View Full Version : Emotional Moments

05-23-2010, 06:08 PM
All Final Fantasy games have moments that tug on your heartstrings. Whether it's tears, anger or scenes that make you go 'awww', they're there. So, for FFXII, which scenes provoked an emotional reaction from you?

For me, I found that there were fewer than in other FF games, and they were played more subtly, but were no less string pulling. In no particular order

1. The scene where Vaan first meets Basch. 'Dalmasca? What do you care about Dalmasca?' just did it for me.
2. Vossler's betrayal and subsequent death. Especially that, from a certain point of view, he was right. In the end, the party decided that striking a deal with the Empire (in this case, Larsa), was the only way of restoring Dalmasca and preventing war. So, technically, they killed Vossler for nothing.
3. Fran's backstory. All of it.
4. The scene on top of the Pharos. Ashe pleading with Rasler's ghost, Gabranth's mocking, Vaan's admission that revenge is not the answer, Ashe's agreement with thus, all the dialogue between Cid and Balthier, especially the formers death, the 'moment' between Fran and Balthier, and finally Reddas' death proved to be the pinnacle of FFXII's writing.

05-23-2010, 09:12 PM
1. The scene where Vaan first meets Basch. 'Dalmasca? What do you care about Dalmasca?' just did it for me.
2. Vossler's betrayal and subsequent death. Especially that, from a certain point of view, he was right. In the end, the party decided that striking a deal with the Empire (in this case, Larsa), was the only way of restoring Dalmasca and preventing war. So, technically, they killed Vossler for nothing.
3. Fran's backstory. All of it.
4. The scene on top of the Pharos. Ashe pleading with Rasler's ghost, Gabranth's mocking, Vaan's admission that revenge is not the answer, Ashe's agreement with thus, all the dialogue between Cid and Balthier, especially the formers death, the 'moment' between Fran and Balthier, and finally Reddas' death proved to be the pinnacle of FFXII's writing.

All of that and when Vaan charges after Vayne towards the end. They were very powerful!

05-24-2010, 09:31 AM
1. The scene where Vaan first meets Basch. 'Dalmasca? What do you care about Dalmasca?' just did it for me.
2. Vossler's betrayal and subsequent death. Especially that, from a certain point of view, he was right. In the end, the party decided that striking a deal with the Empire (in this case, Larsa), was the only way of restoring Dalmasca and preventing war. So, technically, they killed Vossler for nothing.
3. Fran's backstory. All of it.
4. The scene on top of the Pharos. Ashe pleading with Rasler's ghost, Gabranth's mocking, Vaan's admission that revenge is not the answer, Ashe's agreement with thus, all the dialogue between Cid and Balthier, especially the formers death, the 'moment' between Fran and Balthier, and finally Reddas' death proved to be the pinnacle of FFXII's writing.

All of that and when Vaan charges after Vayne towards the end. They were very powerful!

Oh yeah. I loved the fact that he did something no FF character had done before- just grabbed a sword and stabbed the villain. And then pushed him down the stairs. And ran after him. No waiting for a monologue, Vaan means business.

Persephone Stephanie
05-24-2010, 12:41 PM
For me it was the little moments. One that really got me was Penelo comforting Larsa after the fight with Vayne. It was such a short moment but her gesture spoke volumes about the friendship they'd developed throughout their adventure.

Fran's story made me cry. Excellently played. "The Wood... does she... hate?" :(

The ending had me in tears, too. Not out of misery but the whole bittersweet triumph of it. I was very pleased with the ending; the characters were where they belonged, and the world had been made a better place. I was so proud of them all. The fact it was Penelo narrating a letter she had written to Larsa was also emotionally sweet, for me, because of the fact they remained friends despite the time passed, the distance from Dalmasca to Archades, and their different social classes.

I found all the scenes where the Judges, Emperor and Vayne discussed Larsa strangely emotional. I can't remember any specifically, but I found the whole thing about keeping his hands free of violence and blood really moving. It was a good and noble thing to strive, for you know?

Anyway... I could talk a lot about happy emotional scenes, too.