View Full Version : The Walking Dead TV series! :D

08-22-2010, 04:29 PM
YouTube - "THE WALKING DEAD" AMC Trailer, Leaked Bootleg Revmaped (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWbIExGtVgs)

Oh hell yeah can't wait!

08-22-2010, 07:30 PM
Looking forward to it. It could really work well as a tv series, and from what I can gather most of the AMC series have been pretty well regarded and successful, so I'm optimistic.

The comic is pretty decent right now, for a while there it was really dull and uninteresting. The last story arc was terrible. I also don't like Adlard's drawing style AT ALL and there are not enough zombies! But I'm just complaining for the sake of complaining, I've read every issue thus far and plan on reading until it gets really bad or ends. It is addictive, kinda.

09-19-2010, 01:06 PM
I quit reading the comic before the series itself reached like... vol. 9 I believe. I think I made it to about 7 and gave up. I hate any entertainment medium that purposely bloats itself with needless, boring, cliche, melodramatic material, simply to extend its stay. A great short series will always be better than a good extended series. I began to lose interest the first time they changed artists. And then the writing changed. And it all should have died on a good note. But of course they just had to keep going. The TV show Heroes did the exact same thing. Couldn't survive well with a change in management. I am definitely not getting excited for another comic book TV series. Unless its going to be a mini-series. That, actually, could work. But nobody is smart enough to do that. They'll try to get three seasons out of it when it will only be good for two seasons, tops. But best of luck to them..

09-19-2010, 04:44 PM
Looking forward to it. It could really work well as a tv series, and from what I can gather most of the AMC series have been pretty well regarded and successful, so I'm optimistic.

Breaking Bad is one of the best shows currently on television and Mad Men is supposedly fantastic, though I could never really get into it.

I'm fairly excited for it on the simple basis that a show about zombies hasn't really come to the small screen in recent memory, so it'll be different than some of the drivel they have on now. I'm also excited to see that Darabont (Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption) is one of the driving forces behind the creation of the show, as that gives it a little more push behind it. I'm still wary of the fact that it is a television show rather than a miniseries, but that's the same with the majority of shows that I watch.

Madame Adequate
09-19-2010, 05:53 PM
I can't call to mind a single TV show which has been about zombies, so I'm pretty excited to see how this pans out. Given the zombie renaissance I'm surprised it took this long.