously not lucid enough to generate a coherent minesweeper board, so after a little bit I arrive at a situation which is logically impossible, often causing me to wake up. Nerdiest thing to wake you up in a dream ever.

05-05-2010, 05:21 PM
I tend to have dream about games I'm playing too much of. Sometimes this ends up awkward nightmares. One time as child I'd been playing too much Yoshi's Cookie on Gameboy while I was very sick. I had a terrible delirious sleep full of terrible dream of cookies and stuff.

My wife (a teacher) and I have been playing a lot of GTA IV lately and two nights ago she reported having a dream where her and several students got together to assassinate another one of the teachers.

black orb
05-06-2010, 02:01 AM
>>> I just dream with the games that I cant play/have..:luca: