View Full Version : FF-marathon this July!

07-01-2010, 11:06 PM
UPDATE: 23th july

Our first game Final Fantasy 5 has been beten in the time 12.32.


Tantalus 4 is live-streaming from Sweden right now!

Hello there everyone!

This summer me and some of my friends realised we had something in common - a decent ammount of freetime. Intending to do something about it, we will be holding a final fantasy marathon to entertain ourselves and hopefully an audience - that being everyone willing to watch from a safe distance via livestream.

So, about us then. We're a group of 4 friends who've known eachother for the last few years, mostly via studies. We're either students, or in my case, soon-to-be-student after having completed my compulsory military service in the swedish army (two weeks ago). This idea came about a few months ago, and we formed the group "Tantalus 4" for pure fun.

Tantalus 4 marathon rules:

Time limit: The goal is 10 days (240 hours)
Consoles: PS3, Nintendo DS (for FF III)
Style: Single-segment (saving allowed, but limited by time). Only one game at the time, and we count it completed once we have defeated the final boss.

Tantalus 4 marathon information:

Members: MasterSundberg (VI, VIII, XII), KingVikmo (I, V, IX, X), Emanuel (II, IV, VII, X, XIII), Rickard (III, VIII, X, XII, XIII)
Date: 18th July
Recording: The games will be live-streamed from our website. Also, broadcasts from other events/random stuff will be added.
Website: Tantalus 4 | Home (http://tantalus4.se/)
Game order: 13, 2, 8, 5, 1, 12, 4, 10, 6, 7, 9, 3
Location: Sweden, MasterSundberg's or Vikmo's apartment

More info will be added as time passes. Stay Tuned!

So what do you people think? Will we make it or not? :D If you have questions or are interested, about anything, ask away or visit our website at Tantalus 4 | Home (http://tantalus4.se/) It's kind of plain, but works for our purpose.

Update 7th July

Everything is coming along! The time-limit is tight, but we're working hard on preparing ourselves (more on that later). In the pipeline right now is FF I, III, VII and VIII. From what I know, everything is going well except me trying to rush VIII before I get a good str-junction.

Update 13 July

The game schedule is ready. It may still change, but this is the plan! We choose the current game-order because 1) We will need to rest and 2) Watching 6 2D-games in a row might get at bit tiresome. Also, we had to move the start-date a few days, mainly because it's getting increasingly hard to keep the time plan. Most trouble right now are FF VI (No Joker Doom, no fun), FF VII (really unforgiving at low-levels before you get to the good parts of the speed-run) and FF IX (limit-glove and only do so much). Comments, tips and strategies are always welcome!

On to the good news! Things are moving forward. We feel a great deal of the games are under control, in the "under control"-section are FF I, FF II, FF III, FF VIII (though Griever's shockwave-pulsar can be a bitch) and FF X (Rikku saves the day!). On the flip-side, we've hardly started on some games and other games are truly challenging.

Location: Johan's or Joakim's apartment.

Start: July 22, 12.00 Local time (GMT +1)

Game order: 13, 2, 8, 5, 1, 12, 4, 10, 6, 7, 9, 3

UPDATE: 19th july

The pressure is rising rapidly as July 22 approaches us. The marathon will start in 3 mere days, and I tell you, we really look forward to it with fear-mixed anticipation! Everyone is working furiously to get ready and pull stuff together. An apartment has been more or less re-organized and is now pimped with 2 televisions, a PS 3, two PS 2, a PS 1, 3 computers, a mixer-table and a nintendo DS.
The picture-in-picture view is ready, along with most of the games. Still in progress are FF IV, FF VII and FF XII.

Here's the time-table!

XIII (R, E) 20 h [22th, 12 pm]

II (V) 25 h [23th, 8 am]

VIII (S) 25 h [11 pm]

V (E) 17 h [24th, 12 pm]

I (V) 13 h [25th, 5 am]

XII (S, R) 25 h [6 am]

IV (E) 25 h [26th, 7 pm]

X (V, R) 20 h [27th, 8pm]

VI (S) 15 h [28th, 4 pm]

VII (E) 25 h [29th, 7 pm]

IX (V) 20 h [30th, 8 pm]

III (R) 20 h [31th, 4 pm]

Denotings: Rickard, Emanuel, Vikmo, Sundberg

Here it is! As you can see, Rickard and Emanuel will start playing XIII the 22th. It will of course change over time as we screw up/improve. The times are 01+ GTM.

UPDATE: 21th july

The countdown has begun my friends! In about 18 hours, we'll try to complete a full final fantasy marathon, which to our knowledge will be a world-first (completing the full marathon, that is). The above time-table is out of date, the first game will be Final fantasy V - but more on that later. As for me? There is still much to do. Playing even more FF, preparing the apartment, the live-cam and pesky details such as food and caffeine.

See ya tomorrow!

Regards from MasterSundberg and the Tantalus 4 crew.

07-01-2010, 11:09 PM
It is definitely possible. Crazy, but possible. :D

07-01-2010, 11:45 PM
Couldn't you all just meet up at a pub and have a few drinks & meet some girls or fellas for some fanny or bum fun?

What you propose seems a bit 'high price small reward' to be considered worthwhile.

07-01-2010, 11:48 PM
Been there done that my friend ;) And there will be time for that as well, both then, now and later.

07-01-2010, 11:48 PM
This sounds like an excellent idea. I'll be sure to watch in.

I'm going to move this to General Final Fantasy though - this is where we discuss things about Final Fantasy in general that pertain to all FFs. Hope you don't mind. :)

Thanks for your news!

07-02-2010, 12:43 AM
This summer me and some of my friends realised we had something in common - a decent ammount of freetime.
I hate you sooo much.

Are you all playing simultaneously, or trading off?

07-02-2010, 01:30 AM
Each game has one or two "main" players who'll be completing the major part of the game. There will however be people around to take over the controller for an hour or so now and then to make it less... deadly. We're 4 people doing the actual gaming, so it WILL be needed.

And on the subject on vacation - your hate only makes us appreciate it more ;)

Much love, MasterSundberg

07-02-2010, 01:35 AM
Now my joke answer is out of the way, what date is this happening?

07-02-2010, 02:36 AM
I hope all of you at least try to get some good rest and sleeps in between otherwise it might be hazardous to your health! :bigsmile:

07-02-2010, 04:28 AM
Or do it in a way that is highly hazardous to your health. That is what I would respect.

07-02-2010, 11:06 AM
Now my joke answer is out of the way, what date is this happening?
There's no set date yet, but somewhere between the 17th and 20th July.

I hope all of you at least try to get some good rest and sleeps in between otherwise it might be hazardous to your health! :bigsmile:
Only for the weak-willed :roll2 There's a schedule which will allow people to get a 24-48 hours rest between their games. It, along with more information, will be revealed at our website/here when we feel it's ready.

Rebellious Eagle
07-02-2010, 02:17 PM
Ohh, how exciting! I wish you luck...and I'll probably be tuning in, too. :D

07-19-2010, 12:12 PM
UPDATE: 19th july

The pressure is rising rapidly as July 22 approaches us. The marathon will start in 3 mere days, and I tell you, we really look forward to it with fear-mixed anticipation! Everyone is working furiously to get ready and pull stuff together. An apartment has been more or less re-organized and is now pimped with 2 televisions, a PS 3, two PS 2, a PS 1, 3 computers, a mixer-table and a nintendo DS.
The picture-in-picture view is ready, along with most of the games. Still in progress are FF IV, FF VII and FF XII.

Stay tuned!

07-19-2010, 01:01 PM
Haha nice! I'll be checking in on you on Thursday!

07-19-2010, 05:34 PM
Here's the time-table

XIII (R, E) 20 h [22th, 12 pm]
II (V) 25 h [23th, 8 am]
VIII (S) 25 h [11 pm]
V (E) 17 h [24th, 12 pm]
I (V) 13 h [25th, 5 am]
XII (S, R) 25 h [6 am]
IV (E) 25 h [26th, 7 pm]
X (V, R) 20 h [27th, 8pm]
VI (S) 15 h [28th, 4 pm]
VII (E) 25 h [29th, 7 pm]
IX (V) 20 h [30th, 8 pm]
III (R) 20 h [31th, 4 pm]

Denotings: Rickard, Emanuel, Vikmo, Sundberg
Here it is! As you can see, Rickard and Emanuel will start playing XIII the 22th. It will of course change over time as we screw up/improve. The times are 01+ GTM.

07-19-2010, 09:59 PM
Good luck!

07-20-2010, 10:05 AM
I hope you're not intending to play FFVIII all alone for 25 hours straight? or are you the main man and the rest are on call for when you need breaks?

07-20-2010, 03:22 PM
The latter. I will complete most of the game, but will take breaks to eat and regain my sanity every now and then. When (if :choc:) it gets too tough I'll pick up the ukulele, drink coffee and get some fresh air.

07-22-2010, 10:56 AM
The time is now! Tantalus 4 is now live-streaming from Sweden, and the marathon will start in about 4 minutes

07-22-2010, 11:14 AM

07-22-2010, 04:00 PM
This ain't gonna be easy, some of these games require 30-40 hours to beat the final boss and you're marking them down for 25, most notably, VII, VIII and X.

Del Murder
07-23-2010, 12:07 AM
This is pretty cool. Good luck guys!

Haha, awesome, I just watched them play some FFVIII.

07-23-2010, 05:55 AM
I'll tune in when you guys go at IX or VI. :)

07-23-2010, 06:11 AM
I watched large chunks of FFV yesterday, and that was definitely fun. :D Looks like you guys were having some trouble in escaping Karnak castle when it's about to blow up. No idea how you guys got there on Level 4 xD GG for getting past the boss anyway!

if they were playing FFVIII 6 hours ago, that means they're at least 6 hours ahead of schedule. Good job. ;)

07-23-2010, 07:22 AM
This is hilarious. So weirdly voyeuristic just watching you guys play. xD

By the way, you guys have a shoutout from an (unofficial) Square Enix twitter account:


It's got like over 2 thousand followers, so hopefully more exposure for your endeavor. :)

07-23-2010, 08:42 AM

07-23-2010, 12:39 PM
This is brilliant :D
Will be tuning in after ive done what i need to do today :D

Del Murder
07-23-2010, 07:22 PM
You guys are doing good, ahead of schedule for both V and VIII. On to FFII, which in my opnion would be one of the hardest to get through since it's such a grind.

I also see that your viewership has increased, which is awesome.

07-23-2010, 08:05 PM

Final fantasy V beaten in 12 hours and 32 min
Final fantasy VIII beaten in 18 hours and 25 min
Currently playing FF II

To clarify:

We've had some users accusing us of cheating and so on.

We're following the rules on Speed Demos Archive - Rules (http://speeddemosarchive.com/lang/rules_en.html)
!!We are not recording the run!! It's in other words not a legit run.

The games we're playing:
FF I-XIII, except XI and X-2.

The time: 240 hours

This ain't gonna be easy, some of these games require 30-40 hours to beat the final boss and you're marking them down for 25, most notably, VII, VIII and X.Hello there! It's a challange, but of the fun kind. I just beat FF VIII in 18 hours and 25 minutes.

I watched large chunks of FFV yesterday, and that was definitely fun. :D Looks like you guys were having some trouble in escaping Karnak castle when it's about to blow up. No idea how you guys got there on Level 4 xD GG for getting past the boss anyway!

if they were playing FFVIII 6 hours ago, that means they're at least 6 hours ahead of schedule. Good job. ;) Emanuel really know his FF ;) We're currently 9 hours ahead of the schelude.

This is hilarious. So weirdly voyeuristic just watching you guys play. xD Thanks? xD

07-23-2010, 09:31 PM
This is more exciting than any sport known to man!

07-24-2010, 05:10 PM
Games completed:

FF V: 12 h and 32 min
FF VIII: 18 h and 25 min
FF II: 10 h and 47 min

Next up is FF XIII, which is currently being played

Thanks for all the comments!

07-24-2010, 06:23 PM
Damn, you guys are serious about this!

Watched some of the live streaming, and I couldn't help but smile at the Swedish mumbling in the background. Gotta love it :)

Held og lykke!

07-24-2010, 07:08 PM
Serious about this, hell yeah. Serious in general, nawh.

Man tackar ;)

07-24-2010, 08:36 PM
I am addicted to watching them play. :D

Of course, I should probably spend this time beating VIII and IX so I can finally play XIII. But, OH WELL, watching is fun!

07-26-2010, 01:12 PM
You're going to destroy the time, good stuff guys!

07-29-2010, 09:16 AM
We thought so as well! Then ff 9 and 13 hit us. We're still ahead of schelude, but we're saving the champagne 'til later.

Here's our status:

FF V: 12 h and 32 min
FF VIII: 18 h and 25 min
FF II: 10 h and 47 min
FF XIII: 13 h and 14 min
FF IX: 27 h and 17 min
FF XII: 23 h and 6 min
FF IV: 19 h and 6 min

Total 4 h and 33 min ahead of schelude

See ya in the chat!

07-29-2010, 12:32 PM
I think you guys are the definition of hardcore. :p Keep it up!

09-02-2010, 03:02 AM
Huh. Now I wanna do an FF-marathon for myself.

09-02-2010, 12:57 PM
No way I need to know if they made it :o

Del Murder
09-03-2010, 11:38 PM
Looks like they didn't make it. :( FFIII got them in the end (it's a toughie, being the only game you cannot play on PS2/PS3). I hope they try again!

09-18-2010, 08:58 PM
Hello people!

The tantalus team is sorry to announce that it's true - the marathon failed.
We'd like to thank everyone for watching and supporting us through it all, it was a blast! We love you all for the company and positive comments :) It was a strange event, yet amazing. For a brief time, FF literally consumed our lives, and we loved it. Even better, people enjoyed watching us play!

With this behind us, we in the tantalus team will consider arranging another FF-marathon in June 2011.

Here are the final times:

Final fantasy I: 8 h 16 min
Final fantasy II: 10 h 47 min
Final fantasy III: 25 h + (never completed)
Final fantasy IV: 19 h 6 min
Final fantasy V: 12 h 32 min
Final fantasy VI: 19 h
Final fantasy VII:20 h 27 min
Final fantasy VIII: 18 h 25 min
Final fantasy IX: 27 h 17 min
Final fantasy X: 20 h 31 min
Final fantasy XII: 23 h 6 min
Final fantasy XIII: 35 h 14 min

We did not get a "final" time, since we eventually had to break. Final fantasy III was the last game we played, and the major reason we failed. Unforeseen problems in the late game made it impossible to proceed and finish it within the time limit.

Thanks again for watching and supporting. Stay tuned for more updates on facebook and our website.

Much love /The tantalus 4 team