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View Full Version : Oh yippee, I'm sick again

leader of mortals
05-22-2010, 05:40 PM
Well, I'm sick yet again. I went to the Emergency and they did a strep test, which was negative, a throat culture, which will take about 3-5 days, and a blood test for Mono(Hooray!:(), and the results for that will come back sometime today.

Fuck my life...

05-22-2010, 05:46 PM
That sounds like me. I would get strep or bronchitis every year, and they'd always test me for mono because I was always very tired.

It's probably bronchitis! As long as you get it treated soon, it goes away fast. I used to go to this horrible doctor who kept telling me I didn't have bronchitis one time when I was 15 when I could feel it in my chest and just knew from experience. I was so sick, I kept taking days off from school even though they said I was fine. Long story short, I ended up developing pneumonia and I was sick from school for aaaages. Then I switched to a new GP!

leader of mortals
05-22-2010, 05:49 PM
Well, my lungs are very clear. I have a headache, great fatigue, runny nose, sore throat, and slight insomnia, which may be from me sleeping too much.