View Full Version : Oh god, what is he/she/it wearing?!

05-09-2010, 09:18 PM
The Seymour thread made me think of this, but what do you consider to be the WORST outfit in the FF series?

The series has some bizarrely dressed people, some acceptably so, some just.... egh.

I would have to say Nooj from FFX-2 has got me angry at the designers for putting him in that.


05-09-2010, 09:23 PM
Tidus has the worst outfit. It's the one thing I'm on the same page with his detractors on. Also Celes' sprite, she's wearing a green one piece, shoulder pads, boots, and a cape.

05-09-2010, 09:52 PM
Tidus does look very terrible. An open chested t-shirt with a hood? wtf is that?

I thought Steiner's armor looked exceedingly dumb, but I guess it was was meant to suit the character, which imo it did well. (I didn't like him at all, as you can tell)

Kuja, enough said

I didn't like the outfits from FFVIII, but none stood out as being exceedingly terrible.

I'll probably think of more later

Hot Shot
05-09-2010, 09:59 PM
As much as I liked X, it (and obviously X-2) had some of the dumbest outfits in FF history. I hated Seymour's outfit and most of the NPC wore some stupid clothes. VII and VIII probably had the most normal clothes in the franchise (and I should really emphasise the MOST part). XII, as much as I didn't like it, had the best clothes out of all FF games.

05-09-2010, 10:37 PM
I always thought Nooj looked like he was wearing pajamas.

05-09-2010, 10:49 PM
Tidus is wearing a blitzball uniform from a culture 1000 years past its expiration date so he does look a little out of place. It's nothing compared to Nooj xD

05-09-2010, 11:33 PM
Kuja has a thong on
Tidus has a crop top on
I'm not to keen in Tifa's AC outfit, i like the bottom but not the top.

05-10-2010, 12:06 AM
Cid from Final Fantasy VI was dressed pretty badly. He looks like an oversized banana. Even he looks pissed about what he has on.


05-10-2010, 12:13 AM
In addition to the one's already named, I think Dr. Odine from FFVIII ought to get mention.


05-10-2010, 04:59 AM
Cid from Final Fantasy VI was dressed pretty badly. He looks like an oversized banana. Even he looks pissed about what he has on.
I always assumed he wore a raincoat because dissecting espers was such messy work.

05-11-2010, 01:56 AM
I have to second that Odine thing. I pretty much disregarded his character due to the way he looked.

black orb
05-11-2010, 02:00 AM
>>> Red Pajamas are awesome..:luca:

05-11-2010, 07:29 AM
I'd have to go with Yuffie's outfit from VII. She does NOT look like a ninja! :p

05-11-2010, 07:33 AM
I'd have to go with Yuffie's outfit from VII. She does NOT look like a ninja! :p


Marshall Banana
05-11-2010, 07:55 AM
In addition to the one's already named, I think Dr. Odine from FFVIII ought to get mention.

How does Odine eat? Scratch his nose?

05-11-2010, 11:20 PM
I thought Tifa's outfit in FFVII was poorly thought out, especially as it creates some disonance between her look and personality. To this day, many people judge her solely by her appearance. A simple tweak could have saved it though: either swap in baggy pants or a jacket and it would look much better. At least her AC outfit was a big improvement.

But FFX and FFX-2 take the prize in the most ridiculous outfits. Nooj has already been mentioned, but a lot of the dresspheres are also awful. For me the Thief outfit is the worst, and of course we have to look at it in all the cutsecenes with Rikku. Her outfits were much more flattering in FFX.

05-12-2010, 07:17 AM
I couldn't agree more BG. Tifa is one of my all-time favorite FF characters and she spent over 10 years being branded a slut who was out to steal Cloud from perfect, virginal Aerith (yeah, right).
I'm so glad they finally rectified that in AC.

I quite liked Yuna's X-2 outfit, except for the incredibly tiny hot-pants. Slighter longer shorts would've looked way better.

05-12-2010, 07:50 AM
Rue has a pretty silly outfit. I like it, except for that godawful hat.


05-12-2010, 01:49 PM
But i liked that Tifa's outfit was in such stark contradiction to her personality. It made her interesting, shes such a sweet heart and so caring that a slutty 80's inspired outfit gave her some much needed edge.
I mean Aeris was quirky and Yuffie is borderline insane, but poor Tifa only stood out to me for her risque clothing choice, without it, it makes her a little dull

05-12-2010, 06:02 PM
I disagree. If the makers wanted her to look like a 'bad girl' to later reveal she's really a 'good girl' all along then it could be justified. But I don't get the impression that the game makers intended this. She's the classic childhood friend of the hero who doesn't seem to notice her as a woman. That compounded with Cloud's guilt and grief and general mental confusion makes her caring of him all the more touching.

She would have been better served to wear a Chinese sleeveless dress, which would be appropriate both in her roles as a bartender and a popular (if not necessarily accurate) look for a female martial artist.

05-12-2010, 09:45 PM
But Scarlett (a bad girl) wheres that type of dress.

I don't think that outfit needs to dictate what sort of person you are. I'm a nice, sweet sort of girl but occassionally I'll wear a Tifa-esque mini-skirt.

05-13-2010, 12:21 PM
Given the plunging neckline and lack of a collar, I don't think it would count. More like this:


By all means you should dress in a way that makes you comfortable, but my point was, people get judged a lot based on how they look, and fictional characters are not immune.

05-13-2010, 12:49 PM
That dress is so Chun-Li :p

Forsaken Lover
05-13-2010, 04:59 PM
Kuja has a thong on

Wgat's wrong with that?

You should just be grateful the one villain we knows wears a thong looks damn good in it.


Now...I have something that actually goes with the topic title.
What is Rinoa wearing?

Best full body pic I could find after 10 seconds search.

05-13-2010, 05:14 PM
That dress is so Chun-Li :p

That was my point, although I was also thinking of Miss China of Spirit of Wonder, who not only is a skilled martial artist but also runs her own restaurant.

I like Rinoa's outfit better than Quitis'. Never understood why a teacher would go around showing off her naval.

05-13-2010, 05:14 PM
Actually, I've seen people wearing shirts similar to that blue thing she wears.

05-13-2010, 07:52 PM
Zero Punctuation nailed it by describing FF's outfits as looking like they were "designed on an Etch-A-Sketch and then fed through a threshing machine".

Anyway, I didn't like Amano's character costume concept art. You could never tell what anything was supposed to be. Is it any wonder Nomura decided it was acceptable to so bizarrely dress the ones he designed?

Of course, when you go from the one extreme; everyone looking like they're wearing dyed burlap sacks, to the other extreme; everyone looking like they fell over in a warehouse for computer parts, you expect the more obnoxious one to go down worse.

05-14-2010, 12:29 AM
I like Rinoa's outfit. Looks like something I would wear on an average day. I'd say FFVIII had the most normal looking character models in the series. If you take out Esthar nutjobs like Odine.

05-14-2010, 06:58 AM
Twink: Vaan

Insult to twinks everywhere! Also, Tidus' leather laderhosen.

05-14-2010, 11:29 AM
I understand the tropical climate that a lot of Spira has, but there was an abundance of chest in X and X2. Lulu's outfit was also ridiculous. Seconding the Seymour and Nooj calls going on. I mean there's extreme outfits like LeBlanc's, but Nooj's is just horrendous.

Loony BoB
05-14-2010, 12:00 PM
I was going to say Tidus until I saw Nooj. What.

05-14-2010, 10:32 PM
Kefka has his weird technicoloured dream coat in sprite form and well.... this:

05-14-2010, 11:05 PM
I was going to say Tidus until I saw Nooj. What.

His is just...awful. I mean, at least with all of the revealing outfits there's a purpose (even if that purpose is LOOK AT ME AND MY SEXY BODY :</>D!) but Nooj is just plain bad :(

05-15-2010, 02:04 AM
Kefka's outfit is kinda appropriate though. It's all like, "Look at me I'm crazy!" and this is so.

05-15-2010, 10:27 AM
I never realized Nooj was in pajamas. I guess I was just distracted by his mechanical prosthesis.

I'm not to keen in Tifa's AC outfit, i like the bottom but not the top.Opposed. Her pants with that apron looked weird. My first impression was that she'd tied a black dish towel around her waist.

Cid from Final Fantasy VI was dressed pretty badly. He looks like an oversized banana. Even he looks pissed about what he has on.HaHaHeee-d.

To this day, many people judge her solely by her appearance. A simple tweak could have saved it though: either swap in baggy pants or a jacket and it would look much better. At least her AC outfit was a big improvement.

But FFX and FFX-2 take the prize in the most ridiculous outfits. Nooj has already been mentioned, but a lot of the dresspheres are also awful. For me the Thief outfit is the worst, and of course we have to look at it in all the cutsecenes with Rikku. Her outfits were much more flattering in FFX.People need to get over themselves. You do realize Tifa is a 20-year-old bar-owner in the slums of a huge 10-sector city (called Midgar). Though I have seen pics of Tifa in a leather jacket and have wondered why it was never made part of her outfit, because it looks good.

Which dressphere bugs ya? Personally, I am not fond of the amount of red on the Warrior outfits. I guess it's homage to the Warrior class, but c'mon. I like Alchemist, (Paine's Warrior and Samurai Dresspheres, the latter mostly for the sword), Dark Knight, love the Black Mage (especially on Paine), I also like Floral Fallal and Full Throttle, but Machina Maw? Rikku is basically Zero Suit Samus on a weird broken mech-creature. Hmph! Kind of makes me wonder what happened to the rest of it. I'm also fond of the Psychic outfit, though I can't use it since I only own the original game. :frown:

Jessweeee♪: RUE!

But i liked that Tifa's outfit was in such stark contradiction to her personality. It made her interesting, she's such a sweetheart and so caring that a slutty 80's-inspired outfit gave her some much needed edge.Mhm.

BG-57: She's from Nibelheim, not from Wutai, so it doesn't fit her personality, origin, history, profession, surroundings, or her current circumstance to be dressed like Chun Li.

Kefka has his weird technicoloured dream coat in sprite form.Well, he is the near-omnipotent equivolent of Needles Kane aka Sweet Tooth. So, yeh.

05-15-2010, 03:49 PM
People need to get over themselves. You do realize Tifa is a 20-year-old bar-owner in the slums of a huge 10-sector city (called Midgar). Though I have seen pics of Tifa in a leather jacket and have wondered why it was never made part of her outfit, because it looks good.

That doesn't mean she has to dress that way. If her character was meant to be disreputable, I could understand the choice. At any rate, the suspenders do not work with the miniskirt. So either cover them with a jacket or wear something that goes with suspenders.

Which dressphere bugs ya? Personally, I am not fond of the amount of red on the Warrior outfits. I guess it's homage to the Warrior class, but c'mon. I like Alchemist, (Paine's Warrior and Samurai Dresspheres, the latter mostly for the sword), Dark Knight, love the Black Mage (especially on Paine), I also like Floral Fallal and Full Throttle, but Machina Maw? Rikku is basically Zero Suit Samus on a weird broken mech-creature. Hmph! Kind of makes me wonder what happened to the rest of it. I'm also fond of the Psychic outfit, though I can't use it since I only own the original game. :frown:

The Dresspheres I like the least include Thief, Songstress and Mascot. I'm fond of Alchemist, White and Black Mages and Dark Knight.

She's from Nibelheim, not from Wutai, so it doesn't fit her personality, origin, history, profession, surroundings, or her current circumstance to be dressed like Chun Li.

My point was that an outfit being a popular image for martial artists and hostesses does make it appropriate for her, since she's both. So I don't consider it inappropriate for a martial artist to be dressed in an oriental costume.

EDIT: This picture might explain it better.

05-15-2010, 08:59 PM
I never realized Nooj was in pajamas. I guess I was just distracted by his mechanical prosthesis.

I'm not to keen in Tifa's AC outfit, i like the bottom but not the top.Opposed. Her pants with that apron looked weird. My first impression was that she'd tied a black dish towel around her waist.


I figured the apron was to do with her bar work, but...
Yeah I don't really like that outfit at all, it looks just so heavy and it totally swamps her frame. A little bit of leather would have been okay but the whole outfit is just over kill.

I like her old outfit, regardless of it being a lil slutty, its just Tifa's iconic outfit

05-16-2010, 10:13 AM
With a little bit of a smaller slit I think that dress would've been great. Although it's short and looks a bit off with combat boots xD

05-16-2010, 12:51 PM
You mean hiding more of her thighs then? I was considering swapping in black slippers, but decided to keep the arm and leg accessories the same to see how it would look.

05-16-2010, 03:18 PM
The dress does look cool, the problem is tho (I think) that it makes her look a bit of a Chun Lee copy.

05-16-2010, 05:48 PM
I was also going for a bit of Miss China, but not as many people are familiar with Spirit of Wonder.


So does any woman in a cheongsam make you automatically think of SFII?

05-16-2010, 10:14 PM
No, but a video game character would do. As a male blonde dressed in green would make me think of the legend of Zelda.

05-16-2010, 11:02 PM
So does any woman in a cheongsam make you automatically think of SFII?
Seeing as Chun-Li is the most well known female martial artist in video games a connection will be made with any other female martial artists who dress similarly.

05-17-2010, 12:40 AM
Fair enough.

Forsaken Lover
05-17-2010, 01:10 AM
When it comes tO FFX-2 dresspheres I didn't much like the Berserker outfits.

As for the best dressphere..Paine is the most badass White Mage ever.

black orb
05-17-2010, 03:26 AM
>>> This gotta be the worst..:luca:


05-17-2010, 06:06 AM
Well the best defense is a good offense :confused:

05-17-2010, 12:52 PM
I liked the Psychiccer (Saikikka) dress sphere. Though it seems like Paine doesn't fit it. She seems more to be the type to rely on brute strength, not the 'power of the mind'. She just looks weird in that dress sphere.


05-17-2010, 02:11 PM
Yuna's outfit there /\ kinda reminds me of Reeve's from Dirge of Cereberus, except he doesn't show as much leg

05-21-2010, 05:27 AM
Black Orb >> What the hell outfit is that?! I played that game, I don't remember seeing anything like that.

05-21-2010, 06:16 AM
Black Orb >> What the hell outfit is that?! I played that game, I don't remember seeing anything like that.

The Full Throttle, Paine's Special Dress sphere. All the characters have one, and they each consist of three parts. You access them by getting the dress sphere, and then switching to every dress sphere on the currently equipped garment grid. When you use it, the other two party members leave, and the three parts of the special dress sphere become the three member party.

05-21-2010, 06:34 AM
Oh wow. Apparently I just did not put that much effort into that game.

05-21-2010, 06:42 AM
I actually like the Full Throttle dressphere. I think it's looks awesome.

Yuna's Special Dress, however (Floral Fallal, was it?), not so great. And Rikku's probably shouldn't count since she's not really 'wearing' the machina.

Marshall Banana
05-21-2010, 07:40 AM
Oh wow. Apparently I just did not put that much effort into that game.
But selecting every dressphere on a grid - one at a time - is an annoying task, thanks to the prolonged job-change animations. >=(

05-21-2010, 07:43 AM
That's why you turn them off, silly! If you turn them off they only do it the first time that particular character changes to the dressphere in battle. There's still a bit of a delay, but it's not like MOON PRISM POWER MAKE-UP!

I never had any use for them, though. I just used the grid with two nodes in it if I wanted to play with them.

Marshall Banana
05-21-2010, 07:54 AM
I had no idea that they could be turned off! I'm guessing that the transformation scene still remains, since you say there's still a delay? Even that's too much. I wish that the characters could transform in battle with no additional scenes occurring. No interruptions, you know? That would be slick.

I couldn't ever bring myself to use the grid with only two nodes, because all of the other grids offer so much more.

05-21-2010, 08:04 AM
You can turn it to full, short, or off. Short has a short scene and off has no scene. What I meant by "delay" is that everything just kinda stops and waits for the change. This usually takes about five seconds or so. Kinda like how in FFXII when an enemy is about to use certain attacks your party can't do technics or magic P:

Marshall Banana
05-21-2010, 08:23 AM

I tried it out for myself just now. There's practically no wait at all, and "off" is almost exactly what I wanted. Cool.

05-21-2010, 08:29 AM
I love it because when it comes to this sort of thing I want to see the change once and then it's like "okay now can I just play?" FFX and X-2 were really neat about that!

Forsaken Lover
05-21-2010, 08:38 PM
I gotta say, I agree the Dark Knight outfits looked cool on the girls in X-2 but I still never liked to use them because of the friggin' STUPID swords.

They're all those weird claw-ended swords like Auron's Masamune. And it just looks ridiculously idiotic.

Samurai Rikku is the best!

05-21-2010, 09:17 PM
Actually, Yuna uses Tidus' Caladbolg as her sword in the Dark Knight dress sphere, just as she uses the Brotherhood as a Warrior (she also uses Tidus's attack animation and victory pose, IIRC). Rikku uses Auron's Masamune as a Dark Knight.

A lot of the weapons in X-2 came from X. As a Black Mage, Yuna uses her Nirvana. Black Mage and White Mage weapons for all the characters are versions of Yuna's weapons from X. As Samarui, Rikku and Yuna both use weapons that Auron used in X. As a Warrior, Rikku uses another of Tidus' weapons. Paine gets the most unique weapons, which makes sense, as she never knew the rest of the team.

Forsaken Lover
05-22-2010, 12:05 AM
Hm. You're right.

Guess I just projected my hate for Rikku's weapon onto the others. My bad.

06-02-2010, 06:47 PM
After some consideration, what Cloud and Sephiroth are wearing in the original game is really lame. It looks like Cloud is in pajamas, and Sephiroth is in some long black skirt thing. Then again, graphics. But yeah. Impressions that I get from this stuff.

champagne supernova
06-22-2010, 12:01 AM
I couldn't agree more BG. Tifa is one of my all-time favorite FF characters and she spent over 10 years being branded a slut who was out to steal Cloud from perfect, virginal Aerith (yeah, right).
I'm so glad they finally rectified that in AC.

I quite liked Yuna's X-2 outfit, except for the incredibly tiny hot-pants. Slighter longer shorts would've looked way better.

I always preferred Tifa to Aerith. I think my first play through, I got the Tifa date. Maybe it's because she was the childhood sweetheart and I'm soft. Or because her boobs are bigger than Aerith's. Who knows? It was a long time ago.

The Dirge of Cerberus outfits are RIDICULOUS. On many levels. And inappropriate too. But as I don't believe in the existence of the add-ons to Final Fantasy, I cannot single one out.

Cid as a banana in VI is also pretty bad. Kuja (not that he's around much) is also not great. Garnet has a fire in the middle of his chest, which I'm sure must be inconvenient.

How does one narrow this down to the worst. It had to come from X-2. LeBlanc.


It is not physically possible for her bits to remain clothed if she so much as moves.

06-22-2010, 12:47 AM
Maybe that would explain why she likes Nooj so much: they both have horrible fashion sense. There's not much of any other reason given in-game.

All the same, I like Leblanc; she may dress like a Las Vegas showgirl, but it somehow suits her over-the-top diva personality.

EDIT: Three words: double-sided tape.

06-23-2010, 09:12 AM
How has no one mentioned Squall yet? No one needs that many belts. Seriously. Unless he was trying to ward Seifer away from his crotch, but still.

06-23-2010, 09:50 AM
I actually really really really like Squall's Dissidia outfit.

Tidus is bad. All of FFX-2 is bad. A lot of FVII is bad.

06-23-2010, 12:58 PM
FFX is my favorite, but like many of you, it's like they let a monkey design the outfits for the characters. Tidus' look is a hot mess, and Seymour is just wrong. That being said, I think Vincent from FFVII takes the cake. The whole emo vampire look is dated, even for 1997.

06-23-2010, 03:44 PM
I think Vincent from FFVII takes the cake. The whole emo vampire look is dated, even for 1997.

It grosses me out that he didn't get changed after 30 years of sleeping in those hideous clothes.
Lucrecia must have put them on him, shes a freaky chick, choosing clothes remniscient of his dead daddy's.

06-26-2010, 02:47 PM
Im not sure if anyone will agree but I hate Zidane's frilly collar.

06-26-2010, 03:30 PM
What are you talking about, Laddy?
There's so much pretty in FFX-2!

06-27-2010, 09:38 PM
How has no one mentioned Squall yet? No one needs that many belts. Seriously. Unless he was trying to ward Seifer away from his crotch, but still.

I'll counter this and also prove why he needed so many belts (which was 3 btw, 1 around his waist, 2 looped over his hips)

Firstly to counter...you say he had too many belts but how many people didn't complain about Lulu's dress in X? She had more belts than I've even owned in my lifetime in fact the only thing that made the front of her dress was belts!

Secondly to explain. If you watch in the game, Squall hangs his gunblade from his belts. I would assume there is some kind of sheath we the player never (but probably should see) same goes for all of them except Zell who uses his fists. When their weapons are away it would be cool to see holsters/sheathes/pouches/loops the weapons are kept on (the reason for this not happening is obviously to reduce the stress on the game having to display the model of the weapon constantly in fact the first we really ever see of something like this is in XII even then I don't recall actually seeing holsters or sheathes the weapons merely hung from their hips/backs with invisible glue) I figure the 2 extra belts looped around serve two purposes 1) to hold ammunition for the gun blade 2) to support the weight of the weapon and hold it in such a position that Squall can still walk without tripping everything over with the end of his sword. The third belt around his waist is obviously just for his trousers to stay up. The 4th "thigh belt" or strap is either related to the gunblade sheath again or else purely for additional ammo/maybe an equipment pouch.

Worst costume in an FF game to me goes for Odine because he was basically wearing a tribute to Kefka but had nothing in relation to Kefka as a character. It made him look merely stupid and didn't fit with his role in the game.

06-27-2010, 10:32 PM
I complained about Lulu's belts. Your argument is invalidated!

06-28-2010, 04:20 AM
In addition to some of those already mentioned (Tidus, especially), FF1's Dr. Unne wears an orange onesie:


Wolf Kanno
06-29-2010, 07:29 AM
I feel its safe to say that Spira is not ravaged by Sin but also by a fashion disaster. Its like the beach version of Roadwarrior except without the violent motorcycle gangs and Mel Gibson. Just outfits that feel like hodge podges of different clothing and fabrics thrown together.

This is not to say the rest of the series isn't without its faults. For the sprite entries, I'm giving it to FFV, cause I feel the sprites for the five main characters are just atrocious and while they are vastly improved in the Amano designs, the same can't be said of the Dawn warriors who have some seriously questionable outfits...

06-29-2010, 08:10 AM
Lulu's outfit was horrible too and as aforementioned, had too many belts. Lulu was like the female version of Squall both in personality and dress sense, but just with a slightly better personality.

06-29-2010, 01:55 PM
Can we all agree that most characters from FF X and FF X-2 had terrible outfits then? :bigsmile:

06-29-2010, 04:20 PM
With emphasis on most, yes.

Forsaken Lover
06-29-2010, 05:56 PM
I dunno.

Outfits in X-2 I like:
-Shuyin's and Lenne's
-Gunner Yuna and Warrior Paine (the look they have in "canon" most of the time)
-Lady Luck Rikku
-White Mage Paine
-uh....hm. Gippal I guess?

Not many in there I actually "hate".

I even like Nooj's outfit sorta. But that's probably just the fact I like his character influencing my judgment.

06-30-2010, 07:43 PM
Is Cuch posting on the lower levels? YES HE FUCKING IS.

From memory, the worst outfits all belonged on X and X2. It's like aome one closed their eyes & threw fabric on doll n though, yep. Works.

No one but Auron had anything near acceptable clothing.

And the on XII. Fran was it? The playboy bunny? What was THAT about?

The end.

07-01-2010, 11:13 AM
Welcome to EoFF, Cuch.

Speaking of FFX outfits, Tidus' outfit wasn't great, but it got a lot worse for Dissidia.
The tattered rags look is stupid. And what's the the gravity defying hoodie?

07-01-2010, 07:05 PM
Oh god, I remember seeing Sephiroth with some form of..beaded belt? in Dissidia. It made me cringe. A lot.

Forsaken Lover
07-06-2010, 10:19 PM
It's not really his outfit so much as his overall look but I get the distinct feeling Snow is going to beat me up to get money for drugs.

Wolf Kanno
07-07-2010, 05:17 AM
Odd, he always came across as a frat boy to me, I was more worried he get me smashed drunk from a few Keggers and I would wake up in the bed of the School Dean's grandmotrher. :D

08-01-2010, 03:11 AM
And the on XII. Fran was it? The playboy bunny? What was THAT about?

This is exactly what I thought. Viera=an entire race of fanboy drool-fuel.

That said, I always thought Al-Cid (from XII) looked really gay.

08-01-2010, 12:46 PM
what about those Pirates in XII and Revenant Wings, you the ones that work for Reddas, Elza and somebody. Somewhere along the line those two decided to wear their thongs on the outside of their clothes

08-07-2010, 06:47 AM
I forgot all about them. Elza, Rikken, and Raz... yeah... sic the Fashion Police.

08-07-2010, 08:30 AM
I feel its safe to say that Spira is not ravaged by Sin but also by a fashion disaster. Its like the beach version of Roadwarrior except without the violent motorcycle gangs and Mel Gibson. Just outfits that feel like hodge podges of different clothing and fabrics thrown together.

This is not to say the rest of the series isn't without its faults. For the sprite entries, I'm giving it to FFV, cause I feel the sprites for the five main characters are just atrocious and while they are vastly improved in the Amano designs, the same can't be said of the Dawn warriors who have some seriously questionable outfits...

FFV had some awesome outfits. Case in point:


Now that's style.

08-07-2010, 10:27 AM
I thought Lady Yunalesca's outfit was creepy. Especially her 2nd and 3rd forms. :O_O:

Forsaken Lover
08-07-2010, 04:32 PM
I forgot all about them. Elza, Rikken, and Raz... yeah... sic the Fashion Police.


Elza is win.

08-08-2010, 06:29 AM
I didn't say she wasn't sexy as hell. That's just the kind of thing even Michael Jackson would be embarrassed to be seen wearing. Yes, one-glove, white-leather Michael Jackson.