View Full Version : Web Layout Help

Clouded Sky
05-21-2010, 12:00 PM
Hey Y'all,

So I figured someone here has to be alright with this sort of this. I don't remember any of my webscripting class, and thus am having trouble pulling out unwanted elements in a wordpress template.

I just started Why You Should Hire Cory Swanson (http://www.cory-swanson.com) as a place to point prospective employers to hopefully stand out a little bit. It should be up with full content in the next couple days, but that's not the point. Right now the template shows a small box in the sidebar where a 125px ad is supposed to be, and next to home, it says "no categories." Which is both false because there is a category, but more than anything, annoying.

Can anyone help me get rid of these two things? I will love you forever!

05-21-2010, 07:41 PM
Check your widgets-- you may be able to drag the categories link to disable it. I don't have a fresh WP install to check against, though