View Full Version : Dissidia 2 characters

08-02-2010, 06:47 PM
Ok, I know, not a very serious and somewhat fanboy thread, perhaps even one that has been done before, but wth, here I go anyway. Even so I want all replies to be serious not just OOO MOG FROM 6 MOG FROM 6 HESSSS SOOO CUTE!!!. . . . . . . ya, its still semi-serial. I personally am going to pull up a character list on another tab and really think objectivly, I will say you can pick two to add for each game. One good, and one nuetral or evil, Characters should be chosen as much of their playability and keeping the game versatile as much as their lovability. For example Leon from FF2 is cool, but a dark knight, we have cecil, pick someone else... Feel free to argue their ex burst as well ... Here Goes,

1. Red Mage makes more sense than a white mage i have commonly heard, He can use minor healing spells that would need to charge and be very small and leave you vulnerable right after to avoid serious spamming. Fighting a bit like WoL with more emphasis on magic rather than fighting. Red Wizard EX burst. Honestly, Chaos is the final boss from one, and Garland and chaos are the two main antagonists, so I think 1 is set here.
2. This one is pretty hard but I am going to say Maria partly to balance the dissidian saugage-fest, and she is the most different from what we have seen, defiently more emphasis on her bow and magic, a bit like firion, but having a more usable bow/magic/aerial combat. I cannot argue another villian, feel free to add one yourself, but I am not gonna force a character into this list.
3. For the hero, I am going to say Lunneth, I mean i love onion knights, but the characters did have names, lets give them credit for the very little story they actually did come with, I also think they should give the onion knight a more solid identity and story. Anywho, Lunneth, with a job change option like cecil dark>pal. I think the 2 jobs that I would want to see as something different such as Viking on the ground, a very heavy fighter to counter the quickness of OK, and aerial something fresh such as a sage or summoner, I will say sage because it includes summoning. Minor brav charge for white component, Black I think the spells should be slower and heavier and closer range since this character is meant to be heavier, for the summoning component give her a second summon, and perhaps even a pet, but I am not how to incorperate that without making it broken. Perhaps an ex burst as a full summoner that would be a weak but distracting other enemy. For the enemy, Xande is sorta undebatable, but he was the main enemy the entire game, CoD was sorta randomly thrown in at the end it felt like. Xande is an archmage, so very different magic, perhaps even magic weapons, such as terra close-range blizzard, something in that realm, Play style comments suggestions very welcome here.
4. Kain, pretty simple, we don't even have a dragoon at all, making him more likley. A warrior since gereat aerial emphasis. Zemus<ex>Zeromus for the Villian. A much more cursed fighting style, something touching mateus, but more of a mix between him and Golbez, A darker attack emphasis, maybe some traps, (few) more immobilzing combos and such.
5. Faris Scherwiz I would say, a mix between a princess and a pirate is pretty fresh and exotic fighting. Since she was related to Lenna, something with the dragon would be interesting for the ex burst. Gilgamesh as the villian, he would be like Firion but much heavier, I really miss that guy, big bridge theme ftw. Honestly, I think it would be cool if his ex burst was a flop and he equips the excalipoor, obviously balance his normal play to compensate for the lack of an ex mode.
6. Geez, my favorite...hmm, There are so many awesome characters in this game i would want it to have a dissidia in itself...Sabin, Celes, Locke, Gau, Cyan, Shadow, Edgar all so different, ugh...The most logical would be Locke for the hero, I have some problems with this, he is all deserving, but I fear he would be to close to bartz or zidane, its for that reason I am actually going to say Edgar. Man its hard to do, I also don't even focus on him in VI, but as far as heroes go, we need a ladies man in there, (Zidane I know, but he doesn't even hit on them in Dissidia really), I kinda want Edgar to be a pig, it could recapture the quirky stuff from 6, not to mention his gameplay would incorperate all new tools machinist class. He could have a totally original play style and personality. Villian, though not really one, he did fight for the empire most of the game, Leo. General Leo hardly needs an introduction or the reasons why he needs to be in it. Certainly not Gestahl just because he would be like a failing Mateus, just not as playable or awesome...Leo would be more similar to Jecht I would say, a shocker ex burst would be fairly awesome too.
7. Vincent, we don't have any guns in it yet...also, his chaos ex burst would be amazing. A trasform like cecil under norm circumstances for one of his other forms would be pretty interesting too. Maybe even ground=turk air=normal ex=chaos, would capture the transforming nature of the character. I would say Hojo or Genesis for a villian, Genesis is a bit more playable and I don't like the idea of sephiroth now being all mommy and daddy...XD So Genesis, I am thinking a very dynamic fighting style. Sephiroth with more magic, a lot more...
8. I honestly didn't care much for VIII, this one will be shorter, I am thinking hero...jeez t should proably be Rinoa, but I don't want to say it because I don't want Squall to get all emotional...but there it is...Villian, most likley Seifer.
9. A lot of good options here, Vivi and Garnet are both logical, I personally think Quina is awesome, but I am not gonna say her...This one is really up in the air between those two for me, I think I would say Vivi, just because black mage is my fav class...but now there are starting to be a lot of mages, may be hard to keep iy fresh...o, put in vivi, take out shantatto, sry i hate her. Or Armament, he would be pretty good, actually I prefer him, we don't have a dedicated monk... I guess Necron could be the villian, it technically is, I mean they put in CoD, so why not Necron, gameplay i am not really sure, Something heavy preferably fighter since we are getting a lot of mages now.
10. Hero, most would say Auron, but again, I want to keep this game fresh and I feel Wakka would better fir that role, (i didn't like him in the main game, i prefered auron, but its more logical) Seymour is an obvious villian.
11. Didn't play enough
12. Baltheir (getting lazy now...) Vayne for villian
13. Lightening, it would happen face it, shes on the cover, Villian, honestly, screw whats his face, i would sleep at night if they skipped him.

08-02-2010, 08:20 PM
2: Maria and Leon
4: Kain and Zemus
5: Lenna and Gilgamesh
6: Celes and Leo
7: Either Zack & Genesis or Vincent & Weiss
8: Rinoa and Seifer
9: I wanna say Steiner and Beatrix, but we kinda already have that with Celes and Leo
10: Yuna and Seymour
12: Ashe and Vayne as well as Balthier and Cid
13: Who gives a hoot.

08-03-2010, 02:39 AM
I want playable summons :D

08-03-2010, 02:18 PM
Maybe if Yuna was in it, She wouldn't transform, but instead someone a fighter, almost like pokemon trainer in brawl if there were ever to have a playable summon, I think that would be the only way

black orb
08-03-2010, 06:39 PM
>>> Character creation like Soul Calibur..:luca:

08-03-2010, 07:57 PM
I'll just quote myself from this thread (http://forums.eyesonff.com/dissidia-final-fantasy/131942-reality-vs-wishful-thinking.html#post2844154).


FFI: I guess either Princess Sara, or whatever character class was drawn in Amano's artwork the most besides Warrior. That'd probably be White Mage or Thief, though I don't know for sure. As for villains, Astos is the only one that seems the closest to being a reasonable addition

FFII: Maria and Leon. Leon is the next best villain that represents FFII, besides the Emperor. As for Maria, she'd make the story interesting, since she'd be fighting on the opposite side of her brother, except unlike Cecil and Golbez's sibling conflict, Leon would probably be too overcome with power to listen to her sister's pleas.

FFIII: Blue Onion Knight? They can't really add Luneth since Red Onion Knight and Luneth together would be a bit of a paradox. Maybe Desh actually, since I can't think of any other reasonable choice. For villains, Zande, definitely. He'd really contribute well to the story with his "what good is there being human?" personality.

FFIV: Rosa (Cosmos) and Kain (Chaos). I can't think of any better combination that would enhance the story better, especially considering they'll be alongside Cecil and Golbez, respectively. Nomura was also really wanting Kain to be in, even to the point of replacing Golbez with Kain (I'm insanely glad they didn't though). I hope the Kain fanboyism won't get too out of hand if it does happen...

FFV: Gilgamesh, definitely. He'll help add to the number of "good" bad guys on Chaos' team, and his personality is much different than anyone else's in Dissidia (except for maybe Bartz's and Zidane's). As for good guys, either Lenna or Krile since they've lost quite a lot in FFV. Come to think of it, so did Faris. I guess any one of the playable characters would work.

FFVI: Though Nomura wanted Locke in, I'm kind of thinking Celes might work better, especially since the new villain for FFVI would probably be Geshtal. Celes and Geshtal would probably be a better hero-villain pair than Locke and Geeshtal. Though Locke would contribute to the story quite nicely with his personality of never forgiving himself when his friends come to harm.

FFVII: Rufus, Reno, Hojo, or Tseng would probably fit the best for Chaos. As for Cosmos' side, maybe Tifa (since she's Cloud's childhood friend and she knows Sephiroth quite well) or Aeris (she'd make a good hero villain pair if Hojo or Tseng is the new villain). I'm hoping the Tifa fanboyism also won't get out of hand, or at least the fanboyism for her, you know.

FFVIII: Rinoa and Seifer, since Square Enix said they were considering putting in Seifer, but then Rinoa would have to be the hero represented in FFVIII, or was that for FFX? Either way, I think it works.

FFIX: Garnet, since FFIX's story revolves around her mostly. As for villains, I don't know FFIX well enough to make that call. Maybe Garland, but having two Garlands is, a bit weird.

FFX: Yuna and Seymour, since Square Enix said they were considering putting in Seymour, but then Yuna would have to be the hero represented in FFX.

Wishful thinking:

(note: joke character suggestions are highlighted in yellow)

FFI: Thief/Ninja and Astos.

FFII: "What's Mythril? Is it yummy?" kid/Mindu (always found him cool) and Leon.

FFIII: Four Old Men and Zande.

FFIV: Yang and Rubicant.

FFV: Lenna (I hope they use the sprite hairstyle with pink hair rather than Amano's artwork or otherwise she'd be a Terra clone) and Gilgamesh.

FFVI: Edgar/Cyan (it'd be cool seeing tools/swordtechs being used in Dissidia, especially Chainsaw/Quadra Slam) and Geshtal.

FFVII: Vincent (maybe he could partly morph so his hands turn into claws for melee attacks) and Palmer (and the dreaded butt slap)

FFVIII: Rinoa and Seifer.

FFIX: Vivi and Queen Brahne.

FFX: Auron and Seymour.

08-04-2010, 05:38 PM
FFIX: Garnet, since FFIX's story revolves around her mostly. As for villains, I don't know FFIX well enough to make that call. Maybe Garland, but having two Garlands is, a bit weird.

Beatrix maybe? I mean, she ceases being an antagonist Halfway through the second disc, she certainly has more screen time than Garland and is overall more interesting than both Brahne and Garland. Perhaps it's wishful thinking, but perhaps it could work :/

09-12-2010, 05:19 PM
FF1 Black Mage
FF2 Maria
FF3 Luneth (Knight)
FF4 Kain & Zeromus
FF5 Lenna & Gilgamesh
FF6 Locke & Gesthal
FFVII Barret & Rufus
FFVIII Rinoa & Adel
FFX Yuna & Seymour
FFXII Vaan, Basch, Vayne
FFXIII Lightning, Sazh, Cid, Jihl

Don't remember some games that well so i did not put out some villians. Reason for putting 4 characters for XIII and 3 for XII is to measure out each final fantasy with 4 characters.

09-12-2010, 08:18 PM
One thing I hope they do is keep some of the characters from the first game. I'd rather not have the whole game comprised of B- and C-list characters. That being said, ditch Cloud. He's been thoroughly ruined by enough games, Dissidia included, so don't do MORE damage to him.

10-04-2010, 06:26 AM
For Final Fantasy X- Yuna and if added Villain then Seymour.

10-04-2010, 09:03 PM
My List (largely wishful thinking)

Celes & Emperor Gestahl
Laguna & Adel
Steiner & Beatrix
Yuna & Seymour or Auron & Yunalesca