View Full Version : I don't want to see The Matrix and I didn't like Sin City

05-11-2010, 03:50 AM
I get so infinitely much pepper from my roommates for not wanting to see The Matrix. I don't even make a big deal out of it, I mentioned it back in September or something and they bring it up whenever we're having a random discussion, as some sort of a final card. "Well, you don't even like The Matrix so whatever!"

Well, today I found out one of my roommates did not like American Beauty, another one did not like A Nightmare Before Christmas and the last one did not like Blood Diamonds. It's nice to have some dirt on them too. :D In the end, we all have certain films that are widely considered good but that we just don't like. What's your movie?

Movies such as Titanic, Brokeback Mountain and other movies with a very split fan/hate base doesn't count. Try to think of a movie that almost everyone but you genuinely loves.

05-11-2010, 03:53 AM
Chances are very likely if a movie gets a lot of hype before making it into theaters, I'll dislike it when it seems like everyone else likes it.

Also, The Matrix isn't that great, for the record. Even less so with the later sequels. >_>

05-11-2010, 03:55 AM
I haven't watched Avatar. And I don't see the big deal. I'll probably never see it.

On the flipside, the majority of my friends and my girlfriend hated Juno whereas I loved it. I must've watched it over a dozen times.

edit: I liked The Matrix too btw. Not the sequels though. I am also amazed to hear of someone that doesn't like Blood Diamond.

05-11-2010, 04:09 AM
Ew, Blood Diamond. Ew, Brokeback Mountain. Hrm, movies everyone loves but I hate? That's easy. Star Wars. :)

05-11-2010, 06:16 AM
I dislike the vast majority of overly popular movies. I have never seen, and have no desire to ever see, Godfather, Goodfellas, Avatar, Brokeback Mountain, Blood Diamond or Scarface. I did not like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Terminator, The Matrix, the Alien movies, or Indiana Jones.

I'm probably forgetting a significant amount of movies.

05-11-2010, 06:26 AM
I didn't see The Matrix until recently! I liked it fine and I have never seen the sequels. I guess I never really thought Star Wars was that big of a deal. It's a nice movie, but I've seen better xD

05-11-2010, 06:44 AM
Indiana Jones is the big one for me, never ever will I get the appeal of that movie.

05-11-2010, 07:02 AM
Star Wars. :)

I dislike the vast majority of overly popular movies. I have never seen, and have no desire to ever see, Godfather, Goodfellas, or Scarface. I did not like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Terminator, The Matrix, the Alien movies, or Indiana Jones.

Indiana Jones is the big one for me, never ever will I get the appeal of that movie.
I really hope you all get sexually violated by a pterodactyl tonight. :mad2:

05-11-2010, 08:31 AM
I'm seeing too much Star Wars hate in here. :cry:

The Tim Burton Batman movies are on my Do Not Watch list. They made Gotham look like a circus.

05-11-2010, 09:01 AM
The Matrix is a cool movie. I've seen it a buttload of times. I remember being completely amazed by it when I first saw it - but then I was also only 11 at the time xD

Anyway, as for the topic. Hmmm. I remember thinking that Batman Begins wasn't anything special. Maybe I just need to watch it again, though.

Madame Adequate
05-11-2010, 12:26 PM
I have no real interest in watching Goodfellas or any of the Godfather movies. I've never seen Jaws and don't care to. That's about it, beyond that I either like popular stuff or just cba rather than actually not wanting to see it.

Then again I watched Avatar on a whim and didn't think it would be anything special but I think it's awesome.

Loony BoB
05-11-2010, 03:38 PM
Titanic, Brokeback Mountain and other movies with a very split fan/hate base.

Pop Frank Socket
05-11-2010, 07:37 PM
Burn After Reading. Not since Sideways have I seen so many actors I like piss me off so much, there's not one redeemable character in it, they're all idiots and I only stayed though the movie hoping they would wind up in gitmo.