View Full Version : Overleveling stats?

06-19-2010, 03:26 AM
How many of you overlevel? Do you do it accidentally or purposefully?

What is your general opinion of overleveling?

06-19-2010, 05:26 AM
Er, is overleveling ever bad?

Sometimes I overlevel because I do this weird thing where I'll read a book and play a videogame at the same time. And most RPGs have kind of mindless battle systems, sadly, so I just circle the dungeon and just press X repeatedly, read my book, pay attention to some plot, read my book.

I don't do it all the time, I swear. But when I do, it results in pretty high levels in some games that have leveling that works that way.

06-19-2010, 12:33 PM
I overlevel when I'm playing a game for the first time that I really like. I'll just wander around and fight for the fun of it. The only other time it happens is when I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do to advance and end up fighting until it dawns on me.

06-19-2010, 01:03 PM
I like to explore everything and I'll become slightly overleveled as a result of that. I don't wander around in circles grinding though, because I usually can't be bothered.

I suppose the only FF in which I've ever overdone it is with FF8, but that's not overlevelling. More like over-Drawing, over-Triple Triad-playing and over-Carding.

06-19-2010, 11:44 PM
I don't mind overlevelling my characters. It makes things more fun, as you don't have to worry about getting your b-hind kicked. Aesthetically speaking, struggling to survive and scraping by is the way to go. :D

The Man
06-20-2010, 01:00 AM

The only other FF game in which I bothered maxing out all my characters was FFVI, though I did max out some characters in FFX. If memory serves I also maxed out in both Chrono games just from playing New Game + so many times.

06-21-2010, 08:13 AM
Perfectionist with gaming as close as possible. It takes time, but it's nice to know that a tie is the best result someone else can attain against me.

Overleveling is easy. Defining best and satisfying everyone else is impossible. Also trying to find a new definition for finicky.

black orb
06-22-2010, 11:57 PM
How many of you overlevel?
>>> A couple of times..:luca:

Do you do it accidentally or purposefully?
>>> Purposefully, there is no way you can reach Lv99 accidentally..:luca:

What is your general opinion of overleveling?
>>> You gotta be REALLY bored to do it..:luca:

Wolf Kanno
06-23-2010, 12:24 AM
It tends to happen alot for me in VII and VIII. I'll be at the end of disc one and realize my whole party is 60+ in levels and the amusing thing is that I don't even grind in this game like I do in other FF titles so it always catches me off guard that I'm usually over-leveled.

VIII makes a bit more sense because the game is designed for the player to level faster than normal, its having low levels that actually requires a bit of effort.

The only other FF where I've maxed out levels is the DS versions of FFIII and IV. III cause I'm trying to get maxed out HP and IV because it seriously takes that long to get some of the games rare drops.

I think the only FFs where I tend to always be underleveled is always FFV and XII (technically XI but that's another problem all together) mostly cause levels don't carry the same weight as they use to in these titles and getting rare drops is either easier or I simply don't care.

EDITIGA: FFTactics is another title, I tend to enjoy maxing out job classes before moving on so my party tends to be a bit high level for the story battles.

06-23-2010, 01:57 AM
I think being over powered is fun in itself. Curb stomping everything is awesome. Although like Nomi said, you can curb stomp bosses in Final Fantasy just by going straight to where you are suppose too without any extra grinding. And I'm used to normal grinding from other games it catches me off guard a little being that much over powered. Especially in VI upwards.

But again I don't let that stop me. I play enough hard games. If I want to be over powered in Final Fantasy, I'm going to kill everything everywhere fifty times over. But more than being over powered, I like grinding for collection data. Filling up the itemdex is one of my favorite pass times in games.

06-26-2010, 01:16 AM
I tend to prefer overleveling to the frustration of dying over and over again in a boss fight. I tend to advance to max levels in all my FF games. Although I've found in games where stat maxing is fairly easy is not worth the bother because no enemy is tough enough to require it.

I like mastering all available skillsets and abilities, even if it isn't necessary.

The Last Oath
06-26-2010, 08:13 AM
I use to overlevel when I was younger with the idea that my characters would be super strong and that it'd be cool to kill enemies in one hit. I still do when I play through a new FF for the first time. When i've done all that I find that it IS a lot more fun to play out the battles as they would in the story - not killing the enemy in one hit.

Of course, on the first play through file I'll beat the game then spend time going to level 99 before I smash the secret bosses etc. Next play through has gotta be more challenging. At lower levels it tests your skills as a Final Fantasy player. Winning battles by recieving 10 damage and giving out 1,000 isn't skill.

06-28-2010, 04:22 AM
I tend to be overleveled in most games. I'll get to a stop where I can run around raking in good experience or money and never want to leave.

07-01-2010, 05:19 PM
Back in the late 90s/Early 00s when I first played the psx Final Fantasy's and X I just wanted to advance to the next part of the game as soon as I could so I always tried to avoid battles and therefore never grinded. If anything I was always underleveled and really struggled through boss battles, often beating them through the skin of my teeth.

Nowadays I hang back and grind a little more which means I tend to have an easier time with bosses. Maybe it's just games becoming easier but I kinda miss struggling a little more, I should probably go back to my old ways.